import gradio as gr |
import whisper |
from whisper.utils import write_vtt |
import requests |
import os |
import re |
model = whisper.load_model("medium") |
def inference(link): |
content = requests.get(link) |
podcast_url = re.findall("(?P<url>\;https?://[^\s]+)", content.text)[0].split(';')[1] |
print(podcast_url) |
download = requests.get(podcast_url) |
with open('podcast.mp3', 'wb') as f: |
f.write(download.content) |
result = model.transcribe('podcast.mp3') |
with open('sub.vtt', "w") as txt: |
write_vtt(result["segments"], file=txt) |
return (result['text'], 'sub.vtt') |
title="PodScript" |
description="Get Podcast Transcript" |
block = gr.Blocks() |
with block: |
gr.HTML( |
""" <center> |
<h1>PodScript</h1> |
<img src = 'https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newbreedmarketing.com%2Fhs-fs%2Fhubfs%2Fshutterstock_1125707303.jpg%3Fwidth%3D5000%26name%3Dshutterstock_1125707303.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=0ba3d9b639d63b0b737ea63cd81b241cc47f46cb519ac4ca18fd3ce6fc1376ad&ipo=images' width = '20%'></img> |
</center> |
""" |
) |
with gr.Group(): |
with gr.Box(): |
link = gr.Textbox(label="Google Podcasts Link") |
with gr.Row().style(mobile_collapse=False, equal_height=True): |
btn = gr.Button("Get PodScript πͺ") |
text = gr.Textbox( |
label="PodScript", |
placeholder="PodScript Output", |
lines=5) |
file = gr.File() |
btn.click(inference, inputs=[link], outputs=[text,file]) |
block.launch(debug=True, enable_queue = True) |