""" Types of various choices used during training """ from enum import Enum class AttentionType(Enum): """Type of attention used during training""" LocationSensitive = 1 Content_Based = 2 MultiHead = 3 class LearningRateType(Enum): """Type of learning rate used during training""" Learning_Rate_Decay = 1 Cosine_Scheduler = 2 SquareRoot_Scheduler = 3 class OptimizerType(Enum): """Type of optimizer used during training""" Adam = 1 SGD = 2 AdamW = 3 class LossType(Enum): """Type of loss function used during training""" L1_LOSS = 1 MSE_LOSS = 2 L1_LOSS_MASKED = 3 MSE_LOSS_MASKED = 4 BOTH = 5 BOTH_MASKED = 6