fastAPI /
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from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, Query
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
from fastapi import File, UploadFile
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse
from pydantic import BaseModel
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
import faiss
import numpy as np
import json
app = FastAPI()
model = SentenceTransformer('paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2')
index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(384) # 384 is the dimensionality of the MiniLM model
templates = Jinja2Templates(directory=".")
class EmbedRequest(BaseModel):
texts: list[str]
class SearchRequest(BaseModel):
text: str
n: int = 5
def read_root(request: Request):
return templates.TemplateResponse("index.html", {"request": request})"/embed")
def embed_strings(request: EmbedRequest):
new_documents = request.texts
new_embeddings = model.encode(new_documents)
new_size = index.ntotal
return {
"message": f"{len(new_documents)} new strings embedded and added to FAISS database. New size of the database: {new_size}"
def search_string(request: SearchRequest):
embedding = model.encode([request.text])
distances, indices =, request.n)
found_documents = index.reconstruct_n(indices[0], request.n)
return {
"distances": distances[0].tolist(),
"indices": indices[0].tolist(),
"documents": found_documents.tolist()
## database management ##
def get_database_length():
return {"length": index.ntotal}"/admin/database/reset")
def reset_database():
return {"message": "Database reset"}
def download_documents():
# Reconstruct the documents from the FAISS index
documents = index.reconstruct_n(0, index.ntotal)
# Convert the documents list to a JSON string
documents_json = json.dumps(documents.tolist())
# Create a response with the JSON string as the content
response = Response(content=documents_json, media_type="application/json")
# Set the content disposition header to trigger a download
response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=documents.json"
return response
def download_database():
# Save the FAISS index to a file
faiss.write_index(index, "database.index")
# Create a response with the index file as the content
response = FileResponse("database.index")
# Set the content disposition header to trigger a download
response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=database.index"
return response"/admin/database/upload")
def upload_database(file: UploadFile = File(...)):
# Read the contents of the uploaded file
contents =
# Load the FAISS index from the file contents
index = faiss.read_index_binary(contents)
# Clear the existing documents and add the new ones
documents.extend(index.reconstruct_n(0, index.ntotal))
return {"message": "Database uploaded"}