import gradio model_interfaces = gradio.Interface.load("models/ckpt/anything-v4.0") def process_prompt(prompt): prompt=prompt.lower() print(prompt) image = model_interfaces(prompt) return image sandbox = gradio.Interface( fn=process_prompt, inputs=[gradio.Textbox(label="Enter Prompt:")], outputs=[gradio.Image(label="Produced Image")], title="Text to Image", examples=[["Female Adventurer portrait, rogue, tavern background"], ["female Adventurer portrait, barbarian, tavern background"], ["Magic Adventurer portrait, old wizard, tavern background"], ["Male superhero portrait, modern city, building background"], ["Magic Adventurer portrait, old wizard, fire elementalist, tavern background, fire"], ["Female Adventurer portrait, Druid, tavern background"], ["close up portrait Benedict Cumberbatch wizard of black magic, robe with hood, Hogwart University, castle tower background, oil painting on canvas"], ["Adventurer portrait, cleric, rogue looking stranger, tavern background"]] ) sandbox.queue(concurrency_count=10).launch(debug=True)