AnkitGaur2811's picture
Update removed some errors
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Image Conversion App .ipynb
Automatically generated by Colaboratory.
Original file is located at
# ***Image Conversion from Simple image***
> To
1. Edge Image
2. Pencile sketch
3. Painting
4. Cartoon image
###Step 1:- Import All libraries
- Numpy (For storing Image)
- Matplotlib (For Display image)
- OpenCV (for Converting the image)
# installing all imp libs to the machine
#!pip install opencv_contrib_python
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import gradio as gr
"""###Step 2:- Import and show the image
for this we will be using opencv and matplotlib
def read_image(Image):
This Function is made to take image input from the user
Input: Path of the Image
Output: Image in RGB format
img = cv2.imread(Image)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # As opencv read the image as BGR so we have to convert it to RGB
return img
#filename ="/content/to.jpeg"
#Image= read_image(filename)
"""### Step 3:- Converting the Image to respective types
Making diffrent Function for each work
####4. Cartoon Image
# create Edge
def edge_mask(Image, line_size, Blur_value):
grey_blur= cv2.medianBlur(grey_img, Blur_value)
edge_image= cv2.adaptiveThreshold(grey_blur, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, line_size, Blur_value)
return edge_image
# line_size,Blur_value=7,7
# edges= edge_mask(Image,line_size,Blur_value)
# plt.imshow(edges, cmap="binary")
#reduce Colour Palet
def colour_quantization(Image, k):
critria= (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 20, 0.01)
ret, label, center= cv2.kmeans(data,k, None, critria, 10, cv2.KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS)
centers= np.uint8(center)
return result
# Paint= colour_quantization(Image,10)
# plt.imshow(Paint)
# cv2.imwrite("final1.jpg",Paint)
def cartoon(Paint,edges):
Blurred_img= cv2.bilateralFilter(Paint, d=8 ,sigmaColor=200, sigmaSpace=200)
# plt.imshow(Final)
# Final= cv2.cvtColor(Final, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
# cv2.imwrite("Final.jpg", Final)
return Final
# cartoon()
def Main_cartoon(Image,Line_size,Blur_value,Color_count):
edge_mask_img= edge_mask(Image, Line_size, Blur_value)
Paint_img=colour_quantization(Image, Color_count)
cartoon_img= cartoon(Paint_img,edge_mask_img)
# cartoon_img=cv2.cvtColor(cartoon_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
return cartoon_img
"""####3. Painting"""
def Painting(Image, Colour_count):
# Painting=cv2.cvtColor(Painting, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
return Painting
"""####2.Pencil Sketch"""
def Pencil_sketch(Image):
grey_img=cv2.cvtColor(Image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
blur_img=cv2.GaussianBlur(invert_img, (111,111),0)
sketch_img=cv2.divide(grey_img,invblur_img, scale=256.0)
return sketch_img
"""####1.Edge Sketch"""
def Edge_sketch(Image):
edge_img = cv2.Canny(Image,100,200)
edge_img = cv2.cvtColor(edge_img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
return edge_img
"""###Step 4:- Testing"""
#cv2.imwrite("Final.jpg", x)
"""### Step 5:- Gradio app and driver code
#### Driver Code
def Sketch_app(Image,Type,Color_count,Line_size,Blur_value):
if Type == "Cartoon":
Result = Main_cartoon(Image,Line_size,Blur_value,Color_count)
elif Type == "Painting":
Result = Painting(Image,Color_count)
elif Type == "Pencil sketch":
Result = Pencil_sketch(Image)
Result = None
return Result
"""#### Gradio app
##### Installing and Importing Gradio
As Gradio is a 3rd party library we have to install it in Our Run time before Executing
#!pip install gradio
Image_conversion = gr.Interface(
fn = Sketch_app,
gr.Image( tool="select",label="Image to Convert", show_label=True),
gr.Dropdown( choices = ["Pencil sketch","Painting","Cartoon"],label="Type to convert", show_label=True),
gr.Slider( minimum=5, maximum=20, value =10, step= 1,label="Number of colour to be used in photo ( use only in case of painting and cartoon)", show_label=True),
gr.Slider( minimum=5, maximum=10, value =7, step= 2,label="Blurr effect to be used in photo ( use only in case of cartoon)", show_label=True),
gr.Slider( minimum=5, maximum=10, value =7, step= 2,label="Thickness of edges to be used in photo ( use only in case of cartoon)", show_label=True)],
outputs= "image",
tittle = " Image Conversion App",
description = """This is an image conversion app we take a regular photo and convert it into Cartoon, Painting, Pencil sketch. it is purely python based used
Gradio(for interfaceing), OpenCV (For image conversion), Numpy(for storing the image), Matplotlib (for displaying the image) """,
theme = "dark"