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from collections import defaultdict
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from datasets import Dataset
from transformers.trainer_callback import TrainerCallback
from setfit.span.modeling import AbsaModel, AspectModel, PolarityModel
from setfit.training_args import TrainingArguments
from .. import logging
from ..trainer import ColumnMappingMixin, Trainer
import optuna
logger = logging.get_logger(__name__)
class AbsaTrainer(ColumnMappingMixin):
"""Trainer to train a SetFit ABSA model.
model (`AbsaModel`):
The AbsaModel model to train.
args (`TrainingArguments`, *optional*):
The training arguments to use. If `polarity_args` is not defined, then `args` is used for both
the aspect and the polarity model.
polarity_args (`TrainingArguments`, *optional*):
The training arguments to use for the polarity model. If not defined, `args` is used for both
the aspect and the polarity model.
train_dataset (`Dataset`):
The training dataset. The dataset must have "text", "span", "label" and "ordinal" columns.
eval_dataset (`Dataset`, *optional*):
The evaluation dataset. The dataset must have "text", "span", "label" and "ordinal" columns.
metric (`str` or `Callable`, *optional*, defaults to `"accuracy"`):
The metric to use for evaluation. If a string is provided, we treat it as the metric
name and load it with default settings.
If a callable is provided, it must take two arguments (`y_pred`, `y_test`).
metric_kwargs (`Dict[str, Any]`, *optional*):
Keyword arguments passed to the evaluation function if `metric` is an evaluation string like "f1".
For example useful for providing an averaging strategy for computing f1 in a multi-label setting.
callbacks (`List[`[`~transformers.TrainerCallback`]`]`, *optional*):
A list of callbacks to customize the training loop. Will add those to the list of default callbacks
detailed in [here](
If you want to remove one of the default callbacks used, use the [`Trainer.remove_callback`] method.
column_mapping (`Dict[str, str]`, *optional*):
A mapping from the column names in the dataset to the column names expected by the model.
The expected format is a dictionary with the following format:
`{"text_column_name": "text", "span_column_name": "span", "label_column_name: "label", "ordinal_column_name": "ordinal"}`.
_REQUIRED_COLUMNS = {"text", "span", "label", "ordinal"}
def __init__(
model: AbsaModel,
args: Optional[TrainingArguments] = None,
polarity_args: Optional[TrainingArguments] = None,
train_dataset: Optional["Dataset"] = None,
eval_dataset: Optional["Dataset"] = None,
metric: Union[str, Callable[["Dataset", "Dataset"], Dict[str, float]]] = "accuracy",
metric_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
callbacks: Optional[List[TrainerCallback]] = None,
column_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
) -> None:
self.model = model
self.aspect_extractor = model.aspect_extractor
if train_dataset is not None and column_mapping:
train_dataset = self._apply_column_mapping(train_dataset, column_mapping)
aspect_train_dataset, polarity_train_dataset = self.preprocess_dataset(
model.aspect_model, model.polarity_model, train_dataset
if eval_dataset is not None and column_mapping:
eval_dataset = self._apply_column_mapping(eval_dataset, column_mapping)
aspect_eval_dataset, polarity_eval_dataset = self.preprocess_dataset(
model.aspect_model, model.polarity_model, eval_dataset
self.aspect_trainer = Trainer(
"eval_embedding_loss": "eval_aspect_embedding_loss",
"embedding_loss": "aspect_embedding_loss",
self.polarity_trainer = Trainer(
args=polarity_args or args,
"eval_embedding_loss": "eval_polarity_embedding_loss",
"embedding_loss": "polarity_embedding_loss",
def preprocess_dataset(
self, aspect_model: AspectModel, polarity_model: PolarityModel, dataset: Dataset
) -> Dataset:
if dataset is None:
return dataset, dataset
# Group by "text"
grouped_data = defaultdict(list)
for sample in dataset:
text = sample.pop("text")
def index_ordinal(text: str, target: str, ordinal: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
find_from = 0
for _ in range(ordinal + 1):
start_idx = text.index(target, find_from)
find_from = start_idx + 1
return start_idx, start_idx + len(target)
def overlaps(aspect: slice, aspects: List[slice]) -> bool:
for test_aspect in aspects:
overlapping_indices = set(range(aspect.start, aspect.stop + 1)) & set(
range(test_aspect.start, test_aspect.stop + 1)
if overlapping_indices:
return True
return False
docs, aspects_list = self.aspect_extractor(grouped_data.keys())
aspect_aspect_list = []
aspect_labels = []
polarity_aspect_list = []
polarity_labels = []
for doc, aspects, text in zip(docs, aspects_list, grouped_data):
# Collect all of the gold aspects
gold_aspects = []
gold_polarity_labels = []
for annotation in grouped_data[text]:
start, end = index_ordinal(text, annotation["span"], annotation["ordinal"])
except ValueError:
f"The ordinal of {annotation['ordinal']} for span {annotation['span']!r} in {text!r} is too high. "
"Skipping this sample."
