diff --git "a/config.json" "b/config.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/config.json" @@ -0,0 +1,17945 @@ +{ + "_name_or_path": "microsoft/deberta-v3-large", + "architectures": [ + "Adapter" + ], + "attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1, + "classifiers_size": [ + 3, + 2, + 2, + 2, + 2, + 2, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 2, + 2, + 2, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 1, + 3, + 3, + 2, + 2, + 3, + 2, + 2, + 2, + 2, + 6, + 2, + 2, + 2, + 2, + 2, + 2, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 2, + 3, + 2, + 2, + 2, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 2, + 2, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 2, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 3, + 2, + 2, + 2, + 2, + 2, + 47, + 23, + 9, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 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"not_entailment" + ], + [ + "not_entailment", + "entailment" + ], + [ + "not_equivalent", + "equivalent" + ], + [ + "not_duplicate", + "duplicate" + ], + [ + 0.0, + 0.06700000166893005, + 0.11800000071525574, + 0.14300000667572021, + 0.17000000178813934, + 0.20000000298023224, + 0.23100000619888306, + 0.25, + 0.3330000042915344, + 0.4000000059604645, + 0.4169999957084656, + 0.5, + 0.6000000238418579, + 0.6430000066757202, + 0.6669999957084656, + 0.7269999980926514, + 0.75, + 0.800000011920929, + 0.8330000042915344, + 0.8500000238418579, + 0.8889999985694885, + 0.8999999761581421, + 0.9440000057220459, + 1.0, + 1.100000023841858, + 1.2000000476837158, + 1.25, + 1.2730000019073486, + 1.2860000133514404, + 1.3329999446868896, + 1.399999976158142, + 1.5, + 1.5333333015441895, + 1.555999994277954, + 1.5829999446868896, + 1.600000023841858, + 1.6430000066757202, + 1.6670000553131104, + 1.7000000476837158, + 1.7330000400543213, + 1.75, + 1.777999997138977, + 1.7999999523162842, + 1.8459999561309814, + 2.0, + 2.1111111640930176, + 2.200000047683716, + 2.25, + 2.3299999237060547, + 2.3329999446868896, + 2.375, + 2.4000000953674316, + 2.4666666984558105, + 2.5, + 2.5329999923706055, + 2.5829999446868896, + 2.5880000591278076, + 2.5999999046325684, + 2.625, + 2.6470000743865967, + 2.6670000553131104, + 2.700000047683716, + 2.75, + 2.7690000534057617, + 2.799999952316284, + 2.818000078201294, + 2.8299999237060547, + 2.875, + 2.9089999198913574, + 2.9170000553131104, + 3.0, + 3.055999994277954, + 3.066999912261963, + 3.0999999046325684, + 3.1110000610351562, + 3.1670000553131104, + 3.200000047683716, + 3.2309999465942383, + 3.25, + 3.2730000019073486, + 3.3329999446868896, + 3.3333332538604736, + 3.4000000953674316, + 3.437999963760376, + 3.444000005722046, + 3.4549999237060547, + 3.5, + 3.5329999923706055, + 3.5999999046325684, + 3.615000009536743, + 3.625, + 3.6429998874664307, + 3.6670000553131104, + 3.6700000762939453, + 3.691999912261963, + 3.75, + 3.765000104904175, + 3.7690000534057617, + 3.777777671813965, + 3.7860000133514404, + 3.799999952316284, + 3.8329999446868896, + 3.8459999561309814, + 3.8570001125335693, + 3.867000102996826, + 3.875, + 3.9089999198913574, + 3.9230000972747803, + 3.928999900817871, + 3.933000087738037, + 3.937999963760376, + 3.940999984741211, + 4.0, + 4.056000232696533, + 4.091000080108643, + 4.099999904632568, + 4.132999897003174, + 4.176000118255615, + 4.199999809265137, + 4.25, + 4.308000087738037, + 4.329999923706055, + 4.333000183105469, + 4.363999843597412, + 4.400000095367432, + 4.5, + 4.571000099182129, + 4.5714287757873535, + 4.599999904632568, + 4.666999816894531, + 4.7270002365112305, + 4.75, + 4.7779998779296875, + 4.800000190734863, + 4.817999839782715, + 4.85699987411499, + 4.875, + 4.908999919891357, + 4.922999858856201, + 5.0 + ], + [ + "False", + "True" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "contradiction", + "neutral" + ], + [ + "False", + "True" + ], + [ + "False", + "True" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "not_entailment" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + 1.0, + 1.100000023841858, + 1.184999942779541, + 1.2000000476837158, + 1.2999999523162842, + 1.399999976158142, + 1.4500000476837158, + 1.5, + 1.534999966621399, + 1.600000023841858, + 1.7000000476837158, + 1.7999999523162842, + 1.8849999904632568, + 1.899999976158142, + 2.0, + 2.0999999046325684, + 2.115000009536743, + 2.200000047683716, + 2.234999895095825, + 2.265000104904175, + 2.299999952316284, + 2.365000009536743, + 2.4000000953674316, + 2.450000047683716, + 2.5, + 2.515000104904175, + 2.5350000858306885, + 2.549999952316284, + 2.565000057220459, + 2.5999999046325684, + 2.615000009536743, + 2.6500000953674316, + 2.684999942779541, + 2.700000047683716, + 2.734999895095825, + 2.799999952316284, + 2.8350000381469727, + 2.8499999046325684, + 2.865000009536743, + 2.884999990463257, + 2.9000000953674316, + 2.9149999618530273, + 2.9200000762939453, + 3.0, + 3.015000104904175, + 3.065000057220459, + 3.0850000381469727, + 3.0999999046325684, + 3.115000009536743, + 3.1500000953674316, + 3.1649999618530273, + 3.200000047683716, + 3.2149999141693115, + 3.265000104904175, + 3.2850000858306885, + 3.299999952316284, + 3.315000057220459, + 3.3350000381469727, + 3.3499999046325684, + 3.365000009536743, + 3.384999990463257, + 3.4000000953674316, + 3.4149999618530273, + 3.434999942779541, + 3.4649999141693115, + 3.5, + 3.515000104904175, + 3.5350000858306885, + 3.549999952316284, + 3.565000057220459, + 3.5799999237060547, + 3.5850000381469727, + 3.5999999046325684, + 3.634999990463257, + 3.6500000953674316, + 3.6700000762939453, + 3.684999942779541, + 3.700000047683716, + 3.734999895095825, + 3.765000104904175, + 3.7850000858306885, + 3.799999952316284, + 3.815000057220459, + 3.8350000381469727, + 3.8499999046325684, + 3.9000000953674316, + 3.9149999618530273, + 3.934999942779541, + 3.950000047683716, + 3.9649999141693115, + 3.984999895095825, + 4.0, + 4.065000057220459, + 4.085000038146973, + 4.099999904632568, + 4.114999771118164, + 4.150000095367432, + 4.164999961853027, + 4.184999942779541, + 4.199999809265137, + 4.264999866485596, + 4.300000190734863, + 4.315000057220459, + 4.349999904632568, + 4.385000228881836, + 4.400000095367432, + 4.434999942779541, + 4.449999809265137, + 4.485000133514404, + 4.5, + 4.550000190734863, + 4.599999904632568, + 4.614999771118164, + 4.635000228881836, + 4.650000095367432, + 4.699999809265137, + 4.715000152587891, + 4.800000190734863, + 4.815000057220459, + 4.835000038146973, + 4.900000095367432, + 5.0 + ], + [ + "A_contradicts_B", + "A_entails_B", + "A_neutral_B" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "non-entailment" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "not-entailed", + "entailed" + ], + [ + "not-entailed", + "entailed" + ], + [ + "not-entailed", + "entailed" + ], + [ + "not-entailed", + "entailed" + ], + [ + "1", + "2", + "3", + "4", + "5", + "6" + ], + [ + "not-entailed", + "entailed" + ], + [ + "not-entailed", + "entailed" + ], + [ + "not-entailed", + "entailed" + ], + [ + "valid", + "invalid" + ], + [ + "valid", + "invalid" + ], + [ + "valid", + "invalid" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "not-entailed", + "entailed" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "not-entailed", + "entailed" + ], + [ + "not-entailed", + "entailed" + ], + [ + "not-entailed", + "entailed" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + 0, + 1, + 2 + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "non-entailment", + "entailment" + ], + [ + "non-contradiction", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "not-entailed", + "entailed" + ], + [ + "imppres_entailment", + "imppres_neutral", + "imppres_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_entailment", + "imppres_neutral", + "imppres_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_entailment", + "imppres_neutral", + "imppres_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_entailment", + "imppres_neutral", + "imppres_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_entailment", + "imppres_neutral", + "imppres_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_entailment", + "imppres_neutral", + "imppres_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_entailment", + "imppres_neutral", + "imppres_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_entailment", + "imppres_neutral", + "imppres_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_entailment", + "imppres_neutral", + "imppres_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_prag_entailment", + "imppres_prag_neutral", + "imppres_prag_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_prag_entailment", + "imppres_prag_neutral", + "imppres_prag_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_prag_entailment", + "imppres_prag_neutral", + "imppres_prag_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_prag_entailment", + "imppres_prag_neutral", + "imppres_prag_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_prag_entailment", + "imppres_prag_neutral", + "imppres_prag_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_prag_entailment", + "imppres_prag_neutral", + "imppres_prag_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_prag_entailment", + "imppres_prag_neutral", + "imppres_prag_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_log_entailment", + "imppres_log_neutral", + "imppres_log_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_log_entailment", + "imppres_log_neutral", + "imppres_log_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_log_entailment", + "imppres_log_neutral", + "imppres_log_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_log_entailment", + "imppres_log_neutral", + "imppres_log_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_log_entailment", + "imppres_log_neutral", + "imppres_log_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_log_entailment", + "imppres_log_neutral", + "imppres_log_contradiction" + ], + [ + "imppres_log_entailment", + "imppres_log_neutral", + "imppres_log_contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "same_event", + "different_event" + ], + [ + "0", + "1" + ], + [ + "0", + "1" + ], + [ + false, + true + ], + [ + 0, + 1 + ], + [], + [], + [], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0, + 1 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0, + 1, + 2, + 3 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + "A", + "B", + "C", + "D" + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + "A", + "B" + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + "1", + "2", + "3" + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + "A", + "B", + "C" + ], + [ + "0", + "1" + ], + [ + "0", + "1", + "2", + "3" + ], + [ + "choice1", + 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0.9985941052436829, + 0.9985941847165426, + 0.998594343662262, + 0.9985944628715515, + 0.9985945075750351, + 0.9985945820808411, + 0.998594656586647, + 0.9985947012901306, + 0.9985948006312052, + 0.9985948204994202, + 0.9985948644578457, + 0.9985948801040649, + 0.9985949397087097, + 0.9985950589179993, + 0.9985951781272888, + 0.9985952973365784, + 0.9985954165458679, + 0.9985954761505127, + 0.9985955357551575, + 0.998595654964447, + 0.9985957741737366, + 0.9985958933830261, + 0.9985960125923157, + 0.9985961318016052, + 0.9985961516698202, + 0.9985963702201843, + 0.9985964894294739, + 0.9985966086387634, + 0.9985966980457306, + 0.998596727848053, + 0.9985968271891276, + 0.9985968470573425, + 0.9985969662666321, + 0.9985970854759216, + 0.9985971748828888, + 0.9985972046852112, + 0.9985973076386885, + 0.9985973238945007, + 0.9985974431037903, + 0.9985975623130798, + 0.9985976815223694, + 0.9985977113246918, + 0.9985978007316589, + 0.9985978901386261, + 0.9985979199409485, + 0.998598039150238, + 0.9985981583595276, + 0.9985982477664948, + 0.9985982775688171, + 0.9985983967781067, + 0.9985985159873962, + 0.9985986351966858, + 0.9985987544059753, + 0.9985988736152649, + 0.9985989928245544, + 0.998599112033844, + 0.9985992312431335, + 0.9985993454853693, + 0.9985993504524231, + 0.9985994696617126, + 0.9985995888710022, + 0.9985997080802917, + 0.9985998272895813, + 0.9985999464988708, + 0.9985999862353007, + 0.9986000657081604, + 0.998600165049235, + 0.99860018491745, + 0.9986002743244171, + 0.998600423336029, + 0.9986005425453186, + 0.9986006617546082, + 0.9986006816228231, + 0.9986007809638977, + 0.9986010193824768, + 0.9986011385917664, + 0.9986012578010559, + 0.998601496219635, + 0.9986015558242798, + 0.9986016154289246, + 0.9986016750335693, + 0.9986017346382141, + 0.9986017970811754, + 0.9986018538475037, + 0.998601958155632, + 0.9986019730567932, + 0.9986020922660828, + 0.9986021220684052, + 0.9986021518707275, + 0.9986022114753723, + 0.9986024498939514, + 0.9986026883125305, + 0.9986028075218201, + 0.9986029267311096, + 0.9986030459403992, + 0.9986031651496887, + 0.9986032843589783, + 0.9986034035682678, + 0.9986035227775574, + 0.9986036419868469, + 0.9986037015914917, + 0.9986037611961365, + 0.998603880405426, + 0.9986039996147156, + 0.9986041188240051, + 0.9986042380332947, + 0.9986043572425842, + 0.9986044466495514, + 0.9986044764518738, + 0.9986045956611633, + 0.9986047148704529, + 0.9986048340797424, + 0.998604953289032, + 0.9986050724983215, + 0.9986051275179937, + 0.9986051768064499, + 0.9986051917076111, + 0.9986052513122559, + 0.9986053109169006, + 0.9986054301261902, + 0.9986055493354797, + 0.9986056089401245, + 0.9986056685447693, + 0.9986056884129842, + 0.9986056983470917, + 0.9986057877540588, + 0.9986058473587036, + 0.9986058672269186, + 0.9986059069633484, + 0.998606006304423, + 0.9986060261726379, + 0.9986061453819275, + 0.998606264591217, + 0.9986062977049087, + 0.9986063838005066, + 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0.998619556427002, + 0.9986196756362915, + 0.9986197749773661, + 0.998619794845581, + 0.9986198306083679, + 0.9986199140548706, + 0.9986200332641602, + 0.9986202716827393, + 0.9986203908920288, + 0.9986205101013184, + 0.9986206293106079, + 0.9986206889152527, + 0.9986207485198975, + 0.9986207783222198, + 0.9986208975315094, + 0.9986209869384766, + 0.9986211061477661, + 0.9986212253570557, + 0.9986212452252706, + 0.9986213445663452, + 0.9986214637756348, + 0.9986215233802795, + 0.9986215531826019, + 0.9986215829849243, + 0.9986216500401497, + 0.9986217021942139, + 0.9986218214035034, + 0.9986218810081482, + 0.998621940612793, + 0.9986220399538676, + 0.9986220504108229, + 0.9986220598220825, + 0.9986221790313721, + 0.9986222684383392, + 0.9986222982406616, + 0.9986223379770914, + 0.9986224174499512, + 0.9986225366592407, + 0.9986226558685303, + 0.9986227601766586, + 0.9986227750778198, + 0.9986227949460348, + 0.9986228942871094, + 0.9986229762434959, + 0.9986230134963989, + 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0.9986314177513123, + 0.9986314475536346, + 0.9986315369606018, + 0.9986315816640854, + 0.9986316561698914, + 0.9986317753791809, + 0.9986318051815033, + 0.9986318945884705, + 0.9986319541931152, + 0.99863201379776, + 0.9986321330070496, + 0.9986321479082108, + 0.998632198933399, + 0.9986322522163391, + 0.9986322820186615, + 0.9986323416233063, + 0.9986323714256287, + 0.9986324906349182, + 0.9986326098442078, + 0.9986326396465302, + 0.9986326495806376, + 0.9986326992511749, + 0.9986327290534973, + 0.9986328184604645, + 0.9986328482627869, + 0.9986329674720764, + 0.9986330568790436, + 0.998633086681366, + 0.9986331462860107, + 0.9986332058906555, + 0.9986332952976227, + 0.9986333250999451, + 0.9986333847045898, + 0.9986334443092346, + 0.9986334840456644, + 0.9986335635185242, + 0.9986336082220078, + 0.9986336827278137, + 0.9986337721347809, + 0.9986338019371033, + 0.9986338913440704, + 0.9986339211463928, + 0.9986340403556824, + 0.9986341446638107, + 0.9986341595649719, + 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0.9986464381217957, + 0.9986464977264404, + 0.9986465573310852, + 0.9986465771993002, + 0.99864661693573, + 0.9986466467380524, + 0.9986466765403748, + 0.9986467957496643, + 0.9986469149589539, + 0.9986470143000284, + 0.9986470341682434, + 0.998647153377533, + 0.9986472725868225, + 0.9986473917961121, + 0.9986475110054016, + 0.9986476302146912, + 0.9986476898193359, + 0.9986477196216583, + 0.9986477494239807, + 0.9986477792263031, + 0.9986478686332703, + 0.9986479878425598, + 0.9986481070518494, + 0.9986482858657837, + 0.9986483454704285, + 0.998648464679718, + 0.9986485838890076, + 0.9986487030982971, + 0.9986488223075867, + 0.9986489415168762, + 0.9986490607261658, + 0.9986491799354553, + 0.9986492991447449, + 0.9986494183540344, + 0.998649537563324, + 0.9986495574315389, + 0.9986496567726135, + 0.9986498951911926, + 0.9986499547958374, + 0.998649999499321, + 0.9986500144004822, + 0.9986501038074493, + 0.9986501336097717, + 0.9986501932144165, + 0.9986502130826315, + 0.9986502528190613, + 0.9986503720283508, + 0.9986504316329956, + 0.9986505210399628, + 0.9986507296562195, + 0.9986507594585419, + 0.998650848865509, + 0.998650923371315, + 0.9986509680747986, + 0.998650997877121, + 0.9986510574817657, + 0.9986510872840881, + 0.9986512064933777, + 0.9986512362957001, + 0.9986513257026672, + 0.9986514151096344, + 0.9986514449119568, + 0.9986515641212463, + 0.9986516833305359, + 0.9986518025398254, + 0.998651921749115, + 0.9986520409584045, + 0.9986521601676941, + 0.9986522793769836, + 0.9986523389816284, + 0.9986523985862732, + 0.998652438322703, + 0.9986525177955627, + 0.9986525475978851, + 0.9986525774002075, + 0.9986526966094971, + 0.9986528158187866, + 0.9986528277397155, + 0.9986529350280762, + 0.9986530303955078, + 0.9986530542373657, + 0.9986531734466553, + 0.9986531833807628, + 0.9986532926559448, + 0.9986534118652344, + 0.9986534516016642, + 0.9986535012722015, + 0.9986535310745239, + 0.9986536204814911, + 0.9986536502838135, + 0.9986536800861359, + 0.9986536900202433, + 0.998653769493103, + 0.9986538887023926, + 0.9986539070422833, + 0.9986539979775747, + 0.9986540079116821, + 0.9986540377140045, + 0.9986541271209717, + 0.9986542463302612, + 0.9986543655395508, + 0.9986544549465179, + 0.9986544847488403, + 0.998654693365097, + 0.9986547231674194, + 0.998654842376709, + 0.9986550807952881, + 0.9986552894115448, + 0.9986553192138672, + 0.9986553907394409, + 0.9986554384231567, + 0.9986555576324463, + 0.9986556768417358, + 0.998655766248703, + 0.9986557960510254, + 0.9986559152603149, + 0.9986559450626373, + 0.9986560344696045, + 0.998656153678894, + 0.9986562728881836, + 0.9986563920974731, + 0.9986565113067627, + 0.9986566305160522, + 0.9986567497253418, + 0.9986568689346313, + 0.998656952381134, + 0.9986569881439209, + 0.9986571073532104, + 0.9986571967601776, + 0.9986572265625, + 0.9986573457717896, + 0.9986574649810791, + 0.9986575841903687, + 0.9986576437950134, + 0.9986577033996582, + 0.9986577332019806, + 0.9986578226089478, + 0.9986579418182373, + 0.9986580610275269, + 0.9986581802368164, + 0.998658299446106, + 0.9986583292484283, + 0.9986584186553955, + 0.9986586570739746, + 0.9986587464809418, + 0.9986587762832642, + 0.9986588656902313, + 0.9986588954925537, + 0.9986590147018433, + 0.9986591339111328, + 0.9986592531204224, + 0.9986593723297119, + 0.9986594319343567, + 0.9986594915390015, + 0.998659610748291, + 0.9986596902211508, + 0.9986597299575806, + 0.9986598491668701, + 0.9986599683761597, + 0.9986600677172343, + 0.9986600875854492, + 0.9986602067947388, + 0.9986602962017059, + 0.9986603260040283, + 0.9986603375938203, + 0.9986603558063507, + 0.9986604452133179, + 0.9986605644226074, + 0.998660683631897, + 0.9986607035001119, + 0.9986607134342194, + 0.9986608028411865, + 0.9986609220504761, + 0.9986610412597656, + 0.9986610611279806, + 0.9986611604690552, + 0.9986612796783447, + 0.9986613988876343, + 0.9986615180969238, + 0.9986616373062134, + 0.9986617565155029, + 0.9986619055271149, + 0.998661994934082, + 0.9986621141433716, + 0.9986622035503387, + 0.9986622333526611, + 0.9986623525619507, + 0.9986624717712402, + 0.9986625909805298, + 0.9986627101898193, + 0.9986627697944641, + 0.9986628293991089, + 0.9986628592014313, + 0.9986629486083984, + 0.998663067817688, + 0.9986631870269775, + 0.9986633062362671, + 0.9986634254455566, + 0.9986635446548462, + 0.9986636638641357, + 0.9986637532711029, + 0.9986637830734253, + 0.9986639022827148, + 0.9986640214920044, + 0.998664140701294, + 0.9986642301082611, + 0.9986642400423685, + 0.9986642599105835, + 0.998664379119873, + 0.9986644983291626, + 0.9986646175384521, + 0.9986647367477417, + 0.9986648261547089, + 0.9986648559570312, + 0.9986649751663208, + 0.998665064573288, + 0.9986650745073954, + 0.9986650943756104, + 0.9986651199204581, + 0.9986651539802551, + 0.9986652135848999, + 0.9986653327941895, + 0.9986654043197631, + 0.9986654122670491, + 0.9986654341220855, + 0.998665452003479, + 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0.9986695051193237, + 0.9986696243286133, + 0.9986697435379028, + 0.9986698627471924, + 0.9986701011657715, + 0.9986701309680939, + 0.998670220375061, + 0.9986703329616122, + 0.9986703395843506, + 0.9986704587936401, + 0.9986705780029297, + 0.9986705929040909, + 0.9986706972122192, + 0.9986708164215088, + 0.9986708998680115, + 0.9986709356307983, + 0.9986710548400879, + 0.9986711740493774, + 0.998671293258667, + 0.9986713925997417, + 0.9986714124679565, + 0.9986714422702789, + 0.9986715316772461, + 0.9986716508865356, + 0.998671680688858, + 0.9986717402935028, + 0.9986717700958252, + 0.9986717998981476, + 0.9986718893051147, + 0.9986720085144043, + 0.9986720830202103, + 0.9986721078554789, + 0.9986721277236938, + 0.9986722469329834, + 0.998672366142273, + 0.9986724853515625, + 0.9986725151538849, + 0.998672604560852, + 0.9986727237701416, + 0.9986728429794312, + 0.9986729621887207, + 0.9986730813980103, + 0.998673141002655, + 0.9986731708049774, + 0.9986732006072998, + 0.9986732304096222, + 0.998673290014267, + 0.9986733198165894, + 0.9986733794212341, + 0.9986734390258789, + 0.9986735582351685, + 0.998673677444458, + 0.9986737966537476, + 0.9986739158630371, + 0.9986740350723267, + 0.9986741542816162, + 0.9986742734909058, + 0.9986743032932281, + 0.9986743927001953, + 0.9986745119094849, + 0.9986746311187744, + 0.9986746609210968, + 0.998674750328064, + 0.9986747701962789, + 0.9986748695373535, + 0.9986749291419983, + 0.9986750483512878, + 0.9986751079559326, + 0.998675137758255, + 0.9986751675605774, + 0.9986752867698669, + 0.9986754059791565, + 0.998675525188446, + 0.9986755698919296, + 0.9986756443977356, + 0.9986757636070251, + 0.9986758828163147, + 0.9986760020256042, + 0.9986761212348938, + 0.9986761510372162, + 0.9986761957406998, + 0.9986762404441833, + 0.9986763298511505, + 0.9986763368050258, + 0.9986764788627625, + 0.9986764907836914, + 0.9986765384674072, + 0.998676598072052, + 0.9986767172813416, + 0.9986767669518789, + 0.9986768364906311, + 0.9986768513917923, + 0.9986769556999207, + 0.9986770749092102, + 0.9986771941184998, + 0.9986773133277893, + 0.9986774325370789, + 0.9986775517463684, + 0.998677596449852, + 0.998677670955658, + 0.9986777901649475, + 0.9986778239409129, + 0.9986778944730759, + 0.9986779093742371, + 0.9986780285835266, + 0.9986780484517416, + 