import streamlit as st import plotly.graph_objects as go # List of top six prior auth conditions conditions = [ { "diagnosis": "Diagnosis 1", "observations": "Observations 1", "CCD": "CCD 1", "CCD_procedures": "CCD Procedures 1" }, # Add more conditions here ] # MSK hip and knee surgery list dictionary surgery_data = [ { "CPTCode": "CPT Code 1", "CPTDescription": "MSK Hip Surgery", "ICD10Code": "ICD10 Code 1", "ICD10Description": "ICD10 Description 1", "Emoji": "💉", "Description": "Hip Surgery", "Cost": 10 }, { "CPTCode": "CPT Code 2", "CPTDescription": "MSK Knee Surgery", "ICD10Code": "ICD10 Code 2", "ICD10Description": "ICD10 Description 2", "Emoji": "💊", "Description": "Knee Surgery", "Cost": 15 } ] # Sort the surgery data by descending cost surgery_data.sort(key=lambda x: x["Cost"], reverse=True) # Function to create heatmap circle plot def create_heatmap_circle_plot(surgery_data): fig = go.Figure() for surgery in surgery_data: fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=[surgery["CPTCode"]], y=[surgery["Cost"]], mode='markers', marker=dict( size=20, color=[surgery["Cost"]], colorscale='Viridis', showscale=True ), text=surgery["CPTDescription"], hovertemplate='%{text}
CPT Code: %{x}
Cost: %{y}')) fig.update_layout(title='Heatmap Circle Plot of Surgery Types', xaxis_title='CPT Codes', yaxis_title='Cost (in billions)') return fig # Streamlit app st.title("Top Prior Auth Conditions") st.header("MSK Hip and Knee Surgery") st.write(surgery_data) st.header("Heatmap Circle Plot") fig = create_heatmap_circle_plot(surgery_data) st.plotly_chart(fig)