import sys import numpy as np import torch import logging import pandas as pd import glob logger = logging.getLogger(f'main.{__name__}') sys.path.insert(0, '.') # nopep8 class JoinManifestSpecs( def __init__(self, split, main_spec_dir_path,other_spec_dir_path, mel_num=None, spec_crop_len=None,pad_value=-5,**kwargs): super().__init__() self.main_prob = 0.5 self.split = split self.batch_max_length = spec_crop_len self.batch_min_length = 50 self.mel_num = mel_num self.pad_value = pad_value manifest_files = [] for dir_path in main_spec_dir_path.split(','): manifest_files += glob.glob(f'{dir_path}/*.tsv') df_list = [pd.read_csv(manifest,sep='\t') for manifest in manifest_files] self.df_main = pd.concat(df_list,ignore_index=True) manifest_files = [] for dir_path in other_spec_dir_path.split(','): manifest_files += glob.glob(f'{dir_path}/*.tsv') df_list = [pd.read_csv(manifest,sep='\t') for manifest in manifest_files] self.df_other = pd.concat(df_list,ignore_index=True) if split == 'train': self.dataset = self.df_main.iloc[100:] elif split == 'valid' or split == 'val': self.dataset = self.df_main.iloc[:100] elif split == 'test': self.df_main = self.add_name_num(self.df_main) self.dataset = self.df_main else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown split {split}') self.dataset.reset_index(inplace=True) print('dataset len:', len(self.dataset)) def add_name_num(self,df): """each file may have different caption, we add num to filename to identify each audio-caption pair""" name_count_dict = {} change = [] for t in df.itertuples(): name = getattr(t,'name') if name in name_count_dict: name_count_dict[name] += 1 else: name_count_dict[name] = 0 change.append((t[0],name_count_dict[name])) for t in change: df.loc[t[0],'name'] = df.loc[t[0],'name'] + f'_{t[1]}' return df def __getitem__(self, idx): if np.random.uniform(0,1) < self.main_prob: data = self.dataset.iloc[idx] ori_caption = data['ori_cap'] struct_caption = data['caption'] else: randidx = np.random.randint(0,len(self.df_other)) data = self.df_other.iloc[randidx] ori_caption = data['caption'] struct_caption = f'<{ori_caption}, all>' item = {} try: spec = np.load(data['mel_path']) # mel spec [80, 624] except: mel_path = data['mel_path'] print(f'corrupted:{mel_path}') spec = np.ones((self.mel_num,self.batch_max_length)).astype(np.float32)*self.pad_value if spec.shape[1] <= self.batch_max_length: spec = np.pad(spec, ((0, 0), (0, self.batch_max_length - spec.shape[1])),mode='constant',constant_values = (self.pad_value,self.pad_value)) # [80, 624] item['image'] = spec[:self.mel_num,:self.batch_max_length] item["caption"] = {"ori_caption":ori_caption,"struct_caption":struct_caption} if self.split == 'test': item['f_name'] = data['name'] return item def __len__(self): return len(self.dataset) class JoinSpecsTrain(JoinManifestSpecs): def __init__(self, specs_dataset_cfg): super().__init__('train', **specs_dataset_cfg) class JoinSpecsValidation(JoinManifestSpecs): def __init__(self, specs_dataset_cfg): super().__init__('valid', **specs_dataset_cfg) class JoinSpecsTest(JoinManifestSpecs): def __init__(self, specs_dataset_cfg): super().__init__('test', **specs_dataset_cfg)