Dragreal / utils /diffusers /pipelines /kandinsky /pipeline_kandinsky_inpaint.py
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# Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
import PIL.Image
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from packaging import version
from PIL import Image
from transformers import (
from ... import __version__
from ...models import UNet2DConditionModel, VQModel
from ...schedulers import DDIMScheduler
from ...utils import (
from ...utils.torch_utils import randn_tensor
from ..pipeline_utils import DiffusionPipeline, ImagePipelineOutput
from .text_encoder import MultilingualCLIP
logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
>>> from diffusers import KandinskyInpaintPipeline, KandinskyPriorPipeline
>>> from diffusers.utils import load_image
>>> import torch
>>> import numpy as np
>>> pipe_prior = KandinskyPriorPipeline.from_pretrained(
... "kandinsky-community/kandinsky-2-1-prior", torch_dtype=torch.float16
... )
>>> pipe_prior.to("cuda")
>>> prompt = "a hat"
>>> image_emb, zero_image_emb = pipe_prior(prompt, return_dict=False)
>>> pipe = KandinskyInpaintPipeline.from_pretrained(
... "kandinsky-community/kandinsky-2-1-inpaint", torch_dtype=torch.float16
... )
>>> pipe.to("cuda")
>>> init_image = load_image(
... "https://huggingface.co/datasets/hf-internal-testing/diffusers-images/resolve/main"
... "/kandinsky/cat.png"
... )
>>> mask = np.zeros((768, 768), dtype=np.float32)
>>> mask[:250, 250:-250] = 1
>>> out = pipe(
... prompt,
... image=init_image,
... mask_image=mask,
... image_embeds=image_emb,
... negative_image_embeds=zero_image_emb,
... height=768,
... width=768,
... num_inference_steps=50,
... )
>>> image = out.images[0]
>>> image.save("cat_with_hat.png")
def get_new_h_w(h, w, scale_factor=8):
new_h = h // scale_factor**2
if h % scale_factor**2 != 0:
new_h += 1
new_w = w // scale_factor**2
if w % scale_factor**2 != 0:
new_w += 1
return new_h * scale_factor, new_w * scale_factor
def prepare_mask(masks):
prepared_masks = []
for mask in masks:
old_mask = deepcopy(mask)
for i in range(mask.shape[1]):
for j in range(mask.shape[2]):
if old_mask[0][i][j] == 1:
if i != 0:
mask[:, i - 1, j] = 0
if j != 0:
mask[:, i, j - 1] = 0
if i != 0 and j != 0:
mask[:, i - 1, j - 1] = 0
if i != mask.shape[1] - 1:
mask[:, i + 1, j] = 0
if j != mask.shape[2] - 1:
mask[:, i, j + 1] = 0
if i != mask.shape[1] - 1 and j != mask.shape[2] - 1:
mask[:, i + 1, j + 1] = 0
return torch.stack(prepared_masks, dim=0)
def prepare_mask_and_masked_image(image, mask, height, width):
Prepares a pair (mask, image) to be consumed by the Kandinsky inpaint pipeline. This means that those inputs will
be converted to ``torch.Tensor`` with shapes ``batch x channels x height x width`` where ``channels`` is ``3`` for
the ``image`` and ``1`` for the ``mask``.
The ``image`` will be converted to ``torch.float32`` and normalized to be in ``[-1, 1]``. The ``mask`` will be
binarized (``mask > 0.5``) and cast to ``torch.float32`` too.
image (Union[np.array, PIL.Image, torch.Tensor]): The image to inpaint.
It can be a ``PIL.Image``, or a ``height x width x 3`` ``np.array`` or a ``channels x height x width``
``torch.Tensor`` or a ``batch x channels x height x width`` ``torch.Tensor``.
mask (_type_): The mask to apply to the image, i.e. regions to inpaint.
It can be a ``PIL.Image``, or a ``height x width`` ``np.array`` or a ``1 x height x width``
``torch.Tensor`` or a ``batch x 1 x height x width`` ``torch.Tensor``.
height (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 512):
The height in pixels of the generated image.
width (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 512):
The width in pixels of the generated image.
ValueError: ``torch.Tensor`` images should be in the ``[-1, 1]`` range. ValueError: ``torch.Tensor`` mask
should be in the ``[0, 1]`` range. ValueError: ``mask`` and ``image`` should have the same spatial dimensions.
