name: "MultiMaskMultiSourceBandSplitRNN" | |
audio: | |
chunk_size: 264600 | |
num_channels: 2 | |
sample_rate: 44100 | |
min_mean_abs: 0.001 | |
model: | |
in_channel: 1 | |
stems: ['speech', 'music', 'effects'] | |
band_specs: "musical" | |
n_bands: 64 | |
fs: 44100 | |
require_no_overlap: false | |
require_no_gap: true | |
normalize_channel_independently: false | |
treat_channel_as_feature: true | |
n_sqm_modules: 8 | |
emb_dim: 128 | |
rnn_dim: 256 | |
bidirectional: true | |
rnn_type: "GRU" | |
mlp_dim: 512 | |
hidden_activation: "Tanh" | |
hidden_activation_kwargs: null | |
complex_mask: true | |
n_fft: 2048 | |
win_length: 2048 | |
hop_length: 512 | |
window_fn: "hann_window" | |
wkwargs: null | |
power: null | |
center: true | |
normalized: true | |
pad_mode: "constant" | |
onesided: true | |
training: | |
batch_size: 4 | |
gradient_accumulation_steps: 4 | |
grad_clip: 0 | |
instruments: | |
- speech | |
- music | |
- effects | |
lr: 9.0e-05 | |
patience: 2 | |
reduce_factor: 0.95 | |
target_instrument: null | |
num_epochs: 1000 | |
num_steps: 1000 | |
q: 0.95 | |
coarse_loss_clip: true | |
ema_momentum: 0.999 | |
optimizer: adam | |
other_fix: true # it's needed for checking on multisong dataset if other is actually instrumental | |
use_amp: true # enable or disable usage of mixed precision (float16) - usually it must be true | |
augmentations: | |
enable: true # enable or disable all augmentations (to fast disable if needed) | |
loudness: true # randomly change loudness of each stem on the range (loudness_min; loudness_max) | |
loudness_min: 0.5 | |
loudness_max: 1.5 | |
mixup: true # mix several stems of same type with some probability (only works for dataset types: 1, 2, 3) | |
mixup_probs: !!python/tuple # 2 additional stems of the same type (1st with prob 0.2, 2nd with prob 0.02) | |
- 0.2 | |
- 0.02 | |
mixup_loudness_min: 0.5 | |
mixup_loudness_max: 1.5 | |
all: | |
channel_shuffle: 0.5 # Set 0 or lower to disable | |
random_inverse: 0.1 # inverse track (better lower probability) | |
random_polarity: 0.5 # polarity change (multiply waveform to -1) | |
inference: | |
batch_size: 1 | |
dim_t: 256 | |
num_overlap: 4 |