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from six.moves import range
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import io
import time
import math
import random
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import combinations
from functools import reduce
from tqdm import tqdm
from memory_profiler import profile
def countless5(a,b,c,d,e):
"""First stage of generalizing from countless2d.
You have five slots: A, B, C, D, E
You can decide if something is the winner by first checking for
matches of three, then matches of two, then picking just one if
the other two tries fail. In countless2d, you just check for matches
of two and then pick one of them otherwise.
Unfortunately, you need to check ABC, ABD, ABE, BCD, BDE, & CDE.
Then you need to check AB, AC, AD, BC, BD
We skip checking E because if none of these match, we pick E. We can
skip checking AE, BE, CE, DE since if any of those match, E is our boy
so it's redundant.
So countless grows cominatorially in complexity.
sections = [ a,b,c,d,e ]
p2 = lambda q,r: q * (q == r) # q if p == q else 0
p3 = lambda q,r,s: q * ( (q == r) & (r == s) ) # q if q == r == s else 0
lor = lambda x,y: x + (x == 0) * y
results3 = ( p3(x,y,z) for x,y,z in combinations(sections, 3) )
results3 = reduce(lor, results3)
results2 = ( p2(x,y) for x,y in combinations(sections[:-1], 2) )
results2 = reduce(lor, results2)
return reduce(lor, (results3, results2, e))
def countless8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h):
"""Extend countless5 to countless8. Same deal, except we also
need to check for matches of length 4."""
sections = [ a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h ]
p2 = lambda q,r: q * (q == r)
p3 = lambda q,r,s: q * ( (q == r) & (r == s) )
p4 = lambda p,q,r,s: p * ( (p == q) & (q == r) & (r == s) )
lor = lambda x,y: x + (x == 0) * y
results4 = ( p4(x,y,z,w) for x,y,z,w in combinations(sections, 4) )
results4 = reduce(lor, results4)
results3 = ( p3(x,y,z) for x,y,z in combinations(sections, 3) )
results3 = reduce(lor, results3)
# We can always use our shortcut of omitting the last element
# for N choose 2
results2 = ( p2(x,y) for x,y in combinations(sections[:-1], 2) )
results2 = reduce(lor, results2)
return reduce(lor, [ results4, results3, results2, h ])
def dynamic_countless3d(data):
"""countless8 + dynamic programming. ~2x faster"""
sections = []
# shift zeros up one so they don't interfere with bitwise operators
# we'll shift down at the end
data += 1
# This loop splits the 2D array apart into four arrays that are
# all the result of striding by 2 and offset by (0,0), (0,1), (1,0),
# and (1,1) representing the A, B, C, and D positions from Figure 1.
factor = (2,2,2)
for offset in np.ndindex(factor):
part = data[tuple(np.s_[o::f] for o, f in zip(offset, factor))]
pick = lambda a,b: a * (a == b)
lor = lambda x,y: x + (x == 0) * y
subproblems2 = {}
results2 = None
for x,y in combinations(range(7), 2):
res = pick(sections[x], sections[y])
subproblems2[(x,y)] = res
if results2 is not None:
results2 += (results2 == 0) * res
results2 = res
subproblems3 = {}
results3 = None
for x,y,z in combinations(range(8), 3):
res = pick(subproblems2[(x,y)], sections[z])
if z != 7:
subproblems3[(x,y,z)] = res
if results3 is not None:
results3 += (results3 == 0) * res
results3 = res
results3 = reduce(lor, (results3, results2, sections[-1]))
# free memory
results2 = None
subproblems2 = None
res = None
results4 = ( pick(subproblems3[(x,y,z)], sections[w]) for x,y,z,w in combinations(range(8), 4) )
results4 = reduce(lor, results4)
subproblems3 = None # free memory
final_result = lor(results4, results3) - 1
data -= 1
return final_result
def countless3d(data):
"""Now write countless8 in such a way that it could be used
to process an image."""
sections = []
# shift zeros up one so they don't interfere with bitwise operators
# we'll shift down at the end
data += 1
# This loop splits the 2D array apart into four arrays that are
# all the result of striding by 2 and offset by (0,0), (0,1), (1,0),
# and (1,1) representing the A, B, C, and D positions from Figure 1.
factor = (2,2,2)
for offset in np.ndindex(factor):
part = data[tuple(np.s_[o::f] for o, f in zip(offset, factor))]
p2 = lambda q,r: q * (q == r)
p3 = lambda q,r,s: q * ( (q == r) & (r == s) )
p4 = lambda p,q,r,s: p * ( (p == q) & (q == r) & (r == s) )
lor = lambda x,y: x + (x == 0) * y
results4 = ( p4(x,y,z,w) for x,y,z,w in combinations(sections, 4) )
results4 = reduce(lor, results4)
results3 = ( p3(x,y,z) for x,y,z in combinations(sections, 3) )
results3 = reduce(lor, results3)
results2 = ( p2(x,y) for x,y in combinations(sections[:-1], 2) )
results2 = reduce(lor, results2)
final_result = reduce(lor, (results4, results3, results2, sections[-1])) - 1
data -= 1
return final_result
def countless_generalized(data, factor):
assert len(data.shape) == len(factor)
sections = []
mode_of = reduce(lambda x,y: x * y, factor)
majority = int(math.ceil(float(mode_of) / 2))
