Chat, is this real?

by ThatOneCoder - opened

Chat, is this the real Scott?


u gotta prove it


Ok uh
"yknow" how quirky those amnitronics are

good enough 😆

U should join the discord my guy


U should join the discord my guy

what is it
(and whats it about)

The server's js more ai and people collaborate and solve issues that they are having. There's also a section to post memes too and introduce yourself.


need an invite link


i gotchu:

ooohhhh the actual huggingchat discord thanks

Np I gotchu

u join the discord yet my guy?


u join the discord yet my guy?
Yeah, i dont really use disc that much but i will when i get free time

sweeet. still can't believe we have u on hf before gta 6 💀

  • Nickado's had his redemption arc behind our backs 💀
  • Mr. Beast is getting exposed somehow 💀
  • Everyone's bein exposed for bein a pdf file 💀
  • The creator of FNAF is on HF 💀
    craaaaaaaaaazy year man

The nikado thing is amazing. Total anime villain type stuff.

also what PDF

Yea it's craaazy. By PDF I mean people like:

  • Chris Tyson
  • Dr. Disrespect,
  • Cody Ko
  • Drake
  • Dan Schneider

Js use this image for reference
the diddy force.jpg


Also 50m cent is an absolute clown for this lol

how is it even a question if you've got 5 lawsuits and 54 allegations from women 💀💀💀💀💀


Major L

One of the worst L's in history

I wonder what the mods r sayin when they read this........


prob 2 clowns on here or something

ye prob 💀


can they even see this??
if they can clem sucks



The sheer girth of those balls u have to dis the owner of HF 💀💀💀


prob too busy for this brainrot clown activity

Fs man ☠️

Did u get discord yet?


also diddy DID done do da deed!

Damn 💀

Heard he got arrested too


he did
and the trump cats song remix thing......

Yea that was mad wild 💀




AND hes in a brooklyn prison
bro is cooked

that's TRAGIC 😭😭
he also got caught with 1000 BOTTLES OF BABY OIL 💀

maybe... hes an exporter
also docters were REQUIRED after his parties because of the... er... things that went on

mans is done 4 LIFE.

Diddy didn't just diddle a few dudes. No, my guy Diddy went all out. This dude was out here diddling dozens—no, HUNDREDS of dudes—day in, day out. You think you know diddling? Nah, you ain't seen diddling until you've seen Diddy in action. This man Diddy was dashing down dazzling doorways like it was nothing, delivering diddles left and right, no questions asked. It wasn't just a diddle; it was an EXPERIENCE. He’d dish out the diddles with such a daring dash of dazzle, dudes would be left speechless. It was diddle domination, diddle devastation, diddle delirium—Diddy didn’t just diddle; he DID that. So next time you think you’re nice, just remember: you ain't Diddy diddle level, and you never will be.

That was beautiful. Really poured your heart and soul into that. Usher had also delete every post that involved him and Diddler and claimed "his acc got hacked"


Also saw that it was revealed that Leonardo DiCaprio was chillin with the Diddler too 💀

Usher and Leo aren't safe anymore man 😭💀 When he goes down everyone goes with him

ok dont laugh

Diddy didn’t just stop at simple diddling either, oh no. The man leveled up. Diddy became the Duke of Diddle, the Sultan of Swipe, the Emperor of Every Epic Encounter. He was out there moving through the masses like a whirlwind of wild wonder, dishing out diddles so swift, so sleek, that you’d think he had a sixth sense for it. He was a legend, a living myth, a masterclass in motion. Dudes didn’t just get diddled, they got DESTROYED, DEVASTATED, left in a daze like they’d been hit by a tornado of talent.

You couldn’t even keep up. Diddy was in a dimension of his own, leaving a trail of dazzled, dumbstruck dudes wondering what just happened. It was a diddle dynasty, a diddle domination that no one could dethrone. You thought you could diddle? Please. You thought you had moves? Think again. Diddy was out here redefining the game, pushing the boundaries of what a diddle could even be. He took it from casual to cosmic, from average to astronomical.

Diddy didn’t just dip his toes in the diddle pool—nah, my man DOVE IN headfirst, cannonball-style, splashing diddles everywhere like some kind of diddle tsunami. You ever seen a dude diddle with both hands? Eyes closed? Backwards? In midair? No, because you haven’t seen Diddy in full form. This man was diddle ambidextrous, hitting diddles like he had extra limbs, like he was some kind of diddle octopus. You’d blink, and BAM!—diddle’d before you even knew what hit you.

And it wasn’t just quantity, oh no. It was quality, baby. Diddy didn’t just hand out diddles, he crafted ‘em like a chef making a five-star meal—Gordon Ramsay-level diddles, served up on a silver platter with a side of "What just happened?" Dudes were leaving the scene like they just experienced a diddle symphony, utterly speechless, jaws on the floor, minds blown. One dude said he could hear colors after a Diddy diddle. HEAR COLORS, BRO.

Diddy was pulling moves you ain’t even seen before. He was out here diddling in slow motion like it was a scene out of The Matrix. And don’t even get me started on the double-diddle flip, a maneuver so advanced that even the pros were left scratching their heads like, “HOW?!”

You think you're good? Diddy had dudes rethinking their whole existence, questioning reality itself. Philosophers were out here writing theses on the art of the Diddy Diddle. So yeah, keep practicing, but just know—you’ll never reach that Diddy level, ‘cause when it comes to diddles, Diddy doesn’t play.

It's impossible to laugh, now THIS is TRUE literature.

Now people thinkin Beyonce had somethin to do with all dis 💀

She knows....
Doo doo....
She knows....
Doo doo....

ok im not scott cawthon anymore

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