0.9986781179904938, + 0.9986781279246012, + 0.9986781477928162, + 0.9986782371997833, + 0.9986782670021057, + 0.9986783862113953, + 0.9986785054206848, + 0.9986786246299744, + 0.9986787438392639, + 0.9986788034439087, + 0.9986788630485535, + 0.9986789524555206, + 0.998678982257843, + 0.9986790120601654, + 0.9986791014671326, + 0.9986791958411535, + 0.9986792206764221, + 0.9986793228558132, + 0.9986793398857117, + 0.9986794590950012, + 0.998679518699646, + 0.9986795634031296, + 0.9986795783042908, + 0.998679593205452, + 0.9986796677112579, + 0.9986796975135803, + 0.9986798465251923, + 0.9986798763275146, + 0.9986799359321594, + 0.998680055141449, + 0.9986801445484161, + 0.9986801743507385, + 0.9986802935600281, + 0.9986803412437439, + 0.9986804127693176, + 0.9986805319786072, + 0.9986806511878967, + 0.9986807703971863, + 0.9986808896064758, + 0.9986810088157654, + 0.9986810386180878, + 0.99868110815684, + 0.9986811280250549, + 0.9986812472343445, + 0.998681366443634, + 0.9986813813447952, + 0.9986814856529236, + 0.9986815750598907, + 0.9986816048622131, + 0.9986817240715027, + 0.9986817836761475, + 0.9986818134784698, + 0.9986818432807922, + 0.998681902885437, + 0.9986819326877594, + 0.9986819624900818, + 0.9986820816993713, + 0.9986822009086609, + 0.9986823201179504, + 0.99868243932724, + 0.9986825585365295, + 0.9986825982729594, + 0.9986826777458191, + 0.9986827969551086, + 0.9986829161643982, + 0.9986830949783325, + 0.9986831545829773, + 0.9986833930015564, + 0.998683512210846, + 0.9986836016178131, + 0.9986836314201355, + 0.9986837804317474, + 0.9986838698387146, + 0.9986838817596435, + 0.998683899641037, 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0.9986903369426727, + 0.9986903667449951, + 0.9986904263496399, + 0.9986904859542847, + 0.9986905455589294, + 0.998690664768219, + 0.9986907839775085, + 0.9986909031867981, + 0.9986910025278727, + 0.9986910223960876, + 0.9986911416053772, + 0.998691201210022, + 0.9986912459135056, + 0.9986912608146667, + 0.9986913800239563, + 0.9986914098262787, + 0.9986914992332458, + 0.998691514134407, + 0.9986916184425354, + 0.998691737651825, + 0.9986918568611145, + 0.998691976070404, + 0.9986920952796936, + 0.9986921037946429, + 0.9986921101808548, + 0.9986922144889832, + 0.9986922442913055, + 0.9986922740936279, + 0.9986923038959503, + 0.9986923336982727, + 0.9986924529075623, + 0.9986924827098846, + 0.9986925721168518, + 0.9986926913261414, + 0.9986928105354309, + 0.9986929297447205, + 0.99869304895401, + 0.9986931383609772, + 0.9986931681632996, + 0.9986932078997294, + 0.9986932873725891, + 0.9986934065818787, + 0.9986934959888458, + 0.9986935257911682, + 0.9986935555934906, + 0.9986936450004578, + 0.9986937642097473, + 0.9986937940120697, + 0.9986938536167145, + 0.9986938834190369, + 0.9986940026283264, + 0.9986940324306488, + 0.998694121837616, + 0.9986942112445831, + 0.9986942410469055, + 0.9986943602561951, + 0.9986944794654846, + 0.9986945986747742, + 0.9986947178840637, + 0.9986947402358055, + 0.9986947476863861, + 0.9986948072910309, + 0.9986948370933533, + 0.9986948668956757, + 0.998694896697998, + 0.9986949563026428, + 0.99869504570961, + 0.9986950755119324, + 0.9986950904130936, + 0.998695170879364, + 0.9986951947212219, + 0.9986952145894369, + 0.9986953139305115, + 0.998695433139801, + 0.9986955523490906, + 0.998695582151413, + 0.9986957907676697, + 0.9986959099769592, + 0.9986959993839264, + 0.9986960291862488, + 0.9986960589885712, + 0.9986961483955383, + 0.9986963868141174, + 0.9986964762210846, + 0.998696506023407, + 0.9986965457598368, + 0.9986966252326965, + 0.9986967444419861, + 0.9986967742443085, + 0.9986968636512756, + 0.9986969828605652, + 0.99869704246521, + 0.9986971020698547, + 0.9986971129070629, + 0.9986973404884338, + 0.9986974596977234, + 0.9986975193023682, + 0.9986975491046906, + 0.9986975789070129, + 0.9986976087093353, + 0.9986976385116577, + 0.9986977577209473, + 0.9986978769302368, + 0.9986979365348816, + 0.9986980557441711, + 0.9986981153488159, + 0.9986982345581055, + 0.9986983239650726, + 0.998698353767395, + 0.9986984729766846, + 0.9986985921859741, + 0.9986987113952637, + 0.9986988306045532, + 0.9986989498138428, + 0.9986989796161652, + 0.9986990690231323, + 0.9986991882324219, + 0.9986993074417114, + 0.998699426651001, + 0.998699501156807, + 0.9986995458602905, + 0.9986997246742249, + 0.9986997842788696, + 0.9986998240152994, + 0.9986998736858368, + 0.9986999034881592, + 0.9987000226974487, + 0.9987000524997711, + 0.9987001419067383, + 0.9987002611160278, + 0.998700350522995, + 0.9987003803253174, + 0.9987004995346069, + 0.9987006187438965, + 0.9987006882826488, + 0.998700737953186, + 0.9987007776896158, + 0.998700847228368, + 0.9987008571624756, + 0.9987009763717651, + 0.9987009838223457, + 0.9987010061740875, + 0.9987010955810547, + 0.9987012147903442, + 0.9987013339996338, + 0.9987014532089233, + 0.9987014707846519, + 0.9987015724182129, + 0.9987016916275024, + 0.9987017869949341, + 0.998701810836792, + 0.9987018406391144, + 0.9987019300460815, + 0.9987020492553711, + 0.9987020790576935, + 0.9987021684646606, + 0.998702198266983, + 0.9987022876739502, + 0.9987024068832397, + 0.9987024491031965, + 0.9987025260925293, + 0.9987026453018188, + 0.9987026751041412, + 0.9987027645111084, + 0.9987028241157532, + 0.9987028539180756, + 0.998702883720398, + 0.9987029135227203, + 0.9987030029296875, + 0.998703122138977, + 0.9987031618754069, + 0.9987032413482666, + 0.9987032810846964, + 0.9987033605575562, + 0.9987034797668457, + 0.9987037181854248, + 0.9987038373947144, + 0.9987039566040039, + 0.9987039715051651, + 0.9987040758132935, + 0.998704195022583, + 0.9987043142318726, + 0.9987044334411621, + 0.9987045526504517, + 0.9987046718597412, + 0.9987047910690308, + 0.9987049102783203, + 0.9987050294876099, + 0.998705118894577, + 0.9987051486968994, + 0.998705267906189, + 0.9987053871154785, + 0.9987054169178009, + 0.9987055063247681, + 0.9987056255340576, + 0.9987057000398636, + 0.9987057447433472, + 0.9987058639526367, + 0.9987059831619263, + 0.9987061023712158, + 0.9987062215805054, + 0.9987063407897949, + 0.9987064401308695, + 0.9987064599990845, + 0.9987065593401591, + 0.998706579208374, + 0.9987065891424814, + 0.9987066984176636, + 0.9987068176269531, + 0.9987069368362427, + 0.9987070560455322, + 0.9987070858478546, + 0.9987071454524994, + 0.9987071752548218, + 0.9987072944641113, + 0.9987074136734009, + 0.9987075328826904, + 0.99870765209198, + 0.9987077514330546, + 0.9987078905105591, + 0.9987080097198486, + 0.9987081289291382, + 0.9987082481384277, + 0.9987082779407501, + 0.9987083077430725, + 0.9987083673477173, + 0.9987084865570068, + 0.9987086057662964, + 0.9987086455027262, + 0.9987087249755859, + 0.9987088441848755, + 0.998708963394165, + 0.9987090826034546, + 0.9987092018127441, + 0.9987092614173889, + 0.9987093210220337, + 0.9987093806266785, + 0.9987094402313232, + 0.9987096786499023, + 0.9987097742656866, + 0.9987097978591919, + 0.9987099170684814, + 0.9987099468708038, + 0.9987100064754486, + 0.998710036277771, + 0.9987101554870605, + 0.9987102746963501, + 0.9987103044986725, + 0.9987103343009949, + 0.9987103641033173, + 0.9987103939056396, + 0.9987105131149292, + 0.998710572719574, + 0.9987106323242188, + 0.9987106919288635, + 0.9987107515335083, + 0.9987107813358307, + 0.9987108276949989, + 0.9987108707427979, + 0.998710960149765, + 0.9987109899520874, + 0.998711109161377, + 0.9987111389636993, + 0.9987111687660217, + 0.9987112283706665, + 0.998711234331131, + 0.9987112730741501, + 0.998711347579956, + 0.9987114667892456, + 0.9987115859985352, + 0.9987117052078247, + 0.9987118244171143, + 0.9987118442853291, + 0.9987119436264038, + 0.9987120230992635, + 0.9987120628356934, + 0.9987121820449829, + 0.9987123012542725, + 0.998712420463562, + 0.9987125396728516, + 0.9987126588821411, + 0.9987126886844635, + 0.9987127780914307, + 0.9987128674983978, + 0.9987128973007202, + 0.99871293703715, + 0.998712956905365, + 0.9987130165100098, + 0.9987130463123322, + 0.9987131357192993, + 0.9987131555875143, + 0.9987132549285889, + 0.9987133145332336, + 0.9987133741378784, + 0.998713493347168, + 0.9987136125564575, + 0.9987137317657471, + 0.9987138509750366, + 0.9987139701843262, + 0.9987140893936157, + 0.9987142086029053, + 0.9987142741439528, + 0.9987144470214844, + 0.9987145066261292, + 0.9987145662307739, + 0.9987146854400635, + 0.998714804649353, + 0.9987149238586426, + 0.998715025813956, + 0.9987150430679321, + 0.9987150728702545, + 0.9987151473760605, + 0.9987151622772217, + 0.9987151920795441, + 0.9987152814865112, + 0.998715321222941, + 0.9987154006958008, + 0.9987155199050903, + 0.9987156391143799, + 0.9987157583236694, + 0.998715877532959, + 0.9987159669399261, + 0.9987159967422485, + 0.9987161159515381, + 0.9987161755561829, + 0.9987162351608276, + 0.99871626496315, + 0.9987163543701172, + 0.9987164338429769, + 0.9987164735794067, + 0.9987165927886963, + 0.9987167119979858, + 0.9987168312072754, + 0.9987169504165649, + 0.9987170696258545, + 0.998717188835144, + 0.9987173080444336, + 0.9987174272537231, + 0.9987175464630127, + 0.9987176418304443, + 0.9987176656723022, + 0.998717709285457, + 0.9987177848815918, + 0.9987178825669818, + 0.9987179040908813, + 0.9987179189920425, + 0.9987179934978485, + 0.9987181127071381, + 0.9987181276082993, + 0.99871826171875, + 0.9987183438543602, + 0.9987183809280396, + 0.9987185001373291, + 0.9987186193466187, + 0.9987186590830485, + 0.9987187385559082, + 0.998718798160553, + 0.9987188279628754, + 0.9987188577651978, + 0.9987189769744873, + 0.9987190663814545, 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0.9987228512763977, + 0.9987228810787201, + 0.9987229183316231, + 0.9987229704856873, + 0.9987230896949768, + 0.9987231194972992, + 0.9987232089042664, + 0.9987233281135559, + 0.9987235069274902, + 0.9987235367298126, + 0.998723566532135, + 0.9987236857414246, + 0.9987238049507141, + 0.9987238645553589, + 0.9987239241600037, + 0.9987239340941112, + 0.9987240433692932, + 0.9987241625785828, + 0.9987241923809052, + 0.99872421224912, + 0.9987242817878723, + 0.9987244009971619, + 0.9987245202064514, + 0.998724639415741, + 0.9987247586250305, + 0.9987248778343201, + 0.9987249970436096, + 0.9987251162528992, + 0.9987252354621887, + 0.9987252950668335, + 0.9987253546714783, + 0.9987254738807678, + 0.9987255334854126, + 0.9987255930900574, + 0.9987256824970245, + 0.9987257122993469, + 0.9987257273133957, + 0.9987257719039917, + 0.9987258315086365, + 0.998725950717926, + 0.9987259592328753, + 0.9987260699272156, + 0.9987261295318604, + 0.9987261891365051, + 0.9987262129783631, + 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0.9987344145774841, + 0.9987345337867737, + 0.9987345635890961, + 0.9987346529960632, + 0.9987347722053528, + 0.9987348914146423, + 0.9987350106239319, + 0.9987350357206244, + 0.9987350702285767, + 0.998735249042511, + 0.9987353682518005, + 0.9987354755401612, + 0.9987354874610901, + 0.9987355470657349, + 0.9987356066703796, + 0.9987357126341926, + 0.9987357258796692, + 0.9987358450889587, + 0.9987358593127944, + 0.9987359071771303, + 0.9987359642982483, + 0.9987360239028931, + 0.9987360835075378, + 0.9987361133098602, + 0.9987362027168274, + 0.9987363219261169, + 0.9987364411354065, + 0.998736560344696, + 0.9987366795539856, + 0.9987367788950602, + 0.9987367987632751, + 0.9987369179725647, + 0.9987369775772095, + 0.9987370371818542, + 0.9987370669841766, + 0.9987371563911438, + 0.9987372093730502, + 0.9987372756004333, + 0.9987373054027557, + 0.9987373948097229, + 0.9987374320626259, + 0.9987375885248184, + 0.998737633228302, + 0.9987377524375916, + 0.9987378716468811, + 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0.9987452030181885, + 0.9987453073263168, + 0.998745322227478, + 0.9987454414367676, + 0.9987455308437347, + 0.9987455606460571, + 0.9987456798553467, + 0.9987457990646362, + 0.998745858669281, + 0.9987458884716034, + 0.9987459182739258, + 0.9987460374832153, + 0.9987460772196453, + 0.9987461566925049, + 0.9987462759017944, + 0.9987463057041168, + 0.998746395111084, + 0.9987465143203735, + 0.9987466335296631, + 0.9987467527389526, + 0.9987467726071675, + 0.9987468719482422, + 0.9987469613552094, + 0.9987469911575317, + 0.9987470706303915, + 0.9987471103668213, + 0.9987472295761108, + 0.9987472494443258, + 0.9987472593784332, + 0.9987473487854004, + 0.9987474679946899, + 0.9987475872039795, + 0.9987476170063019, + 0.9987476766109467, + 0.998747706413269, + 0.9987477362155914, + 0.9987479448318481, + 0.9987480342388153, + 0.9987480640411377, + 0.9987481832504272, + 0.9987482726573944, + 0.9987483024597168, + 0.9987483123938242, + 0.9987484216690063, + 0.9987484365701675, + 0.9987485408782959, + 0.9987486153841019, + 0.9987486302852631, + 0.9987486600875854, + 0.9987486898899078, + 0.998748779296875, + 0.9987488985061646, + 0.9987489134073257, + 0.9987489432096481, + 0.9987490177154541, + 0.9987491369247437, + 0.9987492263317108, + 0.9987493753433228, + 0.9987494647502899, + 0.9987494945526123, + 0.9987496137619019, + 0.9987496435642242, + 0.9987497329711914, + 0.9987497925758362, + 0.998749852180481, + 0.9987499415874481, + 0.9987499713897705, + 0.9987500905990601, + 0.9987501303354899, + 0.9987502098083496, + 0.9987502992153168, + 0.9987503290176392, + 0.9987504482269287, + 0.9987505078315735, + 0.9987505674362183, + 0.9987505972385406, + 0.9987506866455078, + 0.9987507462501526, + 0.9987508058547974, + 0.9987509250640869, + 0.9987510442733765, + 0.998751163482666, + 0.9987512826919556, + 0.9987514019012451, + 0.9987515211105347, + 0.9987517595291138, + 0.9987518787384033, + 0.9987519085407257, + 0.9987519780794779, + 0.9987519979476929, + 0.998752032717069, + 0.9987521171569824, + 0.998752236366272, + 0.9987523555755615, + 0.9987524747848511, + 0.9987525939941406, + 0.9987526535987854, + 0.9987527132034302, + 0.9987528324127197, + 0.9987528622150421, + 0.9987529516220093, + 0.9987530708312988, + 0.9987531006336212, + 0.9987531900405884, + 0.9987533092498779, + 0.9987534284591675, + 0.9987534582614899, + 0.998753547668457, + 0.9987536072731018, + 0.9987536668777466, + 0.9987537860870361, + 0.9987538456916809, + 0.9987539052963257, + 0.9987539350986481, + 0.9987540245056152, + 0.9987541437149048, + 0.9987542629241943, + 0.9987543672323227, + 0.9987543821334839, + 0.9987545013427734, + 0.998754620552063, + 0.9987547397613525, + 0.9987548589706421, + 0.9987548887729645, + 0.9987549781799316, + 0.998755007982254, + 0.998755045235157, + 0.9987550973892212, + 0.9987552165985107, + 0.9987553358078003, + 0.9987554550170898, + 0.9987555742263794, + 0.998755693435669, + 0.9987557232379913, + 0.9987557729085287, + 0.9987558126449585, + 0.9987558841705322, + 0.998755931854248, + 0.9987560510635376, + 0.9987561628222466, + 0.9987561702728271, + 0.9987562894821167, + 0.9987563192844391, + 0.9987563490867615, + 0.9987564086914062, + 0.9987566471099854, + 0.9987567663192749, + 0.9987568855285645, + 0.998757004737854, + 0.9987571239471436, + 0.9987572431564331, + 0.9987573623657227, + 0.9987574815750122, + 0.9987576007843018, + 0.9987576901912689, + 0.9987577199935913, + 0.9987578392028809, + 0.9987578491369884, + 0.9987579584121704, + 0.99875807762146, + 0.9987581968307495, + 0.9987583160400391, + 0.9987584352493286, + 0.9987585544586182, + 0.9987586736679077, + 0.9987586885690689, + 0.998758852481842, + 0.9987589120864868, + 0.9987590312957764, + 0.9987591505050659, + 0.9987592498461405, + 0.998759388923645, + 0.9987594683965048, + 0.9987595081329346, + 0.9987596273422241, + 0.9987598657608032, + 0.9987599849700928, + 0.9987601041793823, + 0.9987601637840271, + 0.9987602233886719, + 0.9987603425979614, + 0.9987604320049286, + 0.998760461807251, + 0.9987605810165405, + 0.9987607002258301, + 0.9987608194351196, + 0.9987609267234803, + 0.9987609386444092, + 0.9987610578536987, + 0.9987611770629883, + 0.9987612962722778, + 0.9987613836924235, + 0.9987614154815674, + 0.9987615346908569, + 0.9987616539001465, + 0.9987617135047913, + 0.998761773109436, + 0.9987618923187256, + 0.9987619320551554, + 0.9987619817256927, + 0.9987620115280151, + 0.9987621307373047, + 0.9987622499465942, + 0.9987623691558838, + 0.9987624883651733, + 0.9987626075744629, + 0.9987626671791077, + 0.9987627267837524, + 0.998762845993042, + 0.9987629652023315, + 0.9987630605697632, + 0.9987630844116211, + 0.9987632036209106, + 0.9987633228302002, + 0.9987634420394897, + 0.9987635314464569, + 0.9987635612487793, + 0.9987636804580688, + 0.9987637996673584, + 0.9987638294696808, + 0.998763918876648, + 0.9987640380859375, + 0.9987641423940659, + 0.998764157295227, + 0.9987642765045166, + 0.9987643708785375, + 0.9987643957138062, + 0.9987644851207733, + 0.9987645149230957, + 0.9987646341323853, + 0.9987647533416748, + 0.998764842748642, + 0.9987648725509644, + 0.9987649917602539, + 0.9987651109695435, + 0.998765230178833, + 0.9987652897834778, + 0.9987653493881226, + 0.9987654089927673, + 0.9987654685974121, + 0.9987655878067017, + 0.9987657070159912, + 0.9987658262252808, + 0.9987659454345703, + 0.9987660646438599, + 0.9987660795450211, + 0.9987661689519882, + 0.9987661838531494, + 0.9987662136554718, + 0.998766303062439, + 0.9987664222717285, + 0.9987665712833405, + 0.9987666308879852, + 0.9987666457891464, + 0.9987666606903076, + 0.9987667798995972, + 0.9987668097019196, + 0.9987668395042419, + 0.9987668593724569, + 0.9987668991088867, + 0.998766925820598, + 0.9987669587135315, + 0.9987670183181763, + 0.9987671077251434, + 0.9987671176592509, + 0.9987671375274658, + 0.9987672567367554, + 0.9987672649716076, + 0.9987673163414001, + 0.9987673759460449, + 0.9987674951553345, + 0.998767539858818, + 0.998767614364624, + 0.9987677335739136, + 0.9987677733103434, + 0.9987678527832031, + 0.9987679123878479, + 0.9987680315971375, + 0.998768150806427, + 0.9987682700157166, + 0.9987683892250061, + 0.9987684190273285, + 0.9987684637308121, + 0.9987685084342957, + 0.9987686077753702, + 0.998768612742424, + 0.9987686276435852, + 0.9987687468528748, + 0.9987688660621643, + 0.9987688958644867, + 0.9987689852714539, + 0.9987690448760986, + 0.998769076930152, + 0.9987691044807434, + 0.9987691342830658, + 0.998769223690033, + 0.9987692832946777, + 0.9987693428993225, + 0.9987694621086121, + 0.9987695813179016, + 0.9987697005271912, + 0.9987698197364807, + 0.9987699389457703, + 0.9987699687480927, + 0.998770147562027, + 0.9987701773643494, + 0.9987701922655106, + 0.9987702071666718, + 0.9987704157829285, + 0.998770534992218, + 0.9987706243991852, + 0.9987706542015076, + 0.9987707734107971, + 0.9987708628177643, + 0.9987708926200867, + 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0.9987743720412254, + 0.9987744688987732, + 0.9987745881080627, + 0.9987747073173523, + 0.9987748265266418, + 0.998774915933609, + 0.9987749457359314, + 0.9987750053405762, + 0.998775064945221, + 0.9987751841545105, + 0.9987753033638, + 0.9987754225730896, + 0.9987755417823792, + 0.9987756609916687, + 0.9987756907939911, + 0.9987757503986359, + 0.9987757802009583, + 0.9987758100032806, + 0.9987758994102478, + 0.9987760186195374, + 0.9987761080265045, + 0.9987761378288269, + 0.9987762570381165, + 0.998776376247406, + 0.9987764954566956, + 0.9987765550613403, + 0.9987766146659851, + 0.9987767338752747, + 0.9987768530845642, + 0.9987769246101379, + 0.9987769722938538, + 0.9987769802411397, + 0.9987770617008209, + 0.9987770915031433, + 0.9987772107124329, + 0.9987772405147552, + 0.9987773299217224, + 0.998777449131012, + 0.9987775683403015, + 0.9987775832414627, + 0.9987775981426239, + 0.9987776696681976, + 0.9987776875495911, + 0.9987777272860209, + 0.9987778067588806, + 0.9987779259681702, + 0.9987780451774597, + 0.9987781643867493, + 0.9987782835960388, + 0.9987784028053284, + 0.9987784922122955, + 0.9987785220146179, + 0.9987785965204239, + 0.9987786412239075, + 0.998778760433197, + 0.9987788796424866, + 0.9987788995107015, + 0.9987789988517761, + 0.9987791031599045, + 0.9987791180610657, + 0.9987792372703552, + 0.9987792849540711, + 0.9987793158840489, + 0.9987793266773224, + 0.9987793564796448, + 0.9987794756889343, + 0.9987795352935791, + 0.9987795948982239, + 0.998779684305191, + 0.9987796942392985, + 0.9987797141075134, + 0.998779833316803, + 0.9987799525260925, + 0.9987799823284149, + 0.9987800717353821, + 0.9987801015377045, + 0.9987801909446716, + 0.9987802028656005, + 0.9987803379694622, + 0.9987803846597672, + 0.9987804293632507, + 0.9987804353237152, + 0.9987804591655731, + 0.9987805485725403, + 0.9987805604934692, + 0.9987806677818298, + 0.9987807869911194, + 0.9987808267275492, + 0.9987808465957642, + 0.9987809062004089, + 0.9987809360027313, + 0.9987810254096985, + 0.9987811148166656, + 0.998781144618988, + 0.9987812638282776, + 0.9987813830375671, + 0.9987814625104269, + 0.9987815022468567, + 0.9987815916538239, + 0.9987816214561462, + 0.9987817406654358, + 0.9987818598747253, + 0.9987819194793701, + 0.998781931400299, + 0.9987819790840149, + 0.9987820188204447, + 0.9987820982933044, + 0.998782217502594, + 0.99878225227197, + 0.9987822771072388, + 0.9987823367118835, + 0.9987824559211731, + 0.9987825602293015, + 0.9987825751304626, + 0.9987826347351074, + 0.9987826645374298, + 0.9987826943397522, + 0.998782753944397, + 0.9987828135490417, + 0.9987829327583313, + 0.9987830519676208, + 0.9987831711769104, + 0.9987832903862, + 0.9987834095954895, + 0.998783528804779, + 0.998783603310585, + 0.9987836480140686, + 0.9987837076187134, + 0.9987837241755592, + 0.9987837672233582, + 0.9987838864326477, + 0.9987840056419373, + 0.9987840705058154, + 0.9987841248512268, + 0.9987842241923014, + 0.9987842440605164, + 0.9987843632698059, + 0.9987843831380209, + 0.9987844228744507, + 0.9987845122814178, + 0.9987845420837402, + 0.998784601688385, + 0.9987846612930298, + 0.9987847208976746, + 0.9987848401069641, + 0.9987848937511444, + 0.9987849593162537, + 0.9987850785255432, + 0.9987851083278656, + 0.998785157998403, + 0.9987851977348328, + 0.9987852275371552, + 0.9987853169441223, + 0.9987853765487671, + 0.9987854361534119, + 0.9987855553627014, + 0.998785674571991, + 0.9987857937812805, + 0.9987858136494955, + 0.9987858335177103, + 0.9987859129905701, + 0.9987860321998596, + 0.998786062002182, + 0.9987860769033432, + 0.9987861514091492, + 0.9987861707806587, + 0.9987862706184387, + 0.9987863525748253, + 0.9987863749265671, + 0.9987863898277283, + 0.9987864941358566, + 0.9987865090370178, + 0.9987866282463074, + 0.9987866708210537, + 0.9987867474555969, + 0.9987867772579193, + 0.998786985874176, + 0.9987870256106058, + 0.9987870454788208, + 0.9987871050834656, + 0.9987872242927551, + 0.9987873435020447, + 0.9987874031066895, + 0.9987874627113342, + 0.9987875819206238, + 0.9987877011299133, + 0.9987878203392029, + 0.9987878501415253, + 0.9987879395484924, + 0.998788058757782, + 0.9987880970750536, + 0.9987881779670715, + 0.9987882971763611, + 0.998788317044576, + 0.9987884163856506, + 0.9987885355949402, + 0.9987886548042297, + 0.9987887740135193, + 0.9987888932228088, + 0.9987890124320984, + 0.9987890422344208, + 0.9987891316413879, + 0.9987892508506775, + 0.9987893303235372, + 0.9987893402576447, + 0.998789370059967, + 0.9987894594669342, + 0.9987894694010416, + 