from src.routes.trailer import trailerBP |
from src.routes.subtitledownload import subtitledownloadBP |
from src.routes.streammap import streammapBP |
from src.routes.signup import signupBP |
from src.routes.restart import restartBP |
from src.routes.redirectdownload import redirectdownloadBP |
from src.routes.rebuild import rebuildBP |
from src.routes.ping import pingBP |
from src.routes.metadata import metadataBP |
from src.routes.image import imageBP |
from src.routes.environment import environmentBP |
from src.routes.download import downloadBP |
from src.routes.debug import debugBP |
from src.routes.config import configBP |
from src.routes.auth import authBP |
import datetime |
import io |
import json |
import logging |
import os |
import sys |
import threading |
import apscheduler.schedulers.background |
import bs4 |
import colorama |
import flask |
import flask_cors |
import googleapiclient |
import requests |
import src.functions.config |
import src.functions.credentials |
import src.functions.metadata |
import src.functions.tests |
colorama.init() |
print( |
"====================================================\n\033[96m libDrive - v1.4.7\033[94m\n @eliasbenb\033[0m\n====================================================\n" |
) |
print("\033[32mREADING CONFIG...\033[0m") |
if os.getenv("LIBDRIVE_CONFIG"): |
config_str = os.getenv("LIBDRIVE_CONFIG") |
with open("config.json", "w+") as w: |
json.dump(obj=json.loads(config_str), fp=w, sort_keys=True, indent=4) |
config = src.functions.config.readConfig() |
print("DONE.\n") |
print("\033[32mREADING METADATA...\033[0m") |
metadata = src.functions.metadata.readMetadata(config) |
if os.getenv("LIBDRIVE_CLOUD") and config.get("refresh_token"): |
config, drive = src.functions.credentials.refreshCredentials(config) |
params = { |
"supportsAllDrives": True, |
"includeItemsFromAllDrives": True, |
"fields": "files(id,name)", |
"q": "'%s' in parents and trashed = false and mimeType = 'application/json'" |
% (os.getenv("LIBDRIVE_CLOUD")), |
} |
files = drive.files().list(**params).execute()["files"] |
config_file = next((i for i in files if i["name"] == "config.json"), None) |
metadata_file = next((i for i in files if i["name"] == "metadata.json"), None) |
if config_file: |
request = drive.files().get_media(fileId=config_file["id"]) |
fh = io.BytesIO() |
downloader = googleapiclient.http.MediaIoBaseDownload(fh, request) |
done = False |
while done is False: |
status, done = downloader.next_chunk() |
config = json.loads(fh.getvalue()) |
config, drive = src.functions.credentials.refreshCredentials(config) |
src.functions.config.updateConfig(config) |
if metadata_file: |
request = drive.files().get_media(fileId=metadata_file["id"]) |
fh = io.BytesIO() |
downloader = googleapiclient.http.MediaIoBaseDownload(fh, request) |
done = False |
while done is False: |
status, done = downloader.next_chunk() |
metadata = json.loads(fh.getvalue()) |
with open("metadata.json", "w+") as w: |
json.dump(metadata, w) |
print("DONE.\n") |
if not config.get("account_list"): |
config["account_list"] = [] |
if config.get("account_list") == [] and config.get("signup") == False: |
config["auth"] = False |
if not config.get("auth"): |
config["auth"] = False |
if not config.get("build_interval"): |
config["build_interval"] = 360 |
if not config.get("build_type"): |
config["build_type"] = "hybrid" |
if not config.get("category_list"): |
config["category_list"] = [] |
if not config.get("cloudflare"): |
config["cloudflare"] = "" |
if not config.get("prefer_mkv"): |
config["prefer_mkv"] = False |
if not config.get("prefer_mp4"): |
config["prefer_mp4"] = True |
if not config.get("service_accounts"): |
config["service_accounts"] = [] |
if not config.get("signup"): |
config["signup"] = False |
if not config.get("subtitles"): |
config["subtitles"] = False |
if not config.get("transcoded"): |
config["transcoded"] = False |
if not config.get("ui_config"): |
config["ui_config"] = {} |
with open("config.json", "w+") as w: |
json.dump(obj=config, fp=w, sort_keys=True, indent=4) |
print("\033[32mTESTING YOUR CONFIG...\033[0m") |
print("DONE.\n") |
def threaded_metadata(): |
for thread in threading.enumerate(): |
if thread.name == "metadata_thread": |
print("DONE.\n") |
return ( |
{ |
"code": 500, |
"content": None, |
"message": "libDrive is already building metadata, please wait.", |
"success": False, |
}, |
500, |
) |
config = src.functions.config.readConfig() |
if len(config.get("category_list")) > 0: |
metadata_thread = threading.Thread( |
target=src.functions.metadata.writeMetadata, |
args=(config,), |
daemon=True, |
name="metadata_thread", |
) |
metadata_thread.start() |
else: |
with open("./metadata.json", "w+") as w: |
w.write(json.dumps([])) |
return ( |
{ |
"code": 200, |
"content": None, |
"message": "libDrive is building your new metadata.", |
"success": True, |
}, |
200, |
) |
def create_app(): |
if os.path.exists("./build"): |
if LIBDRIVE_DEBUG.lower() == "true": |
else: |
else: |
r = open("./build/index.html", "r") |
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.read(), features="html.parser") |
