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import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from autogluon.multimodal import MultiModalPredictor
from autogluon.tabular import TabularPredictor
# Define icons
seller_icon = "🏡"
buyer_icon = "🔍"
submit_icon = "📝"
predict_icon = "🔮"
# Initialize df as a global variable
df = None
def predict_price():
global df # Declare df as a global variable
# Set the title and subheader
st.title("Real Estate Price Prediction")
st.subheader("Choose your role and provide property details")
# User role selection
option = st.selectbox("Who are you?", ['Seller', 'Buyer'], index=0)
if option == "Seller":
st.subheader(f"{seller_icon} Seller Information")
with st.spinner("Loading model..."):
predictor = MultiModalPredictor.load("C:/Users/duong/OneDrive/Desktop/mm-nlp-image-transformer")
description = st.text_area("Property Description", help="Describe your property")
title = st.text_input("Property Title", help="Enter a title for your property")
st.subheader(f"{buyer_icon} Buyer Information")
with st.spinner("Loading model..."):
predictor = TabularPredictor.load("C:/Users/duong/OneDrive/Desktop/tabular", require_py_version_match=False)
# Property details input
area = st.number_input("Property Area (square meters)", min_value=1)
location = st.text_input("Property Location", help="Enter the location of the property")
city_code = st.text_input("City Code", help="Enter the city code")
district = st.text_input("District", help="Enter the district name")
bedroom = st.slider("Number of Bedrooms", min_value=1, max_value=10, value=5, step=1)
bathroom = st.slider("Number of Bathrooms", min_value=1, max_value=10, value=2, step=1)
# Submit button to create the DataFrame
submitted = st.button(f"{submit_icon} Submit")
# Create a DataFrame from user inputs
if submitted:
if area and location and city_code and district and bedroom and bathroom:
if option == "Seller":
if (not description or not title):
st.error("Please fill in both Description and Title fields for Sellers.")
data = {
"Price": np.nan,
"Area": [area],
"Location": [location],
"Time stamp": np.nan,
"Certification status": np.nan,
"Direction": np.nan,
"Bedrooms": [bedroom],
"Bathrooms": [bathroom],
"Front width": np.nan,
"Floor": np.nan,
"Image URL": np.nan,
"Road width": np.nan,
"City_code": [city_code],
"DistrictId": [district],
"Balcony_Direction": np.nan,
"Longitude": np.nan,
"Lattitude": np.nan,
"Description": [description],
"Title": [title]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
st.write(f"{seller_icon} Input Data:")
elif option == "Buyer":
data = {
"Price": np.nan,
"Area": [area],
"Location": [location],
"Time stamp": np.nan,
"Certification status": np.nan,
"Direction": np.nan,
"Bedrooms": [bedroom],
"Bathrooms": [bathroom],
"Front width": np.nan,
"Floor": np.nan,
"Image URL": np.nan,
"Road width": np.nan,
"City_code": [city_code],
"DistrictId": [district],
"Balcony_Direction": np.nan,
"Longitude": np.nan,
"Lattitude": np.nan
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
st.write(f"{buyer_icon} Input Data:")
st.error("Please fill in all fields to have a better prediction!")
# Prediction button (enabled only when data has been submitted)
if st.button(f"{predict_icon} Predict"):
with st.spinner("Loading..."):
# Perform predictions and calculations here
predictions = predictor.predict(df.drop(columns="Price"))
st.success(f"Predicted Price: {predictions[0]:,.0f} VND")
scores = predictor.evaluate(
st.subheader("Model Evaluation Metrics:")
for metric, score in scores.items():
st.write(f"{metric}: {score:.2f}")