0.9987894892692566, + 0.9987895488739014, + 0.9987896084785461, + 0.9987897276878357, + 0.9987898468971252, + 0.998789926369985, + 0.9987899661064148, + 0.9987900853157043, + 0.9987901051839193, + 0.9987901151180267, + 0.9987901449203491, + 0.9987902045249939, + 0.9987902939319611, + 0.9987903237342834, + 0.998790442943573, + 0.9987905621528625, + 0.9987906813621521, + 0.9987908005714417, + 0.9987909197807312, + 0.998790979385376, + 0.9987910389900208, + 0.9987910687923431, + 0.9987911184628805, + 0.9987911581993103, + 0.9987913072109222, + 0.9987913568814596, + 0.9987913966178894, + 0.9987914164861044, + 0.9987914562225342, + 0.998791515827179, + 0.9987916350364685, + 0.9987916946411133, + 0.9987917542457581, + 0.9987918734550476, + 0.9987919926643372, + 0.9987920820713043, + 0.9987921118736267, + 0.9987921714782715, + 0.9987922310829163, + 0.998792290687561, + 0.9987923006216686, + 0.9987923900286356, + 0.9987924098968506, + 0.998792439699173, + 0.9987925092379252, + 0.9987925291061401, + 0.9987926483154297, + 0.9987926880518595, + 0.9987927153706551, + 0.9987927675247192, + 0.998792827129364, + 0.9987928867340088, + 0.9987929463386536, + 0.998792976140976, + 0.9987930009762447, + 0.9987930059432983, + 0.9987931251525879, + 0.9987931698560715, + 0.9987931847572327, + 0.9987932443618774, + 0.998793363571167, + 0.9987934827804565, + 0.9987935423851013, + 0.9987936019897461, + 0.9987937013308207, + 0.9987937211990356, + 0.9987938404083252, + 0.9987938602765402, + 0.99879390001297, + 0.9987939596176147, + 0.9987940788269043, + 0.9987941086292267, + 0.9987943172454834, + 0.998794436454773, + 0.9987945556640625, + 0.998794674873352, + 0.9987947762012481, + 0.9987947940826416, + 0.9987948268651963, + 0.9987948735555013, + 0.9987949132919312, + 0.9987950325012207, + 0.9987951517105103, + 0.9987951656719586, + 0.9987952560186386, + 0.9987952709197998, + 0.9987953007221222, + 0.9987953901290894, + 0.9987954696019491, + 0.9987955093383789, + 0.9987955819815397, + 0.9987956285476685, + 0.9987956583499908, + 0.998795747756958, + 0.9987958073616028, + 0.9987958669662476, + 0.99879589676857, + 0.9987959265708923, + 0.9987961053848267, + 0.9987962245941162, + 0.9987963438034058, + 0.9987964630126953, + 0.9987965822219849, + 0.9987966120243073, + 0.9987967014312744, + 0.998796820640564, + 0.9987969398498535, + 0.9987969994544983, + 0.9987970590591431, + 0.9987971782684326, + 0.9987972974777222, + 0.9987973868846893, + 0.9987974166870117, + 0.9987975358963013, + 0.9987976253032684, + 0.9987976551055908, + 0.998797744512558, + 0.9987977743148804, + 0.9987978935241699, + 0.9987979233264923, + 0.9987979531288147, + 0.9987980127334595, + 0.998798131942749, + 0.9987981637318928, + 0.9987982511520386, + 0.9987983703613281, + 0.9987984597682953, + 0.9987984895706177, + 0.9987986087799072, + 0.9987986832857132, + 0.9987987279891968, + 0.9987988173961639, + 0.9987988471984863, + 0.9987989664077759, + 0.9987990856170654, + 0.9987991650899252, + 0.9987993240356445, + 0.9987993836402893, + 0.9987994432449341, + 0.9987994923311121, + 0.9987995326519012, + 0.9987995624542236, + 0.9987995773553848, + 0.9987996816635132, + 0.9987998008728027, + 0.9987998306751251, + 0.9987999200820923, + 0.9988000392913818, + 0.9988000563212803, + 0.998800128698349, + 0.9988001585006714, + 0.9988002777099609, + 0.9988003075122833, + 0.9988003969192505, + 0.9988004207611084, + 0.99880051612854, + 0.9988005757331848, + 0.9988006353378296, + 0.9988007545471191, + 0.9988008618354797, + 0.9988008737564087, + 0.9988009110093117, + 0.9988009929656982, + 0.9988011419773102, + 0.9988011717796326, + 0.998801201581955, + 0.998801218966643, + 0.9988012313842773, + 0.9988012611865997, + 0.9988012777434455, + 0.9988013282418251, + 0.9988013505935669, + 0.9988014698028564, + 0.998801589012146, + 0.998801623071943, + 0.9988016486167908, + 0.9988016784191132, + 0.9988017082214355, + 0.9988018274307251, + 0.9988018870353699, + 0.9988019069035848, + 0.9988019466400146, + 0.9988020658493042, + 0.9988021850585938, + 0.9988022148609161, + 0.9988023042678833, + 0.9988023638725281, + 0.9988024234771729, + 0.998802661895752, + 0.9988027811050415, + 0.998802900314331, + 0.9988029599189758, + 0.9988030195236206, + 0.9988031387329102, + 0.9988031421716397, + 0.9988032579421997, + 0.9988033771514893, + 0.998803436756134, + 0.9988034963607788, + 0.9988036155700684, + 0.9988036304712296, + 0.9988036751747131, + 0.9988037347793579, + 0.9988037358630788, + 0.9988037943840027, + 0.9988038539886475, + 0.998803973197937, + 0.9988040924072266, + 0.9988042116165161, + 0.9988043308258057, + 0.9988044500350952, + 0.9988045394420624, + 0.9988045692443848, + 0.9988046824932099, + 0.9988046884536743, + 0.9988048415558012, + 0.9988049268722534, + 0.9988049864768982, + 0.998805046081543, + 0.9988050758838654, + 0.9988051056861877, + 0.9988051652908325, + 0.9988052248954773, + 0.9988052845001221, + 0.9988053739070892, + 0.9988054037094116, + 0.998805433511734, + 0.9988054633140564, + 0.9988055229187012, + 0.9988056421279907, + 0.9988056570291519, + 0.9988058507442474, + 0.998805878063043, + 0.9988058805465698, + 0.9988059997558594, + 0.9988061189651489, + 0.9988062381744385, + 0.998806357383728, + 0.9988064765930176, + 0.9988065659999847, + 0.9988065858681996, + 0.9988065958023071, + 0.9988067150115967, + 0.9988067671656609, + 0.9988068342208862, + 0.9988068819046021, + 0.998806893825531, + 0.9988069534301758, + 0.9988070428371429, + 0.9988070726394653, + 0.9988071918487549, + 0.9988073110580444, + 0.9988073408603668, + 0.998807430267334, + 0.9988074898719788, + 0.9988075494766235, + 0.9988076239824295, + 0.9988076686859131, + 0.9988076984882355, + 0.9988077084223429, + 0.9988077878952026, + 0.9988079071044922, + 0.9988080263137817, + 0.9988080859184265, + 0.9988081157207489, + 0.9988081455230713, + 0.9988082647323608, + 0.9988083839416504, + 0.9988085031509399, + 0.9988085627555847, + 0.9988085925579071, + 0.9988086521625519, + 0.9988086819648743, + 0.998808741569519, + 0.9988087713718414, + 0.9988088607788086, + 0.9988089084625245, + 0.9988089799880981, + 0.9988090395927429, + 0.9988090693950653, + 0.9988090991973877, + 0.998809101653623, + 0.9988091091314952, + 0.9988092184066772, + 0.998809278011322, + 0.9988093376159668, + 0.9988094568252563, + 0.9988095202717652, + 0.9988095462322235, + 0.998809552192688, + 0.9988095760345459, + 0.998809590226128, + 0.9988096952438354, + 0.9988097974232265, + 0.998809814453125, + 0.99880983432134, + 0.9988099038600922, + 0.9988099137941996, + 0.9988099336624146, + 0.9988100528717041, + 0.9988101720809937, + 0.9988102316856384, + 0.9988103151321411, + 0.9988103707631429, + 0.9988104104995728, + 0.9988105297088623, + 0.9988105893135071, + 0.9988106489181519, + 0.9988107681274414, + 0.998810812830925, + 0.998810887336731, + 0.9988109072049459, + 0.9988109469413757, + 0.9988109668095907, + 0.9988110011274165, + 0.9988110065460205, + 0.9988111257553101, + 0.9988112449645996, + 0.9988112896680832, + 0.9988113641738892, + 0.9988114833831787, + 0.9988115131855011, + 0.9988116025924683, + 0.9988117218017578, + 0.9988118410110474, + 0.9988119602203369, + 0.9988120496273041, + 0.9988120794296265, + 0.99881212413311, + 0.998812198638916, + 0.9988122880458832, + 0.9988123178482056, + 0.9988124370574951, + 0.9988124569257101, + 0.9988124668598175, + 0.9988125562667847, + 0.9988126158714294, + 0.9988126754760742, + 0.998812735080719, + 0.9988127946853638, + 0.9988129138946533, + 0.9988129734992981, + 0.9988130331039429, + 0.9988130927085876, + 0.9988131523132324, + 0.9988132417201996, + 0.998813271522522, + 0.9988133013248444, + 0.9988133668899536, + 0.9988133907318115, + 0.9988135099411011, + 0.9988135993480682, + 0.9988136291503906, + 0.9988137185573578, + 0.9988137483596802, + 0.9988138675689697, + 0.9988139867782593, + 0.9988141059875488, + 0.9988142251968384, + 0.9988143213093281, + 0.9988143444061279, + 0.9988144636154175, + 0.998814582824707, + 0.9988147020339966, + 0.9988147616386414, + 0.9988148212432861, + 0.9988149404525757, + 0.9988150596618652, + 0.9988151490688324, + 0.9988151788711548, + 0.9988151888052623, + 0.9988152980804443, + 0.9988153576850891, + 0.9988154172897339, + 0.9988154260317484, + 0.9988154768943787, + 0.9988155364990234, + 0.9988155563672384, + 0.9988155961036682, + 0.998815655708313, + 0.9988157153129578, + 0.9988157749176025, + 0.9988158047199249, + 0.9988158941268921, + 0.9988160133361816, + 0.9988161325454712, + 0.9988161623477936, + 0.9988162517547607, + 0.9988164901733398, + 0.9988166093826294, + 0.998816728591919, + 0.9988167658448219, + 0.9988168478012085, + 0.998816967010498, + 0.9988169769446056, + 0.9988170117139816, + 0.9988170166810353, + 0.9988170564174652, + 0.9988172054290771, + 0.9988172352313995, + 0.9988172650337219, + 0.9988173842430115, + 0.998817503452301, + 0.99881751537323, + 0.9988175531228384, + 0.9988175630569458, + 0.9988175805409749, + 0.9988176077604294, + 0.9988176226615906, + 0.9988177418708801, + 0.9988178312778473, + 0.9988178610801697, + 0.9988178908824921, + 0.9988179206848145, + 0.9988179802894592, + 0.9988180994987488, + 0.9988181293010712, + 0.9988181591033936, + 0.9988181889057159, + 0.9988182187080383, + 0.9988183379173279, + 0.9988183577855428, + 0.998818406691918, + 0.9988184571266174, + 0.998818576335907, + 0.9988186955451965, + 0.9988188147544861, + 0.9988188445568085, + 0.9988188743591309, + 0.9988189339637756, + 0.9988190233707428, + 0.9988190531730652, + 0.998819092909495, + 0.9988191525141398, + 0.9988191723823547, + 0.9988192170858383, + 0.9988192915916443, + 0.9988194108009338, + 0.9988195300102234, + 0.9988195498784384, + 0.9988196492195129, + 0.9988196526254927, + 0.9988197386264801, + 0.9988197684288025, + 0.9988198578357697, + 0.9988198637962341, + 0.998819887638092, + 0.9988200068473816, + 0.9988201260566711, + 0.9988202452659607, + 0.9988202750682831, + 0.9988203425156443, + 0.9988203644752502, + 0.9988204836845398, + 0.9988206028938293, + 0.9988206923007965, + 0.9988207221031189, + 0.9988208413124084, + 0.9988208711147308, + 0.998820960521698, + 0.9988210116022376, + 0.9988210201263428, + 0.9988210797309875, + 0.9988211989402771, + 0.9988213181495667, + 0.9988214075565338, + 0.9988214373588562, + 0.9988214671611786, + 0.9988215565681458, + 0.9988216757774353, + 0.9988217055797577, + 0.9988217949867249, + 0.9988219141960144, + 0.9988220185041428, + 0.998822033405304, + 0.9988220830758412, + 0.9988221526145935, + 0.9988222420215607, + 0.9988222718238831, + 0.9988223612308502, + 0.9988223910331726, + 0.9988224148750305, + 0.9988225102424622, + 0.9988225648800532, + 0.9988226294517517, + 0.9988227427005768, + 0.9988227486610413, + 0.9988228181997935, + 0.9988228678703308, + 0.9988229274749756, + 0.9988229870796204, + 0.9988230268160502, + 0.9988231062889099, + 0.9988231658935547, + 0.9988232056299845, + 0.9988232254981995, + 0.9988232983483208, + 0.998823344707489, + 0.9988234639167786, + 0.9988235831260681, + 0.9988236129283905, + 0.9988236725330353, + 0.9988237023353577, + 0.9988237619400024, + 0.9988238215446472, + 0.9988238910833994, + 0.9988239109516144, + 0.9988239407539368, + 0.9988240599632263, + 0.9988241791725159, + 0.9988242387771606, + 0.9988242983818054, + 0.998824417591095, + 0.9988245069980621, + 0.9988245368003845, + 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0.9988273978233337, + 0.9988274077574413, + 0.9988275170326233, + 0.998827588558197, + 0.9988275915384293, + 0.9988276163736979, + 0.998827616373698, + 0.9988276362419128, + 0.9988277554512024, + 0.9988278687000275, + 0.9988278746604919, + 0.9988279044628143, + 0.9988279938697815, + 0.9988280534744263, + 0.998828113079071, + 0.9988281775620722, + 0.9988282322883606, + 0.9988283507133785, + 0.9988283514976501, + 0.9988284196172442, + 0.9988284707069397, + 0.9988285899162292, + 0.9988286097844442, + 0.9988288283348083, + 0.9988289475440979, + 0.998829185962677, + 0.9988292455673218, + 0.9988293051719666, + 0.9988294243812561, + 0.9988295435905457, + 0.9988296031951904, + 0.9988296329975128, + 0.9988296627998352, + 0.9988297059749947, + 0.99882972240448, + 0.9988297621409098, + 0.9988297820091248, + 0.9988299012184143, + 0.9988300204277039, + 0.9988301396369934, + 0.9988301992416382, + 0.998830258846283, + 0.9988302687803904, + 0.9988303780555725, + 0.9988304972648621, + 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0.9988334973653158, + 0.9988335967063904, + 0.9988337159156799, + 0.9988337755203247, + 0.9988338351249695, + 0.9988338425755501, + 0.998833954334259, + 0.9988340735435486, + 0.9988341927528381, + 0.9988343119621277, + 0.9988344311714172, + 0.998834510644277, + 0.9988345503807068, + 0.9988346695899963, + 0.9988347887992859, + 0.9988348186016083, + 0.9988348484039307, + 0.998834898074468, + 0.9988349080085754, + 0.9988349344995288, + 0.998835027217865, + 0.9988352656364441, + 0.9988353848457336, + 0.9988354086875916, + 0.9988355040550232, + 0.9988355189561844, + 0.9988355338573456, + 0.9988355934619904, + 0.9988356232643127, + 0.9988357027371725, + 0.9988357424736023, + 0.9988357573747635, + 0.9988358517487843, + 0.9988358616828918, + 0.9988359212875366, + 0.9988359808921814, + 0.9988360106945038, + 0.998836100101471, + 0.9988361597061157, + 0.9988362193107605, + 0.9988362640142441, + 0.9988363087177277, + 0.99883633852005, + 0.9988364279270172, + 0.9988364577293396, + 0.9988365173339844, + 0.9988365769386292, + 0.9988366961479187, + 0.9988367259502411, + 0.9988368153572083, + 0.9988368898630142, + 0.9988369345664978, + 0.9988369643688202, + 0.998837023973465, + 0.9988370339075724, + 0.9988370537757874, + 0.9988371133804321, + 0.9988371431827545, + 0.9988371729850769, + 0.9988371888796488, + 0.9988372027873993, + 0.9988372921943665, + 0.998837411403656, + 0.9988375306129456, + 0.9988375604152679, + 0.9988376498222351, + 0.9988376796245575, + 0.9988377690315247, + 0.9988378485043844, + 0.9988378882408142, + 0.9988380074501038, + 0.9988380670547485, + 0.9988380968570709, + 0.9988381266593933, + 0.9988382458686829, + 0.9988382756710052, + 0.9988383452097574, + 0.9988383650779724, + 0.998838484287262, + 0.9988386034965515, + 0.9988387227058411, + 0.9988387482506889, + 0.9988388419151306, + 0.998838871717453, + 0.9988389611244202, + 0.9988390207290649, + 0.9988390505313873, + 0.9988390803337097, + 0.9988391995429993, + 0.9988392988840739, + 0.9988393187522888, + 0.9988394379615784, + 0.9988395571708679, + 0.9988396167755127, + 0.9988396763801575, + 0.9988397806882858, + 0.998839795589447, + 0.9988399147987366, + 0.9988399744033813, + 0.9988400340080261, + 0.9988401234149933, + 0.9988401532173157, + 0.9988401816004799, + 0.9988402724266052, + 0.9988402798771858, + 0.9988403618335724, + 0.9988403916358948, + 0.9988405108451843, + 0.9988405929671395, + 0.9988406002521515, + 0.9988406300544739, + 0.9988406598567963, + 0.9988407492637634, + 0.9988407790660858, + 0.998840868473053, + 0.9988409802317619, + 0.9988409876823425, + 0.9988411068916321, + 0.9988412161668141, + 0.9988412261009216, + 0.9988413453102112, + 0.9988414645195007, + 0.9988415837287903, + 0.9988416135311127, + 0.9988416731357574, + 0.9988416843116283, + 0.9988417029380798, + 0.9988418221473694, + 0.9988418817520142, + 0.9988419413566589, + 0.9988419488072395, + 0.9988419860601425, + 0.9988421003023783, + 0.998842179775238, + 0.9988422644765753, + 0.9988422989845276, + 0.9988423436880112, + 0.9988423983256022, + 0.9988424181938171, + 0.9988424777984619, + 0.9988425076007843, + 0.9988425225019455, + 0.9988425374031067, + 0.9988425970077515, + 0.9988426168759664, + 0.998842716217041, + 0.9988427732672011, + 0.9988428354263306, + 0.9988429312195097, + 0.9988429546356201, + 0.9988430738449097, + 0.9988431930541992, + 0.9988433122634888, + 0.9988434314727783, + 0.9988434910774231, + 0.9988435506820679, + 0.9988435804843903, + 0.9988436698913574, + 0.9988436847925186, + 0.9988437592983246, + 0.998843789100647, + 0.9988439083099365, + 0.9988440275192261, + 0.998844047387441, + 0.9988440672556559, + 0.9988440871238708, + 0.9988441318273544, + 0.9988441467285156, + 0.9988442659378052, + 0.9988443106412888, + 0.9988443851470947, + 0.9988444447517395, + 0.9988445043563843, + 0.9988445937633514, + 0.9988446235656738, + 0.9988446533679962, + 0.998844712972641, + 0.9988447427749634, + 0.9988448619842529, + 0.9988448917865753, + 0.9988449811935425, + 0.9988450185925354, + 0.998845100402832, + 0.9988451600074768, + 0.9988452196121216, + 0.9988453388214111, + 0.9988454580307007, + 0.9988455772399902, + 0.9988456666469574, + 0.9988456765810648, + 0.9988456964492798, + 0.9988458156585693, + 0.9988459259271621, + 0.9988459348678589, + 0.998846024274826, + 0.9988460540771484, + 0.9988461494445801, + 0.998846173286438, + 0.9988462924957275, + 0.9988463521003723, + 0.9988464117050171, + 0.9988465011119843, + 0.9988465309143066, + 0.9988466501235962, + 0.9988467494646708, + 0.9988467693328857, + 0.9988468885421753, + 0.9988469183444977, + 0.9988470077514648, + 0.9988471269607544, + 0.9988471585692782, + 0.9988472163677216, + 0.998847246170044, + 0.9988472660382589, + 0.9988473653793335, + 0.998847484588623, + 0.9988476037979126, + 0.9988477230072021, + 0.9988477528095245, + 0.9988478422164917, + 0.9988479614257812, + 0.9988480806350708, + 0.9988481402397156, + 0.9988481998443604, + 0.9988483190536499, + 0.9988484084606171, + 0.9988484382629395, + 0.9988484978675842, + 0.9988485276699066, + 0.9988485425710678, + 0.998848557472229, + 0.9988486766815186, + 0.9988487064838409, + 0.9988487958908081, + 0.9988488703966141, + 0.9988488852977753, + 0.9988489151000977, + 0.99884894490242, + 0.9988490343093872, + 0.9988491237163544, + 0.9988491535186768, + 0.998849168419838, + 0.9988492131233215, + 0.9988492429256439, + 0.9988492727279663, + 0.9988492925961813, + 0.9988493919372559, + 0.9988495111465454, + 0.998849630355835, + 0.9988496601581573, + 0.9988497495651245, + 0.9988498687744141, + 0.9988499581813812, + 0.9988499879837036, + 0.9988501071929932, + 0.9988501312756779, + 0.9988502264022827, + 0.9988503456115723, + 0.9988503654797872, + 0.9988503754138947, + 0.9988504648208618, + 0.9988505840301514, + 0.9988507032394409, + 0.9988508224487305, + 0.9988509193062782, + 0.99885094165802, + 0.9988509813944498, + 0.9988510608673096, + 0.9988511502742767, + 0.9988511800765991, + 0.9988512992858887, + 0.9988514184951782, + 0.998851478099823, + 0.9988515377044678, + 0.9988516569137573, + 0.9988516878336668, + 0.998851756254832, + 0.9988517761230469, + 0.9988518953323364, + 0.9988519549369812, + 0.998852014541626, + 0.9988520741462708, + 0.9988520940144857, + 0.9988521337509155, + 0.9988521933555603, + 0.9988522529602051, + 0.9988523542881012, + 0.9988523721694946, + 0.9988524913787842, + 0.998852550983429, + 0.9988526105880737, + 0.9988527297973633, + 0.9988528490066528, + 0.9988529086112976, + 0.9988529682159424, + 0.9988529831171036, + 0.9988530874252319, + 0.9988532066345215, + 0.998853325843811, + 0.9988534450531006, + 0.9988534897565842, + 0.9988535046577454, + 0.9988535642623901, + 0.9988535940647125, + 0.9988536834716797, + 0.9988538026809692, + 0.9988538324832916, + 0.9988539218902588, + 0.9988540410995483, + 0.9988541603088379, + 0.9988542795181274, + 0.998854289452235, + 0.9988543391227722, + 0.998854398727417, + 0.9988544285297394, + 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0.9988601709405581, + 0.998860239982605, + 0.9988603591918945, + 0.9988604187965393, + 0.9988604784011841, + 0.998860498269399, + 0.9988605976104736, + 0.9988606572151184, + 0.9988607168197632, + 0.9988608062267303, + 0.9988608360290527, + 0.9988608757654825, + 0.9988608956336975, + 0.9988609552383423, + 0.9988610136742686, + 0.9988610148429871, + 0.9988610191004617, + 0.9988610744476318, + 0.9988611510821751, + 0.9988611936569214, + 0.9988612830638885, + 0.9988613128662109, + 0.9988613426685333, + 0.9988613923390707, + 0.9988614320755005, + 0.99886155128479, + 0.9988615612188975, + 0.9988615810871124, + 0.9988616704940796, + 0.9988617897033691, + 0.9988619089126587, + 0.9988619685173035, + 0.9988620281219482, + 0.9988621473312378, + 0.9988622317711512, + 0.9988622665405273, + 0.9988623261451721, + 0.9988623857498169, + 0.9988624602556229, + 0.9988625049591064, + 0.998862624168396, + 0.9988627433776855, + 0.9988628029823303, + 0.9988628625869751, + 0.9988629817962646, + 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0.9988823682069778, + 0.9988824725151062, + 0.9988824903964997, + 0.9988825569550196, + 0.9988825917243958, + 0.9988827109336853, + 0.9988827407360077, + 0.9988828301429749, + 0.9988829493522644, + 0.9988829791545868, + 0.9988829919270107, + 0.998883068561554, + 0.9988831877708435, + 0.9988832672437032, + 0.9988832945624987, + 0.9988833069801331, + 0.9988834261894226, + 0.9988834857940674, + 0.9988835453987122, + 0.9988836646080017, + 0.9988837043444315, + 0.9988837838172913, + 0.9988839030265808, + 0.9988839228947958, + 0.9988840222358704, + 0.9988841414451599, + 0.9988842606544495, + 0.998884379863739, + 0.9988844394683838, + 0.9988844990730286, + 0.998884528875351, + 0.9988845735788345, + 0.9988846033811569, + 0.9988846182823181, + 0.9988847374916077, + 0.99888476729393, + 0.9988848268985748, + 0.9988848567008972, + 0.998884896437327, + 0.9988849461078644, + 0.9988849759101868, + 0.9988850355148315, + 0.9988850951194763, + 0.9988851249217987, + 0.9988852143287659, + 0.9988853335380554, + 0.998885452747345, + 0.9988855719566345, + 0.9988856911659241, + 0.9988857408364614, + 0.9988858103752136, + 0.9988859295845032, + 0.9988859494527181, + 0.998885989189148, + 0.9988860487937927, + 0.9988860785961151, + 0.9988861680030823, + 0.998886227607727, + 0.9988862872123718, + 0.9988863356411457, + 0.9988864064216614, + 0.998886505762736, + 0.9988865256309509, + 0.9988866448402405, + 0.9988867342472076, + 0.99888676404953, + 0.9988868236541748, + 0.9988868742429909, + 0.9988868832588196, + 0.9988870024681091, + 0.9988871216773987, + 0.9988872408866882, + 0.9988873153924942, + 0.9988873600959778, + 0.9988873799641927, + 0.9988873998324076, + 0.9988874793052673, + 0.9988875474248614, + 0.9988875786463419, + 0.9988875985145569, + 0.9988877177238464, + 0.9988877922296524, + 0.998887817064921, + 0.998887836933136, + 0.9988879561424255, + 0.9988880753517151, + 0.9988881349563599, + 0.9988881945610046, + 0.9988882839679718, + 0.9988883137702942, + 0.9988883197307586, + 0.9988884329795837, + 0.9988884760273827, + 0.9988885521888733, + 0.9988886713981628, + 0.9988887310028076, + 0.9988887906074524, + 0.9988889098167419, + 0.9988889694213867, + 0.9988890290260315, + 0.9988890886306763, + 0.998889148235321, + 0.9988891780376434, + 0.9988892243968116, + 0.9988892674446106, + 0.9988893700970544, + 0.9988893866539001, + 0.9988895058631897, + 0.9988896250724792, + 0.9988897442817688, + 0.998889833688736, + 0.9988898475964865, + 0.9988898634910583, + 0.9988899827003479, + 0.9988900125026703, + 0.9988901019096375, + 0.9988901416460673, + 0.998890221118927, + 0.9988903403282166, + 0.9988903800646464, + 0.9988904595375061, + 0.9988904893398285, + 0.998890553911527, + 0.9988905787467957, + 0.998890585369534, + 0.9988906979560852, + 0.9988907724618912, + 0.9988908171653748, + 0.9988908966382345, + 0.9988909363746643, + 0.9988910555839539, + 