import copy import warnings from typing import Callable, Optional, Union import numpy as np import onnx import torch from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, models from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from transformers.modeling_utils import PreTrainedModel from setfit.exporters.utils import mean_pooling class OnnxSetFitModel(torch.nn.Module): """A wrapper around SetFit model body, pooler, and model head which makes ONNX exporting easier. This wrapper creates a `nn.Module` with different levels of connectivity. We can set `model_body` and `pooler` and have a Module which maps inputs to embeddings or we can set all three and have a model which maps inputs to final predictions. This is useful because `torch.onnx.export` will work with a `nn.Module`. Attributes: model_body (`PreTrainedModel`): The pretrained model body of a setfit model. pooler (`Union[nn.Module, Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]]`, *optional*, defaults to `None`): The callable function that can map tensors of shape (batch, sequence, embedding_dim) to shape (batch, embedding_dim). model_head: (`Union[nn.Module, LogisticRegression]`, *optional*, defaults to `None`): The model head from the pretrained SetFit model. If `None`, then the resulting `OnnxSetFitModel.forward` forward method will return embeddings instead of predictions. """ def __init__( self, model_body: PreTrainedModel, pooler: Optional[Union[torch.nn.Module, Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]]] = None, model_head: Optional[Union[torch.nn.Module, LogisticRegression]] = None, ): super().__init__() self.model_body = model_body if pooler is None: print("No pooler was set so defaulting to mean pooling.") self.pooler = mean_pooling else: self.pooler = pooler self.model_head = model_head def forward(self, input_ids: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: torch.Tensor, token_type_ids: torch.Tensor): hidden_states = self.model_body(input_ids, attention_mask, token_type_ids) hidden_states = {"token_embeddings": hidden_states[0], "attention_mask": attention_mask} embeddings = self.pooler(hidden_states) # If the model_head is none we are using a sklearn head and only output # the embeddings from the setfit model if self.model_head is None: return embeddings # If head is set then we have a fully torch based model and make the final predictions # with the head. out = self.model_head(embeddings) return out def export_onnx_setfit_model(setfit_model: OnnxSetFitModel, inputs, output_path, opset: int = 12): """Export the `OnnxSetFitModel`. This exports the model created by the `OnnxSetFitModel` wrapper using `torch.onnx.export`. Args: setfit_model (`OnnxSetFitModel`): The `OnnxSetFitModel` we want to export to .onnx format. inputs (`Dict[str, torch.Tensor]`): The inputs we would hypothetically pass to the model. These are generated using a tokenizer. output_path (`str`): The local path to save the onnx model to. opset (`int`): The ONNX opset to use for the export. Defaults to 12. """ input_names = list(inputs.keys()) output_names = ["logits"] # Setup the dynamic axes for onnx conversion. dynamic_axes_input = {} for input_name in input_names: dynamic_axes_input[input_name] = {0: "batch_size", 1: "sequence"} dynamic_axes_output = {} for output_name in output_names: dynamic_axes_output[output_name] = {0: "batch_size"} # Move inputs to the right device target = setfit_model.model_body.device args = tuple( for value in inputs.values()) setfit_model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): torch.onnx.export( setfit_model, args=args, f=output_path, opset_version=opset, input_names=["input_ids", "attention_mask", "token_type_ids"], output_names=output_names, dynamic_axes={**dynamic_axes_input, **dynamic_axes_output}, ) def export_sklearn_head_to_onnx(model_head: LogisticRegression, opset: int) -> onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto: """Convert the Scikit-Learn head from a SetFitModel to ONNX format. Args: model_head (`LogisticRegression`): The trained SetFit model_head. opset (`int`): The ONNX opset to use for optimizing this model. The opset is not guaranteed and will default to the maximum version possible for the sklearn model. Returns: [`onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto`] The ONNX model generated from the sklearn head. Raises: ImportError: If `skl2onnx` is not installed an error will be raised asking to install this package. """ # Check if skl2onnx is installed try: import onnxconverter_common from skl2onnx import convert_sklearn from skl2onnx.common.data_types import guess_data_type from skl2onnx.sklapi import CastTransformer from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline except ImportError: msg = """ `skl2onnx` must be installed in order to convert a model with an sklearn head. Please install with `pip install skl2onnx`. """ raise ImportError(msg) # Determine the initial type and the shape of the output. input_shape = (None, model_head.n_features_in_) if hasattr(model_head, "coef_"): dtype = guess_data_type(model_head.coef_, shape=input_shape)[0][1] elif not hasattr(model_head, "coef_") and hasattr(model_head, "estimators_"): if any([not hasattr(e, "coef_") for e in model_head.estimators_]): raise ValueError( "The model_head is a meta-estimator but not all of the estimators have a coef_ attribute." ) dtype = guess_data_type(model_head.estimators_[0].coef_, shape=input_shape)[0][1] else: raise ValueError( "The model_head either does not have a coef_ attribute or some estimators in model_head.estimators_ do not have a coef_ attribute. Conversion to ONNX only supports these cases." ) dtype.shape = input_shape # If the datatype of the model is double we need to cast the outputs # from the setfit model to doubles for compatibility inside of ONNX. if isinstance(dtype, onnxconverter_common.data_types.DoubleTensorType): sklearn_model = Pipeline([("castdouble", CastTransformer(dtype=np.double)), ("head", model_head)]) else: sklearn_model = model_head # Convert sklearn head into ONNX format onnx_model = convert_sklearn( sklearn_model, initial_types=[("model_head", dtype)], target_opset=opset, options={id(sklearn_model): {"zipmap": False}}, ) return onnx_model def hummingbird_export(model, data_sample): try: from import convert except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Hummingbird-ML library is not installed." "Run 'pip install hummingbird-ml' to use this type of export." ) onnx_model = convert(model, "onnx", data_sample) return onnx_model._model def export_onnx( model_body: SentenceTransformer, model_head: Union[torch.nn.Module, LogisticRegression], opset: int, output_path: str = "model.onnx", ignore_ir_version: bool = True, use_hummingbird: bool = False, ) -> None: """Export a PyTorch backed SetFit model to ONNX Intermediate Representation. Args: model_body (`SentenceTransformer`): The model_body from a SetFit model body. This should be a SentenceTransformer. model_head (`torch.nn.Module` or `LogisticRegression`): The SetFit model head. This can be either a dense layer SetFitHead or a Sklearn estimator. opset (`int`): The actual version of the ONNX operator set to use. The final opset used might be lower. ONNX will use the highest version supported by both the sklearn head and the model body. If versions can't be rectified an error will be thrown. output_path (`str`): The path where will be stored the generated ONNX model. At a minimum it needs to contain the name of the final file. ignore_ir_version (`bool`): Whether to ignore the IR version used in sklearn. The version is often missmatched with the transformer models. Setting this to true coerces the versions to be the same. This might cause errors but in practice works. If this is set to False you need to ensure that the IR versions align between the transformer and the sklearn onnx representation. """ # Load the model and get all of the parts. model_body_module = model_body._modules["0"] model_pooler = model_body._modules["1"] tokenizer = model_body_module.tokenizer max_length = model_body_module.max_seq_length transformer = model_body_module.auto_model transformer.eval() # Create dummy data to use during onnx export. tokenizer_kwargs = dict( max_length=max_length, padding="max_length", return_attention_mask=True, return_token_type_ids=True, return_tensors="pt", ) dummy_sample = "It's a test." dummy_inputs = tokenizer(dummy_sample, **tokenizer_kwargs) # Check to see if the model uses a sklearn head or a torch dense layer. if issubclass(type(model_head), models.Dense): setfit_model = OnnxSetFitModel(transformer, lambda x: model_pooler(x)["sentence_embedding"], model_head).cpu() export_onnx_setfit_model(setfit_model, dummy_inputs, output_path, opset) # store meta data of the tokenizer for getting the correct tokenizer during inference onnx_setfit_model = onnx.load(output_path) meta = onnx_setfit_model.metadata_props.add() for key, value in tokenizer_kwargs.items(): meta = onnx_setfit_model.metadata_props.add() # create a new key-value pair to store meta.key = str(key) meta.value = str(value) else: # Export the sklearn head first to get the minimum opset. sklearn is behind # in supported opsets. # Hummingbird-ML can be used as an option to export to standard opset if use_hummingbird: with torch.no_grad(): test_input = copy.deepcopy(dummy_inputs) head_input = model_body(test_input)["sentence_embedding"] onnx_head = hummingbird_export(model_head, head_input.detach().numpy()) else: onnx_head = export_sklearn_head_to_onnx(model_head, opset) max_opset = max([x.version for x in onnx_head.opset_import]) if max_opset != opset: warnings.warn( f"sklearn onnx max opset is {max_opset} requested opset {opset} using opset {max_opset} for compatibility." ) export_onnx_setfit_model( OnnxSetFitModel(transformer, lambda x: model_pooler(x)["sentence_embedding"]), dummy_inputs, output_path, max_opset, ) onnx_body = onnx.load(output_path) # Check that the ir_versions are aligned and if not align them. if ignore_ir_version: onnx_head.ir_version = onnx_body.ir_version elif onnx_head.ir_version != onnx_body.ir_version: msg = f""" IR Version mismatch between head={onnx_head.ir_version} and body={onnx_body.ir_version} Make sure that the ONNX IR versions are aligned and supported between the chosen Sklearn model and the transformer. You can set ignore_ir_version=True to coerce them but this might cause errors. """ raise ValueError(msg) # Combine the onnx body and head by mapping the pooled output to the input of the sklearn model. head_input_name = next(iter(onnx_head.graph.input)).name onnx_setfit_model = onnx.compose.merge_models( onnx_body, onnx_head, io_map=[("logits", head_input_name)], ) # Save the final model., output_path)