TypeError: ``mask`` is a ``torch.Tensor`` but ``image`` is not
(ot the other way around).
tuple[torch.Tensor]: The pair (mask, image) as ``torch.Tensor`` with 4
dimensions: ``batch x channels x height x width``.
if image is None:
raise ValueError("`image` input cannot be undefined.")
if mask is None:
raise ValueError("`mask_image` input cannot be undefined.")
if isinstance(image, torch.Tensor):
if not isinstance(mask, torch.Tensor):
raise TypeError(f"`image` is a torch.Tensor but `mask` (type: {type(mask)} is not")
# Batch single image
if image.ndim == 3:
assert image.shape[0] == 3, "Image outside a batch should be of shape (3, H, W)"
image = image.unsqueeze(0)
# Batch and add channel dim for single mask
if mask.ndim == 2:
mask = mask.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
# Batch single mask or add channel dim
if mask.ndim == 3:
# Single batched mask, no channel dim or single mask not batched but channel dim
if mask.shape[0] == 1:
mask = mask.unsqueeze(0)
# Batched masks no channel dim
mask = mask.unsqueeze(1)
assert image.ndim == 4 and mask.ndim == 4, "Image and Mask must have 4 dimensions"
assert image.shape[-2:] == mask.shape[-2:], "Image and Mask must have the same spatial dimensions"
assert image.shape[0] == mask.shape[0], "Image and Mask must have the same batch size"
# Check image is in [-1, 1]
if image.min() < -1 or image.max() > 1:
raise ValueError("Image should be in [-1, 1] range")
# Check mask is in [0, 1]
if mask.min() < 0 or mask.max() > 1:
raise ValueError("Mask should be in [0, 1] range")
# Binarize mask
mask[mask < 0.5] = 0
mask[mask >= 0.5] = 1
# Image as float32
image = image.to(dtype=torch.float32)
elif isinstance(mask, torch.Tensor):
raise TypeError(f"`mask` is a torch.Tensor but `image` (type: {type(image)} is not")
# preprocess image
if isinstance(image, (PIL.Image.Image, np.ndarray)):
image = [image]
if isinstance(image, list) and isinstance(image[0], PIL.Image.Image):
# resize all images w.r.t passed height an width
image = [i.resize((width, height), resample=Image.BICUBIC, reducing_gap=1) for i in image]
image = [np.array(i.convert("RGB"))[None, :] for i in image]
image = np.concatenate(image, axis=0)
elif isinstance(image, list) and isinstance(image[0], np.ndarray):
image = np.concatenate([i[None, :] for i in image], axis=0)
image = image.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
image = torch.from_numpy(image).to(dtype=torch.float32) / 127.5 - 1.0
# preprocess mask
if isinstance(mask, (PIL.Image.Image, np.ndarray)):
mask = [mask]
if isinstance(mask, list) and isinstance(mask[0], PIL.Image.Image):
mask = [i.resize((width, height), resample=PIL.Image.LANCZOS) for i in mask]
mask = np.concatenate([np.array(m.convert("L"))[None, None, :] for m in mask], axis=0)
mask = mask.astype(np.float32) / 255.0
elif isinstance(mask, list) and isinstance(mask[0], np.ndarray):
mask = np.concatenate([m[None, None, :] for m in mask], axis=0)
mask[mask < 0.5] = 0
mask[mask >= 0.5] = 1
mask = torch.from_numpy(mask)
mask = 1 - mask
return mask, image
class KandinskyInpaintPipeline(DiffusionPipeline):
Pipeline for text-guided image inpainting using Kandinsky2.1
This model inherits from [`DiffusionPipeline`]. Check the superclass documentation for the generic methods the
library implements for all the pipelines (such as downloading or saving, running on a particular device, etc.)
text_encoder ([`MultilingualCLIP`]):
Frozen text-encoder.
tokenizer ([`XLMRobertaTokenizer`]):
Tokenizer of class
scheduler ([`DDIMScheduler`]):
A scheduler to be used in combination with `unet` to generate image latents.
unet ([`UNet2DConditionModel`]):
Conditional U-Net architecture to denoise the image embedding.
