title: Norec Norbert2 TEST
emoji: 🏃
colorFrom: indigo
colorTo: indigo
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 3.13.0
app_file: app.py
pinned: false
This space provides a gradio demo and an easy-to-run wrapper of the pre-trained model for fine-grained sentiment analysis in Norwegian language, pre-trained on the [NoReC dataset](https://github.com/ltgoslo/norec).
Information about project you an fine on the website of [University of Oslo](https://www.mn.uio.no/ifi/english/research/projects/sant/)
The model can be easily used for predicting sentiment as follows:
>>> from sentiment_wrapper import PredictionModel
>>> model = PredictionModel()
>>> model.predict(['vi liker svart kaffe', 'jeg elsker virkelig røde roser!'])