# copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserve. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ This code is refer from: https://github.com/ayumiymk/aster.pytorch/blob/master/lib/models/attention_recognition_head.py """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import sys import paddle from paddle import nn from paddle.nn import functional as F class AsterHead(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, sDim, attDim, max_len_labels, time_step=25, beam_width=5, **kwargs): super(AsterHead, self).__init__() self.num_classes = out_channels self.in_planes = in_channels self.sDim = sDim self.attDim = attDim self.max_len_labels = max_len_labels self.decoder = AttentionRecognitionHead(in_channels, out_channels, sDim, attDim, max_len_labels) self.time_step = time_step self.embeder = Embedding(self.time_step, in_channels) self.beam_width = beam_width self.eos = self.num_classes - 3 def forward(self, x, targets=None, embed=None): return_dict = {} embedding_vectors = self.embeder(x) if self.training: rec_targets, rec_lengths, _ = targets rec_pred = self.decoder([x, rec_targets, rec_lengths], embedding_vectors) return_dict['rec_pred'] = rec_pred return_dict['embedding_vectors'] = embedding_vectors else: rec_pred, rec_pred_scores = self.decoder.beam_search( x, self.beam_width, self.eos, embedding_vectors) return_dict['rec_pred'] = rec_pred return_dict['rec_pred_scores'] = rec_pred_scores return_dict['embedding_vectors'] = embedding_vectors return return_dict class Embedding(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, in_timestep, in_planes, mid_dim=4096, embed_dim=300): super(Embedding, self).__init__() self.in_timestep = in_timestep self.in_planes = in_planes self.embed_dim = embed_dim self.mid_dim = mid_dim self.eEmbed = nn.Linear( in_timestep * in_planes, self.embed_dim) # Embed encoder output to a word-embedding like def forward(self, x): x = paddle.reshape(x, [paddle.shape(x)[0], -1]) x = self.eEmbed(x) return x class AttentionRecognitionHead(nn.Layer): """ input: [b x 16 x 64 x in_planes] output: probability sequence: [b x T x num_classes] """ def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, sDim, attDim, max_len_labels): super(AttentionRecognitionHead, self).__init__() self.num_classes = out_channels # this is the output classes. So it includes the . self.in_planes = in_channels self.sDim = sDim self.attDim = attDim self.max_len_labels = max_len_labels self.decoder = DecoderUnit( sDim=sDim, xDim=in_channels, yDim=self.num_classes, attDim=attDim) def forward(self, x, embed): x, targets, lengths = x batch_size = paddle.shape(x)[0] # Decoder state = self.decoder.get_initial_state(embed) outputs = [] for i in range(max(lengths)): if i == 0: y_prev = paddle.full( shape=[batch_size], fill_value=self.num_classes) else: y_prev = targets[:, i - 1] output, state = self.decoder(x, state, y_prev) outputs.append(output) outputs = paddle.concat([_.unsqueeze(1) for _ in outputs], 1) return outputs # inference stage. def sample(self, x): x, _, _ = x batch_size = x.size(0) # Decoder state = paddle.zeros([1, batch_size, self.sDim]) predicted_ids, predicted_scores = [], [] for i in range(self.max_len_labels): if i == 0: y_prev = paddle.full( shape=[batch_size], fill_value=self.num_classes) else: y_prev = predicted output, state = self.decoder(x, state, y_prev) output = F.softmax(output, axis=1) score, predicted = output.max(1) predicted_ids.append(predicted.unsqueeze(1)) predicted_scores.append(score.unsqueeze(1)) predicted_ids = paddle.concat([predicted_ids, 1]) predicted_scores = paddle.concat([predicted_scores, 1]) # return predicted_ids.squeeze(), predicted_scores.squeeze() return predicted_ids, predicted_scores def beam_search(self, x, beam_width, eos, embed): def _inflate(tensor, times, dim): repeat_dims = [1] * tensor.dim() repeat_dims[dim] = times output = paddle.tile(tensor, repeat_dims) return output # https://github.com/IBM/pytorch-seq2seq/blob/fede87655ddce6c94b38886089e05321dc9802af/seq2seq/models/TopKDecoder.py batch_size, l, d = x.shape x = paddle.tile( paddle.transpose( x.unsqueeze(1), perm=[1, 0, 2, 3]), [beam_width, 1, 1, 1]) inflated_encoder_feats = paddle.reshape( paddle.transpose( x, perm=[1, 0, 2, 3]), [-1, l, d]) # Initialize the decoder state = self.decoder.get_initial_state(embed, tile_times=beam_width) pos_index = paddle.reshape( paddle.arange(batch_size) * beam_width, shape=[-1, 1]) # Initialize the scores sequence_scores = paddle.full( shape=[batch_size * beam_width, 1], fill_value=-float('Inf')) index = [i * beam_width for i in range(0, batch_size)] sequence_scores[index] = 0.0 # Initialize the input vector y_prev = paddle.full( shape=[batch_size * beam_width], fill_value=self.num_classes) # Store decisions for backtracking stored_scores = list() stored_predecessors = list() stored_emitted_symbols = list() for i in range(self.max_len_labels): output, state = self.decoder(inflated_encoder_feats, state, y_prev) state = paddle.unsqueeze(state, axis=0) log_softmax_output = paddle.nn.functional.log_softmax( output, axis=1) sequence_scores = _inflate(sequence_scores, self.num_classes, 1) sequence_scores += log_softmax_output scores, candidates = paddle.topk( paddle.reshape(sequence_scores, [batch_size, -1]), beam_width, axis=1) # Reshape input = (bk, 1) and sequence_scores = (bk, 1) y_prev = paddle.reshape( candidates % self.num_classes, shape=[batch_size * beam_width]) sequence_scores = paddle.reshape( scores, shape=[batch_size * beam_width, 1]) # Update fields for next timestep pos_index = paddle.expand_as(pos_index, candidates) predecessors = paddle.cast( candidates / self.num_classes + pos_index, dtype='int64') predecessors = paddle.reshape( predecessors, shape=[batch_size * beam_width, 1]) state = paddle.index_select( state, index=predecessors.squeeze(), axis=1) # Update sequence socres and erase scores for symbol so that they aren't expanded stored_scores.append(sequence_scores.clone()) y_prev = paddle.reshape(y_prev, shape=[-1, 1]) eos_prev = paddle.full_like(y_prev, fill_value=eos) mask = eos_prev == y_prev mask = paddle.nonzero(mask) if mask.dim() > 0: sequence_scores = sequence_scores.numpy() mask = mask.numpy() sequence_scores[mask] = -float('inf') sequence_scores = paddle.to_tensor(sequence_scores) # Cache results for backtracking stored_predecessors.append(predecessors) y_prev = paddle.squeeze(y_prev) stored_emitted_symbols.append(y_prev) # Do backtracking to return the optimal values #====== backtrak ======# # Initialize return variables given different types p = list() l = [[self.max_len_labels] * beam_width for _ in range(batch_size) ] # Placeholder for lengths of top-k sequences # the last step output of the beams are not sorted # thus they are sorted here sorted_score, sorted_idx = paddle.topk( paddle.reshape( stored_scores[-1], shape=[batch_size, beam_width]), beam_width) # initialize the sequence scores with the sorted last step beam scores s = sorted_score.clone() batch_eos_found = [0] * batch_size # the number of EOS found # in the backward loop below for each batch t = self.max_len_labels - 1 # initialize the back pointer with the sorted order of the last step beams. # add pos_index for indexing variable with b*k as the first dimension. t_predecessors = paddle.reshape( sorted_idx + pos_index.expand_as(sorted_idx), shape=[batch_size * beam_width]) while t >= 0: # Re-order the variables with the back pointer current_symbol = paddle.index_select( stored_emitted_symbols[t], index=t_predecessors, axis=0) t_predecessors = paddle.index_select( stored_predecessors[t].squeeze(), index=t_predecessors, axis=0) eos_indices = stored_emitted_symbols[t] == eos eos_indices = paddle.nonzero(eos_indices) if eos_indices.dim() > 0: for i in range(eos_indices.shape[0] - 1, -1, -1): # Indices of the EOS symbol for both variables # with b*k as the first dimension, and b, k for # the first two dimensions idx = eos_indices[i] b_idx = int(idx[0] / beam_width) # The indices of the replacing position # according to the replacement strategy noted above res_k_idx = beam_width - (batch_eos_found[b_idx] % beam_width) - 1 batch_eos_found[b_idx] += 1 res_idx = b_idx * beam_width + res_k_idx # Replace the old information in return variables # with the new ended sequence information t_predecessors[res_idx] = stored_predecessors[t][idx[0]] current_symbol[res_idx] = stored_emitted_symbols[t][idx[0]] s[b_idx, res_k_idx] = stored_scores[t][idx[0], 0] l[b_idx][res_k_idx] = t + 1 # record the back tracked results p.append(current_symbol) t -= 1 # Sort and re-order again as the added ended sequences may change # the order (very unlikely) s, re_sorted_idx = s.topk(beam_width) for b_idx in range(batch_size): l[b_idx] = [ l[b_idx][k_idx.item()] for k_idx in re_sorted_idx[b_idx, :] ] re_sorted_idx = paddle.reshape( re_sorted_idx + pos_index.expand_as(re_sorted_idx), [batch_size * beam_width]) # Reverse the sequences and re-order at the same time # It is reversed because the backtracking happens in reverse time order p = [ paddle.reshape( paddle.index_select(step, re_sorted_idx, 0), shape=[batch_size, beam_width, -1]) for step in reversed(p) ] p = paddle.concat(p, -1)[:, 0, :] return p, paddle.ones_like(p) class AttentionUnit(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, sDim, xDim, attDim): super(AttentionUnit, self).__init__() self.sDim = sDim self.xDim = xDim self.attDim = attDim self.sEmbed = nn.Linear(sDim, attDim) self.xEmbed = nn.Linear(xDim, attDim) self.wEmbed = nn.Linear(attDim, 1) def forward(self, x, sPrev): batch_size, T, _ = x.shape # [b x T x xDim] x = paddle.reshape(x, [-1, self.xDim]) # [(b x T) x xDim] xProj = self.xEmbed(x) # [(b x T) x attDim] xProj = paddle.reshape(xProj, [batch_size, T, -1]) # [b x T x attDim] sPrev = sPrev.squeeze(0) sProj = self.sEmbed(sPrev) # [b x attDim] sProj = paddle.unsqueeze(sProj, 1) # [b x 1 x attDim] sProj = paddle.expand(sProj, [batch_size, T, self.attDim]) # [b x T x attDim] sumTanh = paddle.tanh(sProj + xProj) sumTanh = paddle.reshape(sumTanh, [-1, self.attDim]) vProj = self.wEmbed(sumTanh) # [(b x T) x 1] vProj = paddle.reshape(vProj, [batch_size, T]) alpha = F.softmax( vProj, axis=1) # attention weights for each sample in the minibatch return alpha class DecoderUnit(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, sDim, xDim, yDim, attDim): super(DecoderUnit, self).__init__() self.sDim = sDim self.xDim = xDim self.yDim = yDim self.attDim = attDim self.emdDim = attDim self.attention_unit = AttentionUnit(sDim, xDim, attDim) self.tgt_embedding = nn.Embedding( yDim + 1, self.emdDim, weight_attr=nn.initializer.Normal( std=0.01)) # the last is used for self.gru = nn.GRUCell(input_size=xDim + self.emdDim, hidden_size=sDim) self.fc = nn.Linear( sDim, yDim, weight_attr=nn.initializer.Normal(std=0.01), bias_attr=nn.initializer.Constant(value=0)) self.embed_fc = nn.Linear(300, self.sDim) def get_initial_state(self, embed, tile_times=1): assert embed.shape[1] == 300 state = self.embed_fc(embed) # N * sDim if tile_times != 1: state = state.unsqueeze(1) trans_state = paddle.transpose(state, perm=[1, 0, 2]) state = paddle.tile(trans_state, repeat_times=[tile_times, 1, 1]) trans_state = paddle.transpose(state, perm=[1, 0, 2]) state = paddle.reshape(trans_state, shape=[-1, self.sDim]) state = state.unsqueeze(0) # 1 * N * sDim return state def forward(self, x, sPrev, yPrev): # x: feature sequence from the image decoder. batch_size, T, _ = x.shape alpha = self.attention_unit(x, sPrev) context = paddle.squeeze(paddle.matmul(alpha.unsqueeze(1), x), axis=1) yPrev = paddle.cast(yPrev, dtype="int64") yProj = self.tgt_embedding(yPrev) concat_context = paddle.concat([yProj, context], 1) concat_context = paddle.squeeze(concat_context, 1) sPrev = paddle.squeeze(sPrev, 0) output, state = self.gru(concat_context, sPrev) output = paddle.squeeze(output, axis=1) output = self.fc(output) return output, state