from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union import pandas as pd import torch from datasets import Dataset, DatasetDict, load_dataset from import Dataset as TorchDataset from . import logging logging.set_verbosity_info() logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) if TYPE_CHECKING: from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizerBase TokenizerOutput = Dict[str, List[int]] SEEDS = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] SAMPLE_SIZES = [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64] def get_templated_dataset( dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None, candidate_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, reference_dataset: Optional[str] = None, template: str = "This sentence is {}", sample_size: int = 2, text_column: str = "text", label_column: str = "label", multi_label: bool = False, label_names_column: str = "label_text", ) -> Dataset: """Create templated examples for a reference dataset or reference labels. If `candidate_labels` is supplied, use it for generating the templates. Otherwise, use the labels loaded from `reference_dataset`. If input Dataset is supplied, add the examples to it, otherwise create a new Dataset. The input Dataset is assumed to have a text column with the name `text_column` and a label column with the name `label_column`, which contains one-hot or multi-hot encoded label sequences. Args: dataset (`Dataset`, *optional*): A Dataset to add templated examples to. candidate_labels (`List[str]`, *optional*): The list of candidate labels to be fed into the template to construct examples. reference_dataset (`str`, *optional*): A dataset to take labels from, if `candidate_labels` is not supplied. template (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"This sentence is {}"`): The template used to turn each label into a synthetic training example. This template must include a {} for the candidate label to be inserted into the template. For example, the default template is "This sentence is {}." With the candidate label "sports", this would produce an example "This sentence is sports". sample_size (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 2): The number of examples to make for each candidate label. text_column (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"text"`): The name of the column containing the text of the examples. label_column (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"label"`): The name of the column in `dataset` containing the labels of the examples. multi_label (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not multiple candidate labels can be true. label_names_column (`str`, *optional*, defaults to "label_text"): The name of the label column in the `reference_dataset`, to be used in case there is no ClassLabel feature for the label column. Returns: `Dataset`: A copy of the input Dataset with templated examples added. Raises: `ValueError`: If the input Dataset is not empty and one or both of the provided column names are missing. """ if dataset is None: dataset = Dataset.from_dict({}) required_columns = {text_column, label_column} column_names = set(dataset.column_names) if column_names: missing_columns = required_columns.difference(column_names) if missing_columns: raise ValueError(f"The following columns are missing from the input dataset: {missing_columns}.") if bool(reference_dataset) == bool(candidate_labels): raise ValueError( "Must supply exactly one of `reference_dataset` or `candidate_labels` to `get_templated_dataset()`!" ) if candidate_labels is None: candidate_labels = get_candidate_labels(reference_dataset, label_names_column) empty_label_vector = [0] * len(candidate_labels) for label_id, label_name in enumerate(candidate_labels): label_vector = empty_label_vector.copy() label_vector[label_id] = 1 example = { text_column: template.format(label_name), label_column: label_vector if multi_label else label_id, } for _ in range(sample_size): dataset = dataset.add_item(example) return dataset def get_candidate_labels(dataset_name: str, label_names_column: str = "label_text") -> List[str]: dataset = load_dataset(dataset_name, split="train") try: # Extract ClassLabel feature from "label" column label_features = dataset.features["label"] # Label names to classify with candidate_labels = label_features.names except AttributeError: # Some datasets on the Hugging Face Hub don't have a ClassLabel feature for the label column. # In these cases, you should compute the candidate labels manually by first computing the id2label mapping. # The column with the label names label_names = dataset.unique(label_names_column) # The column with the label IDs label_ids = dataset.unique("label") # Compute the id2label mapping and sort by label ID id2label = sorted(zip(label_ids, label_names), key=lambda x: x[0]) candidate_labels = list(map(lambda x: x[1], id2label)) return candidate_labels def create_samples(df: pd.DataFrame, sample_size: int, seed: