Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 5,592 Bytes
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# Setup FileCheck if requested and available: option(THRUST_ENABLE_EXAMPLE_FILECHECK "Check example output with the LLVM FileCheck utility." OFF ) set(filecheck_data_path "${Thrust_SOURCE_DIR}/internal/test") if (THRUST_ENABLE_EXAMPLE_FILECHECK) # TODO this should go into a find module find_program(THRUST_FILECHECK_EXECUTABLE DOC "Path to the LLVM FileCheck utility." NAMES FileCheck FileCheck-3.9 FileCheck-4.0 FileCheck-5.0 FileCheck-6.0 FileCheck-7 FileCheck-8 FileCheck-9 ) if (NOT THRUST_FILECHECK_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find the LLVM FileCheck utility. Set THRUST_FILECHECK_EXECUTABLE manually, " "or disable THRUST_ENABLE_EXAMPLE_FILECHECK." ) endif() execute_process( COMMAND "${THRUST_FILECHECK_EXECUTABLE}" "${filecheck_data_path}/thrust.sanity.filecheck" INPUT_FILE "${Thrust_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/sanity" RESULT_VARIABLE exit_code ) if (0 EQUAL exit_code) message(STATUS "FileCheck enabled: ${THRUST_FILECHECK_EXECUTABLE}") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "The current THRUST_FILECHECK_EXECUTABLE ('${THRUST_FILECHECK_EXECUTABLE}') " "does not seem to be a valid FileCheck executable." ) endif() endif() # Create meta targets that build all examples for a single configuration: foreach(thrust_target IN LISTS THRUST_TARGETS) thrust_get_target_property(config_prefix ${thrust_target} PREFIX) set(config_meta_target ${config_prefix}.examples) add_custom_target(${config_meta_target}) add_dependencies(${config_prefix}.all ${config_meta_target}) endforeach() # Update flags to reflect RDC options. See note in ThrustCudaConfig.cmake -- # these flag variables behave unintuitively: if (THRUST_ENABLE_EXAMPLES_WITH_RDC) set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${THRUST_CUDA_FLAGS_BASE} ${THRUST_CUDA_FLAGS_RDC}") else() set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${THRUST_CUDA_FLAGS_BASE} ${THRUST_CUDA_FLAGS_NO_RDC}") endif() ## thrust_add_example # # Add an example executable and register it with ctest. # # target_name_var: Variable name to overwrite with the name of the example # target. Useful for post-processing target information per-backend. # example_name: The name of the example minus "<config_prefix>.example." For # instance, examples/ will be "vector", and examples/cuda/ # would be "cuda.copy". # example_src: The source file that implements the example. # thrust_target: The reference thrust target with configuration information. # function(thrust_add_example target_name_var example_name example_src thrust_target) thrust_get_target_property(config_host ${thrust_target} HOST) thrust_get_target_property(config_device ${thrust_target} DEVICE) thrust_get_target_property(config_prefix ${thrust_target} PREFIX) # Wrap the .cu file in .cpp for non-CUDA backends if ("CUDA" STREQUAL "${config_device}") set(real_example_src "${example_src}") else() thrust_wrap_cu_in_cpp(real_example_src "${example_src}" ${thrust_target}) endif() # The actual name of the test's target: set(example_target ${config_prefix}.example.${example_name}) set(${target_name_var} ${example_target} PARENT_SCOPE) # Related target names: set(config_meta_target ${config_prefix}.examples) set(example_meta_target thrust.all.example.${example_name}) add_executable(${example_target} "${real_example_src}") target_link_libraries(${example_target} ${thrust_target}) target_include_directories(${example_target} PRIVATE "${Thrust_SOURCE_DIR}/examples") thrust_clone_target_properties(${example_target} ${thrust_target}) # Add to the active configuration's meta target add_dependencies(${config_meta_target} ${example_target}) # Meta target that builds examples with this name for all configurations: if (NOT TARGET ${example_meta_target}) add_custom_target(${example_meta_target}) endif() add_dependencies(${example_meta_target} ${example_target}) if ("CUDA" STREQUAL "${config_device}" AND THRUST_ENABLE_EXAMPLES_WITH_RDC) thrust_enable_rdc_for_cuda_target(${example_target}) endif() # Get the name of FileCheck input by stripping out the config name. # (e.g. "" -> "") string(REPLACE "${config_prefix}" "thrust" filecheck_reference_file "${example_target}.filecheck" ) add_test(NAME ${example_target} COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" "-DEXAMPLE_EXECUTABLE=$<TARGET_FILE:${example_target}>" "-DFILECHECK_ENABLED=${THRUST_ENABLE_EXAMPLE_FILECHECK}" "-DFILECHECK_EXECUTABLE=${THRUST_FILECHECK_EXECUTABLE}" "-DREFERENCE_FILE=${filecheck_data_path}/${filecheck_reference_file}" -P "${Thrust_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/ThrustRunExample.cmake" ) # Run OMP/TBB tests in serial. Multiple OMP processes will massively # oversubscribe the machine with GCC's OMP, and we want to test these with # the full CPU available to each unit test. set(config_systems ${config_host} ${config_device}) if (("OMP" IN_LIST config_systems) OR ("TBB" IN_LIST config_systems)) set_tests_properties(${example_target} PROPERTIES RUN_SERIAL ON) endif() endfunction() file(GLOB example_srcs RELATIVE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}" CONFIGURE_DEPENDS *.cu *.cpp ) foreach(thrust_target IN LISTS THRUST_TARGETS) foreach(example_src IN LISTS example_srcs) get_filename_component(example_name "${example_src}" NAME_WLE) thrust_add_example(example_target ${example_name} "${example_src}" ${thrust_target}) endforeach() endforeach() add_subdirectory(cmake) add_subdirectory(cuda) |