import gradio as gr from easygui import msgbox import subprocess from .common_gui import get_folder_path, add_pre_postfix, find_replace import os from library.custom_logging import setup_logging # Set up logging log = setup_logging() def caption_images( caption_text, images_dir, overwrite, caption_ext, prefix, postfix, find_text, replace_text, ): # Check if images_dir is provided if not images_dir: msgbox('Image folder is missing. Please provide the directory containing the images to caption.') return # Check if caption_ext is provided if not caption_ext: msgbox('Please provide an extension for the caption files.') return if caption_text:'Captioning files in {images_dir} with {caption_text}...') # Build the command to run run_cmd = f'python "tools/"' run_cmd += f' --caption_text="{caption_text}"' # Add optional flags to the command if overwrite: run_cmd += f' --overwrite' if caption_ext: run_cmd += f' --caption_file_ext="{caption_ext}"' run_cmd += f' "{images_dir}"' # Run the command based on the operating system if == 'posix': os.system(run_cmd) else: # Check if overwrite option is enabled if overwrite: if prefix or postfix: # Add prefix and postfix to caption files add_pre_postfix( folder=images_dir, caption_file_ext=caption_ext, prefix=prefix, postfix=postfix, ) if find_text: # Find and replace text in caption files find_replace( folder_path=images_dir, caption_file_ext=caption_ext, search_text=find_text, replace_text=replace_text, ) else: if prefix or postfix: # Show a message if modification is not possible without overwrite option enabled msgbox( 'Could not modify caption files with requested change because the "Overwrite existing captions in folder" option is not selected.' )'Captioning done.') # Gradio UI def gradio_basic_caption_gui_tab(headless=False): with gr.Tab('Basic Captioning'): gr.Markdown( 'This utility allows you to create simple caption files for each image in a folder.' ) with gr.Row(): images_dir = gr.Textbox( label='Image folder to caption', placeholder='Directory containing the images to caption', interactive=True, ) folder_button = gr.Button( '📂', elem_id='open_folder_small', visible=(not headless) ) get_folder_path, outputs=images_dir, show_progress=False, ) caption_ext = gr.Textbox( label='Caption file extension', placeholder='Extension for caption file (e.g., .caption, .txt)', value='.txt', interactive=True, ) overwrite = gr.Checkbox( label='Overwrite existing captions in folder', interactive=True, value=False, ) with gr.Row(): prefix = gr.Textbox( label='Prefix to add to caption', placeholder='(Optional)', interactive=True, ) caption_text = gr.Textbox( label='Caption text', placeholder='e.g., "by some artist". Leave empty if you only want to add a prefix or postfix.', interactive=True, ) postfix = gr.Textbox( label='Postfix to add to caption', placeholder='(Optional)', interactive=True, ) with gr.Row(): find_text = gr.Textbox( label='Find text', placeholder='e.g., "by some artist". Leave empty if you only want to add a prefix or postfix.', interactive=True, ) replace_text = gr.Textbox( label='Replacement text', placeholder='e.g., "by some artist". Leave empty if you want to replace with nothing.', interactive=True, ) caption_button = gr.Button('Caption images') caption_images, inputs=[ caption_text, images_dir, overwrite, caption_ext, prefix, postfix, find_text, replace_text, ], show_progress=False, )