EdwardoSunny's picture
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import typing as T
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from einops import rearrange, repeat
from torch import nn
from openfold.np import residue_constants
from openfold.np.protein import Protein as OFProtein
from openfold.np.protein import to_pdb
from openfold.utils.feats import atom14_to_atom37
def encode_sequence(
seq: str,
residue_index_offset: T.Optional[int] = 512,
chain_linker: T.Optional[str] = "G" * 25,
) -> T.Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
if chain_linker is None:
chain_linker = ""
if residue_index_offset is None:
residue_index_offset = 0
chains = seq.split(":")
seq = chain_linker.join(chains)
unk_idx = residue_constants.restype_order_with_x["X"]
encoded = torch.tensor(
[residue_constants.restype_order_with_x.get(aa, unk_idx) for aa in seq]
residx = torch.arange(len(encoded))
if residue_index_offset > 0:
start = 0
for i, chain in enumerate(chains):
residx[start : start + len(chain) + len(chain_linker)] += (
i * residue_index_offset
start += len(chain) + len(chain_linker)
linker_mask = torch.ones_like(encoded, dtype=torch.float32)
chain_index = []
offset = 0
for i, chain in enumerate(chains):
if i > 0:
chain_index.extend([i - 1] * len(chain_linker))
chain_index.extend([i] * len(chain))
offset += len(chain)
linker_mask[offset : offset + len(chain_linker)] = 0
offset += len(chain_linker)
chain_index = torch.tensor(chain_index, dtype=torch.int64)
return encoded, residx, linker_mask, chain_index
def batch_encode_sequences(
sequences: T.Sequence[str],
residue_index_offset: T.Optional[int] = 512,
chain_linker: T.Optional[str] = "G" * 25,
) -> T.Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
aatype_list = []
residx_list = []
linker_mask_list = []
chain_index_list = []
for seq in sequences:
aatype_seq, residx_seq, linker_mask_seq, chain_index_seq = encode_sequence(
aatype = collate_dense_tensors(aatype_list)
mask = collate_dense_tensors(
[aatype.new_ones(len(aatype_seq)) for aatype_seq in aatype_list]
residx = collate_dense_tensors(residx_list)
linker_mask = collate_dense_tensors(linker_mask_list)
chain_index_list = collate_dense_tensors(chain_index_list, -1)
return aatype, mask, residx, linker_mask, chain_index_list
def output_to_pdb(output: T.Dict) -> T.List[str]:
"""Returns the pbd (file) string from the model given the model output."""
# atom14_to_atom37 must be called first, as it fails on latest numpy if the
# input is a numpy array. It will work if the input is a torch tensor.
final_atom_positions = atom14_to_atom37(output["positions"][-1], output)
output = {k: v.to("cpu").numpy() for k, v in output.items()}
final_atom_positions = final_atom_positions.cpu().numpy()
final_atom_mask = output["atom37_atom_exists"]
pdbs = []
for i in range(output["aatype"].shape[0]):
aa = output["aatype"][i]
pred_pos = final_atom_positions[i]
mask = final_atom_mask[i]
resid = output["residue_index"][i] + 1
pred = OFProtein(
chain_index=output["chain_index"][i] if "chain_index" in output else None,
return pdbs
def collate_dense_tensors(
samples: T.List[torch.Tensor], pad_v: float = 0
) -> torch.Tensor:
Takes a list of tensors with the following dimensions:
[(d_11, ..., d_1K),
(d_21, ..., d_2K),
(d_N1, ..., d_NK)]
and stack + pads them into a single tensor of:
(N, max_i=1,N { d_i1 }, ..., max_i=1,N {diK})
if len(samples) == 0:
return torch.Tensor()
if len(set(x.dim() for x in samples)) != 1:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Samples has varying dimensions: {[x.dim() for x in samples]}"
(device,) = tuple(set(x.device for x in samples)) # assumes all on same device
max_shape = [max(lst) for lst in zip(*[x.shape for x in samples])]
result = torch.empty(
len(samples), *max_shape, dtype=samples[0].dtype, device=device
for i in range(len(samples)):
result_i = result[i]
t = samples[i]
result_i[tuple(slice(0, k) for k in t.shape)] = t
return result
class Attention(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, embed_dim, num_heads, head_width, gated=False):
assert embed_dim == num_heads * head_width
self.embed_dim = embed_dim
self.num_heads = num_heads
self.head_width = head_width
self.proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim * 3, bias=False)
self.o_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim, bias=True)
self.gated = gated
if gated:
self.g_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim)
self.rescale_factor = self.head_width**-0.5
def forward(self, x, mask=None, bias=None, indices=None):
Basic self attention with optional mask and external pairwise bias.