0.9988910754521688, + 0.9988910853862762, + 0.9988911747932434, + 0.9988912145296732, + 0.9988912298129156, + 0.998891294002533, + 0.9988914132118225, + 0.9988915324211121, + 0.9988916516304016, + 0.998891681432724, + 0.9988917311032613, + 0.9988917708396912, + 0.9988917857408524, + 0.9988918453454971, + 0.9988918900489807, + 0.9988920092582703, + 0.9988920763134956, + 0.9988921284675598, + 0.9988921880722046, + 0.998892217874527, + 0.9988922422958746, + 0.9988922476768494, + 0.9988923668861389, + 0.9988924860954285, + 0.9988925158977509, + 0.9988925258318583, + 0.9988925755023956, + 0.998892605304718, + 0.9988926276564598, + 0.9988926450411478, + 0.9988926649093628, + 0.9988927245140076, + 0.9988928159077962, + 0.9988928437232971, + 0.9988928884267807, + 0.9988929231961569, + 0.9988929430643717, + 0.9988929629325867, + 0.9988930821418762, + 0.9988931268453598, + 0.9988932013511658, + 0.9988932212193807, + 0.9988933056592941, + 0.9988933205604553, + 0.9988933801651001, + 0.9988934397697449, + 0.9988935589790344, + 0.998893678188324, + 0.9988937675952911, + 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0.9989025592803955, + 0.9989026784896851, + 0.9989027976989746, + 0.9989028970400492, + 0.9989029169082642, + 0.9989030361175537, + 0.9989030659198761, + 0.9989030758539835, + 0.9989031189017826, + 0.9989031553268433, + 0.9989032745361328, + 0.9989033341407776, + 0.9989033937454224, + 0.9989035129547119, + 0.9989036321640015, + 0.998903751373291, + 0.9989038221538067, + 0.9989038705825806, + 0.9989039897918701, + 0.9989041090011597, + 0.998904158671697, + 0.9989042282104492, + 0.9989043141112608, + 0.9989043176174164, + 0.9989043474197388, + 0.9989043623209, + 0.9989044666290283, + 0.9989045328564115, + 0.9989045837095806, + 0.9989045858383179, + 0.9989046653111776, + 0.9989047050476074, + 0.9989047646522522, + 0.9989047795534134, + 0.998904824256897, + 0.9989049037297567, + 0.9989049434661865, + 0.9989050030708313, + 0.9989050626754761, + 0.998905082543691, + 0.9989051818847656, + 0.9989053010940552, + 0.9989053308963776, + 0.9989053457975388, + 0.9989054203033447, + 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0.9989286065101624, + 0.9989286959171295, + 0.9989287257194519, + 0.9989288449287415, + 0.9989288747310638, + 0.998928964138031, + 0.998929038643837, + 0.9989290833473206, + 0.9989292025566101, + 0.9989292860031128, + 0.9989293217658997, + 0.9989294409751892, + 0.9989295601844788, + 0.9989295899868011, + 0.9989296793937683, + 0.9989297986030579, + 0.9989298125108084, + 0.9989298284053802, + 0.998929888010025, + 0.9989299178123474, + 0.9989300072193146, + 0.998930037021637, + 0.9989300767580668, + 0.9989301562309265, + 0.9989302158355713, + 0.9989302456378937, + 0.9989302754402161, + 0.998930295308431, + 0.9989303052425385, + 0.9989303946495056, + 0.9989304482936859, + 0.9989304542541504, + 0.9989305138587952, + 0.9989305585622787, + 0.9989306330680847, + 0.9989306926727295, + 0.9989307522773743, + 0.9989308714866638, + 0.9989309906959534, + 0.9989310204982758, + 0.9989310503005981, + 0.9989311099052429, + 0.9989311397075653, + 0.9989311695098877, + 0.9989311993122101, + 0.9989312291145325, + 0.9989313036203384, + 0.9989313085873922, + 0.9989313312939235, + 0.998931348323822, + 0.9989314675331116, + 0.9989315549532573, + 0.9989315867424011, + 0.9989316463470459, + 0.9989316512127312, + 0.9989316761493683, + 0.9989317059516907, + 0.9989317272390639, + 0.9989318251609802, + 0.9989319443702698, + 0.9989320163543407, + 0.9989320437113444, + 0.9989320635795593, + 0.9989321231842041, + 0.9989321430524191, + 0.9989321827888489, + 0.998932272195816, + 0.9989323019981384, + 0.9989323616027832, + 0.998932421207428, + 0.9989325404167175, + 0.9989326596260071, + 0.9989327788352966, + 0.9989328682422638, + 0.9989328980445862, + 0.9989329179128011, + 0.998932957649231, + 0.9989330172538757, + 0.9989330768585205, + 0.9989331364631653, + 0.9989332556724548, + 0.9989333301782608, + 0.9989333550135294, + 0.9989333748817444, + 0.9989334444204967, + 0.9989334940910339, + 0.9989335238933563, + 0.9989336133003235, + 0.9989337027072906, + 0.9989337060186597, + 0.9989337086677551, + 0.998933732509613, + 0.9989337623119354, + 0.9989338517189026, + 0.9989339113235474, + 0.9989339709281921, + 0.9989340172873603, + 0.9989340305328369, + 0.9989340752363205, + 0.9989340901374817, + 0.9989342093467712, + 0.998934268951416, + 0.9989343285560608, + 0.9989344477653503, + 0.9989345073699951, + 0.9989345669746399, + 0.9989346861839294, + 0.998934805393219, + 0.9989349179797702, + 0.9989349246025085, + 0.9989350289106369, + 0.9989350438117981, + 0.9989351034164429, + 0.9989351630210876, + 0.9989352822303772, + 0.9989353716373444, + 0.9989354014396667, + 0.9989354610443115, + 0.9989355206489563, + 0.9989356398582458, + 0.9989356944958369, + 0.9989356994628906, + 0.9989357590675354, + 0.9989358691705598, + 0.998935878276825, + 0.9989359974861145, + 0.9989360154064654, + 0.9989360272884369, + 0.998936116695404, + 0.9989362359046936, + 0.9989363551139832, + 0.9989364147186279, + 0.9989364296197891, + 0.9989364743232727, + 0.9989365935325623, + 0.998936653137207, + 0.9989367127418518, + 0.9989367723464966, + 0.9989367872476578, + 0.9989368140697479, + 0.9989368319511414, + 0.9989368557929993, + 0.9989368617534637, + 0.9989369511604309, + 0.9989369710286459, + 0.9989370703697205, + 0.9989371299743652, + 0.9989371597766876, + 0.99893718957901, + 0.9989371970295906, + 0.9989372193813324, + 0.998937264084816, + 0.9989373087882996, + 0.9989373485247294, + 0.9989373683929443, + 0.9989374279975891, + 0.9989375472068787, + 0.9989376068115234, + 0.9989376366138458, + 0.9989376664161682, + 0.9989377856254578, + 0.9989378094673157, + 0.9989378750324249, + 0.9989379048347473, + 0.9989379232838042, + 0.9989379729543414, + 0.9989380240440369, + 0.9989380538463593, + 0.9989380687475204, + 0.9989381432533264, + 0.9989381730556488, + 0.998938262462616, + 0.9989383220672607, + 0.9989383816719055, + 0.9989385008811951, + 0.9989385306835175, + 0.9989386200904846, + 0.9989387392997742, + 0.998938761651516, + 0.998938779036204, + 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0.9989414811134338, + 0.9989415407180786, + 0.998941570520401, + 0.9989416003227234, + 0.9989417195320129, + 0.9989417791366577, + 0.9989418387413025, + 0.998941957950592, + 0.9989420771598816, + 0.9989421606063843, + 0.9989421665668488, + 0.9989421963691711, + 0.9989423155784607, + 0.9989423354466757, + 0.9989423553148905, + 0.9989424347877502, + 0.998942494392395, + 0.9989425539970398, + 0.9989426732063293, + 0.9989427924156189, + 0.9989428520202637, + 0.9989429116249084, + 0.9989430457353592, + 0.9989430904388428, + 0.9989431500434875, + 0.9989432692527771, + 0.9989433884620667, + 0.9989435076713562, + 0.9989435970783234, + 0.9989436612679409, + 0.9989437460899353, + 0.9989437560240427, + 0.9989438056945801, + 0.9989438553651174, + 0.9989438652992249, + 0.9989438951015472, + 0.9989439845085144, + 0.998944103717804, + 0.9989442030588785, + 0.9989442229270935, + 0.9989443023999531, + 0.9989443123340607, + 0.9989443222681681, + 0.9989443421363831, + 0.9989444017410278, + 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0.9989474415779114, + 0.9989475607872009, + 0.9989475980401039, + 0.9989476799964905, + 0.99894779920578, + 0.9989478886127472, + 0.9989479184150696, + 0.9989479210641649, + 0.9989479780197144, + 0.9989480197429657, + 0.9989480376243591, + 0.9989480574925741, + 0.9989481568336487, + 0.9989481866359711, + 0.9989482164382935, + 0.9989482462406158, + 0.9989482561747233, + 0.9989482760429382, + 0.9989483445882797, + 0.9989483952522278, + 0.9989485144615173, + 0.9989485740661621, + 0.9989486336708069, + 0.9989487528800964, + 0.9989488422870636, + 0.9989488588439094, + 0.998948872089386, + 0.9989489316940308, + 0.9989489515622457, + 0.9989489763975143, + 0.9989489912986755, + 0.9989491105079651, + 0.9989491999149323, + 0.9989492098490398, + 0.9989492297172546, + 0.9989493489265442, + 0.9989493687947592, + 0.9989493787288666, + 0.998949408531189, + 0.9989494681358337, + 0.998949474758572, + 0.9989495178063711, + 0.9989495873451233, + 0.9989496171474457, + 0.9989496767520905, + 0.9989497065544128, + 0.9989497264226278, + 0.9989497824148699, + 0.9989498257637024, + 0.9989498953024546, + 0.9989499449729919, + 0.9989500343799591, + 0.9989500641822815, + 0.9989501535892487, + 0.998950183391571, + 0.9989503026008606, + 0.9989504018384548, + 0.9989504218101501, + 0.9989504814147949, + 0.9989506006240845, + 0.9989507032765282, + 0.998950719833374, + 0.9989508390426636, + 0.9989508986473083, + 0.9989509582519531, + 0.9989510774612427, + 0.9989511668682098, + 0.9989511966705322, + 0.998951256275177, + 0.9989512860774994, + 0.9989513158798218, + 0.9989513200190332, + 0.9989514350891113, + 0.9989514549573263, + 0.9989515542984009, + 0.9989515741666158, + 0.9989516735076904, + 0.9989517033100128, + 0.9989517778158188, + 0.99895179271698, + 0.9989518920580546, + 0.9989519417285919, + 0.9989520311355591, + 0.9989520907402039, + 0.9989521503448486, + 0.9989521702130636, + 0.998952180147171, + 0.9989522695541382, + 0.998952329158783, + 0.9989523887634277, + 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0.9989553987979889, + 0.9989554286003113, + 0.998955488204956, + 0.9989556074142456, + 0.9989556670188904, + 0.9989557266235352, + 0.9989558458328247, + 0.9989559352397919, + 0.9989559650421143, + 0.9989560842514038, + 0.9989562034606934, + 0.9989563226699829, + 0.9989564418792725, + 0.998956561088562, + 0.9989566281437874, + 0.9989566504955292, + 0.9989566802978516, + 0.9989567001660665, + 0.9989567399024963, + 0.9989567995071411, + 0.9989568293094635, + 0.9989568591117859, + 0.9989570379257202, + 0.9989570677280426, + 0.9989570796489715, + 0.9989571571350098, + 0.9989572763442993, + 0.9989573955535889, + 0.9989574750264486, + 0.9989575147628784, + 0.9989575445652008, + 0.998957633972168, + 0.9989577276366097, + 0.9989577531814575, + 0.9989577829837799, + 0.9989578723907471, + 0.998957892258962, + 0.9989579916000366, + 0.9989580333232879, + 0.9989580810070038, + 0.9989581108093262, + 0.9989581902821859, + 0.9989582002162933, + 0.9989582300186157, + 0.9989582672715187, + 0.9989583492279053, + 0.998958428700765, + 0.9989584684371948, + 0.9989585876464844, + 0.9989586174488068, + 0.9989586980254561, + 0.9989587068557739, + 0.9989587143063545, + 0.9989588260650635, + 0.9989588300387066, + 0.9989588856697083, + 0.998958945274353, + 0.9989590644836426, + 0.9989591240882874, + 0.9989591687917709, + 0.9989591836929321, + 0.9989593029022217, + 0.9989593625068665, + 0.9989594042301178, + 0.9989594221115112, + 0.998959444463253, + 0.9989595115184784, + 0.9989595413208008, + 0.9989596605300903, + 0.9989596903324127, + 0.9989597456795829, + 0.9989597797393799, + 0.9989598989486694, + 0.998960018157959, + 0.9989601373672485, + 0.9989602565765381, + 0.9989603161811829, + 0.9989603757858276, + 0.99896040558815, + 0.9989604949951172, + 0.9989605943361918, + 0.9989606142044067, + 0.9989607334136963, + 0.9989608526229858, + 0.9989609122276306, + 0.998960942029953, + 0.9989609718322754, + 0.9989610910415649, + 0.9989611208438873, + 0.9989612102508545, + 0.9989612400531769, + 0.9989612996578217, + 0.998961329460144, + 0.9989613592624664, + 0.9989614486694336, + 0.998961478471756, + 0.9989614963531495, + 0.9989615082740784, + 0.9989615678787231, + 0.9989615827798843, + 0.9989616175492605, + 0.9989616870880127, + 0.9989617466926575, + 0.9989618062973022, + 0.9989619255065918, + 0.9989620447158813, + 0.9989620496829351, + 0.9989621241887411, + 0.9989621341228485, + 0.9989621639251709, + 0.9989622831344604, + 0.9989623725414276, + 0.99896240234375, + 0.9989624321460724, + 0.9989625215530396, + 0.9989626407623291, + 0.9989627599716187, + 0.9989628493785858, + 0.9989628791809082, + 0.9989629089832306, + 0.9989629983901978, + 0.9989630281925201, + 0.9989631175994873, + 0.9989631516592843, + 0.9989632368087769, + 0.9989633560180664, + 0.998963475227356, + 0.9989634851614634, + 0.9989635348320007, + 0.9989635944366455, + 0.9989636143048605, + 0.9989637136459351, + 0.9989637613296509, + 0.9989638328552246, + 0.9989639520645142, + 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0.9989751577377319, + 0.9989752107196384, + 0.9989752769470215, + 0.998975396156311, + 0.9989754557609558, + 0.9989755153656006, + 0.998975545167923, + 0.9989756941795349, + 0.9989757537841797, + 0.9989758729934692, + 0.9989759802818299, + 0.9989759922027588, + 0.9989761114120483, + 0.9989762306213379, + 0.9989762902259827, + 0.9989763498306274, + 0.998976469039917, + 0.9989765882492065, + 0.9989767074584961, + 0.9989768117666245, + 0.9989768266677856, + 0.9989768862724304, + 0.9989769160747528, + 0.9989769458770752, + 0.9989770650863647, + 0.9989771842956543, + 0.9989772737026215, + 0.9989773035049438, + 0.9989773407578468, + 0.9989774227142334, + 0.9989774922529856, + 0.998977541923523, + 0.9989776611328125, + 0.998977780342102, + 0.9989778161048889, + 0.9989778518676757, + 0.9989778697490692, + 0.9989778995513916, + 0.9989779392878214, + 0.9989779591560364, + 0.9989779889583588, + 0.9989780187606812, + 0.998978053078507, + 0.9989781379699707, + 0.9989782273769379, + 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0.9989808201789856, + 0.9989808599154154, + 0.9989808797836304, + 0.9989809393882751, + 0.9989810287952423, + 0.9989810585975647, + 0.9989811033010483, + 0.9989811480045319, + 0.9989811778068542, + 0.9989812970161438, + 0.998981386423111, + 0.9989814162254333, + 0.9989814460277557, + 0.9989816397428513, + 0.9989816546440125, + 0.9989816844463348, + 0.998981699347496, + 0.9989817440509796, + 0.9989817653383527, + 0.998981773853302, + 0.9989818036556244, + 0.9989818453788757, + 0.9989818930625916, + 0.9989819327990214, + 0.9989819824695587, + 0.9989820122718811, + 0.9989820293017796, + 0.9989820718765259, + 0.9989821314811707, + 0.9989822208881378, + 0.9989822804927826, + 0.9989823400974274, + 0.9989823549985886, + 0.9989823698997498, + 0.9989826083183289, + 0.9989826530218124, + 0.9989826579888662, + 0.9989827275276184, + 0.9989828169345856, + 0.998982846736908, + 0.99898285312312, + 0.9989828666051229, + 0.9989829361438751, + 0.9989829659461975, + 0.9989829957485199, + 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0.9989883303642273, + 0.9989883601665497, + 0.9989884495735168, + 0.9989884893099467, + 0.9989885091781616, + 0.998988538980484, + 0.9989885687828064, + 0.9989885985851288, + 0.998988687992096, + 0.9989888072013855, + 0.9989888846874238, + 0.9989889065424601, + 0.9989890456199646, + 0.9989891648292542, + 0.9989892840385437, + 0.9989894032478333, + 0.9989894479513168, + 0.9989894926548004, + 0.9989895224571228, + 0.9989895522594452, + 0.99898961186409, + 0.9989896416664124, + 0.9989897012710571, + 0.9989897509415945, + 0.9989897608757019, + 0.9989898800849915, + 0.998989999294281, + 0.9989900887012482, + 0.9989901185035706, + 0.9989902377128601, + 0.9989902750651043, + 0.9989903271198273, + 0.9989903569221497, + 0.9989904761314392, + 0.9989905059337616, + 0.9989905953407288, + 0.998990637915475, + 0.9989907145500183, + 0.9989907741546631, + 0.9989908337593079, + 0.9989908635616302, + 0.9989908933639526, + 0.998990923166275, + 0.9989909529685974, + 0.998991072177887, + 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0.9989938139915466, + 0.9989938934644064, + 0.9989939332008362, + 0.9989940524101257, + 0.9989940995971361, + 0.9989941716194153, + 0.9989942014217377, + 0.9989942908287048, + 0.9989943504333496, + 0.9989944100379944, + 0.9989945292472839, + 0.9989946484565735, + 0.9989947378635406, + 0.9989947477976481, + 0.998994767665863, + 0.9989947974681854, + 0.9989948868751526, + 0.9989950060844421, + 0.9989951252937317, + 0.9989952312575446, + 0.9989952445030212, + 0.9989952743053436, + 0.9989953637123108, + 0.9989954829216003, + 0.9989955127239227, + 0.9989955822626749, + 0.9989956021308899, + 0.9989957213401794, + 0.998995840549469, + 0.9989958703517914, + 0.9989958826233358, + 0.9989959597587585, + 0.9989960193634033, + 0.9989960789680481, + 0.9989961981773376, + 0.9989963173866272, + 0.9989963471889496, + 0.998996400170856, + 0.9989964365959167, + 0.9989965558052063, + 0.9989966750144958, + 0.9989967693885168, + 0.9989967942237854, + 0.9989969034989675, + 0.998996913433075, + 0.9989970326423645, + 0.998997151851654, + 0.9989971816539764, + 0.9989972710609436, + 0.9989973455667496, + 0.9989973604679108, + 0.9989973902702332, + 0.9989974498748779, + 0.9989974796772003, + 0.9989974896113077, + 0.9989975094795227, + 0.9989975293477377, + 0.99899755915006, + 0.9989975981223278, + 0.9989976286888123, + 0.9989977478981018, + 0.9989978671073914, + 0.9989979267120361, + 0.9989979863166809, + 0.9989980061848958, + 0.9989981055259705, + 0.99899822473526, + 0.9989983439445496, + 0.9989984035491943, + 0.9989984631538391, + 0.9989985227584839, + 0.9989985823631287, + 0.9989986817042033, + 0.9989987015724182, + 0.9989988207817078, + 0.9989988406499227, + 0.9989988803863525, + 0.9989989399909973, + 0.9989989548921585, + 0.9989990592002869, + 0.9989991188049316, + 0.9989991784095764, + 0.998999297618866, + 0.9989993870258331, + 0.9989994168281555, + 0.9989995360374451, + 0.9989996453126271, + 0.9989996552467346, + 0.9989997744560242, + 0.998999834060669, + 0.9989998936653137, + 0.9989999830722809, + 0.9990000128746033, + 0.9990001171827316, + 0.9990001320838928, + 0.9990001892050108, + 0.9990002512931824, + 0.9990003108978271, + 0.9990003705024719, + 0.9990004698435465, + 0.9990004847447077, + 0.9990004897117615, + 0.9990005195140839, + 0.999000608921051, + 0.9990006387233734, + 0.999000646173954, + 0.9990006685256958, + 0.9990007281303406, + 0.9990008473396301, + 0.9990008984293256, + 0.9990009665489197, + 0.9990009864171345, + 0.9990010410547256, + 0.9990010857582092, + 0.999001165231069, + 0.9990011850992838, + 0.9990012049674988, + 0.9990012347698212, + 0.9990013241767883, + 0.9990014433860779, + 0.9990015625953674, + 0.999001681804657, + 0.9990017414093018, + 0.999001756310463, + 0.9990018010139465, + 0.9990018904209137, + 0.9990019202232361, + 0.9990019738674164, + 0.9990019798278809, + 0.9990020096302032, + 0.9990020394325256, + 0.9990021586418152, + 0.9990021884441376, + 0.9990022480487823, + 0.9990022778511047, + 0.9990023970603943, + 0.9990024811182266, + 0.9990025162696838, + 0.999002585808436, + 0.9990026354789734, + 0.9990027546882629, + 0.9990027850926524, + 0.9990028222401937, + 0.9990028738975525, + 0.999002993106842, + 0.9990030527114868, + 0.9990031123161316, + 0.9990032315254211, + 0.9990032613277435, + 0.9990033507347107, + 0.9990034699440002, + 0.9990035891532898, + 0.999003678560257, + 0.9990037083625793, + 0.9990037679672241, + 0.9990038176377615, + 0.9990038275718689, + 0.9990039467811584, + 0.9990039840340614, + 0.999004065990448, + 0.9990040960331117, + 0.9990041255950928, + 0.9990041529138882, + 0.9990041653315226, + 0.9990041851997375, + 0.9990042050679525, + 0.9990043044090271, + 0.9990043938159943, + 0.9990044236183167, + 0.9990045130252838, + 0.9990045368671417, + 0.9990045428276062, + 0.9990046322345734, + 0.9990046620368958, + 0.9990047216415405, + 0.9990047812461853, + 0.9990049004554749, + 0.999004989862442, + 0.9990050196647644, + 0.999005138874054, + 0.9990052183469136, + 0.9990052580833435, + 0.9990053772926331, + 0.9990054965019226, + 0.999005526304245, + 0.9990055561065674, + 0.9990055958429972, + 0.9990056157112122, + 0.9990056355794271, + 0.9990057349205017, + 0.9990057945251465, + 0.9990058541297913, + 0.9990059435367584, + 0.9990059733390808, + 0.9990059799618192, + 0.9990060528119405, + 0.9990060726801555, + 0.9990060925483704, + 0.9990061578296479, + 0.9990062117576599, + 0.9990062316258749, + 0.9990062832832336, + 0.9990063309669495, + 0.9990063607692719, + 0.9990064203739166, + 0.999006450176239, + 0.9990064620971679, + 0.9990065495173136, + 0.9990065693855286, + 0.9990066587924957, + 0.9990066885948181, + 0.9990068078041077, + 0.9990068674087524, + 0.9990068972110748, + 0.9990069270133972, + 0.9990070462226868, + 0.9990071058273315, + 0.9990071207284927, + 0.9990071356296539, + 0.9990071654319763, + 0.9990071952342987, + 0.9990072250366211, + 0.9990072548389435, + 0.9990072647730509, + 0.9990072846412659, + 0.9990072945753733, + 0.9990073204040527, + 0.999007374048233, + 0.9990074038505554, + 0.999007523059845, + 0.999007540444533, + 0.9990076124668121, + 0.9990076422691345, + 0.9990077614784241, + 0.9990078806877136, + 0.999007910490036, + 0.9990079402923584, + 0.9990079998970032, + 0.9990081191062927, + 0.9990082383155823, + 0.9990082457661629, + 0.9990083575248718, + 0.9990083873271942, + 0.9990084767341614, + 0.9990084866682688, + 0.9990085959434509, + 0.9990086406469345, + 0.9990086952845255, + 0.9990087151527405, + 0.9990087449550629, + 0.9990087747573853, + 0.9990088045597076, + 0.9990088492631912, + 0.9990088641643524, + 0.9990088939666748, + 0.9990089237689972, + 0.9990090131759644, + 0.9990090243518353, + 0.9990090727806091, + 0.9990091191397773, + 0.9990091323852539, + 0.9990091472864151, + 0.9990092515945435, + 0.9990093410015106, + 0.999009370803833, + 0.9990094304084778, + 0.9990094602108002, + 0.9990094900131226, + 0.9990095049142838, + 0.999009519815445, + 0.9990095496177673, + 0.9990095794200897, + 0.9990096613764763, + 0.9990096986293793, + 0.9990097284317017, + 0.999009758234024, + 0.9990098476409912, + 0.9990098774433136, + 0.9990099668502808, + 0.9990099966526031, + 0.999010036389033, + 0.9990100562572479, + 0.9990100860595703, + 0.9990102052688599, + 0.9990102350711823, + 0.9990103244781494, + 0.9990104039510092, + 0.9990104138851166, + 0.999010443687439, + 0.9990105628967285, + 0.9990106523036957, + 0.9990106821060181, + 0.9990108013153076, + 0.99901083111763, + 0.9990108489990235, + 0.9990108609199524, + 0.9990109122461743, + 0.9990109205245972, + 0.9990110297997793, + 0.9990110397338867, + 0.9990111589431763, + 0.999011218547821, + 0.9990112781524658, + 0.9990113377571106, + 0.9990113774935404, + 0.9990113973617554, + 0.9990115165710449, + 0.9990115463733673, + 0.9990115761756897, + 0.9990116357803345, + 0.999011754989624, + 0.9990118741989136, + 0.9990119934082031, + 0.9990121126174927, + 0.9990121424198151, + 0.9990122318267822, + 0.9990123510360718, + 0.9990123584866524, + 0.9990124106407166, + 0.9990124404430389, + 0.9990124702453613, + 0.9990124851465225, + 0.9990125000476837, + 0.9990125182461231, + 0.9990125894546509, + 0.9990125969052315, + 0.9990126291910807, + 0.99901282787323, + 0.9990129172801971, + 0.9990129470825195, + 0.9990130662918091, + 0.999013121816374, + 0.9990131258964539, + 0.9990131855010986, + 0.999013215303421, + 0.9990133047103882, + 0.9990133281264987, + 0.9990133345127106, + 0.9990133792161942, + 0.9990133841832479, + 0.9990134239196777, + 0.9990135133266449, + 0.9990135431289673, + 0.9990136623382568, + 0.9990137070417404, + 0.9990137815475464, + 0.9990138610204061, + 0.9990139007568359, + 0.9990140000979105, + 0.999014139175415, + 0.9990141689777374, + 0.9990142186482748, + 0.9990142583847046, + 0.9990143775939941, + 0.9990144819021225, + 0.9990144968032837, + 0.9990146160125732, + 0.9990147252877554, + 0.99901472954523, + 