if config.get("ui_config", {}).get("icon"): |
try: |
soup.find("meta", {"id": "@ld-meta-og-image"})["content"] = config.get( |
"ui_config", {} |
).get("icon") |
except: |
pass |
try: |
soup.find("link", {"id": "@ld-link-icon"})["href"] = config.get( |
"ui_config", {} |
).get("icon") |
except: |
pass |
else: |
try: |
soup.find("meta", {"id": "@ld-meta-og-image"})[ |
"content" |
] = "/images/icons/icon-512x512.png" |
except: |
pass |
try: |
soup.find("link", {"id": "@ld-link-icon"})["href"] = "/favicon.ico" |
except: |
pass |
if config.get("ui_config", {}).get("title"): |
try: |
soup.find("meta", {"id": "@ld-meta-og-title"})["content"] = config.get( |
"ui_config", {} |
).get("title") |
except: |
pass |
try: |
soup.find("meta", {"id": "@ld-meta-og-site_name"})[ |
"content" |
] = config.get("ui_config", {}).get("title") |
except: |
pass |
try: |
soup.find("title", {"id": "@ld-title"}).string = config.get( |
"ui_config", {} |
).get("title") |
except: |
pass |
else: |
try: |
soup.find("meta", {"id": "@ld-meta-og-title"})["content"] = "libDrive" |
except: |
pass |
try: |
soup.find("meta", {"id": "@ld-meta-og-site_name"})[ |
"content" |
] = "libDrive" |
except: |
pass |
try: |
soup.find("title", {"id": "@ld-title"}).string = "libDrive" |
except: |
pass |
if ( |
config.get("arcio") |
and config.get("arcio") != "" |
and LIBDRIVE_DEBUG == False |
): |
req = requests.get("https://arc.io/arc-sw.js") |
with open("./build/arc-sw.js", "wb") as wb: |
wb.write(req.content) |
code = config.get("arcio") |
if code == "dev": |
code = "tUUqUjhw" |
soup.find("script", {"id": "@ld-script-arcio"})[ |
"src" |
] = "//arc.io/widget.min.js#%s" % (code) |
else: |
if os.path.exists("./build/arc-sw.js"): |
os.remove("./build/arc-sw.js") |
soup.find("script", {"id": "@ld-script-arcio"})["src"] = "" |
with open("./build/index.html", "w+") as w: |
w.write(str(soup)) |
r.close() |
app = flask.Flask(__name__, static_folder="build") |
build_interval = config.get("build_interval") |
if not build_interval: |
build_interval = 360 |
if build_interval != 0: |
print("\033[32mCREATING CRON JOB...\033[0m") |
sched = apscheduler.schedulers.background.BackgroundScheduler(daemon=True) |
sched.add_job( |
threaded_metadata, |
"interval", |
minutes=build_interval, |
) |
sched.start() |
print("DONE.\n") |
config_categories = [d["id"] for d in config["category_list"]] |
metadata_categories = [d["id"] for d in metadata] |
if len(metadata) > 0 and sorted(config_categories) == sorted(metadata_categories): |
if build_interval == 0: |
return app |
elif datetime.datetime.utcnow() <= datetime.datetime.strptime( |
metadata[-1]["buildTime"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f" |
) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=build_interval): |
return app |
else: |
threaded_metadata() |
else: |
threaded_metadata() |
return app |
app = create_app() |
flask_cors.CORS(app) |
app.secret_key = config.get("secret_key") |
app.register_blueprint(authBP) |
app.register_blueprint(configBP) |
app.register_blueprint(debugBP) |
app.register_blueprint(downloadBP) |
app.register_blueprint(environmentBP) |
app.register_blueprint(imageBP) |
app.register_blueprint(metadataBP) |
app.register_blueprint(pingBP) |
app.register_blueprint(redirectdownloadBP) |
app.register_blueprint(restartBP) |
app.register_blueprint(signupBP) |
app.register_blueprint(streammapBP) |
app.register_blueprint(subtitledownloadBP) |
app.register_blueprint(trailerBP) |
@app.route("/", defaults={"path": ""}) |
@app.route("/<path:path>") |
async def serve(path): |
if (path != "") and os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (app.static_folder, path)): |
return flask.send_from_directory(app.static_folder, path) |
else: |
return flask.send_from_directory(app.static_folder, "index.html") |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
print("\033[32mSERVING SERVER...\033[0m") |
if LIBDRIVE_DEBUG.lower() == "true": |
else: |
else: |
print("DONE.\n") |
app.run( |
host="", |
port=7860, |
threaded=True, |
) |
else: |
print("\033[32mINITIALIZING LOGGER...\033[0m") |
if not os.path.exists("./logs"): |
os.mkdir("./logs") |
logs_path = os.path.abspath("./logs") |
logs_max_files = 5 |
def sorted_ls(path): |
def mtime(f): return os.stat(os.path.join(path, f)).st_mtime |
return list(sorted(os.listdir(path), key=mtime)) |
del_list = sorted_ls(logs_path)[0: (len(sorted_ls(logs_path)) - logs_max_files)] |
for del_file in del_list: |
try: |
os.remove(os.path.join(logs_path, del_file)) |
except: |
pass |
logging.getLogger("googleapiclient").setLevel(logging.WARNING) |
logging.getLogger("oauth2client").setLevel(logging.WARNING) |
logging.getLogger("waitress").setLevel(logging.INFO) |
logging.basicConfig( |
filename="./logs/%s.log" |
% (datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")), |
level=logging.INFO, |
) |
console_logger = logging.getLogger() |
console_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) |
console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) |
console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) |
console_logger.addHandler(console_handler) |
print("DONE.\n") |