Awell00's picture
feat!: add inference and utils files for model features and sound separation
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import time
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import yaml
from ml_collections import ConfigDict
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
from tqdm import tqdm
def get_model_from_config(model_type, config_path):
with open(config_path) as f:
if model_type == 'htdemucs':
config = OmegaConf.load(config_path)
config = ConfigDict(yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader))
if model_type == 'htdemucs':
from models.demucs4ht import get_model
model = get_model(config)
elif model_type == 'mel_band_roformer':
from models.bs_roformer import MelBandRoformer
model = MelBandRoformer(
elif model_type == 'bs_roformer':
from models.bs_roformer import BSRoformer
model = BSRoformer(
elif model_type == 'scnet':
from models.scnet import SCNet
model = SCNet(
print('Unknown model: {}'.format(model_type))
model = None
return model, config
def _getWindowingArray(window_size, fade_size):
fadein = torch.linspace(0, 1, fade_size)
fadeout = torch.linspace(1, 0, fade_size)
window = torch.ones(window_size)
window[-fade_size:] *= fadeout
window[:fade_size] *= fadein
return window
def demix_track(config, model, mix, device, pbar=False):
C =
N = config.inference.num_overlap
fade_size = C // 10
step = int(C // N)
border = C - step
batch_size = config.inference.batch_size
length_init = mix.shape[-1]
# Do pad from the beginning and end to account floating window results better
if length_init > 2 * border and (border > 0):
mix = nn.functional.pad(mix, (border, border), mode='reflect')
# windowingArray crossfades at segment boundaries to mitigate clicking artifacts
windowingArray = _getWindowingArray(C, fade_size)
with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(
with torch.inference_mode():
if is not None:
req_shape = (1, ) + tuple(mix.shape)
req_shape = (len(,) + tuple(mix.shape)
result = torch.zeros(req_shape, dtype=torch.float32)
counter = torch.zeros(req_shape, dtype=torch.float32)
i = 0
batch_data = []
batch_locations = []
progress_bar = tqdm(total=mix.shape[1], desc="Processing audio chunks", leave=False) if pbar else None
while i < mix.shape[1]:
# print(i, i + C, mix.shape[1])
part = mix[:, i:i + C].to(device)
length = part.shape[-1]
if length < C:
if length > C // 2 + 1:
part = nn.functional.pad(input=part, pad=(0, C - length), mode='reflect')
part = nn.functional.pad(input=part, pad=(0, C - length, 0, 0), mode='constant', value=0)
batch_locations.append((i, length))
i += step
if len(batch_data) >= batch_size or (i >= mix.shape[1]):
arr = torch.stack(batch_data, dim=0)
x = model(arr)
window = windowingArray
if i - step == 0: # First audio chunk, no fadein
window[:fade_size] = 1
elif i >= mix.shape[1]: # Last audio chunk, no fadeout
window[-fade_size:] = 1
for j in range(len(batch_locations)):
start, l = batch_locations[j]
result[..., start:start+l] += x[j][..., :l].cpu() * window[..., :l]
counter[..., start:start+l] += window[..., :l]
batch_data = []
batch_locations = []
if progress_bar:
if progress_bar:
estimated_sources = result / counter
estimated_sources = estimated_sources.cpu().numpy()
np.nan_to_num(estimated_sources, copy=False, nan=0.0)
if length_init > 2 * border and (border > 0):
# Remove pad
estimated_sources = estimated_sources[..., border:-border]
if is None:
return {k: v for k, v in zip(, estimated_sources)}
return {k: v for k, v in zip([], estimated_sources)}
def demix_track_demucs(config, model, mix, device, pbar=False):
S = len(
C = *
N = config.inference.num_overlap
batch_size = config.inference.batch_size
step = C // N
# print(S, C, N, step, mix.shape, mix.device)
with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(
with torch.inference_mode():
req_shape = (S, ) + tuple(mix.shape)
result = torch.zeros(req_shape, dtype=torch.float32)
counter = torch.zeros(req_shape, dtype=torch.float32)
i = 0
batch_data = []
batch_locations = []
progress_bar = tqdm(total=mix.shape[1], desc="Processing audio chunks", leave=False) if pbar else None
while i < mix.shape[1]:
# print(i, i + C, mix.shape[1])
part = mix[:, i:i + C].to(device)
length = part.shape[-1]
if length < C:
part = nn.functional.pad(input=part, pad=(0, C - length, 0, 0), mode='constant', value=0)
batch_locations.append((i, length))
i += step
if len(batch_data) >= batch_size or (i >= mix.shape[1]):
arr = torch.stack(batch_data, dim=0)
x = model(arr)
for j in range(len(batch_locations)):
start, l = batch_locations[j]
result[..., start:start+l] += x[j][..., :l].cpu()
counter[..., start:start+l] += 1.
batch_data = []
batch_locations = []
if progress_bar:
if progress_bar:
estimated_sources = result / counter
estimated_sources = estimated_sources.cpu().numpy()
np.nan_to_num(estimated_sources, copy=False, nan=0.0)
if S > 1:
return {k: v for k, v in zip(, estimated_sources)}
return estimated_sources
def sdr(references, estimates):
# compute SDR for one song
delta = 1e-7 # avoid numerical errors
num = np.sum(np.square(references), axis=(1, 2))
den = np.sum(np.square(references - estimates), axis=(1, 2))
num += delta
den += delta
return 10 * np.log10(num / den)