0.9990147352218628, + 0.9990148544311523, + 0.9990148663520814, + 0.9990150928497314, + 0.9990151226520538, + 0.999015212059021, + 0.9990153312683105, + 0.9990153610706329, + 0.999015384250217, + 0.9990154504776001, + 0.9990154802799225, + 0.9990155100822449, + 0.9990155696868896, + 0.9990156590938568, + 0.9990156888961792, + 0.9990157186985016, + 0.9990158379077911, + 0.9990158528089523, + 0.9990159273147583, + 0.9990159471829733, + 0.9990159869194031, + 0.9990160465240479, + 0.9990161108035668, + 0.9990161508321762, + 0.9990161657333374, + 0.999016284942627, + 0.9990163445472717, + 0.9990163544813792, + 0.9990163743495941, + 0.9990164041519165, + 0.999016523361206, + 0.9990166127681732, + 0.9990166425704956, + 0.9990166624387106, + 0.9990167617797852, + 0.9990167915821075, + 0.9990168809890747, + 0.9990170001983643, + 0.9990170300006866, + 0.999017059803009, + 0.9990170896053314, + 0.9990171194076538, + 0.999017208814621, + 0.9990172386169434, + 0.9990173280239105, + 0.9990173578262329, + 0.9990174472332001, + 0.9990174770355225, + 0.999017596244812, + 0.9990177058984363, + 0.9990177154541016, + 0.9990177750587463, + 0.9990178048610687, + 0.9990178346633911, + 0.9990178545316061, + 0.9990178942680359, + 0.9990179538726807, + 0.9990180134773254, + 0.9990180730819702, + 0.999018132686615, + 0.9990181922912598, + 0.9990183115005493, + 0.9990183214346567, + 0.9990184307098389, + 0.9990184644148463, + 0.9990184903144836, + 0.9990185499191284, + 0.9990185839789254, + 0.9990186095237732, + 0.999018669128418, + 0.9990187486012777, + 0.9990187883377075, + 0.9990189075469971, + 0.9990190267562866, + 0.9990191360314687, + 0.9990191459655762, + 0.9990192651748657, + 0.9990193247795105, + 0.9990193843841553, + 0.9990194241205851, + 0.9990194439888, + 0.9990195035934448, + 0.9990196228027344, + 0.9990196526050568, + 0.9990197420120239, + 0.9990197618802389, + 0.9990197718143463, + 0.9990198612213135, + 0.9990198910236359, + 0.999019980430603, + 0.9990200102329254, + 0.9990200996398926, + 0.999020129442215, + 0.9990201354026794, + 0.9990202188491821, + 0.9990202486515045, + 0.9990203380584717, + 0.9990203579266866, + 0.9990204274654388, + 0.9990204572677612, + 0.9990204742976597, + 0.999020516872406, + 0.9990205764770508, + 0.9990206360816956, + 0.9990206412594728, + 0.9990206956863403, + 0.9990207850933075, + 0.9990208148956299, + 0.999020904302597, + 0.9990209341049194, + 0.9990209937095642, + 0.999021053314209, + 0.9990211725234985, + 0.9990212023258209, + 0.9990212917327881, + 0.9990213274955749, + 0.9990213289856911, + 0.9990214109420776, + 0.9990215301513672, + 0.9990215500195821, + 0.9990216096242269, + 0.9990216493606567, + 0.9990217685699463, + 0.9990217983722687, + 0.9990218877792358, + 0.9990219101309776, + 0.9990220069885254, + 0.9990220963954926, + 0.9990221261978149, + 0.9990221560001373, + 0.9990222454071045, + 0.9990222603082657, + 0.999022364616394, + 0.9990223944187164, + 0.9990224838256836, + 0.999022513628006, + 0.9990225831667582, + 0.999022588133812, + 0.9990226030349731, + 0.9990226328372955, + 0.9990227222442627, + 0.9990228116512299, + 0.9990228146314621, + 0.9990228414535522, + 0.9990228712558746, + 0.999022901058197, + 0.9990229606628418, + 0.9990230798721313, + 0.9990231394767761, + 0.9990231990814209, + 0.9990232884883881, + 0.9990233182907104, + 0.9990233719348908, + 0.9990234375, + 0.9990235076231115, + 0.9990235567092896, + 0.9990236386656761, + 0.9990236759185791, + 0.9990237951278687, + 0.9990239143371582, + 0.9990239441394806, + 0.9990240173209797, + 0.9990240186452866, + 0.9990240335464478, + 0.9990240712960562, + 0.9990240782499313, + 0.9990241395102607, + 0.9990241527557373, + 0.9990242719650269, + 0.9990243911743164, + 0.9990244513871719, + 0.999024510383606, + 0.9990246097246807, + 0.9990246295928955, + 0.9990247488021851, + 0.9990248680114746, + 0.9990249872207642, + 0.9990250468254089, + 0.9990250666936239, + 0.9990250706672669, + 0.9990251064300537, + 0.9990251511335373, + 0.9990251660346985, + 0.9990252256393433, + 0.9990253000177888, + 0.9990253448486328, + 0.9990254640579224, + 0.9990254938602448, + 0.9990255534648895, + 0.9990255832672119, + 0.9990257024765015, + 0.999025821685791, + 0.9990259408950806, + 0.9990260601043701, + 0.9990261793136597, + 0.9990262091159821, + 0.9990262389183044, + 0.9990262587865194, + 0.9990262985229492, + 0.999026358127594, + 0.9990264177322388, + 0.9990265170733134, + 0.9990265303187901, + 0.9990265369415283, + 0.999026609318597, + 0.9990266561508179, + 0.9990267157554626, + 0.9990267753601074, + 0.9990268150965372, + 0.999026894569397, + 0.9990269839763641, + 0.9990270137786865, + 0.9990270162622135, + 0.9990271329879761, + 0.999027152856191, + 0.9990271627902985, + 0.9990272521972656, + 0.9990273714065552, + 0.9990274012088776, + 0.9990274161100388, + 0.9990274906158447, + 0.9990275651216507, + 0.9990276098251343, + 0.9990277290344238, + 0.9990278482437134, + 0.9990278705954552, + 0.9990279674530029, + 0.9990280204349093, + 0.9990280667940775, + 0.9990280866622925, + 0.9990281462669373, + 0.9990281701087952, + 0.999028205871582, + 0.9990282356739044, + 0.9990283250808716, + 0.9990284244219462, + 0.9990284293889999, + 0.9990284442901611, + 0.9990285336971283, + 0.9990285634994507, + 0.9990286529064178, + 0.9990286827087402, + 0.999028742313385, + 0.9990288019180298, + 0.9990288615226746, + 0.9990289211273193, + 0.9990290403366089, + 0.9990291595458984, + 0.9990292125278049, + 0.999029278755188, + 0.9990293383598328, + 0.9990293979644775, + 0.9990295171737671, + 0.9990295767784119, + 0.9990296065807343, + 0.9990296363830566, + 0.9990297555923462, + 0.9990297605593998, + 0.9990298549334208, + 0.9990298748016357, + 0.9990299940109253, + 0.999030073483785, + 0.9990301132202148, + 0.999030202627182, + 0.9990302175283432, + 0.9990302324295044, + 0.999030351638794, + 0.9990303913752238, + 0.9990305006504059, + 0.999030590057373, + 0.9990306794643402, + 0.9990307092666626, + 0.999030739068985, + 0.9990307688713074, + 0.9990307837724686, + 0.9990308086077373, + 0.9990308284759521, + 0.9990308880805969, + 0.9990309476852417, + 0.9990310668945312, + 0.9990311115980148, + 0.9990311861038208, + 0.9990313053131104, + 0.9990314245223999, + 0.9990314841270447, + 0.9990315437316895, + 0.999031662940979, + 0.9990317821502686, + 0.9990318119525909, + 0.9990318864583969, + 0.9990319013595581, + 0.9990320205688477, + 0.99903205037117, + 0.9990321397781372, + 0.9990322291851044, + 0.9990322589874268, + 0.9990322887897491, + 0.9990322987238567, + 0.9990323185920715, + 0.9990323781967163, + 0.999032457669576, + 0.9990324676036835, + 0.9990324974060059, + 0.9990325603220198, + 0.9990326166152954, + 0.999032735824585, + 0.9990327527125676, + 0.9990327954292297, + 0.9990328252315521, + 0.9990328550338745, + 0.9990329444408417, + 0.9990329742431641, + 0.9990330040454865, + 0.9990330934524536, + 0.9990331530570984, + 0.9990332126617432, + 0.9990332275629044, + 0.9990333318710327, + 0.9990333517392477, + 0.9990334510803223, + 0.9990336894989014, + 0.9990338087081909, + 0.9990338385105133, + 0.9990339279174805, + 0.9990340173244476, + 0.99903404712677, + 0.9990341663360596, + 0.9990342855453491, + 0.9990343770315481, + 0.9990344047546387, + 0.9990344345569611, + 0.9990345239639282, + 0.9990346431732178, + 0.9990346729755402, + 0.9990347325801849, + 0.9990347623825073, + 0.9990348484781054, + 0.9990348815917969, + 0.9990349113941193, + 0.9990349233150482, + 0.9990350802739462, + 0.999035120010376, + 0.9990351855754852, + 0.9990352392196655, + 0.9990353435277939, + 0.9990353584289551, + 0.9990354478359222, + 0.9990354776382446, + 0.9990355372428894, + 0.9990355968475342, + 0.9990357160568237, + 0.9990358352661133, + 0.9990359346071879, + 0.9990359544754028, + 0.9990360736846924, + 0.9990361332893372, + 0.9990361928939819, + 0.9990363121032715, + 0.999036431312561, + 0.9990365505218506, + 0.9990366697311401, + 0.9990366995334625, + 0.9990367889404297, + 0.9990368088086446, + 0.9990368783473969, + 0.9990369081497192, + 0.9990369379520416, + 0.999036967754364, + 0.9990370074907938, + 0.9990370273590088, + 0.999037116765976, + 0.9990371465682983, + 0.9990371664365133, + 0.9990371730592517, + 0.9990372359752655, + 0.9990372657775879, + 0.9990373849868774, + 0.999037504196167, + 0.9990375339984894, + 0.9990375836690267, + 0.9990376234054565, + 0.9990377426147461, + 0.9990378320217133, + 0.9990378618240356, + 0.9990378767251968, + 0.999037891626358, + 0.9990379810333252, + 0.99903804063797, + 0.9990381002426147, + 0.999038138297888, + 0.9990381598472595, + 0.9990382194519043, + 0.9990383038918177, + 0.9990383386611938, + 0.9990383883317311, + 0.9990384578704834, + 0.999038577079773, + 0.9990386962890625, + 0.999038815498352, + 0.9990389347076416, + 0.9990390539169312, + 0.9990391532580057, + 0.9990391582250595, + 0.9990391731262207, + 0.9990392277638117, + 0.9990392923355103, + 0.999039351940155, + 0.9990393591649603, + 0.9990393767754236, + 0.9990394115447998, + 0.9990394413471222, + 0.9990394711494446, + 0.9990395903587341, + 0.9990397095680237, + 0.9990398287773132, + 0.9990399446752337, + 0.9990399479866028, + 0.9990399777889252, + 0.9990400075912476, + 0.99904003739357, + 0.9990400671958923, + 0.9990401737617723, + 0.9990401864051819, + 0.9990402460098267, + 0.999040275812149, + 0.9990403056144714, + 0.999040424823761, + 0.9990404478528283, + 0.9990404546260834, + 0.9990405142307281, + 0.9990405440330505, + 0.9990405738353729, + 0.9990406632423401, + 0.9990407526493073, + 0.9990407824516296, + 0.9990409016609192, + 0.9990410059690475, + 0.9990410208702087, + 0.9990411102771759, + 0.9990411400794983, + 0.9990411698818207, + 0.9990412145853043, + 0.9990412592887878, + 0.9990413089593252, + 0.9990413784980774, + 0.9990414381027222, + 0.9990414977073669, + 0.9990415275096893, + 0.9990415871143341, + 0.9990416169166565, + 0.999041736125946, + 0.9990417659282684, + 0.9990418553352356, + 0.9990419149398804, + 0.9990419745445251, + 0.9990420341491699, + 0.9990420937538147, + 0.9990421533584595, + 0.999042191288688, + 0.9990422129631042, + 0.9990423321723938, + 0.999042421579361, + 0.9990424513816833, + 0.9990425705909729, + 0.9990426898002625, + 0.9990427792072296, + 0.999042809009552, + 0.9990429282188416, + 0.9990429878234863, + 0.9990430176258087, + 0.9990430474281311, + 0.9990431070327759, + 0.9990431666374207, + 0.9990432262420654, + 0.9990432858467102, + 0.9990433057149252, + 0.9990433571594102, + 0.9990434050559998, + 0.9990435242652893, + 0.9990435838699341, + 0.9990436136722565, + 0.9990436434745789, + 0.9990436732769012, + 0.9990437626838684, + 0.9990437775850296, + 0.9990437924861908, + 0.9990438222885132, + 0.999043881893158, + 0.9990440011024475, + 0.9990440096173968, + 0.9990441203117371, + 0.9990441501140594, + 0.9990441799163818, + 0.9990442395210266, + 0.9990443587303162, + 0.9990444183349609, + 0.9990444481372833, + 0.9990444779396057, + 0.9990445077419281, + 0.9990445176760355, + 0.9990445971488953, + 0.9990446269512177, + 0.9990447163581848, + 0.999044731259346, + 0.9990448355674744, + 0.9990448653697968, + 0.9990449547767639, + 0.9990450143814087, + 0.9990450303863595, + 0.9990450441837311, + 0.9990450739860535, + 0.999045193195343, + 0.9990452527999878, + 0.9990453124046326, + 0.9990454316139221, + 0.9990454713503519, + 0.9990455183115873, + 0.9990455508232117, + 0.9990456203619639, + 0.9990456402301788, + 0.9990456700325012, + 0.9990456998348236, + 0.9990457892417908, + 0.9990458786487579, + 0.9990459084510803, + 0.9990460276603699, + 0.999046117067337, + 0.9990461468696594, + 0.9990461667378744, + 0.999046266078949, + 0.9990463058153788, + 0.9990463189662449, + 0.9990463852882385, + 0.9990465044975281, + 0.9990466097322833, + 0.9990466237068176, + 0.9990467230478922, + 0.9990467429161072, + 0.9990468621253967, + 0.9990469813346863, + 0.999047040939331, + 0.9990470707416534, + 0.9990471005439758, + 0.9990471374420893, + 0.999047189950943, + 0.9990472197532654, + 0.9990472868084908, + 0.9990473091602325, + 0.9990473389625549, + 0.9990474581718445, + 0.9990474879741669, + 0.9990475409560733, + 0.9990475694338481, + 0.999047577381134, + 0.9990476965904236, + 0.9990477127688272, + 0.9990478157997131, + 0.9990478456020355, + 0.9990478754043579, + 0.9990479350090027, + 0.9990480542182922, + 0.9990481649126325, + 0.9990481734275818, + 0.9990482843584484, + 0.9990482926368713, + 0.9990483820438385, + 0.9990484118461609, + 0.999048501253128, + 0.9990485310554504, + 0.9990485906600952, + 0.9990486204624176, + 0.99904865026474, + 0.9990487396717072, + 0.9990487496058146, + 0.9990487694740295, + 0.9990488035338265, + 0.9990488290786743, + 0.9990488886833191, + 0.9990489880243937, + 0.9990490078926086, + 0.9990490972995758, + 0.9990491271018982, + 0.9990492413441341, + 0.9990492463111877, + 0.9990492761135101, + 0.9990493059158325, + 0.9990493357181549, + 0.9990493655204773, + 0.9990494549274445, + 0.9990494847297668, + 0.9990495145320892, + 0.9990495443344116, + 0.9990496039390564, + 0.9990497020383675, + 0.999049723148346, + 0.9990497430165609, + 0.9990497529506683, + 0.9990497827529907, + 0.9990498423576355, + 0.9990499019622803, + 0.9990499317646027, + 0.999049961566925, + 0.9990500807762146, + 0.9990501701831818, + 0.9990501999855042, + 0.9990502552766549, + 0.9990503191947937, + 0.9990504384040833, + 0.9990504533052444, + 0.9990505145655738, + 0.9990505576133728, + 0.9990506023168564, + 0.9990506768226624, + 0.9990507662296295, + 0.9990507860978444, + 0.9990507960319519, + 0.9990509152412415, + 0.9990509450435638, + 0.9990509897470474, + 0.9990509986877442, + 0.999051034450531, + 0.999051054318746, + 0.9990511536598206, + 0.9990512728691101, + 0.9990513920783997, + 0.9990514516830444, + 0.9990515112876892, + 0.9990515311559042, + 0.9990515410900116, + 0.9990515559911728, + 0.9990515669186909, + 0.9990516304969788, + 0.9990517199039459, + 0.9990517497062683, + 0.9990517795085907, + 0.9990518689155579, + 0.9990518887837728, + 0.999051958322525, + 0.9990519881248474, + 0.999052107334137, + 0.9990521371364594, + 0.9990521669387817, + 0.9990522265434265, + 0.9990523457527161, + 0.9990524023771286, + 0.9990524649620056, + 0.9990525444348654, + 0.9990525756563459, + 0.9990525841712952, + 0.9990527033805847, + 0.9990528225898743, + 0.9990529417991638, + 0.9990529616673788, + 0.9990530610084534, + 0.9990531802177429, + 0.9990532100200653, + 0.9990532994270325, + 0.9990533888339996, + 0.999053418636322, + 0.9990535378456116, + 0.9990535974502563, + 0.9990536570549011, + 0.9990537592342922, + 0.9990537762641907, + 0.9990538358688354, + 0.9990538656711578, + 0.9990538954734802, + 0.9990540146827698, + 0.9990540415048599, + 0.9990541338920593, + 0.9990541934967041, + 0.999054217338562, + 0.9990542531013489, + 0.9990543723106384, + 0.999054491519928, + 0.9990546107292175, + 0.9990547299385071, + 0.9990548292795817, + 0.9990548491477966, + 0.9990549087524414, + 0.9990549683570862, + 0.9990549981594086, + 0.999055027961731, + 0.9990550577640533, + 0.9990550875663757, + 0.9990551406354236, + 0.9990551471710205, + 0.9990551769733429, + 0.9990552067756653, + 0.9990552961826324, + 0.9990553259849548, + 0.9990554451942444, + 0.9990554749965668, + 0.9990555644035339, + 0.9990555842717489, + 0.9990555942058563, + 0.9990556836128235, + 0.9990557630856832, + 0.999055802822113, + 0.9990558624267578, + 0.9990559220314026, + 0.9990559796492259, + 0.9990559816360474, + 0.9990560412406921, + 0.9990561008453369, + 0.9990561207135519, + 0.9990561604499817, + 0.9990561753511429, + 0.9990562796592712, + 0.9990562995274862, + 0.9990563690662384, + 0.9990563823117151, + 0.9990563889344534, + 0.9990563988685608, + 0.9990565180778503, + 0.9990566032273429, + 0.9990566372871399, + 0.9990567127863568, + 0.9990567564964294, + 0.999056875705719, + 0.9990569055080414, + 0.9990569949150085, + 0.9990570247173309, + 0.9990570545196533, + 0.9990571141242981, + 0.9990571192332677, + 0.9990572333335876, + 0.9990573525428772, + 0.9990574717521667, + 0.9990575909614563, + 0.9990577101707458, + 0.9990578293800354, + 0.9990578889846802, + 0.999057948589325, + 0.9990579605102539, + 0.9990580677986145, + 0.9990581274032593, + 0.999058187007904, + 0.9990582391619682, + 0.9990582466125488, + 0.9990582764148712, + 0.9990583062171936, + 0.9990583956241608, + 0.9990584254264832, + 0.9990584552288055, + 0.9990584850311279, + 0.9990585446357727, + 0.9990586638450623, + 0.9990586936473846, + 0.9990587830543518, + 0.9990588128566742, + 0.999058872461319, + 0.9990590214729309, + 0.9990590810775757, + 0.9990591406822205, + 0.99905925989151, + 0.999059334397316, + 0.9990593791007996, + 0.9990594983100891, + 0.9990596175193787, + 0.999059647321701, + 0.9990597069263458, + 0.9990597367286682, + 0.9990597665309906, + 0.9990598559379578, + 0.9990598618984222, + 0.9990599751472473, + 0.9990600943565369, + 0.9990601241588593, + 0.9990601340929667, + 0.9990602135658264, + 0.999060332775116, + 0.9990603923797607, + 0.9990604519844055, + 0.9990604619185129, + 0.9990605711936951, + 0.9990606904029846, + 0.999060720205307, + 0.9990607698758444, + 0.9990608096122742, + 0.9990610480308533, + 0.9990610778331757, + 0.999061107635498, + 0.9990611672401428, + 0.9990612745285034, + 0.9990612864494324, + 0.9990613679091136, + 0.9990614056587219, + 0.9990615248680115, + 0.999061644077301, + 0.999061663945516, + 0.9990617036819458, + 0.9990617632865906, + 0.9990618427594503, + 0.9990618824958801, + 0.9990620017051697, + 0.9990621209144592, + 0.9990621630285605, + 0.999062180519104, + 0.9990622018064771, + 0.9990622401237488, + 0.9990623295307159, + 0.9990623593330383, + 0.9990624785423279, + 0.9990625723644538, + 0.9990625977516174, + 0.9990626573562622, + 0.999062716960907, + 0.9990627616643906, + 0.999062791466713, + 0.9990628063678741, + 0.9990628361701965, + 0.9990629255771637, + 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0.9990660548210144, + 0.9990660945574442, + 0.999066174030304, + 0.9990662038326263, + 0.9990662253565259, + 0.9990662634372711, + 0.9990662932395935, + 0.9990664124488831, + 0.9990665316581726, + 0.9990666508674622, + 0.9990667700767517, + 0.9990668445825577, + 0.9990668694178263, + 0.9990668892860413, + 0.9990670084953308, + 0.9990670382976532, + 0.9990671277046204, + 0.9990671575069427, + 0.9990671798586845, + 0.9990672171115875, + 0.9990672469139099, + 0.9990673661231995, + 0.999067485332489, + 0.9990676045417786, + 0.9990677237510681, + 0.9990678131580353, + 0.9990678429603577, + 0.9990679621696472, + 0.9990679919719696, + 0.999068021774292, + 0.9990680813789368, + 0.9990681211153666, + 0.9990681856870651, + 0.9990682005882263, + 0.9990682303905487, + 0.9990682601928711, + 0.9990683197975159, + 0.9990684390068054, + 0.999068558216095, + 0.9990685979525248, + 0.9990686774253845, + 0.9990687966346741, + 0.9990689009428024, + 0.9990689158439636, + 0.999068945646286, + 0.9990689555803934, + 0.9990690240153559, + 0.9990690350532532, + 0.9990690435682025, + 0.9990691045920054, + 0.9990691542625427, + 0.9990692734718323, + 0.9990693032741547, + 0.9990693271160126, + 0.9990693728129069, + 0.9990693926811218, + 0.9990694125493368, + 0.9990694522857666, + 0.9990695118904114, + 0.9990695714950562, + 0.9990696310997009, + 0.9990697105725607, + 0.9990697205066681, + 0.9990697503089905, + 0.9990698337554932, + 0.99906986951828, + 0.9990699887275696, + 0.9990700880686442, + 0.9990701079368591, + 0.9990701178709666, + 0.9990701526403427, + 0.9990701973438263, + 0.9990702271461487, + 0.9990703463554382, + 0.9990704357624054, + 0.9990704655647278, + 0.9990705410639444, + 0.9990705727384641, + 0.9990705847740173, + 0.9990706443786621, + 0.9990706741809845, + 0.9990707039833069, + 0.9990707635879517, + 0.9990708231925964, + 0.9990708827972412, + 0.9990710020065308, + 0.9990710765123367, + 0.9990711212158203, + 0.9990711410840353, + 0.9990711510181427, + 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0.9990736544132233, + 0.9990736643473307, + 0.999073714017868, + 0.9990737438201904, + 0.9990737736225128, + 0.9990738034248352, + 0.99907386302948, + 0.9990739524364471, + 0.9990739822387695, + 0.9990740716457367, + 0.9990741014480591, + 0.9990741411844889, + 0.9990742206573486, + 0.9990742405255636, + 0.9990742802619934, + 0.9990742951631546, + 0.9990743398666382, + 0.9990743498007456, + 0.9990744292736053, + 0.9990744590759277, + 0.9990744789441427, + 0.9990744888782501, + 0.9990745385487874, + 0.9990745484828949, + 0.9990745782852173, + 0.9990746676921844, + 0.9990746974945068, + 0.9990747372309366, + 0.999074786901474, + 0.9990748167037964, + 0.9990749359130859, + 0.9990750551223755, + 0.9990750948588053, + 0.999075174331665, + 0.9990752637386322, + 0.9990752935409546, + 0.9990753829479218, + 0.9990753950107665, + 0.9990754127502441, + 0.9990755319595337, + 0.9990755617618561, + 0.9990756213665009, + 0.9990756511688232, + 0.9990757703781128, + 0.9990758895874023, + 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0.9990958869457245, + 0.9990959092974663, + 0.9990959167480469, + 0.9990959366162618, + 0.9990960359573364, + 0.9990960625988065, + 0.9990961114565531, + 0.9990961154301962, + 0.999096155166626, + 0.9990962488310677, + 0.9990962743759155, + 0.9990963041782379, + 0.9990963935852051, + 0.9990965127944946, + 0.999096542596817, + 0.9990966320037842, + 0.9990967512130737, + 0.9990968406200409, + 0.9990968704223633, + 0.9990969896316528, + 0.9990970492362976, + 0.9990971088409424, + 0.9990971982479095, + 0.9990972280502319, + 0.9990973472595215, + 0.9990973621606827, + 0.9990974217653275, + 0.999097466468811, + 0.9990975707769394, + 0.9990975856781006, + 0.9990976572036743, + 0.9990977048873901, + 0.9990977644920349, + 0.9990978240966797, + 0.9990979433059692, + 0.999098002910614, + 0.9990980625152588, + 0.9990981221199036, + 0.999098173209599, + 0.9990981817245483, + 0.9990982413291931, + 0.9990983009338379, + 0.9990983307361603, + 0.9990983605384827, + 0.999098390340805, + 0.9990984201431274, + 0.999098539352417, + 0.9990985989570618, + 0.9990986585617065, + 0.9990987181663513, + 0.9990987777709961, + 0.9990988671779633, + 0.9990988969802856, + 0.9990989565849304, + 0.9990990161895752, + 0.9990990360577902, + 0.9990990459918976, + 0.99909907579422, + 0.9990990956624349, + 0.9990991353988647, + 0.9990991652011871, + 0.9990991950035095, + 0.9990992546081543, + 0.9990993440151215, + 0.9990993738174438, + 0.999099388718605, + 0.9990994930267334, + 0.9990995526313782, + 0.999099612236023, + 0.9990996420383453, + 0.9990996619065602, + 0.9990996718406677, + 0.9990997314453125, + 0.999099850654602, + 0.9990998804569244, + 0.9990999499956766, + 0.9990999698638916, + 0.9991000294685364, + 0.9991000443696976, + 0.9991000890731812, + 0.999100128809611, + 0.9991001933813095, + 0.9991002082824707, + 0.9991002678871155, + 0.9991003274917603, + 0.9991003804736667, + 0.9991004467010498, + 0.9991005539894103, + 0.9991005659103394, + 0.9991006255149841, + 0.9991006553173065, + 0.9991006851196289, + 0.9991007248560587, + 0.9991007447242737, + 0.9991008043289185, + 0.9991008341312408, + 0.9991008639335632, + 0.9991008788347244, + 0.999100923538208, + 0.9991009930769603, + 0.9991010427474976, + 0.9991010501980782, + 0.99910107254982, + 0.9991011619567871, + 0.9991012811660767, + 