import pandas as pd | |
import os | |
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler | |
import random | |
import re | |
def assign_main_accounts(creators_file, chatter_files): | |
creators = pd.read_excel(creators_file) | |
creators.columns = creators.columns.str.strip() | |
column_mapping = { | |
"Creator": "Creator", | |
"Total earnings": "Total earnings", | |
"Subscription": "Subscription", | |
"Active Fans": "ActiveFans", | |
"Total active fans": "ActiveFans", | |
} | |
creators.rename(columns={k: v for k, v in column_mapping.items() if k in creators.columns}, inplace=True) | |
required_columns = ["Creator", "Total earnings", "Subscription", "ActiveFans"] | |
missing_columns = [col for col in required_columns if col not in creators.columns] | |
if missing_columns: | |
raise KeyError(f"Missing required columns in creators file: {missing_columns}") | |
creators["Total earnings"] = creators["Total earnings"].replace("[\$,]", "", regex=True).astype(float) | |
creators["Subscription"] = creators["Subscription"].replace("[\$,]", "", regex=True).astype(float) | |
creators["ActiveFans"] = pd.to_numeric(creators["ActiveFans"], errors="coerce").fillna(0) | |
scaler = MinMaxScaler() | |
creators[["Earnings_Normalized", "Subscriptions_Normalized"]] = scaler.fit_transform( | |
creators[["Total earnings", "Subscription"]] | |
) | |
creators["Penalty Factor"] = 1 - abs(creators["Earnings_Normalized"] - creators["Subscriptions_Normalized"]) | |
creators["Score"] = ( | |
0.7 * creators["Earnings_Normalized"] + 0.3 * creators["Subscriptions_Normalized"] | |
) * creators["Penalty Factor"] | |
creators["Rank"] = creators["Score"].rank(ascending=False) | |
creators = creators.sort_values(by="Rank").reset_index(drop=True) | |
assignments = {} | |
for idx, chatter_file in enumerate(chatter_files): | |
shift_name = ["overnight", "day", "prime"][idx] | |
chatters = pd.read_excel(chatter_file) | |
chatters.columns = chatters.columns.str.strip() | |
if "Final Rating" not in chatters.columns: | |
raise KeyError(f"'Final Rating' column is missing in {chatter_file}") | |
chatters = chatters.sort_values(by="Final Rating", ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) | |
num_chatters = len(chatters) | |
creators_to_assign = creators.iloc[:num_chatters] | |
chatters["Main Account"] = creators_to_assign["Creator"].values | |
assignments[shift_name] = chatters.to_dict(orient="records") | |
assignments["creator_names"] = creators["Creator"].tolist() | |
print("DEBUG: Chatter Data with Main Account Assignments:") | |
print(chatters.head()) | |
return assignments | |
def save_processed_files(assignments, output_dir): | |
""" | |
Save processed files for main assignments, ensuring chatter names and main accounts are preserved correctly. | |
""" | |
for shift, data in assignments.items(): | |
if shift == "creator_names": | |
continue | |
# Create a DataFrame from the assignment data | |
df = pd.DataFrame(data) | |
# Handle multiple 'Main Account' columns and ensure there's only one | |
if "Main Account_x" in df.columns and "Main Account_y" in df.columns: | |
df["Main Account"] = df["Main Account_x"].fillna(df["Main Account_y"]) | |
df.drop(columns=["Main Account_x", "Main Account_y"], inplace=True) | |
elif "Main Account_x" in df.columns: | |
df.rename(columns={"Main Account_x": "Main Account"}, inplace=True) | |
elif "Main Account_y" in df.columns: | |
df.rename(columns={"Main Account_y": "Main Account"}, inplace=True) | |
# Ensure all other columns (like 'Final Rating', 'Desired Off Day', etc.) are retained | |
required_columns = ["Name", "Main Account", "Final Rating", "Available Work Days", "Desired Off Day"] | |
for col in required_columns: | |
if col not in df.columns: | |
df[col] = None # Add missing columns as empty | |
# Ensure proper ordering of columns for consistency | |
column_order = ["Name", "Main Account", "Final Rating", "Available Work Days", "Desired Off Day"] | |
