import importlib import importlib.util import os import sys __all__ = [] # from # noqa def _import_file(module_name, file_path, make_importable=False): spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, file_path) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) if make_importable: sys.modules[module_name] = module return module def _configure_libraries(): """ Configurations for some libraries. """ # An environment option to disable `import cv2` globally, # in case it leads to negative performance impact disable_cv2 = int(os.environ.get("MEDSEGPY_DISABLE_CV2", False)) if disable_cv2: sys.modules["cv2"] = None else: # Disable opencl in opencv since its interaction with cuda often # has negative effects # This envvar is supported after OpenCV 3.4.0 os.environ["OPENCV_OPENCL_RUNTIME"] = "disabled" try: import cv2 if int(cv2.__version__.split(".")[0]) >= 3: cv2.ocl.setUseOpenCL(False) except ImportError: pass _ENV_SETUP_DONE = False def setup_environment(): """Perform environment setup work. The default setup is a no-op, but this function allows the user to specify a Python source file or a module in the $MEDSEGPY_ENV_MODULE environment variable, that performs custom setup work that may be necessary to their computing environment. """ global _ENV_SETUP_DONE if _ENV_SETUP_DONE: return _ENV_SETUP_DONE = True _configure_libraries() custom_module_path = os.environ.get("MEDSEGPY_ENV_MODULE") if custom_module_path: setup_custom_environment(custom_module_path) else: # The default setup is a no-op pass def setup_custom_environment(custom_module): """ Load custom environment setup by importing a Python source file or a module, and run the setup function. """ if custom_module.endswith(".py"): module = _import_file("medsegpy.utils.env.custom_module", custom_module) else: module = importlib.import_module(custom_module) assert hasattr(module, "setup_environment") and callable( module.setup_environment ), ( "Custom environment module defined in {} does not have the " "required callable attribute 'setup_environment'." ).format( custom_module ) module.setup_environment()