int) -> pd.DataFrame: """Samples a DataFrame to create an equal number of samples per class (when possible).""" examples = [] for label in df["label"].unique(): subset = df.query(f"label == {label}") if len(subset) > sample_size: examples.append(subset.sample(sample_size, random_state=seed, replace=False)) else: examples.append(subset) return pd.concat(examples) def sample_dataset(dataset: Dataset, label_column: str = "label", num_samples: int = 8, seed: int = 42) -> Dataset: """Samples a Dataset to create an equal number of samples per class (when possible).""" shuffled_dataset = dataset.shuffle(seed=seed) df = shuffled_dataset.to_pandas() df = df.groupby(label_column) # sample num_samples, or at least as much as possible df = df.apply(lambda x: x.sample(min(num_samples, len(x)), random_state=seed)) df = df.reset_index(drop=True) all_samples = Dataset.from_pandas(df, features=dataset.features) return all_samples.shuffle(seed=seed) def create_fewshot_splits( dataset: Dataset, sample_sizes: List[int], add_data_augmentation: bool = False, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> DatasetDict: """Creates training splits from the dataset with an equal number of samples per class (when possible).""" splits_ds = DatasetDict() df = dataset.to_pandas() if add_data_augmentation and dataset_name is None: raise ValueError( "If `add_data_augmentation` is True, must supply a `dataset_name` to create_fewshot_splits()!" ) for sample_size in sample_sizes: if add_data_augmentation: augmented_df = get_templated_dataset(reference_dataset=dataset_name, sample_size=sample_size).to_pandas() for idx, seed in enumerate(SEEDS): split_df = create_samples(df, sample_size, seed) if add_data_augmentation: split_df = pd.concat([split_df, augmented_df], axis=0).sample(frac=1, random_state=seed) splits_ds[f"train-{sample_size}-{idx}"] = Dataset.from_pandas(split_df, preserve_index=False) return splits_ds def create_samples_multilabel(df: pd.DataFrame, sample_size: int, seed: int) -> pd.DataFrame: """Samples a DataFrame to create an equal number of samples per class (when possible).""" examples = [] column_labels = [_col for _col in df.columns.tolist() if _col != "text"] for label in column_labels: subset = df.query(f"{label} == 1") if len(subset) > sample_size: examples.append(subset.sample(sample_size, random_state=seed, replace=False)) else: examples.append(subset) # Dropping duplicates for samples selected multiple times as they have multi labels return pd.concat(examples).drop_duplicates() def create_fewshot_splits_multilabel(dataset: Dataset, sample_sizes: List[int]) -> DatasetDict: """Creates training splits from the dataset with an equal number of samples per class (when possible).""" splits_ds = DatasetDict() df = dataset.to_pandas() for sample_size in sample_sizes: for idx, seed in enumerate(SEEDS): split_df = create_samples_multilabel(df, sample_size, seed) splits_ds[f"train-{sample_size}-{idx}"] = Dataset.from_pandas(split_df, preserve_index=False) return splits_ds class SetFitDataset(TorchDataset): """SetFitDataset A dataset for training the differentiable head on text classification. Args: x (`List[str]`): A list of input data as texts that will be fed into `SetFitModel`. y (`Union[List[int], List[List[int]]]`): A list of input data's labels. Can be a nested list for multi-label classification. tokenizer (`PreTrainedTokenizerBase`): The tokenizer from `SetFitModel`'s body. max_length (`int`, defaults to `32`): The maximum token length a tokenizer can generate. Will pad or truncate tokens when the number of tokens for a text is either smaller or larger than this value. """ def __init__( self, x: List[str], y: Union[List[int], List[List[int]]], tokenizer: "PreTrainedTokenizerBase", max_length: int = 32, ) -> None: assert len(x) == len(y) self.x = x self.y = y self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.max_length = max_length def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.x) def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Tuple[TokenizerOutput, Union[int, List[int]]]: feature = self.tokenizer( self.x[idx], max_length=self.max_length, padding="max_length", truncation=True, return_attention_mask="attention_mask" in self.tokenizer.model_input_names, return_token_type_ids="token_type_ids" in self.tokenizer.model_input_names, ) label = self.y[idx] return feature, label def collate_fn(self, batch): features = {input_name: [] for input_name in self.tokenizer.model_input_names} labels = [] for feature, label in batch: features["input_ids"].append(feature["input_ids"]) if "attention_mask" in features: features["attention_mask"].append(feature["attention_mask"]) if "token_type_ids" in features: features["token_type_ids"].append(feature["token_type_ids"]) labels.append(label) # convert to tensors features = {k: torch.Tensor(v).int() for k, v in features.items()} labels = torch.Tensor(labels) labels = labels.long() if len(labels.size()) == 1 else labels.float() return features, labels