gold_aspect_span = doc.char_span(start, end)
if gold_aspect_span is None:
gold_aspects.append(slice(gold_aspect_span.start, gold_aspect_span.end))
# The Aspect model uses all gold aspects as "True", and all non-overlapping predicted
# aspects as "False"
aspect_labels.extend([True] * len(gold_aspects))
for aspect in aspects:
if not overlaps(aspect, gold_aspects):
# The Polarity model uses only the gold aspects and labels
aspect_texts = list(aspect_model.prepend_aspects(docs, aspect_aspect_list))
polarity_texts = list(polarity_model.prepend_aspects(docs, polarity_aspect_list))
return Dataset.from_dict({"text": aspect_texts, "label": aspect_labels}), Dataset.from_dict(
{"text": polarity_texts, "label": polarity_labels}
def train(
args: Optional[TrainingArguments] = None,
polarity_args: Optional[TrainingArguments] = None,
trial: Optional[Union["optuna.Trial", Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
) -> None:
Main training entry point.
args (`TrainingArguments`, *optional*):
Temporarily change the aspect training arguments for this training call.
polarity_args (`TrainingArguments`, *optional*):
Temporarily change the polarity training arguments for this training call.
trial (`optuna.Trial` or `Dict[str, Any]`, *optional*):
The trial run or the hyperparameter dictionary for hyperparameter search.
self.train_aspect(args=args, trial=trial, **kwargs)
self.train_polarity(args=polarity_args, trial=trial, **kwargs)
def train_aspect(
args: Optional[TrainingArguments] = None,
trial: Optional[Union["optuna.Trial", Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
) -> None:
Train the aspect model only.
args (`TrainingArguments`, *optional*):
Temporarily change the aspect training arguments for this training call.
trial (`optuna.Trial` or `Dict[str, Any]`, *optional*):
The trial run or the hyperparameter dictionary for hyperparameter search.
self.aspect_trainer.train(args=args, trial=trial, **kwargs)
def train_polarity(
args: Optional[TrainingArguments] = None,
trial: Optional[Union["optuna.Trial", Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
) -> None:
Train the polarity model only.
args (`TrainingArguments`, *optional*):
Temporarily change the aspect training arguments for this training call.
trial (`optuna.Trial` or `Dict[str, Any]`, *optional*):
The trial run or the hyperparameter dictionary for hyperparameter search.
self.polarity_trainer.train(args=args, trial=trial, **kwargs)
def add_callback(self, callback: Union[type, TrainerCallback]) -> None:
Add a callback to the current list of [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`].
callback (`type` or [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`]):
A [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`] class or an instance of a [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`]. In the
first case, will instantiate a member of that class.
def pop_callback(self, callback: Union[type, TrainerCallback]) -> Tuple[TrainerCallback, TrainerCallback]:
Remove a callback from the current list of [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`] and returns it.
If the callback is not found, returns `None` (and no error is raised).
callback (`type` or [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`]):
A [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`] class or an instance of a [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`]. In the
first case, will pop the first member of that class found in the list of callbacks.
`Tuple[`[`~transformers.TrainerCallback`], [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`]`]`: The callbacks removed from the
aspect and polarity trainers, if found.
return self.aspect_trainer.pop_callback(callback), self.polarity_trainer.pop_callback(callback)
def remove_callback(self, callback: Union[type, TrainerCallback]) -> None:
Remove a callback from the current list of [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`].
callback (`type` or [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`]):
A [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`] class or an instance of a [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`]. In the
first case, will remove the first member of that class found in the list of callbacks.
def push_to_hub(self, repo_id: str, polarity_repo_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Upload model checkpoint to the Hub using `huggingface_hub`.
See the full list of parameters for your `huggingface_hub` version in the\
[huggingface_hub documentation](
repo_id (`str`):
The full repository ID to push to, e.g. `"tomaarsen/setfit-aspect"`.
repo_id (`str`):
The full repository ID to push to, e.g. `"tomaarsen/setfit-sst2"`.
config (`dict`, *optional*):
Configuration object to be saved alongside the model weights.
commit_message (`str`, *optional*):
Message to commit while pushing.
private (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):
Whether the repository created should be private.
api_endpoint (`str`, *optional*):
The API endpoint to use when pushing the model to the hub.
token (`str`, *optional*):
The token to use as HTTP bearer authorization for remote files.
If not set, will use the token set when logging in with
`transformers-cli login` (stored in `~/.huggingface`).
branch (`str`, *optional*):
The git branch on which to push the model. This defaults to
the default branch as specified in your repository, which
defaults to `"main"`.
create_pr (`boolean`, *optional*):
Whether or not to create a Pull Request from `branch` with that commit.
Defaults to `False`.
allow_patterns (`List[str]` or `str`, *optional*):
If provided, only files matching at least one pattern are pushed.
ignore_patterns (`List[str]` or `str`, *optional*):
If provided, files matching any of the patterns are not pushed.
return self.model.push_to_hub(repo_id=repo_id, polarity_repo_id=polarity_repo_id, **kwargs)
def evaluate(self, dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]:
Computes the metrics for a given classifier.
dataset (`Dataset`, *optional*):
The dataset to compute the metrics on. If not provided, will use the evaluation dataset passed via
the `eval_dataset` argument at `Trainer` initialization.
`Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]`: The evaluation metrics.
aspect_eval_dataset = polarity_eval_dataset = None
if dataset:
aspect_eval_dataset, polarity_eval_dataset = self.preprocess_dataset(
self.model.aspect_model, self.model.polarity_model, dataset
return {
"aspect": self.aspect_trainer.evaluate(aspect_eval_dataset),
"polarity": self.polarity_trainer.evaluate(polarity_eval_dataset),