from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List, Optional, Union import numpy as np import PIL.Image from ...utils import BaseOutput, is_flax_available @dataclass class StableDiffusionPipelineOutput(BaseOutput): """ Output class for Stable Diffusion pipelines. Args: images (`List[PIL.Image.Image]` or `np.ndarray`) List of denoised PIL images of length `batch_size` or NumPy array of shape `(batch_size, height, width, num_channels)`. nsfw_content_detected (`List[bool]`) List indicating whether the corresponding generated image contains "not-safe-for-work" (nsfw) content or `None` if safety checking could not be performed. """ images: Union[List[PIL.Image.Image], np.ndarray] nsfw_content_detected: Optional[List[bool]] if is_flax_available(): import flax @flax.struct.dataclass class FlaxStableDiffusionPipelineOutput(BaseOutput): """ Output class for Flax-based Stable Diffusion pipelines. Args: images (`np.ndarray`): Denoised images of array shape of `(batch_size, height, width, num_channels)`. nsfw_content_detected (`List[bool]`): List indicating whether the corresponding generated image contains "not-safe-for-work" (nsfw) content or `None` if safety checking could not be performed. """ images: np.ndarray nsfw_content_detected: List[bool]