To handle sequences of different lengths, use mask.
x: batch of input sequneces (.. x L x C)
mask: batch of boolean masks where 1=valid, 0=padding position (.. x L_k). optional.
bias: batch of scalar pairwise attention biases (.. x Lq x Lk x num_heads). optional.
sequence projection (B x L x embed_dim), attention maps (B x L x L x num_heads)
t = rearrange(self.proj(x), "... l (h c) -> ... h l c", h=self.num_heads)
q, k, v = t.chunk(3, dim=-1)
q = self.rescale_factor * q
a = torch.einsum("...qc,...kc->...qk", q, k)
# Add external attention bias.
if bias is not None:
a = a + rearrange(bias, "... lq lk h -> ... h lq lk")
# Do not attend to padding tokens.
if mask is not None:
mask = repeat(
mask, "... lk -> ... h lq lk", h=self.num_heads, lq=q.shape[-2]
a = a.masked_fill(mask == False, -np.inf)
a = F.softmax(a, dim=-1)
y = torch.einsum("...hqk,...hkc->...qhc", a, v)
y = rearrange(y, "... h c -> ... (h c)", h=self.num_heads)
if self.gated:
y = self.g_proj(x).sigmoid() * y
y = self.o_proj(y)
return y, rearrange(a, "... lq lk h -> ... h lq lk")
class Dropout(nn.Module):
Implementation of dropout with the ability to share the dropout mask
along a particular dimension.
def __init__(self, r: float, batch_dim: T.Union[int, T.List[int]]):
super(Dropout, self).__init__()
self.r = r
if type(batch_dim) == int:
batch_dim = [batch_dim]
self.batch_dim = batch_dim
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(self.r)
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
shape = list(x.shape)
if self.batch_dim is not None:
for bd in self.batch_dim:
shape[bd] = 1
return x * self.dropout(x.new_ones(shape))
class SequenceToPair(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, sequence_state_dim, inner_dim, pairwise_state_dim):
self.layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(sequence_state_dim)
self.proj = nn.Linear(sequence_state_dim, inner_dim * 2, bias=True)
self.o_proj = nn.Linear(2 * inner_dim, pairwise_state_dim, bias=True)
def forward(self, sequence_state):
sequence_state: B x L x sequence_state_dim
pairwise_state: B x L x L x pairwise_state_dim
Intermediate state:
B x L x L x 2*inner_dim
assert len(sequence_state.shape) == 3
s = self.layernorm(sequence_state)
s = self.proj(s)
q, k = s.chunk(2, dim=-1)
prod = q[:, None, :, :] * k[:, :, None, :]
diff = q[:, None, :, :] - k[:, :, None, :]
x = torch.cat([prod, diff], dim=-1)
x = self.o_proj(x)
return x
class PairToSequence(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, pairwise_state_dim, num_heads):
self.layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(pairwise_state_dim)
self.linear = nn.Linear(pairwise_state_dim, num_heads, bias=False)
def forward(self, pairwise_state):
pairwise_state: B x L x L x pairwise_state_dim
pairwise_bias: B x L x L x num_heads
assert len(pairwise_state.shape) == 4
z = self.layernorm(pairwise_state)
pairwise_bias = self.linear(z)
return pairwise_bias
class ResidueMLP(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, embed_dim, inner_dim, norm=nn.LayerNorm, dropout=0):
self.mlp = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(embed_dim, inner_dim),
nn.Linear(inner_dim, embed_dim),
def forward(self, x):
return x + self.mlp(x)