movq ([`VQModel`]):
MoVQ image encoder and decoder
model_cpu_offload_seq = "text_encoder->unet->movq"
def __init__(
text_encoder: MultilingualCLIP,
movq: VQModel,
tokenizer: XLMRobertaTokenizer,
unet: UNet2DConditionModel,
scheduler: DDIMScheduler,
self.movq_scale_factor = 2 ** (len(self.movq.config.block_out_channels) - 1)
self._warn_has_been_called = False
# Copied from diffusers.pipelines.unclip.pipeline_unclip.UnCLIPPipeline.prepare_latents
def prepare_latents(self, shape, dtype, device, generator, latents, scheduler):
if latents is None:
latents = randn_tensor(shape, generator=generator, device=device, dtype=dtype)
if latents.shape != shape:
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected latents shape, got {latents.shape}, expected {shape}")
latents = latents.to(device)
latents = latents * scheduler.init_noise_sigma
return latents
def _encode_prompt(
batch_size = len(prompt) if isinstance(prompt, list) else 1
# get prompt text embeddings
text_inputs = self.tokenizer(
text_input_ids = text_inputs.input_ids
untruncated_ids = self.tokenizer(prompt, padding="longest", return_tensors="pt").input_ids
if untruncated_ids.shape[-1] >= text_input_ids.shape[-1] and not torch.equal(text_input_ids, untruncated_ids):
removed_text = self.tokenizer.batch_decode(untruncated_ids[:, self.tokenizer.model_max_length - 1 : -1])
"The following part of your input was truncated because CLIP can only handle sequences up to"
f" {self.tokenizer.model_max_length} tokens: {removed_text}"
text_input_ids = text_input_ids.to(device)
text_mask = text_inputs.attention_mask.to(device)
prompt_embeds, text_encoder_hidden_states = self.text_encoder(
input_ids=text_input_ids, attention_mask=text_mask
prompt_embeds = prompt_embeds.repeat_interleave(num_images_per_prompt, dim=0)
text_encoder_hidden_states = text_encoder_hidden_states.repeat_interleave(num_images_per_prompt, dim=0)
text_mask = text_mask.repeat_interleave(num_images_per_prompt, dim=0)
if do_classifier_free_guidance:
uncond_tokens: List[str]
if negative_prompt is None:
uncond_tokens = [""] * batch_size
elif type(prompt) is not type(negative_prompt):
raise TypeError(
f"`negative_prompt` should be the same type to `prompt`, but got {type(negative_prompt)} !="
f" {type(prompt)}."
elif isinstance(negative_prompt, str):
uncond_tokens = [negative_prompt]
elif batch_size != len(negative_prompt):
raise ValueError(
f"`negative_prompt`: {negative_prompt} has batch size {len(negative_prompt)}, but `prompt`:"
f" {prompt} has batch size {batch_size}. Please make sure that passed `negative_prompt` matches"
" the batch size of `prompt`."
uncond_tokens = negative_prompt
uncond_input = self.tokenizer(
uncond_text_input_ids = uncond_input.input_ids.to(device)
uncond_text_mask = uncond_input.attention_mask.to(device)
negative_prompt_embeds, uncond_text_encoder_hidden_states = self.text_encoder(
input_ids=uncond_text_input_ids, attention_mask=uncond_text_mask
# duplicate unconditional embeddings for each generation per prompt, using mps friendly method
seq_len = negative_prompt_embeds.shape[1]
negative_prompt_embeds = negative_prompt_embeds.repeat(1, num_images_per_prompt)
negative_prompt_embeds = negative_prompt_embeds.view(batch_size * num_images_per_prompt, seq_len)
seq_len = uncond_text_encoder_hidden_states.shape[1]
uncond_text_encoder_hidden_states = uncond_text_encoder_hidden_states.repeat(1, num_images_per_prompt, 1)
uncond_text_encoder_hidden_states = uncond_text_encoder_hidden_states.view(
batch_size * num_images_per_prompt, seq_len, -1
uncond_text_mask = uncond_text_mask.repeat_interleave(num_images_per_prompt, dim=0)
# done duplicates
# For classifier free guidance, we need to do two forward passes.
# Here we concatenate the unconditional and text embeddings into a single batch
# to avoid doing two forward passes
prompt_embeds = torch.cat([negative_prompt_embeds, prompt_embeds])
text_encoder_hidden_states = torch.cat([uncond_text_encoder_hidden_states, text_encoder_hidden_states])
text_mask = torch.cat([uncond_text_mask, text_mask])
return prompt_embeds, text_encoder_hidden_states, text_mask
def __call__(
prompt: Union[str, List[str]],
image: Union[torch.FloatTensor, PIL.Image.Image],
mask_image: Union[torch.FloatTensor, PIL.Image.Image, np.ndarray],
image_embeds: torch.FloatTensor,
negative_image_embeds: torch.FloatTensor,
negative_prompt: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
height: int = 512,
width: int = 512,
num_inference_steps: int = 100,
guidance_scale: float = 4.0,
num_images_per_prompt: int = 1,
generator: Optional[Union[torch.Generator, List[torch.Generator]]] = None,
latents: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
output_type: Optional[str] = "pil",
callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int, torch.FloatTensor], None]] = None,
callback_steps: int = 1,
return_dict: bool = True,
Function invoked when calling the pipeline for generation.