df = df[[col for col in column_order if col in df.columns] + [col for col in df.columns if col not in column_order]] | |
# Save the cleaned DataFrame | |
output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, f"Updated_{shift}_file.xlsx") | |
df.to_excel(output_path, index=False) | |
# Debugging: Verify the saved file contains the right columns | |
print(f"DEBUG: Saved File for {shift}: {output_path}") | |
print(df.head()) | |
def generate_schedule(chatter_files, account_file): | |
""" | |
Generate schedules for different shifts (Overnight, Day, Prime) using chatter and account data. | |
""" | |
schedules = {} | |
accounts = pd.read_excel(account_file) | |
# Validate required columns in the account file | |
if not {"Account", "ActiveFans"}.issubset(accounts.columns): | |
raise KeyError("The account file must contain 'Account' and 'ActiveFans' columns.") | |
shift_names = ["Overnight", "Day", "Prime"] | |
for idx, chatter_file in enumerate(chatter_files): | |
shift_name = shift_names[idx] | |
chatters = pd.read_excel(chatter_file) | |
# Debugging: Print initial chatter data | |
print(f"DEBUG: Initial {shift_name} Chatter Data:") | |
print(chatters.head()) | |
# Clean chatter data | |
chatters = clean_chatter_data(chatters) | |
# Debugging: Print cleaned chatter data | |
print(f"DEBUG: Cleaned {shift_name} Chatter Data:") | |
print(chatters.head()) | |
# Create a blank schedule template | |
schedule = create_schedule_template(accounts) | |
# Debugging: Print initial schedule template | |
print(f"DEBUG: Initial Schedule Template for {shift_name}:") | |
print(schedule.head()) | |
# Assign main accounts to the schedule | |
schedule = assign_main_accounts_to_schedule(schedule, chatters) | |
# Debugging: Print schedule after assigning main accounts | |
print(f"DEBUG: Schedule After Assigning Main Accounts for {shift_name}:") | |
print(schedule.head()) | |
# Assign days off based on chatter preferences | |
schedule = assign_off_days(schedule, chatters) | |
# Debugging: Print schedule after assigning off days | |
print(f"DEBUG: Schedule After Assigning Off Days for {shift_name}:") | |
print(schedule.head()) | |
# Randomly fill the remaining slots while respecting constraints | |
schedule = randomly_fill_slots(schedule, chatters) | |
# Debugging: Print final schedule for the shift | |
print(f"DEBUG: Final Schedule for {shift_name}:") | |
print(schedule.head()) | |
# Save the schedule | |
schedules[shift_name] = schedule.to_dict(orient="records") | |
return schedules | |
def create_schedule_template(account_data): | |
""" | |
Create a blank schedule template with required columns. | |
""" | |
if "Account" not in account_data.columns or "ActiveFans" not in account_data.columns: | |
raise KeyError("Account data must contain 'Account' and 'ActiveFans' columns.") | |
schedule_template = account_data[["Account", "ActiveFans"]].copy() | |
for day in ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]: | |
schedule_template[day] = None # Initialize all days as None | |
return schedule_template | |
def assign_main_accounts_to_schedule(schedule, chatter_data): | |
""" | |
Assign main accounts to the schedule based on chatter data. | |
""" | |
days_of_week = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"] | |
# Dynamically detect the correct column for the main account | |
main_account_col = next( | |
(col for col in ["Main Account", "Main_Account_x", "Main_Account_y"] if col in chatter_data.columns), None | |
) | |
if not main_account_col: | |
raise KeyError("Main Account column not found in chatter data.") | |
# Iterate over each chatter and assign their main account to the schedule | |
for _, chatter in chatter_data.iterrows(): | |
chatter_name = chatter["Name"] | |
main_account = chatter[main_account_col] | |
if pd.notnull(main_account): | |
# Locate the row in the schedule that matches the main account | |
matching_row = schedule[schedule["Account"].str.lower() == main_account.lower()] | |
if not matching_row.empty: | |
