regionclip-demo / detectron2 /checkpoint /
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# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
import logging
import os
import pickle
import torch
from fvcore.common.checkpoint import Checkpointer
from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel
import detectron2.utils.comm as comm
from detectron2.utils.env import TORCH_VERSION
from detectron2.utils.file_io import PathManager
from .c2_model_loading import align_and_update_state_dicts
from .clip_model_loading import align_and_update_state_dicts_for_CLIP
class DetectionCheckpointer(Checkpointer):
Same as :class:`Checkpointer`, but is able to:
1. handle models in detectron & detectron2 model zoo, and apply conversions for legacy models.
2. correctly load checkpoints that are only available on the master worker
def __init__(self, model, save_dir="", *, save_to_disk=None, bb_rpn_weights=False, **checkpointables):
is_main_process = comm.is_main_process()
save_to_disk=is_main_process if save_to_disk is None else save_to_disk,
self.path_manager = PathManager
self.bb_rpn_weights = bb_rpn_weights
def load(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
need_sync = False
if path and isinstance(self.model, DistributedDataParallel):
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
path = self.path_manager.get_local_path(path)
has_file = os.path.isfile(path)
all_has_file = comm.all_gather(has_file)
if not all_has_file[0]:
raise OSError(f"File {path} not found on main worker.")
if not all(all_has_file):
f"Not all workers can read checkpoint {path}. "
"Training may fail to fully resume."
# TODO: broadcast the checkpoint file contents from main
# worker, and load from it instead.
need_sync = True
if not has_file:
path = None # don't load if not readable
ret = super().load(path, *args, **kwargs)
if need_sync:"Broadcasting model states from main worker ...")
if TORCH_VERSION >= (1, 7):
return ret
def _load_file(self, filename):
if filename.endswith(".pkl"):
with, "rb") as f:
data = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin1")
if "model" in data and "__author__" in data:
# file is in Detectron2 model zoo format"Reading a file from '{}'".format(data["__author__"]))
return data
# assume file is from Caffe2 / Detectron1 model zoo
if "blobs" in data:
# Detection models have "blobs", but ImageNet models don't
data = data["blobs"]
data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if not k.endswith("_momentum")}
return {"model": data, "__author__": "Caffe2", "matching_heuristics": True}
elif filename.endswith(".pyth"):
# assume file is from pycls; no one else seems to use the ".pyth" extension
with, "rb") as f:
data = torch.load(f)
assert (
"model_state" in data
), f"Cannot load .pyth file {filename}; pycls checkpoints must contain 'model_state'."
model_state = {
k: v
for k, v in data["model_state"].items()
if not k.endswith("num_batches_tracked")
return {"model": model_state, "__author__": "pycls", "matching_heuristics": True}
elif "OAI_CLIP" in filename:
# assume file is from OpenAI CLIP pre-trained model
loaded = super()._load_file(filename) # load native pth checkpoint
if "model" not in loaded:
loaded = {"model": loaded}
return {"model": loaded["model"], "__author__": "OAI_CLIP", "matching_heuristics": True}
loaded = super()._load_file(filename) # load native pth checkpoint
if "model" not in loaded:
loaded = {"model": loaded}
return loaded
def _load_model(self, checkpoint):
# if checkpoint.get("matching_heuristics", False) or self.bb_rpn_weights:
# self._convert_ndarray_to_tensor(checkpoint["model"])
# # convert weights by name-matching heuristics
# if checkpoint.get("__author__", "NA") == "OAI_CLIP" or self.bb_rpn_weights: # for OAI_CLIP or 2nd ckpt (offline modules)
# checkpoint["model"] = align_and_update_state_dicts_for_CLIP(
# self.model.state_dict(),
# checkpoint["model"],
# bb_rpn_weights=self.bb_rpn_weights,
# )
# else: # default loading
# checkpoint["model"] = align_and_update_state_dicts(
# self.model.state_dict(),
# checkpoint["model"],
# c2_conversion=checkpoint.get("__author__", None) == "Caffe2",
# )
# for non-caffe2 models, use standard ways to load it
# if not self.bb_rpn_weights:
# checkpoint = {'model': {'backbone.' + key: val for key, val in checkpoint['model'].items()}}
incompatible = super()._load_model(checkpoint)
del checkpoint # try saving memory
model_buffers = dict(self.model.named_buffers(recurse=False))
for k in ["pixel_mean", "pixel_std"]:
# Ignore missing key message about pixel_mean/std.
# Though they may be missing in old checkpoints, they will be correctly
# initialized from config anyway.
if k in model_buffers:
except ValueError:
return incompatible