import os import gradio as gr import whisper from gtts import gTTS import io import requests from groq import Groq import time # Ensure GROQ_API_KEY and OpenWeather API key are defined GROQ_API_KEY = "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" OPENWEATHER_API_KEY = "aa4db8152e46c2f3fb19fad5d58a0ed8" OPENWEATHER_URL = "" if not GROQ_API_KEY: raise ValueError("GROQ_API_KEY is not set in environment variables.") if not OPENWEATHER_API_KEY: raise ValueError("OPENWEATHER_API_KEY is not set in environment variables.") # Initialize the Groq client client = Groq(api_key=GROQ_API_KEY) # Load the Whisper model model = whisper.load_model("base") # Ensure this model supports Urdu; otherwise, choose a suitable model def fetch_weather(): try: response = requests.get( OPENWEATHER_URL, params={ 'q': 'London', # Change to dynamic city name as needed 'appid': OPENWEATHER_API_KEY, 'units': 'metric' } ) response.raise_for_status() weather_data = response.json() temp = weather_data['main']['temp'] weather_description = weather_data['weather'][0]['description'] return f"Current temperature is {temp}°C with {weather_description}." except Exception as e: return f"Unable to fetch weather data: {e}" def process_audio(file_path): try: # Load the audio file audio = whisper.load_audio(file_path) # Transcribe the audio using Whisper (specify language if needed) result = model.transcribe(audio, language="ur") # Specify 'ur' for Urdu text = result["text"] # Check if the text contains any weather-related keywords weather_keywords = ['weather', 'temperature', 'climate', 'forecast'] if any(keyword in text.lower() for keyword in weather_keywords): weather_info = fetch_weather() response_message = f"The weather update: {weather_info}" else: # Generate a response in Urdu using Groq chat_completion = messages=[{"role": "user", "content": text}], model="gemma2-9b-it", # Ensure this model can handle Urdu ) # Access the response using dot notation response_message = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content.strip() # Convert the response text to Urdu speech tts = gTTS(response_message, lang='ur') # Specify language 'ur' for Urdu response_audio_io = io.BytesIO() tts.write_to_fp(response_audio_io) # Save the audio to the BytesIO object # Generate a unique filename response_audio_path = "response_" + str(int(time.time())) + ".mp3" # Save audio to a file with open(response_audio_path, "wb") as audio_file: audio_file.write(response_audio_io.getvalue()) # Return the response text and the path to the saved audio file return response_message, response_audio_path except Exception as e: return f"An error occurred: {e}", None iface = gr.Interface( fn=process_audio, inputs=gr.Audio(type="filepath"), # Use type="filepath" outputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Response Text (Urdu)"), gr.Audio(label="Response Audio (Urdu)")], live=True # Set to False if you do not need real-time updates ) iface.launch()