0.9991013606389364, + 0.9991014003753662, + 0.999101459980011, + 0.9991015195846558, + 0.9991016387939453, + 0.9991016536951065, + 0.9991016719076368, + 0.9991016785303751, + 0.9991017580032349, + 0.9991018436849117, + 0.9991018772125244, + 0.9991019070148468, + 0.9991019517183304, + 0.999101996421814, + 0.9991021156311035, + 0.9991021633148194, + 0.9991022348403931, + 0.9991023540496826, + 0.9991024732589722, + 0.9991025924682617, + 0.9991026222705841, + 0.9991026897819675, + 0.9991027116775513, + 0.9991027514139811, + 0.9991028308868408, + 0.9991028606891632, + 0.9991029500961304, + 0.9991030693054199, + 0.9991031885147095, + 0.999103307723999, + 0.9991033375263214, + 0.9991033673286438, + 0.999103456735611, + 0.999103482812643, + 0.9991034865379333, + 0.9991036057472229, + 0.9991036355495453, + 0.9991037050882975, + 0.9991037249565125, + 0.9991037547588348, + 0.999103844165802, + 0.9991039335727692, + 0.9991039633750916, + 0.9991039865546757, + 0.9991040461593205, + 0.9991040527820587, + 0.9991040825843811, + 0.9991041123867035, + 0.9991041819254557, + 0.9991042017936707, + 0.999104231595993, + 0.9991042912006378, + 0.9991043210029602, + 0.9991044402122498, + 0.9991045296192169, + 0.9991045594215393, + 0.9991045892238617, + 0.9991046786308289, + 0.9991047167115742, + 0.9991047978401184, + 0.9991048773129781, + 0.999104917049408, + 0.9991049468517303, + 0.9991050064563751, + 0.9991050362586975, + 0.9991051256656647, + 0.9991051554679871, + 0.9991052448749542, + 0.9991052746772766, + 0.9991053342819214, + 0.9991053938865662, + 0.999105433622996, + 0.9991054932276408, + 0.9991055130958557, + 0.9991055329640707, + 0.9991055428981781, + 0.9991056025028229, + 0.9991056323051453, + 0.9991057217121124, + 0.9991057515144348, + 0.9991058111190796, + 0.9991058707237244, + 0.999105970064799, + 0.9991059899330139, + 0.9991060793399811, + 0.9991061091423035, + 0.9991061389446259, + 0.9991061654355792, + 0.9991061687469482, + 0.9991061836481094, + 0.999106228351593, + 0.999106248219808, + 0.9991062879562378, + 0.9991063177585602, + 0.9991063475608826, + 0.999106377363205, + 0.9991064469019573, + 0.9991064667701721, + 0.9991065594885084, + 0.9991065859794617, + 0.9991066753864288, + 0.9991067051887512, + 0.9991068243980408, + 0.9991069436073303, + 0.9991070330142975, + 0.9991070628166199, + 0.99910711816379, + 0.9991071224212646, + 0.9991071373224258, + 0.9991071820259094, + 0.999107301235199, + 0.9991073459386826, + 0.9991074204444885, + 0.9991074502468109, + 0.9991075396537781, + 0.9991075992584229, + 0.9991076290607452, + 0.9991076588630676, + 0.9991077572107315, + 0.9991077780723572, + 0.9991078674793243, + 0.9991078972816467, + 0.9991080164909363, + 0.9991081357002258, + 0.999108225107193, + 0.9991082549095154, + 0.9991082847118378, + 0.9991083741188049, + 0.9991084933280945, + 0.9991087168455124, + 0.9991087317466736, + 0.9991087516148885, + 0.9991088509559631, + 0.9991088708241781, + 0.9991088807582855, + 0.9991089701652527, + 0.9991089999675751, + 0.9991090893745422, + 0.9991091191768646, + 0.9991092085838318, + 0.9991092152065701, + 0.999109297990799, + 0.9991093277931213, + 0.9991093575954437, + 0.9991094470024109, + 0.9991094917058945, + 0.9991095662117004, + 0.9991096735000611, + 0.99910968542099, + 0.9991097450256348, + 0.9991098046302795, + 0.9991098344326019, + 0.9991098940372467, + 0.9991099238395691, + 0.9991099536418915, + 0.9991099834442139, + 0.9991100430488586, + 0.9991101200381914, + 0.9991101622581482, + 0.9991102516651154, + 0.9991102814674377, + 0.9991103261709213, + 0.9991104006767273, + 0.9991104304790497, + 0.999110452334086, + 0.9991105198860168, + 0.9991105300228611, + 0.9991106390953064, + 0.9991106688976288, + 0.9991107185681661, + 0.9991107285022736, + 0.999110758304596, + 0.9991108179092407, + 0.9991108377774557, + 0.9991108775138855, + 0.9991109669208527, + 0.999110996723175, + 0.9991110265254974, + 0.9991111159324646, + 0.9991111954053243, + 0.9991112053394318, + 0.9991112351417542, + 0.9991113543510437, + 0.9991113742192587, + 0.9991113841533661, + 0.9991114437580109, + 0.9991114536921183, + 0.9991114735603333, + 0.9991114862037428, + 0.9991115033626556, + 0.9991115927696228, + 0.9991117119789124, + 0.9991118311882019, + 0.9991119503974915, + 0.999112069606781, + 0.9991121292114258, + 0.9991121888160706, + 0.9991123080253601, + 0.9991123378276825, + 0.9991124272346497, + 0.9991124471028646, + 0.9991125265757242, + 0.9991125464439392, + 0.9991126656532288, + 0.9991126954555511, + 0.9991127252578735, + 0.9991127550601959, + 0.9991127848625183, + 0.9991128842035929, + 0.9991129040718079, + 0.9991130232810974, + 0.9991130828857422, + 0.999113142490387, + 0.9991132020950317, + 0.9991132616996765, + 0.9991132915019989, + 0.9991133809089661, + 0.9991135001182556, + 0.9991136193275452, + 0.9991136491298676, + 0.9991137385368347, + 0.9991138577461243, + 0.999113917350769, + 0.9991139769554138, + 0.9991140961647034, + 0.9991141855716705, + 0.9991142153739929, + 0.9991143345832825, + 0.999114453792572, + 0.9991144835948944, + 0.9991144921098436, + 0.9991145730018616, + 0.9991146922111511, + 0.9991147518157959, + 0.9991147716840109, + 0.9991147948635949, + 0.9991148114204407, + 0.9991149107615153, + 0.9991149306297302, + 0.9991150498390198, + 0.9991151066053482, + 0.9991151690483093, + 0.9991151988506317, + 0.9991152882575989, + 0.9991154074668884, + 0.9991154670715332, + 0.999115526676178, + 0.9991156458854675, + 0.9991156756877899, + 0.9991157650947571, + 0.9991158445676168, + 0.9991158843040466, + 0.9991159041722616, + 0.9991159439086914, + 0.9991159976873183, + 0.9991160035133362, + 0.9991161227226257, + 0.9991161779121116, + 0.9991161823272705, + 0.9991162419319153, + 0.9991163611412048, + 0.9991163909435272, + 0.9991164803504944, + 0.9991165995597839, + 0.9991166889667511, + 0.9991167187690735, + 0.9991167783737183, + 0.9991168230772018, + 0.999116837978363, + 0.9991169571876526, + 0.9991170167922974, + 0.9991170465946198, + 0.9991170763969421, + 0.9991171956062317, + 0.9991172949473063, + 0.9991173148155212, + 0.9991173346837362, + 0.9991174042224884, + 0.9991174340248108, + 0.9991175002521939, + 0.999117523431778, + 0.9991175532341003, + 0.9991176724433899, + 0.9991177022457123, + 0.9991177916526794, + 0.9991178810596466, + 0.999117910861969, + 0.9991180300712585, + 0.9991180598735809, + 0.9991181194782257, + 0.9991181492805481, + 0.9991182684898376, + 0.9991183876991272, + 0.9991185069084167, + 0.9991185367107391, + 0.9991185863812764, + 0.9991186261177063, + 0.9991186559200287, + 0.9991187155246735, + 0.9991187453269958, + 0.9991187900304794, + 0.9991188446680704, + 0.9991188496351242, + 0.9991188645362854, + 0.9991189017891884, + 0.9991189241409302, + 0.999118983745575, + 0.9991190731525421, + 0.9991191029548645, + 0.999119222164154, + 0.9991193413734436, + 0.9991194009780884, + 0.9991194605827332, + 0.9991194903850555, + 0.9991195062175393, + 0.9991195797920227, + 0.9991196990013123, + 0.9991197536389033, + 0.999119758605957, + 0.9991197884082794, + 0.9991198182106018, + 0.9991198778152466, + 0.9991198883337133, + 0.9991199374198914, + 0.9991199970245361, + 0.9991200566291809, + 0.9991201162338257, + 0.9991201460361481, + 0.9991201758384705, + 0.9991202056407928, + 0.99912029504776, + 0.9991204142570496, + 0.9991204589605331, + 0.9991205334663391, + 0.9991205930709839, + 0.9991206526756287, + 0.9991207718849182, + 0.9991208761930466, + 0.9991208910942078, + 0.9991210103034973, + 0.9991211295127869, + 0.9991212487220764, + 0.9991213083267212, + 0.9991213253566197, + 0.9991213321685791, + 0.9991213369369507, + 0.9991213381290436, + 0.999121367931366, + 0.9991214176019033, + 0.9991214573383331, + 0.9991214871406555, + 0.9991215467453003, + 0.9991215914487839, + 0.9991216063499451, + 0.9991217255592346, + 0.9991217851638794, + 0.9991218447685242, + 0.9991218745708466, + 0.9991219639778137, + 0.9991220831871033, + 0.9991222023963928, + 0.9991223216056824, + 0.9991223514080048, + 0.999122420946757, + 0.9991224408149719, + 0.9991225387368884, + 0.9991225600242615, + 0.999122679233551, + 0.9991227984428406, + 0.9991228050655789, + 0.999122828245163, + 0.9991229176521301, + 0.9991230368614197, + 0.999123141169548, + 0.9991231560707092, + 0.9991232752799988, + 0.9991233348846436, + 0.9991233944892883, + 0.9991234838962555, + 0.9991235136985779, + 0.9991236180067062, + 0.9991236329078674, + 0.9991236527760824, + 0.999123732248942, + 0.999123752117157, + 0.9991238117218018, + 0.9991238713264465, + 0.999123889952898, + 0.9991239190101624, + 0.9991239507993063, + 0.9991239706675211, + 0.9991239756345749, + 0.9991239905357361, + 0.9991240203380585, + 0.9991240620613098, + 0.9991241097450256, + 0.9991242289543152, + 0.9991243481636047, + 0.9991243903914457, + 0.9991244028011959, + 0.9991244673728943, + 0.9991245865821838, + 0.9991246461868286, + 0.9991247057914734, + 0.9991248250007629, + 0.9991248846054077, + 0.9991249044736227, + 0.9991249442100525, + 0.999125063419342, + 0.9991250932216644, + 0.9991251826286316, + 0.999125212430954, + 0.9991252422332764, + 0.9991252720355988, + 0.9991253018379211, + 0.9991254210472107, + 0.9991254508495331, + 0.9991255104541779, + 0.9991255402565002, + 0.999125599861145, + 0.9991256594657898, + 0.9991256892681122, + 0.9991257786750793, + 0.9991258184115092, + 0.9991258978843689, + 0.9991259276866913, + 0.9991260170936584, + 0.999126136302948, + 0.9991262555122375, + 0.9991263449192047, + 0.9991263747215271, + 0.9991264939308167, + 0.999126523733139, + 0.9991266131401062, + 0.99912663936615, + 0.999126672744751, + 0.9991267323493958, + 0.9991268515586853, + 0.9991269707679749, + 0.9991270105044047, + 0.999127060174942, + 0.9991270899772644, + 0.999127209186554, + 0.9991273283958435, + 0.9991273432970047, + 0.9991273880004883, + 0.9991274476051331, + 0.9991275668144226, + 0.9991276115179062, + 0.9991276264190674, + 0.9991276860237122, + 0.9991277853647867, + 0.9991278052330017, + 0.9991279244422913, + 0.9991279542446136, + 0.9991279691457748, + 0.999127984046936, + 0.9991280436515808, + 0.9991281032562256, + 0.9991281628608704, + 0.9991282820701599, + 0.9991284012794495, + 0.999128520488739, + 0.9991285540163517, + 0.9991286382808414, + 0.9991286396980286, + 0.9991286893685659, + 0.9991287589073181, + 0.9991288781166077, + 0.9991289675235748, + 0.9991289973258972, + 0.9991291165351868, + 0.9991291880607605, + 0.9991292357444763, + 0.9991293126209215, + 0.9991293549537659, + 0.9991294741630554, + 0.999129593372345, + 0.9991297125816345, + 0.9991297324498494, + 0.9991297423839569, + 0.9991298317909241, + 0.9991298615932465, + 0.9991299510002136, + 0.9991300702095032, + 0.9991301000118256, + 0.999130129814148, + 0.9991301894187927, + 0.9991303086280823, + 0.9991304039955139, + 0.9991304278373718, + 0.9991304874420166, + 0.999130517244339, + 0.9991305470466614, + 0.9991306066513062, + 0.9991306588053703, + 0.9991306662559509, + 0.9991307258605957, + 0.9991307556629181, + 0.9991307854652405, + 0.9991308053334554, + 0.9991308798392614, + 0.99913090467453, + 0.9991309344768524, + 0.9991309642791748, + 0.9991310238838196, + 0.9991310983896255, + 0.9991311132907867, + 0.9991311430931091, + 0.999131145576636, + 0.9991312623023987, + 0.9991312734782696, + 0.9991313517093658, + 0.9991313815116882, + 0.999131441116333, + 0.9991314689318338, + 0.9991315007209778, + 0.9991315305233002, + 0.9991315603256226, + 0.999131578207016, + 0.9991316199302673, + 0.9991316497325897, + 0.9991317391395569, + 0.9991318583488464, + 0.9991318980852762, + 0.999131977558136, + 0.9991320967674255, + 0.9991322159767151, + 0.9991323351860046, + 0.9991324345270792, + 0.9991324543952942, + 0.9991325272454156, + 0.9991325736045837, + 0.9991326133410136, + 0.9991326265864902, + 0.9991326928138733, + 0.9991327226161957, + 0.9991327822208405, + 0.9991328120231628, + 0.9991328418254852, + 0.9991328597068787, + 0.9991328914960226, + 0.9991329312324524, + 0.9991329610347748, + 0.9991330504417419, + 0.9991331270762852, + 0.9991331299146017, + 0.9991331696510315, + 0.9991331920027733, + 0.999133288860321, + 0.9991333484649658, + 0.9991333782672882, + 0.9991334080696106, + 0.9991335272789001, + 0.99913356701533, + 0.9991336365540823, + 0.9991336464881897, + 0.9991337656974792, + 0.9991338551044464, + 0.9991338849067688, + 0.9991339445114136, + 0.9991340041160583, + 0.9991340065995853, + 0.9991341233253479, + 0.9991342127323151, + 0.9991342425346375, + 0.9991343021392822, + 0.999134361743927, + 0.9991344213485718, + 0.9991344298635211, + 0.9991344511508942, + 0.9991344809532166, + 0.9991345405578613, + 0.9991346001625061, + 0.9991347193717957, + 0.9991348087787628, + 0.9991348385810852, + 0.9991349180539449, + 0.9991349577903748, + 0.9991350769996643, + 0.9991351084576712, + 0.9991351366043091, + 0.9991351962089539, + 0.999135285615921, + 0.9991353154182434, + 0.999135434627533, + 0.9991354842980703, + 0.9991355538368225, + 0.9991355836391449, + 0.9991356134414673, + 0.9991356432437897, + 0.9991356730461121, + 0.9991357922554016, + 0.9991358816623688, + 0.9991359114646912, + 0.9991359412670135, + 0.9991360306739807, + 0.9991360604763031, + 0.9991361498832703, + 0.9991361796855927, + 0.9991362591584524, + 0.9991362690925598, + 0.9991363883018494, + 0.9991364479064941, + 0.9991365075111389, + 0.9991366267204285, + 0.999136745929718, + 0.9991368254025778, + 0.9991368651390076, + 0.9991368969281513, + 0.9991369843482971, + 0.9991371035575867, + 0.9991371333599091, + 0.9991371631622314, + 0.9991372227668762, + 0.9991372525691986, + 0.999137282371521, + 0.9991373121738434, + 0.9991374015808105, + 0.9991374909877777, + 0.9991375207901001, + 0.9991376399993896, + 0.999137669801712, + 0.9991377592086792, + 0.9991377890110016, + 0.9991378784179688, + 0.9991378865458749, + 0.9991379082202911, + 0.9991379678249359, + 0.9991379777590433, + 0.9991379976272583, + 0.9991380870342255, + 0.9991380989551544, + 0.9991381168365479, + 0.9991381466388702, + 0.999138206243515, + 0.9991382360458374, + 0.9991382956504822, + 0.999138355255127, + 0.9991384744644165, + 0.9991385340690613, + 0.999138593673706, + 0.9991386234760284, + 0.9991387128829956, + 0.9991388320922852, + 0.9991389214992523, + 0.9991389513015747, + 0.9991390705108643, + 0.9991391152143478, + 0.9991391897201538, + 0.9991392195224762, + 0.9991392413775126, + 0.9991392471172191, + 0.9991392493247986, + 0.9991393089294434, + 0.9991393387317657, + 0.9991394132375717, + 0.9991394281387329, + 0.9991395473480225, + 0.9991396367549896, + 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0.9991470774014791, + 0.9991470873355865, + 0.9991471171379089, + 0.9991471767425537, + 0.9991472037065596, + 0.9991472363471985, + 0.9991472959518433, + 0.9991473257541656, + 0.9991474151611328, + 0.9991474747657776, + 0.9991475343704224, + 0.9991476535797119, + 0.9991477131843567, + 0.9991477727890015, + 0.999147891998291, + 0.9991480074822903, + 0.9991480112075806, + 0.9991481006145477, + 0.9991481304168701, + 0.9991481602191925, + 0.9991481900215149, + 0.9991482198238373, + 0.9991482496261597, + 0.9991483688354492, + 0.999148380977136, + 0.9991484880447388, + 0.9991485476493835, + 0.9991485881805421, + 0.9991486072540283, + 0.9991487264633179, + 0.9991488258043925, + 0.9991488456726074, + 0.999148964881897, + 0.9991490244865417, + 0.9991490840911865, + 0.9991492033004761, + 0.999149223168691, + 0.9991492629051208, + 0.9991493225097656, + 0.9991494119167328, + 0.9991494417190552, + 0.9991495311260223, + 0.9991495609283447, + 0.9991496503353119, + 0.9991496801376343, + 0.9991497562991247, + 0.9991497993469238, + 0.9991498589515686, + 0.9991498947143554, + 0.9991499185562134, + 0.9991499483585358, + 0.9991500377655029, + 0.9991501569747925, + 0.9991502165794373, + 0.9991502612829208, + 0.999150276184082, + 0.999150296052297, + 0.9991503655910492, + 0.9991503953933716, + 0.9991505146026611, + 0.9991506338119507, + 0.9991507232189178, + 0.9991507530212402, + 0.9991508225599924, + 0.9991508722305298, + 0.9991509914398193, + 0.9991510510444641, + 0.9991510775354173, + 0.9991511007150015, + 0.9991511106491089, + 0.9991511702537537, + 0.9991512298583984, + 0.9991512397925059, + 0.9991512497266134, + 0.9991512596607208, + 0.999151349067688, + 0.9991514086723328, + 0.999151423573494, + 0.9991514682769775, + 0.9991514757275581, + 0.999151573939757, + 0.9991515874862671, + 0.9991516172885895, + 0.9991517066955566, + 0.9991517265637716, + 0.9991517961025238, + 0.9991518259048462, + 0.999151885509491, + 0.9991519153118134, + 0.9991519451141357, + 0.9991519927978516, + 0.9991520047187805, + 0.9991520643234253, + 0.9991521040598551, + 0.9991521090269089, + 0.9991521835327148, + 0.9991523027420044, + 0.999152421951294, + 0.9991525411605835, + 0.999152552539652, + 0.9991525610287985, + 0.9991526156663895, + 0.999152660369873, + 0.9991527398427328, + 0.9991527464654711, + 0.9991527497768402, + 0.9991527795791626, + 0.999152809381485, + 0.9991528242826462, + 0.9991528987884521, + 0.9991529285907745, + 0.9991529583930969, + 0.999152986066682, + 0.9991530179977417, + 0.9991531372070312, + 0.9991531670093536, + 0.999153196811676, + 0.9991532564163208, + 0.9991532762845358, + 0.9991532966494561, + 0.9991533160209656, + 0.9991533756256104, + 0.9991534352302551, + 0.9991534948348999, + 0.9991535203797477, + 0.9991536140441895, + 0.9991536537806193, + 0.999153733253479, + 0.9991537630558014, + 0.9991537928581238, + 0.9991538524627686, + 0.9991538977622986, + 0.9991539418697357, + 0.9991539716720581, + 0.9991540312767029, + 0.9991540908813477, + 0.99915412068367, + 0.9991541504859924, + 0.9991541703542074, + 0.9991542100906372, + 0.9991543292999268, + 0.9991543690363566, + 0.9991543889045715, + 0.9991544485092163, + 0.9991545677185059, + 0.9991546869277954, + 0.999154806137085, + 0.9991548359394073, + 0.9991549253463745, + 0.9991549551486969, + 0.9991549849510193, + 0.9991550445556641, + 0.9991551637649536, + 0.999155193567276, + 0.9991552829742432, + 0.999155305325985, + 0.9991553276777267, + 0.9991553723812103, + 0.9991554021835327, + 0.9991555213928223, + 0.999155580997467, + 0.9991556107997894, + 0.9991556406021118, + 0.9991557598114014, + 0.9991558611392974, + 0.9991558790206909, + 0.9991559535264969, + 0.9991559982299805, + 0.99915611743927, + 0.9991562366485596, + 0.9991563558578491, + 0.9991563856601715, + 0.9991564601659775, + 0.9991564750671387, + 0.9991565197706223, + 0.9991565942764282, + 0.9991567134857178, + 0.9991567730903625, + 0.9991568326950073, + 0.9991568475961685, + 0.9991568624973297, + 0.9991569519042969, + 0.9991570115089417, + 0.9991570711135864, + 0.9991571307182312, + 0.999157190322876, + 0.9991572598616283, + 0.9991572797298431, + 0.9991573095321655, + 0.9991573393344879, + 0.9991574138402939, + 0.9991574287414551, + 0.9991574883460999, + 0.9991575479507446, + 0.9991576373577118, + 0.9991576492786407, + 0.9991576671600342, + 0.9991576969623566, + 0.999157702922821, + 0.9991577515999476, + 0.9991577863693237, + 0.9991578757762909, + 0.9991579055786133, + 0.9991580247879028, + 0.9991581439971924, + 0.9991582036018372, + 0.9991582632064819, + 0.9991583228111267, + 0.9991583824157715, + 0.9991583973169327, + 0.9991584122180939, + 0.999158501625061, + 0.9991586009661356, + 0.9991586208343506, + 0.9991586804389954, + 0.9991587400436401, + 0.9991588294506073, + 0.9991588443517685, + 0.9991588592529297, + 0.9991589784622192, + 0.9991589983304342, + 0.9991590976715088, + 0.9991592168807983, + 0.9991592764854431, + 0.9991593360900879, + 0.9991593658924103, + 0.9991594552993774, + 0.999159574508667, + 0.9991596738497416, + 0.9991596937179565, + 0.9991597235202789, + 0.9991597533226013, + 0.9991598129272461, + 0.9991598427295685, + 0.9991599023342133, + 0.9991600513458252, + 0.9991601034998894, + 0.9991601288318634, + 0.9991601705551147, + 0.9991602897644043, + 0.9991604040066401, + 0.9991604089736938, + 0.9991605281829834, + 0.999160647392273, + 0.9991606519772456, + 0.9991607069969177, + 0.9991607218980789, + 0.9991607367992401, + 0.9991607467333475, + 0.9991607666015625, + 0.999160885810852, + 0.9991608990563287, + 0.9991609305143356, + 0.9991610050201416, + 0.999161034822464, + 0.9991611242294312, + 0.9991611838340759, + 0.9991612434387207, + 0.9991612881422043, + 0.9991613626480103, + 0.999161422252655, + 0.9991614818572998, + 0.9991615414619446, + 0.9991615613301595, + 0.9991616010665894, + 0.9991617202758789, + 0.9991617262363434, + 0.9991618394851685, + 0.9991618792215983, + 0.999161958694458, + 0.9991620033979416, + 0.9991620182991028, + 0.9991620779037476, + 0.9991620853543282, + 0.9991621673107147, + 0.9991621772448221, + 0.9991621971130371, + 0.9991623163223267, + 0.9991623295678033, + 0.9991624355316162, + 0.999162495136261, + 0.9991625547409058, + 0.9991625845432281, + 0.9991626540819804, + 0.9991626739501953, + 0.999162757396698, + 0.9991627931594849, + 0.9991627990115773, + 0.9991628527641296, + 0.999162869056066, + 0.9991629123687744, + 0.9991629223028818, + 0.999163031578064, + 0.9991630514462789, + 0.9991630812486013, + 0.9991631507873535, + 0.9991632327437401, + 0.9991632699966431, + 0.9991633892059326, + 0.9991634488105774, + 0.9991634860634804, + 0.9991635084152222, + 0.999163548151652, + 0.9991636276245117, + 0.999163636139461, + 0.9991636375586191, + 0.9991636872291565, + 0.9991637468338013, + 0.9991638031270769, + 0.9991638660430908, + 0.9991639852523804, + 0.9991640216774411, + 0.9991640704018729, + 0.9991641044616699, + 0.9991642236709595, + 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0.99916672706604, + 0.9991668462753296, + 0.9991669654846191, + 0.999167005221049, + 0.9991670548915863, + 0.9991670846939087, + 0.9991671144962311, + 0.9991672039031982, + 0.999167263507843, + 0.9991673231124878, + 0.999167412519455, + 0.9991674423217773, + 0.9991675615310669, + 0.9991675813992819, + 0.9991676807403564, + 0.9991677045822144, + 0.9991677105426788, + 0.999167799949646, + 0.9991679191589355, + 0.9991679787635803, + 0.9991680383682251, + 0.9991680681705475, + 0.9991680781046549, + 0.9991681575775146, + 0.9991681973139445, + 0.9991682767868042, + 0.9991683065891266, + 0.9991683661937714, + 0.9991683959960938, + 0.9991684357325236, + 0.9991685152053833, + 0.9991686344146729, + 0.9991686642169952, + 0.9991686940193176, + 0.9991687536239624, + 0.9991687685251236, + 0.999168872833252, + 0.9991689125696818, + 0.9991689920425415, + 0.9991691052913666, + 0.999169111251831, + 0.9991691410541534, + 0.9991691867510477, + 0.9991692006587982, + 0.9991692304611206, + 0.9991693496704102, + 0.9991693794727325, + 0.9991694390773773, + 0.9991694688796997, + 0.9991695384184519, + 0.9991695880889893, + 0.999169647693634, + 0.9991697072982788, + 0.9991697371006012, + 0.9991698026657104, + 0.9991698265075684, + 0.9991698861122131, + 0.9991699233651161, + 0.9991699457168579, + 0.9991700649261475, + 0.9991701543331146, + 0.999170164267222, + 0.999170184135437, + 0.9991702139377594, + 0.9991702338059744, + 0.9991703033447266, + 0.9991704225540161, + 0.9991705417633057, + 0.999170571565628, + 0.9991705964008967, + 0.9991706212361654, + 0.9991706609725952, + 0.9991706758737564, + 0.9991707801818848, + 0.9991708546876907, + 0.9991708695888519, + 0.9991708993911743, + 0.9991710186004639, + 0.9991710484027863, + 0.9991711378097534, + 