checkout / Order-Pay_files /style_002.css
N.Achyuth Reddy
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Theme Name: Envo eCommerce
Theme URI:
Author: EnvoThemes
Author URI:
Description: Envo eCommerce is a fast, clean and modern-looking responsive free WooCommerce theme for WordPress. This theme supports popular page builders like Elementor, KingComposer, Beaver Builder, SiteOrigin, Thrive Architect, Divi, Brizy, Visual Composer, etc. The theme is responsive, super fast, SEO friendly, WPML and RTL ready. Documentation: Theme demo ready to import:
Version: 1.0.13
License: GNU General Public License v3
License URI:
Tags: one-column, two-columns, full-width-template, right-sidebar, custom-background, custom-menu, custom-header, editor-style, featured-images, translation-ready, custom-logo, threaded-comments, footer-widgets, rtl-language-support, blog, e-commerce
Text Domain: envo-ecommerce
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/* Comments */
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