prompt (`str` or `List[str]`):
The prompt or prompts to guide the image generation.
image (`torch.FloatTensor`, `PIL.Image.Image` or `np.ndarray`):
`Image`, or tensor representing an image batch, that will be used as the starting point for the
mask_image (`PIL.Image.Image`,`torch.FloatTensor` or `np.ndarray`):
`Image`, or a tensor representing an image batch, to mask `image`. White pixels in the mask will be
repainted, while black pixels will be preserved. You can pass a pytorch tensor as mask only if the
image you passed is a pytorch tensor, and it should contain one color channel (L) instead of 3, so the
expected shape would be either `(B, 1, H, W,)`, `(B, H, W)`, `(1, H, W)` or `(H, W)` If image is an PIL
image or numpy array, mask should also be a either PIL image or numpy array. If it is a PIL image, it
will be converted to a single channel (luminance) before use. If it is a nummpy array, the expected
shape is `(H, W)`.
image_embeds (`torch.FloatTensor` or `List[torch.FloatTensor]`):
The clip image embeddings for text prompt, that will be used to condition the image generation.
negative_image_embeds (`torch.FloatTensor` or `List[torch.FloatTensor]`):
The clip image embeddings for negative text prompt, will be used to condition the image generation.
negative_prompt (`str` or `List[str]`, *optional*):
The prompt or prompts not to guide the image generation. Ignored when not using guidance (i.e., ignored
if `guidance_scale` is less than `1`).
height (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 512):
The height in pixels of the generated image.
width (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 512):
The width in pixels of the generated image.
num_inference_steps (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 100):
The number of denoising steps. More denoising steps usually lead to a higher quality image at the
expense of slower inference.
guidance_scale (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 4.0):
Guidance scale as defined in [Classifier-Free Diffusion Guidance](https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.12598).
`guidance_scale` is defined as `w` of equation 2. of [Imagen
Paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2205.11487.pdf). Guidance scale is enabled by setting `guidance_scale >
1`. Higher guidance scale encourages to generate images that are closely linked to the text `prompt`,
usually at the expense of lower image quality.
num_images_per_prompt (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 1):
The number of images to generate per prompt.
generator (`torch.Generator` or `List[torch.Generator]`, *optional*):
One or a list of [torch generator(s)](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.Generator.html)
to make generation deterministic.
latents (`torch.FloatTensor`, *optional*):
Pre-generated noisy latents, sampled from a Gaussian distribution, to be used as inputs for image
generation. Can be used to tweak the same generation with different prompts. If not provided, a latents
tensor will ge generated by sampling using the supplied random `generator`.
output_type (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"pil"`):
The output format of the generate image. Choose between: `"pil"` (`PIL.Image.Image`), `"np"`
(`np.array`) or `"pt"` (`torch.Tensor`).
callback (`Callable`, *optional*):
A function that calls every `callback_steps` steps during inference. The function is called with the
following arguments: `callback(step: int, timestep: int, latents: torch.FloatTensor)`.
callback_steps (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 1):
The frequency at which the `callback` function is called. If not specified, the callback is called at
every step.
return_dict (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`):
Whether or not to return a [`~pipelines.ImagePipelineOutput`] instead of a plain tuple.