0.9991711676120758, + 0.999171257019043, + 0.9991713762283325, + 0.9991714954376221, + 0.9991715252399445, + 0.9991716146469116, + 0.9991717040538788, + 0.9991717338562012, + 0.9991717636585236, + 0.9991718530654907, + 0.9991719722747803, + 0.9991720616817474, + 0.9991720914840698, + 0.9991721212863922, + 0.999172180891037, + 0.9991722106933594, + 0.9991722702980042, + 0.9991723001003265, + 0.9991723299026489, + 0.9991724491119385, + 0.9991725087165833, + 0.999172588189443, + 0.9991725981235504, + 0.9991726279258728, + 0.9991727471351624, + 0.9991728663444519, + 0.9991729458173116, + 0.9991729577382404, + 0.9991729855537415, + 0.9991730451583862, + 0.999173104763031, + 0.9991731196641922, + 0.9991732041041056, + 0.9991732239723206, + 0.9991733431816101, + 0.9991734325885773, + 0.9991734623908997, + 0.999173492193222, + 0.9991735219955444, + 0.9991735553741454, + 0.9991735816001892, + 0.9991737008094788, + 0.9991738200187683, + 0.9991738498210907, + 0.9991738796234131, + 0.9991739094257355, + 0.9991739392280579, + 0.9991739690303802, + 0.9991740584373474, + 0.999174177646637, + 0.9991742074489594, + 0.9991742968559265, + 0.9991744160652161, + 0.9991744384169579, + 0.9991745352745056, + 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0.9991773962974548, + 0.9991774559020996, + 0.9991775155067444, + 0.9991775453090668, + 0.9991776347160339, + 0.9991777539253235, + 0.9991777837276459, + 0.999177873134613, + 0.9991778790950775, + 0.999177984893322, + 0.9991779923439026, + 0.9991781115531921, + 0.9991782307624817, + 0.9991783499717712, + 0.9991783698399862, + 0.9991784691810608, + 0.9991785685221354, + 0.9991785883903503, + 0.9991787075996399, + 0.9991787225008011, + 0.9991787970066071, + 0.9991788268089294, + 0.999178946018219, + 0.9991790652275085, + 0.9991790950298309, + 0.9991791844367981, + 0.9991792142391205, + 0.9991793036460876, + 0.999179407954216, + 0.9991794228553772, + 0.9991794526576996, + 0.999179475285389, + 0.9991795122623444, + 0.9991795420646667, + 0.9991796314716339, + 0.9991796612739563, + 0.9991797506809235, + 0.9991797804832458, + 0.9991798317607712, + 0.9991798414303377, + 0.9991798996925354, + 0.999180018901825, + 0.99918002722164, + 0.9991801083087921, + 0.9991801381111145, + 0.9991801977157593, + 0.999180257320404, + 0.9991802647709846, + 0.9991803765296936, + 0.999180406332016, + 0.9991804957389832, + 0.9991805255413055, + 0.9991805321640439, + 0.9991805404424667, + 0.999180543422699, + 0.9991805752118429, + 0.9991805950800577, + 0.9991806149482727, + 0.9991806447505951, + 0.9991807043552399, + 0.9991807341575623, + 0.9991807788610458, + 0.999180793762207, + 0.9991808533668518, + 0.9991808831691742, + 0.9991809725761414, + 0.9991810917854309, + 0.9991812109947205, + 0.9991812229156495, + 0.9991812407970428, + 0.9991812838448418, + 0.9991813004016876, + 0.99918133020401, + 0.9991813600063324, + 0.9991814494132996, + 0.9991815686225891, + 0.9991816878318787, + 0.9991818070411682, + 0.9991819262504578, + 0.9991820454597473, + 0.9991821646690369, + 0.9991821944713593, + 0.9991822838783264, + 0.9991822957992553, + 0.9991823136806488, + 0.999182403087616, + 0.9991824328899384, + 0.9991825222969055, + 0.9991825819015503, + 0.9991826415061951, + 0.9991827309131622, + 0.9991827607154846, + 0.9991828203201294, + 0.9991828501224518, + 0.9991828799247742, + 0.9991829792658488, + 0.9991829991340637, + 0.9991830289363861, + 0.9991830686728159, + 0.9991831183433533, + 0.9991832375526428, + 0.99918332695961, + 0.9991833567619324, + 0.9991833964983622, + 0.9991834759712219, + 0.9991835951805115, + 0.9991836249828339, + 0.999183714389801, + 0.9991838335990906, + 0.9991839329401652, + 0.9991839528083801, + 0.9991839826107025, + 0.9991840720176697, + 0.9991841316223145, + 0.9991841614246368, + 0.9991841912269592, + 0.9991842210292816, + 0.9991842806339264, + 0.9991843104362488, + 0.9991844296455383, + 0.9991844892501831, + 0.9991845488548279, + 0.9991846680641174, + 0.9991847202181816, + 0.999184787273407, + 0.9991848170757294, + 0.9991848866144817, + 0.9991849064826965, + 0.9991850256919861, + 0.9991851122606369, + 0.9991851150989532, + 0.9991851449012756, + 0.999185174703598, + 0.9991852641105652, + 0.9991853833198547, + 0.9991855025291443, + 0.9991855621337891, + 0.9991856217384338, + 0.999185636639595, + 0.9991856664419174, + 0.9991856813430786, + 0.9991857409477234, + 0.9991857707500458, + 0.9991858601570129, + 0.9991859793663025, + 0.9991860538721085, + 0.9991860777139664, + 0.9991860866546631, + 0.999186098575592, + 0.9991862177848816, + 0.9991862326860428, + 0.9991863071918488, + 0.9991863369941711, + 0.9991864264011383, + 0.9991864562034607, + 0.9991864860057831, + 0.9991865158081055, + 0.9991865754127502, + 0.9991865853468577, + 0.9991866946220398, + 0.9991868138313293, + 0.9991868635018666, + 0.9991869330406189, + 0.9991870522499084, + 0.999187171459198, + 0.9991872310638428, + 0.9991872906684875, + 0.9991874098777771, + 0.9991874396800995, + 0.9991874843835831, + 0.9991874992847443, + 0.9991875290870667, + 0.9991875439882278, + 0.999187558889389, + 0.9991876184940338, + 0.9991876482963562, + 0.9991877198219299, + 0.9991877675056458, + 0.9991878867149353, + 0.9991879628764259, + 0.9991880059242249, + 0.9991880357265472, + 0.9991880655288696, + 0.9991881251335144, + 0.9991881549358368, + 0.999188244342804, + 0.9991883635520935, + 0.9991884827613831, + 0.9991885622342428, + 0.9991886019706726, + 0.9991887211799622, + 0.9991887807846069, + 0.9991888403892517, + 0.9991889198621114, + 0.9991889595985413, + 0.9991890788078308, + 0.9991891384124756, + 0.9991891980171204, + 0.9991892576217651, + 0.9991892874240875, + 0.9991893172264099, + 0.9991893470287323, + 0.9991893768310547, + 0.9991894108908517, + 0.9991894364356995, + 0.999189555644989, + 0.9991897940635681, + 0.9991898387670517, + 0.9991898962429592, + 0.9991899132728577, + 0.9991900324821472, + 0.9991900424162546, + 0.999190151139542, + 0.9991901516914368, + 0.9991902709007263, + 0.9991903901100159, + 0.9991904298464457, + 0.9991905093193054, + 0.9991905689239502, + 0.9991905788580576, + 0.999190628528595, + 0.9991906682650248, + 0.9991907080014547, + 0.9991907477378845, + 0.9991907775402069, + 0.9991908073425293, + 0.9991908669471741, + 0.9991909439365069, + 0.9991909861564636, + 0.9991910457611084, + 0.9991911053657532, + 0.9991911500692368, + 0.9991911947727203, + 0.9991912245750427, + 0.9991912394762039, + 0.9991912841796875, + 0.9991912974251641, + 0.9991913437843323, + 0.999191403388977, + 0.9991914480924606, + 0.9991914629936218, + 0.9991914927959442, + 0.9991915225982666, + 0.9991915822029114, + 0.9991916219393412, + 0.9991917014122009, + 0.9991917610168457, + 0.9991917908191681, + 0.9991918206214905, + 0.9991918802261353, + 0.99919193983078, + 0.9991919994354248, + 0.9991920590400696, + 0.9991921186447144, + 0.9991921484470367, + 0.9991921782493591, + 0.9991922378540039, + 0.9991922974586487, + 0.9991924166679382, + 0.9991925358772278, + 0.9991925869669233, + 0.9991926153500875, + 0.9991926550865173, + 0.9991927146911621, + 0.9991927742958069, + 0.9991928935050964, + 0.9991929531097412, + 0.999193012714386, + 0.9991930723190308, + 0.9991931319236755, + 0.9991932511329651, + 0.9991933703422546, + 0.9991934895515442, + 0.9991936087608337, + 0.9991937279701233, + 0.9991938173770905, + 0.9991938471794128, + 0.9991939663887024, + 0.9991939829455482, + 0.9991939851731966, + 0.9991940855979919, + 0.9991941452026367, + 0.9991942048072815, + 0.999194324016571, + 0.9991944432258606, + 0.9991945624351501, + 0.9991946220397949, + 0.9991946816444397, + 0.9991947412490845, + 0.999194753892494, + 0.9991947549084823, + 0.9991948008537292, + 0.9991948306560516, + 0.999194880326589, + 0.9991949200630188, + 0.9991949796676636, + 0.999195009469986, + 0.9991950194040934, + 0.9991950392723083, + 0.9991950988769531, + 0.9991951212286949, + 0.9991951584815979, + 0.9991951882839203, + 0.9991952180862427, + 0.9991952627897263, + 0.9991952776908875, + 0.9991953372955322, + 0.999195396900177, + 0.9991955161094666, + 0.9991956353187561, + 0.9991957545280457, + 0.9991958737373352, + 0.9991959929466248, + 0.9991960525512695, + 0.9991961121559143, + 0.999196130495805, + 0.9991961717605591, + 0.9991962313652039, + 0.9991962671279907, + 0.9991962909698486, + 0.9991963505744934, + 0.9991964260737101, + 0.999196469783783, + 0.9991965770721436, + 0.9991965889930725, + 0.9991966485977173, + 0.9991966784000397, + 0.9991967082023621, + 0.9991968274116516, + 0.999196857213974, + 0.9991969267527262, + 0.9991969466209412, + 0.9991970161596935, + 0.9991970658302307, + 0.9991971552371979, + 0.9991971731185914, + 0.9991971850395203, + 0.9991973042488098, + 0.9991974234580994, + 0.9991974830627441, + 0.9991975426673889, + 0.9991975923379263, + 0.9991976618766785, + 0.999197781085968, + 0.9991978406906128, + 0.9991979002952576, + 0.9991979449987411, + 0.9991980195045471, + 0.9991980791091919, + 0.9991981387138367, + 0.9991981536149979, + 0.9991982579231262, + 0.9991982877254486, + 0.999198317527771, + 0.9991983771324158, + 0.9991984367370605, + 0.9991984963417053, + 0.9991986155509949, + 0.9991987347602844, + 0.9991987645626068, + 0.999198853969574, + 0.9991988986730576, + 0.9991989731788635, + 0.9991990923881531, + 0.9991991519927979, + 0.9991992115974426, + 0.999199241399765, + 0.9991993308067322, + 0.9991993606090546, + 0.999199390411377, + 0.9991994301478068, + 0.9991994500160217, + 0.9991995692253113, + 0.9991996586322784, + 0.9991996884346008, + 0.9991997480392456, + 0.9991997629404068, + 0.9991998076438904, + 0.9991998275121053, + 0.9991998672485352, + 0.9991999268531799, + 0.9991999864578247, + 0.9992000460624695, + 0.9992000535130501, + 0.9992000659306844, + 0.9992000758647919, + 0.9992001056671143, + 0.9992001354694366, + 0.999200165271759, + 0.9992001950740814, + 0.9992002844810486, + 0.9992004036903381, + 0.9992004781961441, + 0.9992005228996277, + 0.9992006222407023, + 0.9992006421089172, + 0.9992006520430247, + 0.9992006931986127, + 0.9992007613182068, + 0.9992007911205292, + 0.9992008805274963, + 0.9992009401321411, + 0.9992009997367859, + 0.9992010593414307, + 0.9992011189460754, + 0.999201238155365, + 0.9992012480894724, + 0.9992012679576874, + 0.9992012977600098, + 0.9992013573646545, + 0.9992014020681381, + 0.9992014765739441, + 0.9992015659809113, + 0.9992015957832336, + 0.9992016851902008, + 0.9992017149925232, + 0.9992018342018127, + 0.9992018540700277, + 0.9992019087076187, + 0.9992019534111023, + 0.9992019683122635, + 0.9992019832134247, + 0.9992020130157471, + 0.9992020726203918, + 0.999202162027359, + 0.9992021769285202, + 0.999202181895574, + 0.9992021918296814, + 0.9992022216320038, + 0.9992022514343262, + 0.999202311038971, + 0.9992024302482605, + 0.9992024600505829, + 0.9992024898529053, + 0.9992025196552277, + 0.99920254945755, + 0.9992026686668396, + 0.9992027878761292, + 0.9992028474807739, + 0.9992029070854187, + 0.9992030262947083, + 0.9992030560970306, + 0.9992031455039978, + 0.9992031753063202, + 0.9992032647132874, + 0.9992033243179321, + 0.9992033839225769, + 0.9992034435272217, + 0.9992035031318665, + 0.9992035627365112, + 0.999203622341156, + 0.9992036521434784, + 0.9992037415504456, + 0.9992037862539291, + 0.9992038607597351, + 0.9992039322853088, + 0.9992039501667023, + 0.9992039799690247, + 0.9992040544748306, + 0.9992040693759918, + 0.9992040991783142, + 0.999204178651174, + 0.9992041975259781, + 0.9992042183876038, + 0.9992042481899261, + 0.9992043375968933, + 0.9992043673992157, + 0.9992043972015381, + 0.9992044568061829, + 0.9992044866085052, + 0.99920454621315, + 0.9992045760154724, + 0.9992046058177948, + 0.9992046356201172, + 0.999204695224762, + 0.9992047175765038, + 0.9992048144340515, + 0.9992048541704813, + 0.9992048740386963, + 0.9992049038410187, + 0.9992049336433411, + 0.9992050157652961, + 0.9992050528526306, + 0.9992051124572754, + 0.9992051422595978, + 0.9992051720619202, + 0.9992052316665649, + 0.9992052614688873, + 0.9992052763700485, + 0.9992052912712097, + 0.9992053906122843, + 0.9992054104804993, + 0.9992055296897888, + 0.9992056290308634, + 0.9992056488990784, + 0.9992056787014008, + 0.9992057681083679, + 0.9992058873176575, + 0.9992059171199799, + 0.999206006526947, + 0.9992061257362366, + 0.999206155538559, + 0.9992061853408813, + 0.9992062151432037, + 0.9992062449455261, + 0.9992062797149022, + 0.9992063088076455, + 0.9992063343524933, + 0.9992063641548157, + 0.9992063939571381, + 0.9992064237594604, + 0.9992064426342646, + 0.9992064535617828, + 0.9992064833641052, + 0.9992065131664276, + 0.9992065926392873, + 0.9992066025733948, + 0.9992066621780396, + 0.9992067217826843, + 0.9992067515850067, + 0.9992068409919739, + 0.9992069900035858, + 0.999207079410553, + 0.9992071986198425, + 0.9992072284221649, + 0.9992072880268097, + 0.9992073178291321, + 0.9992073476314545, + 0.9992074370384216, + 0.999207466840744, + 0.9992075562477112, + 0.9992075860500336, + 0.999207595984141, + 0.9992076754570007, + 0.9992077648639679, + 0.9992077946662903, + 0.9992078244686127, + 0.9992079138755798, + 0.9992080330848694, + 0.9992081522941589, + 0.9992081820964813, + 0.9992082715034485, + 0.999208390712738, + 0.9992084503173828, + 0.9992085099220276, + 0.99920853972435, + 0.9992086291313171, + 0.9992087185382843, + 0.9992087483406067, + 0.9992088675498962, + 0.9992089569568634, + 0.9992089867591858, + 0.9992091059684753, + 0.9992091208696365, + 0.9992092251777649, + 0.9992092847824097, + 0.9992093145847321, + 0.9992093688402421, + 0.9992093741893768, + 0.9992094039916992, + 0.999209463596344, + 0.9992095232009888, + 0.9992095629374186, + 0.9992096126079559, + 0.9992096424102783, + 0.9992096722126007, + 0.9992097318172455, + 0.9992097616195679, + 0.99920987089475, + 0.9992098808288574, + 0.9992099046707154, + 0.999209905664126, + 0.9992099416752657, + 0.999210000038147, + 0.9992100298404694, + 0.9992100596427917, + 0.9992101192474365, + 0.9992101490497589, + 0.9992102384567261, + 0.9992102583249409, + 0.9992102980613708, + 0.9992103576660156, + 0.999210387468338, + 0.9992104768753052, + 0.9992105066776276, + 0.9992105563481649, + 0.9992105662822723, + 0.9992105960845947, + 0.9992106854915619, + 0.9992107152938843, + 0.9992107450962067, + 0.9992108345031738, + 0.9992108444372813, + 0.9992108643054962, + 0.9992109417915345, + 0.9992109537124634, + 0.9992109835147858, + 0.9992110729217529, + 0.9992111027240753, + 0.9992111921310425, + 0.9992112815380096, + 0.999211311340332, + 0.9992113411426544, + 0.9992114007472992, + 0.9992114305496216, + 0.9992114901542664, + 0.9992115199565887, + 0.9992115497589111, + 0.9992116391658783, + 0.9992116689682007, + 0.9992117484410604, + 0.9992117592782684, + 0.9992117881774902, + 0.9992119073867798, + 0.9992119371891022, + 0.999211996793747, + 0.9992120265960693, + 0.9992120563983917, + 0.9992121458053589, + 0.9992122054100037, + 0.9992122650146484, + 0.999212384223938, + 0.9992124736309052, + 0.9992125034332275, + 0.9992125332355499, + 0.9992125431696574, + 0.9992126226425171, + 0.9992127418518066, + 0.9992128610610962, + 0.9992129504680634, + 0.9992129802703857, + 0.9992130696773529, + 0.9992130994796753, + 0.9992131392161051, + 0.9992132186889648, + 0.999213308095932, + 0.9992133180300394, + 0.9992133378982544, + 0.9992133677005768, + 0.9992134124040604, + 0.9992134273052216, + 0.999213457107544, + 0.9992135564486185, + 0.9992135763168335, + 0.9992136061191559, + 0.9992136657238007, + 0.999213695526123, + 0.9992137551307678, + 0.9992137749989828, + 0.9992138147354126, + 0.9992139339447021, + 0.9992140531539917, + 0.9992140829563141, + 0.9992141723632812, + 0.9992142915725708, + 0.9992143511772156, + 0.9992144107818604, + 0.9992144703865051, + 0.9992145001888275, + 0.9992145299911499, + 0.9992146492004395, + 0.9992146790027618, + 0.999214768409729, + 0.9992148876190186, + 0.9992149770259857, + 0.9992150068283081, + 0.9992150366306305, + 0.9992150515317917, + 0.9992151260375977, + 0.9992152154445648, + 0.9992152253786722, + 0.9992152452468872, + 0.9992153346538544, + 0.9992153584957123, + 0.9992153644561768, + 0.9992153942584991, + 0.9992154091596603, + 0.9992154240608215, + 0.9992154538631439, + 0.9992154836654663, + 0.9992155283689499, + 0.9992156028747559, + 0.9992156326770782, + 0.9992156624794006, + 0.9992157220840454, + 0.9992158114910126, + 0.999215841293335, + 0.9992159605026245, + 0.9992160499095917, + 0.9992160598436991, + 0.9992160797119141, + 0.9992161095142365, + 0.9992161332344522, + 0.9992161989212036, + 0.999216228723526, + 0.9992162883281708, + 0.9992163181304932, + 0.9992163777351379, + 0.9992164075374603, + 0.9992164373397827, + 0.9992164671421051, + 0.9992165054593768, + 0.9992165416479111, + 0.9992165565490723, + 0.9992166757583618, + 0.9992167949676514, + 0.9992168843746185, + 0.9992169141769409, + 0.9992169340451559, + 0.9992169737815857, + 0.9992170333862305, + 0.99921715259552, + 0.9992171823978424, + 0.9992172718048096, + 0.9992173512776693, + 0.9992173910140991, + 0.9992175102233887, + 0.9992175713181496, + 0.9992176294326782, + 0.9992177486419678, + 0.9992178380489349, + 0.9992178678512573, + 0.9992179870605469, + 0.9992180069287618, + 0.9992181062698364, + 0.9992182226408095, + 0.999218225479126, + 0.9992183446884155, + 0.9992184340953827, + 0.9992184638977051, + 0.9992185086011887, + 0.9992185533046722, + 0.9992185731728872, + 0.9992185831069946, + 0.9992187023162842, + 0.9992188215255737, + 0.9992188811302185, + 0.9992189407348633, + 0.9992189705371857, + 0.9992190599441528, + 0.9992191195487976, + 0.9992191708750195, + 0.9992191791534424, + 0.9992192451442992, + 0.9992192983627319, + 0.9992194175720215, + 0.9992195069789886, + 0.999219536781311, + 0.9992195516824722, + 0.9992196261882782, + 0.9992196559906006, + 0.9992197751998901, + 0.9992198944091797, + 0.9992199540138245, + 0.9992200136184692, + 0.9992200434207916, + 0.999220073223114, + 0.9992201328277588, + 0.9992201626300812, + 0.9992201924324036, + 0.9992202520370483, + 0.9992202818393707, + 0.9992203712463379, + 0.9992204457521439, + 0.9992204904556274, + 0.999220609664917, + 0.9992206990718842, + 0.9992207288742065, + 0.9992208480834961, + 0.9992209672927856, + 0.9992210119962692, + 0.9992210268974304, + 0.9992210417985916, + 0.9992210865020752, + 0.9992211163043976, + 0.99922114610672, + 0.9992211759090424, + 0.9992212057113647, + 0.9992213249206543, + 0.9992213447888693, + 0.9992214441299438, + 0.9992215633392334, + 0.9992216726144155, + 0.999221682548523, + 0.9992217421531677, + 0.9992217719554901, + 0.9992218017578125, + 0.999221920967102, + 0.9992219805717468, + 0.9992220401763916, + 0.999222069978714, + 0.9992221593856812, + 0.9992221693197886, + 0.9992222189903259, + 0.9992222487926483, + 0.9992222785949707, + 0.9992222860455513, + 0.9992223978042603, + 0.999222457408905, + 0.9992224971453348, + 0.9992225170135498, + 0.9992226362228394, + 0.9992226958274841, + 0.9992227554321289, + 0.9992228150367737, + 0.9992228746414185, + 0.999222993850708, + 0.9992230832576752, + 0.9992231130599976, + 0.9992232322692871, + 0.9992233514785767, + 0.9992234110832214, + 0.9992234706878662, + 0.9992235004901886, + 0.999223530292511, + 0.9992235898971558, + 0.9992237091064453, + 0.9992238283157349, + 0.9992239475250244, + 0.9992239773273468, + 0.999224066734314, + 0.9992240965366364, + 0.9992241859436035, + 0.9992242753505707, + 0.9992243051528931, + 0.9992243101199468, + 0.9992243349552155, + 0.9992244243621826, + 0.9992245137691498, + 0.9992245435714722, + 0.9992245733737946, + 0.9992246031761169, + 0.9992246627807617, + 0.9992247223854065, + 0.9992247819900513, + 0.9992249011993408, + 0.9992249608039856, + 0.9992249806722006, + 0.9992250204086304, + 0.9992250714983258, + 0.9992251396179199, + 0.9992251594861348, + 0.9992251793543497, + 0.9992252290248871, + 0.9992252588272095, + 0.999225378036499, + 0.9992254674434662, + 0.9992254972457886, + 0.9992255568504333, + 0.9992255717515945, + 0.9992256164550781, + 0.9992257356643677, + 0.9992257754007975, + 0.9992258250713348, + 0.9992258548736572, + 0.999225914478302, + 0.9992259442806244, + 0.9992259740829468, + 0.9992260634899139, + 0.9992260932922363, + 0.9992261230945587, + 0.9992261677980423, + 0.9992261826992035, + 0.9992262125015259, + 0.9992263317108154, + 0.9992264077067375, + 0.999226450920105, + 0.9992264658212662, + 0.9992265701293945, + 0.9992266893386841, + 0.9992267489433289, + 0.9992268085479736, + 0.9992268681526184, + 0.9992269277572632, + 0.9992269575595856, + 0.9992270469665527, + 0.9992271661758423, + 0.9992272853851318, + 0.9992274045944214, + 0.9992275089025497, + 0.9992275238037109, + 0.9992276072502136, + 0.9992276430130005, + 0.9992276847362518, + 0.9992277026176453, + 0.9992277423540751, + 0.99922776222229, + 0.9992278814315796, + 0.9992279410362244, + 0.9992279887199402, + 0.9992280006408691, + 0.9992281198501587, + 0.9992281794548035, + 0.9992282191912333, + 0.9992282390594482, + 0.9992283384005228, + 0.9992283582687378, + 0.9992284774780273, + 0.9992285966873169, + 0.9992286086082458, + 0.9992287158966064, + 0.9992287755012512, + 0.999228835105896, + 0.9992289543151855, + 0.9992289841175079, + 0.9992290735244751, + 0.9992291927337646, + 0.9992293119430542, + 0.9992294112841288, + 0.9992294311523438, + 0.9992294833064079, + 0.9992295503616333, + 0.9992296695709229, + 0.9992297291755676, + 0.9992297490437826, + 0.9992297887802124, + 0.999229907989502, + 0.9992299675941467, + 0.9992300271987915, + 0.999230146408081, + 0.9992302656173706, + 0.9992303252220154, + 0.9992303848266602, + 0.9992305040359497, + 0.9992305239041647, + 0.9992305537064871, + 0.9992306232452393, + 0.999230702718099, + 0.9992307424545288, + 0.9992307722568512, + 0.9992308020591736, + 0.9992308616638184, + 0.9992308884859085, + 0.9992309212684631, + 0.9992309808731079, + 0.9992310206095377, + 0.999231094121933, + 0.9992311000823975, + 0.999231219291687, + 0.9992313086986542, + 0.9992313385009766, + 0.9992314577102661, + 0.9992315769195557, + 0.9992316365242004, + 0.9992316961288452, + 0.99923175573349, + 0.9992318004369736, + 0.9992318153381348, + 0.9992319345474243, + 0.9992320537567139, + 0.9992321729660034, + 0.9992322027683258, + 0.9992322836603437, + 0.9992322872082392, + 0.999232292175293, + 0.9992323319117228, + 0.9992323517799377, + 0.9992324113845825, + 0.9992325305938721, + 0.9992325603961945, + 0.9992325901985168, + 0.9992326498031616, + 0.9992327690124512, + 0.9992328882217407, + 0.9992329478263855, + 0.9992330074310303, + 0.999233067035675, + 0.9992331266403198, + 0.9992331862449646, + 0.9992332259813944, + 0.9992332458496094, + 0.9992333650588989, + 0.9992334842681885, + 0.9992335438728333, + 0.999233603477478, + 0.9992336332798004, + 0.9992336531480154, + 0.9992336630821228, + 0.9992337226867676, + 0.9992338418960571, + 0.9992339611053467, + 0.9992340790982149, + 0.9992340803146362, + 0.9992341995239258, + 0.9992342591285706, + 0.9992342814803123, + 0.9992343187332153, + 0.9992344379425049, + 0.9992344677448273, + 0.9992344975471497, + 0.999234527349472, + 0.9992345571517944, + 0.9992346167564392, + 0.999234676361084, + 0.9992347359657288, + 0.9992347955703735, + 0.9992348551750183, + 0.9992348750432333, + 0.9992349147796631, + 0.9992350339889526, + 0.9992350906133651, + 0.9992351233959198, + 