row_index = matching_row.index[0] | |
# Assign the chatter's name to all days where the slot is empty | |
for day in days_of_week: | |
if pd.isnull([row_index, day]): | |[row_index, day] = chatter_name | |
# Debugging: Output updated schedule for verification | |
print("DEBUG: Updated Schedule after assigning main accounts:") | |
print(schedule) | |
return schedule | |
def clean_chatter_data(chatter_data): | |
""" | |
Clean and prepare chatter data for scheduling. | |
""" | |
# Merge any duplicate 'Main Account' columns | |
if "Main Account_x" in chatter_data.columns and "Main Account_y" in chatter_data.columns: | |
chatter_data["Main Account"] = chatter_data["Main Account_x"].fillna(chatter_data["Main Account_y"]) | |
chatter_data.drop(columns=["Main Account_x", "Main Account_y"], inplace=True) | |
elif "Main Account_x" in chatter_data.columns: | |
chatter_data.rename(columns={"Main Account_x": "Main Account"}, inplace=True) | |
elif "Main Account_y" in chatter_data.columns: | |
chatter_data.rename(columns={"Main Account_y": "Main Account"}, inplace=True) | |
# Validate required columns | |
required_columns = ["Name", "Main Account", "Final Rating", "Available Work Days"] | |
for col in required_columns: | |
if col not in chatter_data.columns: | |
raise KeyError(f"Missing required column in chatter data: {col}") | |
# Clean and format other data fields if needed | |
chatter_data["WorkDays"] = pd.to_numeric(chatter_data.get("Available Work Days", 6), errors="coerce").fillna(6).astype(int) | |
chatter_data["Desired Off Day"] = chatter_data["Desired Off Day"].fillna("").apply( | |
lambda x: [day.strip().capitalize() for day in re.split(r"[ ,]+", x) if day.strip()] | |
) | |
return chatter_data | |
def assign_off_days(schedule, chatter_data): | |
""" | |
Assign days off for each chatter based on their 'Desired Off Day' field. | |
""" | |
if "Desired Off Day" not in chatter_data.columns: | |
chatter_data["Desired Off Day"] = "" | |
days_of_week = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"] | |
for _, chatter in chatter_data.iterrows(): | |
chatter_name = chatter["Name"] | |
desired_off_days = chatter["Desired Off Day"] | |
# Ensure desired_off_days is parsed into a list | |
if isinstance(desired_off_days, str): | |
desired_off_days = [ | |
day.strip().capitalize() | |
for day in desired_off_days.split(",") | |
if day.strip().capitalize() in days_of_week | |
] | |
# Assign None to the schedule for each desired off day | |
for day in desired_off_days: | |
if day in days_of_week: | |
schedule.loc[schedule[day] == chatter_name, day] = None | |
# Debugging: Verify schedule after assigning off days | |
print("DEBUG: Schedule After Assigning Off Days:") | |
print(schedule.head()) | |
return schedule | |
def randomly_fill_slots(schedule, chatter_data, max_accounts_per_day=3, max_fans_per_day=1000): | |
""" | |
Randomly fill remaining slots in the schedule while respecting constraints. | |
""" | |
days_of_week = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"] | |
daily_accounts = {chatter: {day: 0 for day in days_of_week} for chatter in chatter_data["Name"]} | |
daily_fans = {chatter: {day: 0 for day in days_of_week} for chatter in chatter_data["Name"]} | |
chatters_list = chatter_data["Name"].tolist() | |
for day in days_of_week: | |
for i, row in schedule.iterrows(): | |
if pd.isnull([i, day]): # If the slot is empty | |
random.shuffle(chatters_list) # Shuffle chatters to randomize assignments | |
for chatter in chatters_list: | |
active_fans = row["ActiveFans"] | |
if ( | |
daily_accounts[chatter][day] < max_accounts_per_day and | |
daily_fans[chatter][day] + active_fans <= max_fans_per_day | |
): | |[i, day] = chatter | |
daily_accounts[chatter][day] += 1 | |
daily_fans[chatter][day] += active_fans | |
break | |
# Debugging: Verify schedule after filling slots | |
print("DEBUG: Schedule After Randomly Filling Slots:") | |
print(schedule.head()) | |
return schedule |