data += 1
# This loop splits the 2D array apart into four arrays that are
# all the result of striding by 2 and offset by (0,0), (0,1), (1,0),
# and (1,1) representing the A, B, C, and D positions from Figure 1.
for offset in np.ndindex(factor):
part = data[tuple(np.s_[o::f] for o, f in zip(offset, factor))]
def pick(elements):
eq = ( elements[i] == elements[i+1] for i in range(len(elements) - 1) )
anded = reduce(lambda p,q: p & q, eq)
return elements[0] * anded
def logical_or(x,y):
return x + (x == 0) * y
result = ( pick(combo) for combo in combinations(sections, majority) )
result = reduce(logical_or, result)
for i in range(majority - 1, 3-1, -1): # 3-1 b/c of exclusive bounds
partial_result = ( pick(combo) for combo in combinations(sections, i) )
partial_result = reduce(logical_or, partial_result)
result = logical_or(result, partial_result)
partial_result = ( pick(combo) for combo in combinations(sections[:-1], 2) )
partial_result = reduce(logical_or, partial_result)
result = logical_or(result, partial_result)
result = logical_or(result, sections[-1]) - 1
data -= 1
return result
def dynamic_countless_generalized(data, factor):
assert len(data.shape) == len(factor)
sections = []
mode_of = reduce(lambda x,y: x * y, factor)
majority = int(math.ceil(float(mode_of) / 2))
data += 1 # offset from zero
# This loop splits the 2D array apart into four arrays that are
# all the result of striding by 2 and offset by (0,0), (0,1), (1,0),
# and (1,1) representing the A, B, C, and D positions from Figure 1.
for offset in np.ndindex(factor):
part = data[tuple(np.s_[o::f] for o, f in zip(offset, factor))]
pick = lambda a,b: a * (a == b)
lor = lambda x,y: x + (x == 0) * y # logical or
subproblems = [ {}, {} ]
results2 = None
for x,y in combinations(range(len(sections) - 1), 2):
res = pick(sections[x], sections[y])
subproblems[0][(x,y)] = res
if results2 is not None:
results2 = lor(results2, res)
results2 = res
results = [ results2 ]
for r in range(3, majority+1):
r_results = None
for combo in combinations(range(len(sections)), r):
res = pick(subproblems[0][combo[:-1]], sections[combo[-1]])
if combo[-1] != len(sections) - 1:
subproblems[1][combo] = res
if r_results is not None:
r_results = lor(r_results, res)
r_results = res
subproblems[0] = subproblems[1]
subproblems[1] = {}
final_result = lor(reduce(lor, results), sections[-1]) - 1
data -= 1
return final_result
def downsample_with_averaging(array):
Downsample x by factor using averaging.
@return: The downsampled array, of the same type as x.
factor = (2,2,2)
if np.array_equal(factor[:3], np.array([1,1,1])):
return array
output_shape = tuple(int(math.ceil(s / f)) for s, f in zip(array.shape, factor))
temp = np.zeros(output_shape, float)
counts = np.zeros(output_shape,
for offset in np.ndindex(factor):
part = array[tuple(np.s_[o::f] for o, f in zip(offset, factor))]
indexing_expr = tuple(np.s_[:s] for s in part.shape)
temp[indexing_expr] += part
counts[indexing_expr] += 1
return np.cast[array.dtype](temp / counts)
def downsample_with_max_pooling(array):
factor = (2,2,2)
sections = []
for offset in np.ndindex(factor):
part = array[tuple(np.s_[o::f] for o, f in zip(offset, factor))]
output = sections[0].copy()
for section in sections[1:]:
np.maximum(output, section, output)
return output
def striding(array):
"""Downsample x by factor using striding.
@return: The downsampled array, of the same type as x.
factor = (2,2,2)
if np.all(np.array(factor, int) == 1):
return array
return array[tuple(np.s_[::f] for f in factor)]
def benchmark():
def countless3d_generalized(img):
return countless_generalized(img, (2,8,1))
def countless3d_dynamic_generalized(img):
return dynamic_countless_generalized(img, (8,8,1))
methods = [
# countless3d,
# dynamic_countless3d,
# countless3d_dynamic_generalized,
# striding,
# downsample_with_averaging,
# downsample_with_max_pooling
data = np.zeros(shape=(16**2, 16**2, 16**2), dtype=np.uint8) + 1
N = 5
print('Algorithm\tMPx\tMB/sec\tSec\tN=%d' % N)
for fn in methods:
start = time.time()
for _ in range(N):
result = fn(data)
end = time.time()
total_time = (end - start)
mpx = N * float(data.shape[0] * data.shape[1] * data.shape[2]) / total_time / 1024.0 / 1024.0
mbytes = mpx * np.dtype(data.dtype).itemsize
# Output in tab separated format to enable copy-paste into excel/numbers
print("%s\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.2f" % (fn.__name__, mpx, mbytes, total_time))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Algorithm MPx MB/sec Sec N=5
# countless3d 10.564 10.564 60.58
# dynamic_countless3d 22.717 22.717 28.17
# countless3d_generalized 9.702 9.702 65.96
# countless3d_dynamic_generalized 22.720 22.720 28.17
# striding 253360.506 253360.506 0.00
# downsample_with_averaging 224.098 224.098 2.86
# downsample_with_max_pooling 690.474 690.474 0.93