0.9992351531982422, + 0.999235212802887, + 0.9992352724075317, + 0.9992353618144989, + 0.9992353916168213, + 0.999235471089681, + 0.9992355108261108, + 0.9992355406284332, + 0.9992355853319168, + 0.9992356300354004, + 0.9992357492446899, + 0.9992358684539795, + 0.9992358949449328, + 0.9992359280586243, + 0.999235987663269, + 0.9992360790570577, + 0.9992361068725586, + 0.9992362260818481, + 0.9992363452911377, + 0.9992364048957825, + 0.9992364645004272, + 0.9992365837097168, + 0.9992366433143616, + 0.9992367029190063, + 0.9992367625236511, + 0.9992367923259735, + 0.9992368221282959, + 0.9992369413375854, + 0.9992369612058004, + 0.9992369711399078, + 0.9992370009422302, + 0.9992370208104452, + 0.999237060546875, + 0.9992371201515198, + 0.9992371797561646, + 0.9992372393608093, + 0.9992372989654541, + 0.9992373088995615, + 0.9992374181747437, + 0.9992375373840332, + 0.9992376565933228, + 0.9992377161979675, + 0.9992377758026123, + 0.9992378950119019, + 0.9992379546165466, + 0.9992380142211914, + 0.9992380738258362, + 0.9992380936940511, + 0.9992381036281586, + 0.999238133430481, + 0.9992382526397705, + 0.9992383718490601, + 0.9992384612560272, + 0.9992384910583496, + 0.999238520860672, + 0.9992386102676392, + 0.9992387294769287, + 0.9992388188838959, + 0.9992388486862183, + 0.9992389380931854, + 0.9992389678955078, + 0.9992390871047974, + 0.9992392063140869, + 0.9992392659187317, + 0.9992393255233765, + 0.9992393851280212, + 0.999239444732666, + 0.9992395490407944, + 0.9992395589749018, + 0.9992395639419556, + 0.9992396235466003, + 0.9992396831512451, + 0.9992397427558899, + 0.9992398023605347, + 0.9992399215698242, + 0.9992400010426838, + 0.9992400407791138, + 0.9992401003837585, + 0.9992401301860809, + 0.9992401599884033, + 0.9992401897907257, + 0.9992402791976929, + 0.9992403388023376, + 0.9992403984069824, + 0.9992404580116272, + 0.999240517616272, + 0.9992406070232391, + 0.9992406368255615, + 0.9992406964302063, + 0.9992407560348511, + 0.9992408553759257, + 0.9992408752441406, + 0.9992409944534302, + 0.9992410242557526, + 0.9992411136627197, + 0.9992411285638809, + 0.9992412328720093, + 0.9992413520812988, + 0.9992414712905884, + 0.9992415010929108, + 0.9992415606975555, + 0.9992415904998779, + 0.9992416583829455, + 0.9992417097091675, + 0.9992417991161346, + 0.999241828918457, + 0.9992418587207794, + 0.9992419481277466, + 0.9992420077323914, + 0.9992420673370361, + 0.9992421567440033, + 0.9992421865463257, + 0.9992422163486481, + 0.9992423057556152, + 0.99924236536026, + 0.9992423802614212, + 0.9992424249649048, + 0.999242514371872, + 0.9992425243059794, + 0.9992425441741943, + 0.9992425739765167, + 0.9992426037788391, + 0.9992426633834839, + 0.9992426931858063, + 0.999242760737737, + 0.9992427825927734, + 0.999242901802063, + 0.9992430210113525, + 0.9992431402206421, + 0.9992431700229645, + 0.9992432296276093, + 0.9992432594299316, + 0.9992433786392212, + 0.9992434978485107, + 0.999243539571762, + 0.9992435971895853, + 0.9992436170578003, + 0.9992436468601227, + 0.9992437362670898, + 0.9992437735199928, + 0.9992437958717346, + 0.9992438554763794, + 0.9992438852787018, + 0.9992438952128092, + 0.9992439101139704, + 0.9992439448833466, + 0.999243974685669, + 0.9992440144220988, + 0.9992440938949585, + 0.9992441137631733, + 0.999244213104248, + 0.9992443025112152, + 0.9992443323135376, + 0.9992443869511287, + 0.9992444217205048, + 0.9992444515228271, + 0.9992445111274719, + 0.9992445707321167, + 0.9992446303367615, + 0.9992446899414062, + 0.999244749546051, + 0.9992448091506958, + 0.9992448687553406, + 0.9992449283599854, + 0.9992450475692749, + 0.9992451667785645, + 0.999245285987854, + 0.9992453541074481, + 0.9992454051971436, + 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0.9992482960224152, + 0.9992483258247375, + 0.9992483556270599, + 0.9992484450340271, + 0.9992484748363495, + 0.9992485344409943, + 0.9992485642433167, + 0.9992486834526062, + 0.9992487728595734, + 0.9992488026618958, + 0.9992489218711853, + 0.9992489516735077, + 0.9992490410804749, + 0.9992491155862808, + 0.9992491483688355, + 0.9992491602897644, + 0.9992492496967316, + 0.999249279499054, + 0.9992493987083435, + 0.9992494463920594, + 0.9992495179176331, + 0.9992496371269226, + 0.9992497563362122, + 0.9992497861385345, + 0.9992498755455017, + 0.9992499351501465, + 0.9992499947547913, + 0.9992501020431519, + 0.9992501139640808, + 0.9992502331733704, + 0.9992503523826599, + 0.9992503821849823, + 0.9992504318555196, + 0.9992504715919495, + 0.9992505311965942, + 0.9992505609989166, + 0.999250590801239, + 0.9992506305376688, + 0.9992506504058838, + 0.9992506702740988, + 0.9992507100105286, + 0.999250739812851, + 0.9992507696151733, + 0.9992507994174957, + 0.9992508292198181, + 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0.9992685914039612, + 0.999268651008606, + 0.9992687106132507, + 0.9992687702178955, + 0.9992687821388244, + 0.9992687851190567, + 0.9992688298225403, + 0.9992688596248627, + 0.9992688695589701, + 0.9992689490318298, + 0.9992690682411194, + 0.9992691179116567, + 0.9992691874504089, + 0.9992692470550537, + 0.9992693066596985, + 0.999269425868988, + 0.9992694358030955, + 0.9992695351441702, + 0.9992695450782776, + 0.9992696344852448, + 0.9992696642875671, + 0.9992696841557821, + 0.9992697313427925, + 0.9992697834968567, + 0.9992698431015015, + 0.9992698530356089, + 0.9992699027061462, + 0.9992700219154358, + 0.999270111322403, + 0.9992701411247253, + 0.9992702603340149, + 0.9992703795433044, + 0.9992704590161642, + 0.999270498752594, + 0.9992705434560776, + 0.9992706179618835, + 0.9992706420875731, + 0.9992707371711731, + 0.9992707967758179, + 0.9992708563804626, + 0.9992708683013916, + 0.9992709457874298, + 0.9992709755897522, + 0.9992710947990417, + 0.9992712140083313, + 0.9992713332176208, + 0.9992713958024979, + 0.9992714325586954, + 0.9992714524269104, + 0.999271497130394, + 0.9992715716362, + 0.9992716908454895, + 0.999271810054779, + 0.9992718547582626, + 0.9992718696594238, + 0.9992719292640686, + 0.9992719888687134, + 0.9992720484733582, + 0.999272088209788, + 0.9992721080780029, + 0.9992721676826477, + 0.9992722272872925, + 0.9992722868919373, + 0.999272346496582, + 0.9992724061012268, + 0.9992725253105164, + 0.9992725816037921, + 0.9992725849151611, + 0.999272624651591, + 0.9992726445198059, + 0.9992727637290955, + 0.999272882938385, + 0.9992730021476746, + 0.9992730617523193, + 0.9992731213569641, + 0.9992731809616089, + 0.9992732363087791, + 0.9992732405662537, + 0.9992733597755432, + 0.9992734044790268, + 0.9992734491825104, + 0.9992734789848328, + 0.9992735087871552, + 0.9992735534906387, + 0.9992735981941223, + 0.9992737174034119, + 0.9992737770080566, + 0.9992737919092178, + 0.999273806810379, + 0.9992738366127014, + 0.9992738962173462, 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0.9992769360542297, + 0.9992770552635193, + 0.9992770651976267, + 0.9992771148681641, + 0.999277126789093, + 0.9992771546045939, + 0.9992771744728088, + 0.9992772936820984, + 0.9992773532867432, + 0.9992774128913879, + 0.9992774724960327, + 0.9992775321006775, + 0.9992775718371073, + 0.9992776066064835, + 0.9992776215076447, + 0.9992776314417521, + 0.999277651309967, + 0.9992776811122894, + 0.9992777705192566, + 0.999277800321579, + 0.9992778854710715, + 0.9992778897285461, + 0.9992780089378357, + 0.9992780188719431, + 0.9992781281471252, + 0.9992782473564148, + 0.9992782771587372, + 0.9992783069610596, + 0.9992783665657043, + 0.9992784261703491, + 0.9992784857749939, + 0.9992785751819611, + 0.9992786049842834, + 0.9992786347866058, + 0.999278724193573, + 0.9992787539958954, + 0.9992787837982178, + 0.9992788434028625, + 0.9992789328098297, + 0.9992789626121521, + 0.9992790818214417, + 0.9992792010307312, + 0.999279240767161, + 0.9992793202400208, + 0.9992794394493103, + 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0.9992896616458893, + 0.9992896914482117, + 0.9992897510528564, + 0.999289870262146, + 0.9992899656295776, + 0.9992899894714355, + 0.9992901086807251, + 0.9992902278900146, + 0.9992903272310892, + 0.9992903769016266, + 0.999290406703949, + 0.9992904663085938, + 0.9992905060450236, + 0.9992905855178833, + 0.9992906749248505, + 0.9992907047271729, + 0.9992907345294952, + 0.99929079413414, + 0.9992908239364624, + 0.9992908537387848, + 0.999290943145752, + 0.9992910623550415, + 0.9992910921573639, + 0.9992911219596863, + 0.999291181564331, + 0.9992912113666534, + 0.9992913007736206, + 0.9992913405100504, + 0.9992914199829102, + 0.9992915391921997, + 0.9992915689945221, + 0.9992916584014893, + 0.9992917776107788, + 0.999291867017746, + 0.9992918968200684, + 0.9992920160293579, + 0.9992921352386475, + 0.999292254447937, + 0.9992923438549042, + 0.9992923736572266, + 0.9992924630641937, + 0.9992924928665161, + 0.9992926120758057, + 0.999292641878128, + 0.9992927014827728, + 0.9992927114168803, 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0.9993338187535604, + 0.999333918094635, + 0.9993340174357096, + 0.9993341565132141, + 0.9993342459201813, + 0.9993342757225037, + 0.999334305524826, + 0.9993343551953634, + 0.9993343949317932, + 0.9993345141410828, + 0.9993345439434052, + 0.9993346035480499, + 0.9993346333503723, + 0.9993346631526947, + 0.9993347525596619, + 0.9993348717689514, + 0.999334990978241, + 0.9993351101875305, + 0.9993351399898529, + 0.9993352293968201, + 0.9993352591991425, + 0.9993352691332499, + 0.9993353486061096, + 0.9993354678153992, + 0.9993355572223663, + 0.9993355870246887, + 0.9993356168270111, + 0.9993357062339783, + 0.9993357360363007, + 0.999335765838623, + 0.9993358254432678, + 0.9993359446525574, + 0.9993360638618469, + 0.9993360936641693, + 0.9993361830711365, + 0.9993362128734589, + 0.999336302280426, + 0.9993364214897156, + 0.999336451292038, + 0.9993365406990051, + 0.9993366003036499, + 0.9993366599082947, + 0.9993367791175842, + 0.9993368089199066, + 0.9993368983268738, + 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0.9993594288825989, + 0.999359518289566, + 0.9993595480918884, + 0.999359667301178, + 0.9993597467740377, + 0.9993597865104675, + 0.9993599057197571, + 0.9993600249290466, + 0.9993600646654764, + 0.9993601441383362, + 0.9993603825569153, + 0.9993605017662048, + 0.9993606209754944, + 0.9993606805801392, + 0.9993607401847839, + 0.9993608593940735, + 0.999360978603363, + 0.9993610382080078, + 0.9993610978126526, + 0.9993612170219421, + 0.9993613362312317, + 0.9993614554405212, + 0.9993615746498108, + 0.9993616342544556, + 0.9993616938591003, + 0.9993618130683899, + 0.9993619322776794, + 0.9993619918823242, + 0.999362051486969, + 0.9993621408939362, + 0.9993621706962585, + 0.9993622899055481, + 0.9993624091148376, + 0.9993625283241272, + 0.999362587928772, + 0.9993626475334167, + 0.9993626773357391, + 0.9993627071380615, + 0.9993627667427063, + 0.9993628859519958, + 0.9993630051612854, + 0.999363124370575, + 0.9993631839752197, + 0.9993632435798645, + 0.9993633031845093, + 0.999363362789154, + 0.9993634819984436, + 0.9993635813395182, + 0.9993636012077332, + 0.9993637204170227, + 0.9993638098239899, + 0.9993638396263123, + 0.9993639588356018, + 0.9993640780448914, + 0.9993641972541809, + 0.9993642270565033, + 0.9993643760681152, + 0.99936443567276, + 0.9993645250797272, + 0.9993645548820496, + 0.9993646244208019, + 0.9993646442890167, + 0.9993646740913391, + 0.9993647933006287, + 0.9993648380041122, + 0.9993648529052734, + 0.9993648926417033, + 0.9993649125099182, + 0.999364972114563, + 0.9993650317192078, + 0.9993651509284973, + 0.9993652701377869, + 0.9993656277656555, + 0.9993657469749451, + 0.9993658661842346, + 0.9993659853935242, + 0.9993661046028137, + 0.9993662238121033, + 0.9993663430213928, + 0.9993664622306824, + 0.9993665814399719, + 0.9993666708469391, + 0.9993667006492615, + 0.999366819858551, + 0.9993668993314108, + 0.9993669390678406, + 0.9993669986724854, + 0.9993670582771301, + 0.9993670821189881, + 0.9993671774864197, + 0.9993672328335899, + 0.9993672966957092, + 0.9993674159049988, + 0.9993674457073212, + 0.9993675351142883, + 0.9993676543235779, + 0.9993676841259003, + 0.9993676990270615, + 0.9993677735328674, + 0.9993677934010824, + 0.999367892742157, + 0.9993680119514465, + 0.9993681311607361, + 0.9993682503700256, + 0.9993683695793152, + 0.999368409315745, + 0.9993684887886047, + 0.999368566274643, + 0.9993686079978943, + 0.9993687152862549, + 0.9993687272071838, + 0.999368816614151, + 0.9993688464164734, + 0.9993689656257629, + 0.9993690848350525, + 0.9993691742420197, + 0.999369204044342, + 0.9993693232536316, + 0.9993694424629211, + 0.9993695616722107, + 0.9993695914745331, + 0.9993696808815002, + 0.9993697106838226, + 0.9993698298931122, + 0.9993699193000793, + 0.9993700385093689, + 0.9993701577186584, + 0.9993703067302704, + 0.9993703961372375, + 0.9993704855442047, + 0.9993705153465271, + 0.9993706345558167, + 0.9993706544240316, + 0.9993707239627838, + 0.9993707537651062, + 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0.9993929862976074, + 0.999393105506897, + 0.9993932247161865, + 0.9993934631347656, + 0.9993936121463776, + 0.9993937015533447, + 0.9993938207626343, + 0.9993939399719238, + 0.9993940591812134, + 0.9993941187858582, + 0.9993941783905029, + 0.9993942975997925, + 0.999394416809082, + 0.9993945360183716, + 0.9993946552276611, + 0.9993947744369507, + 0.9993948936462402, + 0.9993950128555298, + 0.9993951320648193, + 0.9993952512741089, + 0.9993953704833984, + 0.9993954300880432, + 0.999395489692688, + 0.9993956089019775, + 0.9993957281112671, + 0.9993958473205566, + 0.9993960857391357, + 0.9993961453437805, + 0.9993962049484253, + 0.9993962347507477, + 0.9993963241577148, + 0.9993963837623596, + 0.9993964433670044, + 0.999396562576294, + 0.9993966817855835, + 0.9993968307971954, + 0.9993969202041626, + 0.9993970394134521, + 0.9993971586227417, + 0.9993972778320312, + 0.9993975162506104, + 0.9993976354598999, + 0.9993977546691895, + 0.999397873878479, + 0.9993979930877686, + 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+ 0.9994788765907288 + ], + [], + [], + [], + [], + [], + [ + "female", + "male" + ], + [ + 13, + 14, + 15, + 16, + 17, + 23, + 24, + 25, + 26, + 27, + 33, + 34, + 35, + 36, + 37, + 38, + 39, + 40, + 41, + 42, + 43, + 44, + 45, + 46, + 47, + 48 + ], + [ + "Aquarius", + "Aries", + "Cancer", + "Capricorn", + "Gemini", + "Leo", + "Libra", + "Pisces", + "Sagittarius", + "Scorpio", + "Taurus", + "Virgo" + ], + [ + "Accounting", + "Advertising", + "Agriculture", + "Architecture", + "Arts", + "Automotive", + "Banking", + "Biotech", + "BusinessServices", + "Chemicals", + "Communications-Media", + "Construction", + "Consulting", + "Education", + "Engineering", + "Environment", + "Fashion", + "Government", + "HumanResources", + "Internet", + "InvestmentBanking", + "Law", + "LawEnforcement-Security", + "Manufacturing", + "Maritime", + "Marketing", + "Military", + "Museums-Libraries", + "Non-Profit", + "Publishing", + "RealEstate", + "Religion", + "Science", + "Sports-Recreation", + "Student", + "Technology", + "Telecommunications", + "Tourism", + "Transportation", + "indUnk" + ], + [ + "cause", + "comparison", + "concept", + "consequence", + "disjunction", + "example", + "extent", + "judgmental", + "procedural", + "verification" + ], + [ + "false", + "mixture", + "true", + "unproven" + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + "no", + "yes" + ], + [ + "Not-Related", + "Related" + ], + [ + 0, + 1, + 2, + 3 + ], + [ + "Yes", + "No", + "In the middle, neither yes nor no", + "Yes, subject to some conditions", + "Other" + ], + [ + "Adequate", + "Effective", + "Ineffective" + ], + [ + "negative", + "positive" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "spoken", + "written" + ], + [ + "proficient", + "not proficient" + ], + [ + "unacceptable", + "acceptable" + ], + [ + 0, + 1 + ], + [ + "negative", + "positive" + ], + [ + "downplays", + "exaggerates", + "same" + ], + [ + 0, + 1 + ], + [ + "not_related", + "related" + ], + [ + "eight", + "five", + "four", + "nine", + "no", + "one", + "seven", + "six", + "ten", + "three", + "two", + "zero" + ], + [ + "negative", + "neutral", + "positive" + ], + [ + "negative", + "neutral", + "positive" + ], + [ + 0, + 1 + ], + [ + "Cause-Effect(e1,e2)", + "Cause-Effect(e2,e1)", + "Component-Whole(e1,e2)", + "Component-Whole(e2,e1)", + "Content-Container(e1,e2)", + "Content-Container(e2,e1)", + "Entity-Destination(e1,e2)", + "Entity-Destination(e2,e1)", + "Entity-Origin(e1,e2)", + "Entity-Origin(e2,e1)", + "Instrument-Agency(e1,e2)", + "Instrument-Agency(e2,e1)", + "Member-Collection(e1,e2)", + "Member-Collection(e2,e1)", + "Message-Topic(e1,e2)", + "Message-Topic(e2,e1)", + "Product-Producer(e1,e2)", + "Product-Producer(e2,e1)", + "Other" + ], + [ + 0, + 1, + 2 + ], + [ + "a", + "b", + "c", + "d" + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0, + 1 + ], + [ + 0, + 1 + ], + [ + 0, + 1 + ], + [ + 0, + 1 + ], + [ + 0, + 1 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + "0", + "1" + ], + [ + 0, + 1 + ], + [ + 0, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 4 + ], + [ + 0.0, + 0.08, + 0.2, + 0.25, + 0.33, + 0.4, + 0.5, + 0.6, + 0.67, + 0.7, + 0.75, + 0.8, + 0.83, + 0.91, + 1.0, + 1.17, + 1.2, + 1.25, + 1.26666666666667, + 1.3, + 1.33, + 1.33333333333333, + 1.4, + 1.5, + 1.6, + 1.67, + 1.75, + 1.8, + 1.83, + 1.9, + 2.0, + 2.17, + 2.2, + 2.25, + 2.3, + 2.33, + 2.333, + 2.4, + 2.47, + 2.5, + 2.6, + 2.66666666666667, + 2.67, + 2.7, + 2.75, + 2.8, + 2.83, + 2.833, + 3.0, + 3.1, + 3.2, + 3.25, + 3.333, + 3.4, + 3.5, + 3.571, + 3.6, + 3.667, + 3.67, + 3.7, + 3.714, + 3.75, + 3.8, + 3.833, + 3.9, + 4.0, + 4.111, + 4.167, + 4.17, + 4.2, + 4.25, + 4.333, + 4.375, + 4.4, + 4.429, + 4.5, + 4.571, + 4.6, + 4.66666666666667, + 4.667, + 4.7, + 4.71, + 4.714, + 4.75, + 4.8, + 4.833, + 4.85, + 4.857, + 4.9, + 4.91666666666667, + 5.0 + ], + [ + "no", + "yes" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral" + ], + [ + 0, + 1 + ], + [ + "contrasting", + "entailment", + "neutral", + "reasoning" + ], + [ + "None", + "contradiction", + "entailment", + 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0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + "entailment", + "non-entailment", + "not entailment - contradiction", + "not entailment - unknown" + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + "DK", + "No", + "Yes" + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + "contradiction", + "not_contradiction" + ], + [ + false, + true + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + "Negative", + "Positive" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + "False", + "True" + ], + [ + 0.0, + 0.008959661958649, + 0.015093617816784, + 0.0166666666666666, + 0.01851851852, + 0.0196078431366666, + 0.0222222222233333, + 0.0229273445753391, + 0.02380952381, + 0.0256410256399999, + 0.0362298994483774, + 0.0370370370366666, + 0.0375601549356812, + 0.0404625305443732, + 0.0416666666666666, + 0.0444444444433333, + 0.0482021988341118, + 0.0499999999999999, + 0.0526315789466667, + 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+ 0.6238400278854893, + 0.625, + 0.6274509803933335, + 0.6296296296299999, + 0.6296447791032989, + 0.63157894737, + 0.6363636363633334, + 0.6367072264173248, + 0.63888888889, + 0.6400635633393014, + 0.6406093091804375, + 0.6410256410266666, + 0.6414961461716187, + 0.6422217400739779, + 0.6428571428566667, + 0.6444444444433333, + 0.6458333333333333, + 0.6470588235299999, + 0.6481481481466667, + 0.6500689037569385, + 0.6574592120192646, + 0.6634453617121318, + 0.6664082034792117, + 0.6666666666666667, + 0.6677211829214748, + 0.6689880929088764, + 0.677413044328822, + 0.6800735553034296, + 0.6803396064008904, + 0.6842105263166667, + 0.6843599340960895, + 0.6851851851866666, + 0.6862745098033334, + 0.6875, + 0.68888888889, + 0.6904761904766665, + 0.6923076923066667, + 0.6944444444433333, + 0.7, + 0.700269252246752, + 0.7037037037033333, + 0.70588235294, + 0.7083333333333333, + 0.7111111111099999, + 0.7112015337063392, + 0.7142167794772065, + 0.7142857142866668, + 0.7147811302907437, + 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0.960757463124537, + 0.9607843137266668, + 0.9612895653194586, + 0.9627085045055612, + 0.9629629629633334, + 0.9634179740991448, + 0.9643048110903258, + 0.9644821784889877, + 0.9649122807033332, + 0.9651916480825712, + 0.9652959818455512, + 0.9666666666666666, + 0.9672878082436416, + 0.9705126700317864, + 0.970867404828046, + 0.9722222222233332, + 0.9729958136077324, + 0.97435897436, + 0.9750274765336996, + 0.97619047619, + 0.9764249166414348, + 0.9777777777766664, + 0.9791009861597098, + 0.9791666666666669, + 0.9799722646082876, + 0.9803921568633334, + 0.9809460464021292, + 0.98148148148, + 0.9833333333333334, + 0.9840760593138708, + 0.9870669605398652, + 0.9926835948198288, + 0.9929792071505774, + 0.9940921006301656, + 0.9947528811329398, + 0.9980046167690442, + 0.9994826784217224, + 1.0 + ], + [ + "entailment", + "neutral", + "contradiction" + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + "explicit_hate", + "implicit_hate", + "not_hate" + ], + [ + 0.0133333333, + 0.0266666667, + 0.0466666667, + 0.0533333333, + 0.06, + 0.0733333333, + 0.0866666667, + 0.0933333333, + 0.1, + 0.1066666667, + 0.1133333333, + 0.12, + 0.1266666667, + 0.1333333333, + 0.14, + 0.1466666667, + 0.1533333333, + 0.16, + 0.1666666667, + 0.1733333333, + 0.18, + 0.1866666667, + 0.1933333333, + 0.2, + 0.2066666667, + 0.2133333333, + 0.22, + 0.2266666667, + 0.2333333333, + 0.24, + 0.2466666667, + 0.2533333333, + 0.26, + 0.2666666667, + 0.2733333333, + 0.28, + 0.2866666667, + 0.2933333333, + 0.3, + 0.3066666667, + 0.3133333333, + 0.32, + 0.3266666667, + 0.3333333333, + 0.34, + 0.3466666667, + 0.3533333333, + 0.36, + 0.3666666667, + 0.3733333333, + 0.38, + 0.3866666667, + 0.3933333333, + 0.4, + 0.4066666667, + 0.4133333333, + 0.42, + 0.4266666667, + 0.4333333333, + 0.44, + 0.4466666667, + 0.4533333333, + 0.46, + 0.4666666667, + 0.4733333333, + 0.48, + 0.4866666667, + 0.4933333333, + 0.5, + 0.5066666667, + 0.5133333333, + 0.52, + 0.5266666667, + 0.5333333333, + 0.54, + 0.5466666667, + 0.5533333333, + 0.56, + 0.5666666667, + 0.5733333333, + 0.58, + 0.5866666667, + 0.5933333333, + 0.6, + 0.6066666667, + 0.6133333333, + 0.62, + 0.6266666667, + 0.6333333333, + 0.6466666667, + 0.66 + ], + [ + 0, + 1, + 2 + ], + [ + "not-entailed", + "entailed" + ], + [ + 0 + ], + [ + "A", + "B", + "C", + "D" + ] + ], + "layer_norm_eps": 1e-07, + "max_position_embeddings": 512, + "max_relative_positions": -1, + "model_type": "deberta-v2", + "norm_rel_ebd": "layer_norm", + "num_attention_heads": 16, + "num_hidden_layers": 24, + "pad_token_id": 0, + "pooler_dropout": 0, + "pooler_hidden_act": "gelu", + "pooler_hidden_size": 1024, + "pos_att_type": [ + "p2c", + "c2p" + ], + "position_biased_input": false, + "position_buckets": 256, + "relative_attention": true, + "share_att_key": true, + "tasks": [ + "glue/mnli", + "glue/qnli", + "glue/rte", + "glue/wnli", + "glue/mrpc", + "glue/qqp", + "glue/stsb", + "super_glue/boolq", + "super_glue/cb", + "super_glue/multirc", + "super_glue/wic", + "super_glue/axg", + "anli/a1", 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