import streamlit as st def read_readme(): with open("", "r") as f: readme_content = # Find the start and end of the block to remove start_marker = "---\n" end_marker = "\n---" start_index = readme_content.find(start_marker) end_index = readme_content.find(end_marker) + len(end_marker) # Remove the block if found if start_index != -1 and end_index != -1: readme_content = readme_content[:start_index] + readme_content[end_index:] # Split content by H1 headers sections = readme_content.split("\n# ") # Remove the first element as it's empty due to the initial split sections = sections[1:] return sections def main(): st.title("Welcome to My Blog") st.write("This is my blog where I share various topics.") sections = read_readme() # Display links to separate pages for each section st.subheader("Blog Sections:") for section in sections: section_title, *section_content = section.split("\n") section_content = "\n".join(section_content) # Display links to separate pages with the section title as the link text st.markdown(f"- [{section_title.strip('#').strip()}](#{section_title.strip('#').strip().lower().replace(' ', '-')})") # Display the section content on the separate page st.write(f"## {section_title}") st.markdown(section_content, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("---") if __name__ == "__main__": main()