File size: 6,118 Bytes
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# coding: utf-8
__author__ = 'Roman Solovyev (ZFTurbo):'
import os
import librosa
import soundfile as sf
import numpy as np
import argparse
def stft(wave, nfft, hl):
wave_left = np.asfortranarray(wave[0])
wave_right = np.asfortranarray(wave[1])
spec_left = librosa.stft(wave_left, n_fft=nfft, hop_length=hl)
spec_right = librosa.stft(wave_right, n_fft=nfft, hop_length=hl)
spec = np.asfortranarray([spec_left, spec_right])
return spec
def istft(spec, hl, length):
spec_left = np.asfortranarray(spec[0])
spec_right = np.asfortranarray(spec[1])
wave_left = librosa.istft(spec_left, hop_length=hl, length=length)
wave_right = librosa.istft(spec_right, hop_length=hl, length=length)
wave = np.asfortranarray([wave_left, wave_right])
return wave
def absmax(a, *, axis):
dims = list(a.shape)
indices = list(np.ogrid[tuple(slice(0, d) for d in dims)]) # Tuple yerine list
argmax = np.abs(a).argmax(axis=axis)
insert_pos = (len(a.shape) + axis) % len(a.shape)
indices.insert(insert_pos, argmax)
return a[tuple(indices)]
def absmin(a, *, axis):
dims = list(a.shape)
indices = list(np.ogrid[tuple(slice(0, d) for d in dims)]) # Tuple yerine list
argmax = np.abs(a).argmin(axis=axis)
insert_pos = (len(a.shape) + axis) % len(a.shape)
indices.insert(insert_pos, argmax)
return a[tuple(indices)]
def lambda_max(arr, axis=None, key=None, keepdims=False):
idxs = np.argmax(key(arr), axis)
if axis is not None:
idxs = np.expand_dims(idxs, axis)
result = np.take_along_axis(arr, idxs, axis)
if not keepdims:
result = np.squeeze(result, axis=axis)
return result
return arr.flatten()[idxs]
def lambda_min(arr, axis=None, key=None, keepdims=False):
idxs = np.argmin(key(arr), axis)
if axis is not None:
idxs = np.expand_dims(idxs, axis)
result = np.take_along_axis(arr, idxs, axis)
if not keepdims:
result = np.squeeze(result, axis=axis)
return result
return arr.flatten()[idxs]
def average_waveforms(pred_track, weights, algorithm):
:param pred_track: shape = (num, channels, length)
:param weights: shape = (num, )
:param algorithm: One of avg_wave, median_wave, min_wave, max_wave, avg_fft, median_fft, min_fft, max_fft
:return: averaged waveform in shape (channels, length)
pred_track = np.array(pred_track)
final_length = pred_track.shape[-1]
mod_track = []
for i in range(pred_track.shape[0]):
if algorithm == 'avg_wave':
mod_track.append(pred_track[i] * weights[i])
elif algorithm in ['median_wave', 'min_wave', 'max_wave']:
elif algorithm in ['avg_fft', 'min_fft', 'max_fft', 'median_fft']:
spec = stft(pred_track[i], nfft=2048, hl=1024)
if algorithm in ['avg_fft']:
mod_track.append(spec * weights[i])
pred_track = np.array(mod_track)
if algorithm in ['avg_wave']:
pred_track = pred_track.sum(axis=0)
pred_track /= np.array(weights).sum().T
elif algorithm in ['median_wave']:
pred_track = np.median(pred_track, axis=0)
elif algorithm in ['min_wave']:
pred_track = np.array(pred_track)
pred_track = lambda_min(pred_track, axis=0, key=np.abs)
elif algorithm in ['max_wave']:
pred_track = np.array(pred_track)
pred_track = lambda_max(pred_track, axis=0, key=np.abs)
elif algorithm in ['avg_fft']:
pred_track = pred_track.sum(axis=0)
pred_track /= np.array(weights).sum()
pred_track = istft(pred_track, 1024, final_length)
elif algorithm in ['min_fft']:
pred_track = np.array(pred_track)
pred_track = lambda_min(pred_track, axis=0, key=np.abs)
pred_track = istft(pred_track, 1024, final_length)
elif algorithm in ['max_fft']:
pred_track = np.array(pred_track)
pred_track = absmax(pred_track, axis=0)
pred_track = istft(pred_track, 1024, final_length)
elif algorithm in ['median_fft']:
pred_track = np.array(pred_track)
pred_track = np.median(pred_track, axis=0)
pred_track = istft(pred_track, 1024, final_length)
return pred_track
def ensemble_files(args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--files", type=str, required=True, nargs='+', help="Path to all audio-files to ensemble")
parser.add_argument("--type", type=str, default='avg_wave', help="One of avg_wave, median_wave, min_wave, max_wave, avg_fft, median_fft, min_fft, max_fft")
parser.add_argument("--weights", type=float, nargs='+', help="Weights to create ensemble. Number of weights must be equal to number of files")
parser.add_argument("--output", default="res.wav", type=str, help="Path to wav file where ensemble result will be stored")
if args is None:
args = parser.parse_args()
args = parser.parse_args(args)
print('Ensemble type: {}'.format(args.type))
print('Number of input files: {}'.format(len(args.files)))
if args.weights is not None:
weights = args.weights
weights = np.ones(len(args.files))
print('Weights: {}'.format(weights))
print('Output file: {}'.format(args.output))
data = []
for f in args.files:
if not os.path.isfile(f):
print('Error. Can\'t find file: {}. Check paths.'.format(f))
print('Reading file: {}'.format(f))
wav, sr = librosa.load(f, sr=None, mono=False)
# wav, sr =
print("Waveform shape: {} sample rate: {}".format(wav.shape, sr))
data = np.array(data)
res = average_waveforms(data, weights, args.type)
print('Result shape: {}'.format(res.shape))
sf.write(args.output, res.T, sr, 'FLOAT')
if __name__ == "__main__":