# # From: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KohakuBlueleaf/LoCon/main/extract_locon.py # import argparse def get_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "base_model", help="The model which use it to train the dreambooth model", default='', type=str ) parser.add_argument( "db_model", help="the dreambooth model you want to extract the locon", default='', type=str ) parser.add_argument( "output_name", help="the output model", default='./out.pt', type=str ) parser.add_argument( "--is_v2", help="Your base/db model is sd v2 or not", default=False, action="store_true" ) parser.add_argument( "--device", help="Which device you want to use to extract the locon", default='cpu', type=str ) parser.add_argument( "--mode", help=( 'extraction mode, can be "fixed", "threshold", "ratio", "percentile". ' 'If not "fixed", network_dim and conv_dim will be ignored' ), default='fixed', type=str ) parser.add_argument( "--linear_dim", help="network dim for linear layer in fixed mode", default=1, type=int ) parser.add_argument( "--conv_dim", help="network dim for conv layer in fixed mode", default=1, type=int ) parser.add_argument( "--linear_threshold", help="singular value threshold for linear layer in threshold mode", default=0., type=float ) parser.add_argument( "--conv_threshold", help="singular value threshold for conv layer in threshold mode", default=0., type=float ) parser.add_argument( "--linear_ratio", help="singular ratio for linear layer in ratio mode", default=0., type=float ) parser.add_argument( "--conv_ratio", help="singular ratio for conv layer in ratio mode", default=0., type=float ) parser.add_argument( "--linear_percentile", help="singular value percentile for linear layer percentile mode", default=1., type=float ) parser.add_argument( "--conv_percentile", help="singular value percentile for conv layer percentile mode", default=1., type=float ) return parser.parse_args() ARGS = get_args() from locon.utils import extract_diff from locon.kohya_model_utils import load_models_from_stable_diffusion_checkpoint import torch def main(): args = ARGS base = load_models_from_stable_diffusion_checkpoint(args.is_v2, args.base_model) db = load_models_from_stable_diffusion_checkpoint(args.is_v2, args.db_model) linear_mode_param = { 'fixed': args.linear_dim, 'threshold': args.linear_threshold, 'ratio': args.linear_ratio, 'percentile': args.linear_percentile, }[args.mode] conv_mode_param = { 'fixed': args.conv_dim, 'threshold': args.conv_threshold, 'ratio': args.conv_ratio, 'percentile': args.conv_percentile, }[args.mode] state_dict = extract_diff( base, db, args.mode, linear_mode_param, conv_mode_param, args.device ) torch.save(state_dict, args.output_name) if __name__ == '__main__': main()