[`~pipelines.ImagePipelineOutput`] or `tuple`
if not self._warn_has_been_called and version.parse(version.parse(__version__).base_version) < version.parse(
"Please note that the expected format of `mask_image` has recently been changed. "
"Before diffusers == 0.19.0, Kandinsky Inpainting pipelines repainted black pixels and preserved black pixels. "
"As of diffusers==0.19.0 this behavior has been inverted. Now white pixels are repainted and black pixels are preserved. "
"This way, Kandinsky's masking behavior is aligned with Stable Diffusion. "
"THIS means that you HAVE to invert the input mask to have the same behavior as before as explained in https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/pull/4207. "
"This warning will be surpressed after the first inference call and will be removed in diffusers>0.23.0"
self._warn_has_been_called = True
# Define call parameters
if isinstance(prompt, str):
batch_size = 1
elif isinstance(prompt, list):
batch_size = len(prompt)
raise ValueError(f"`prompt` has to be of type `str` or `list` but is {type(prompt)}")
device = self._execution_device
batch_size = batch_size * num_images_per_prompt
do_classifier_free_guidance = guidance_scale > 1.0
prompt_embeds, text_encoder_hidden_states, _ = self._encode_prompt(
prompt, device, num_images_per_prompt, do_classifier_free_guidance, negative_prompt
if isinstance(image_embeds, list):
image_embeds = torch.cat(image_embeds, dim=0)
if isinstance(negative_image_embeds, list):
negative_image_embeds = torch.cat(negative_image_embeds, dim=0)
if do_classifier_free_guidance:
image_embeds = image_embeds.repeat_interleave(num_images_per_prompt, dim=0)
negative_image_embeds = negative_image_embeds.repeat_interleave(num_images_per_prompt, dim=0)
image_embeds = torch.cat([negative_image_embeds, image_embeds], dim=0).to(
dtype=prompt_embeds.dtype, device=device
# preprocess image and mask
mask_image, image = prepare_mask_and_masked_image(image, mask_image, height, width)
image = image.to(dtype=prompt_embeds.dtype, device=device)
image = self.movq.encode(image)["latents"]
mask_image = mask_image.to(dtype=prompt_embeds.dtype, device=device)
image_shape = tuple(image.shape[-2:])
mask_image = F.interpolate(
mask_image = prepare_mask(mask_image)
masked_image = image * mask_image
mask_image = mask_image.repeat_interleave(num_images_per_prompt, dim=0)
masked_image = masked_image.repeat_interleave(num_images_per_prompt, dim=0)
if do_classifier_free_guidance:
mask_image = mask_image.repeat(2, 1, 1, 1)
masked_image = masked_image.repeat(2, 1, 1, 1)
self.scheduler.set_timesteps(num_inference_steps, device=device)
timesteps_tensor = self.scheduler.timesteps
num_channels_latents = self.movq.config.latent_channels
# get h, w for latents
sample_height, sample_width = get_new_h_w(height, width, self.movq_scale_factor)
# create initial latent
latents = self.prepare_latents(
(batch_size, num_channels_latents, sample_height, sample_width),
# Check that sizes of mask, masked image and latents match with expected
num_channels_mask = mask_image.shape[1]
num_channels_masked_image = masked_image.shape[1]
if num_channels_latents + num_channels_mask + num_channels_masked_image != self.unet.config.in_channels:
raise ValueError(
f"Incorrect configuration settings! The config of `pipeline.unet`: {self.unet.config} expects"
f" {self.unet.config.in_channels} but received `num_channels_latents`: {num_channels_latents} +"
f" `num_channels_mask`: {num_channels_mask} + `num_channels_masked_image`: {num_channels_masked_image}"
f" = {num_channels_latents+num_channels_masked_image+num_channels_mask}. Please verify the config of"
" `pipeline.unet` or your `mask_image` or `image` input."
for i, t in enumerate(self.progress_bar(timesteps_tensor)):
# expand the latents if we are doing classifier free guidance
latent_model_input = torch.cat([latents] * 2) if do_classifier_free_guidance else latents
latent_model_input = torch.cat([latent_model_input, masked_image, mask_image], dim=1)
added_cond_kwargs = {"text_embeds": prompt_embeds, "image_embeds": image_embeds}
noise_pred = self.unet(
if do_classifier_free_guidance:
noise_pred, variance_pred = noise_pred.split(latents.shape[1], dim=1)
noise_pred_uncond, noise_pred_text = noise_pred.chunk(2)
_, variance_pred_text = variance_pred.chunk(2)
noise_pred = noise_pred_uncond + guidance_scale * (noise_pred_text - noise_pred_uncond)
noise_pred = torch.cat([noise_pred, variance_pred_text], dim=1)
if not (
hasattr(self.scheduler.config, "variance_type")
and self.scheduler.config.variance_type in ["learned", "learned_range"]
noise_pred, _ = noise_pred.split(latents.shape[1], dim=1)
# compute the previous noisy sample x_t -> x_t-1
latents = self.scheduler.step(
if callback is not None and i % callback_steps == 0:
step_idx = i // getattr(self.scheduler, "order", 1)
callback(step_idx, t, latents)
# post-processing
image = self.movq.decode(latents, force_not_quantize=True)["sample"]
if output_type not in ["pt", "np", "pil"]:
raise ValueError(f"Only the output types `pt`, `pil` and `np` are supported not output_type={output_type}")
if output_type in ["np", "pil"]:
image = image * 0.5 + 0.5
image = image.clamp(0, 1)
image = image.cpu().permute(0, 2, 3, 1).float().numpy()
if output_type == "pil":
image = self.numpy_to_pil(image)
if not return_dict:
return (image,)
return ImagePipelineOutput(images=image)