Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 3,676 Bytes
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#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/generate.h>
#include <thrust/sort.h>
#include <thrust/binary_search.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/counting_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/random.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
// define a 2d float vector
typedef thrust::tuple<float,float> vec2;
// return a random vec2 in [0,1)^2
vec2 make_random_vec2(void)
static thrust::default_random_engine rng;
static thrust::uniform_real_distribution<float> u01(0.0f, 1.0f);
float x = u01(rng);
float y = u01(rng);
return vec2(x,y);
// hash a point in the unit square to the index of
// the grid bucket that contains it
struct point_to_bucket_index : public thrust::unary_function<vec2,unsigned int>
unsigned int width; // buckets in the x dimension (grid spacing = 1/width)
unsigned int height; // buckets in the y dimension (grid spacing = 1/height)
__host__ __device__
point_to_bucket_index(unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
: width(width), height(height) {}
__host__ __device__
unsigned int operator()(const vec2& v) const
// find the raster indices of p's bucket
unsigned int x = static_cast<unsigned int>(thrust::get<0>(v) * width);
unsigned int y = static_cast<unsigned int>(thrust::get<1>(v) * height);
// return the bucket's linear index
return y * width + x;
int main(void)
const size_t N = 1000000;
// allocate some random points in the unit square on the host
thrust::host_vector<vec2> h_points(N);
thrust::generate(h_points.begin(), h_points.end(), make_random_vec2);
// transfer to device
thrust::device_vector<vec2> points = h_points;
// allocate storage for a 2D grid
// of dimensions w x h
unsigned int w = 200, h = 100;
// the grid data structure keeps a range per grid bucket:
// each bucket_begin[i] indexes the first element of bucket i's list of points
// each bucket_end[i] indexes one past the last element of bucket i's list of points
thrust::device_vector<unsigned int> bucket_begin(w*h);
thrust::device_vector<unsigned int> bucket_end(w*h);
// allocate storage for each point's bucket index
thrust::device_vector<unsigned int> bucket_indices(N);
// transform the points to their bucket indices
// sort the points by their bucket index
// find the beginning of each bucket's list of points
thrust::counting_iterator<unsigned int> search_begin(0);
search_begin + w*h,
// find the end of each bucket's list of points
search_begin + w*h,
// write out bucket (150, 50)'s list of points
unsigned int bucket_idx = 50 * w + 150;
std::cout << "bucket (150, 50)'s list of points:" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6);
for(unsigned int point_idx = bucket_begin[bucket_idx];
point_idx != bucket_end[bucket_idx];
vec2 p = points[point_idx];
std::cout << "(" << thrust::get<0>(p) << "," << thrust::get<1>(p) << ")" << std::endl;
return 0;