CarlosMalaga's picture
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import base64
import random
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
import spacy
import streamlit as st
from spacy import displacy
def get_html(html: str):
"""Convert HTML so it can be rendered."""
WRAPPER = """<div style="overflow-x: auto; border: 1px solid #e6e9ef; border-radius: 0.25rem; padding: 1rem; margin-bottom: 2.5rem">{}</div>"""
# Newlines seem to mess with the rendering
html = html.replace("\n", " ")
return WRAPPER.format(html)
def get_svg(svg: str, style: str = "", wrap: bool = True):
"""Convert an SVG to a base64-encoded image."""
b64 = base64.b64encode(svg.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")
html = f'<img src="data:image/svg+xml;base64,{b64}" style="{style}"/>'
return get_html(html) if wrap else html
def visualize_parser(
doc: Union[spacy.tokens.Doc, List[Dict[str, str]]],
title: Optional[str] = None,
key: Optional[str] = None,
manual: bool = False,
displacy_options: Optional[Dict] = None,
) -> None:
"""Visualizer for dependency parses.
doc (Doc, List): The document to visualize.
key (str): Key used for the streamlit component for selecting labels.
title (str): The title displayed at the top of the parser visualization.
manual (bool): Flag signifying whether the doc argument is a Doc object or a List of Dicts containing parse information.
displacy_options (Dict): Dictionary of options to be passed to the displacy render method for generating the HTML to be rendered.
if displacy_options is None:
displacy_options = dict()
if title:
docs = [doc]
# add selected options to options provided by user
# `options` from `displacy_options` are overwritten by user provided
# options from the checkboxes
for sent in docs:
html = displacy.render(
sent, options=displacy_options, style="dep", manual=manual
# Double newlines seem to mess with the rendering
html = html.replace("\n\n", "\n")
st.write(get_svg(html), unsafe_allow_html=True)
def get_random_color(ents):
colors = {}
random_colors = generate_pastel_colors(len(ents))
for ent in ents:
colors[ent] = random_colors.pop(random.randint(0, len(random_colors) - 1))
return colors
def floatrange(start, stop, steps):
if int(steps) == 1:
return [stop]
return [
start + float(i) * (stop - start) / (float(steps) - 1) for i in range(steps)
def hsl_to_rgb(h, s, l):
def hue_2_rgb(v1, v2, v_h):
while v_h < 0.0:
v_h += 1.0
while v_h > 1.0:
v_h -= 1.0
if 6 * v_h < 1.0:
return v1 + (v2 - v1) * 6.0 * v_h
if 2 * v_h < 1.0:
return v2
if 3 * v_h < 2.0:
return v1 + (v2 - v1) * ((2.0 / 3.0) - v_h) * 6.0
return v1
# if not (0 <= s <= 1): raise ValueError, "s (saturation) parameter must be between 0 and 1."
# if not (0 <= l <= 1): raise ValueError, "l (lightness) parameter must be between 0 and 1."
r, b, g = (l * 255,) * 3
if s != 0.0:
if l < 0.5:
var_2 = l * (1.0 + s)
var_2 = (l + s) - (s * l)
var_1 = 2.0 * l - var_2
r = 255 * hue_2_rgb(var_1, var_2, h + (1.0 / 3.0))
g = 255 * hue_2_rgb(var_1, var_2, h)
b = 255 * hue_2_rgb(var_1, var_2, h - (1.0 / 3.0))
return int(round(r)), int(round(g)), int(round(b))
def generate_pastel_colors(n):
"""Return different pastel colours.
n (integer) : The number of colors to return
A list of colors in HTML notation (eg.['#cce0ff', '#ffcccc', '#ccffe0', '#f5ccff', '#f5ffcc'])
>>> print generate_pastel_colors(5)
['#cce0ff', '#f5ccff', '#ffcccc', '#f5ffcc', '#ccffe0']
if n == 0:
return []
# To generate colors, we use the HSL colorspace (see
start_hue = 0.0 # 0=red 1/3=0.333=green 2/3=0.666=blue
saturation = 1.0
lightness = 0.9
# We take points around the chromatic circle (hue):
# (Note: we generate n+1 colors, then drop the last one ([:-1]) because
# it equals the first one (hue 0 = hue 1))
return [
"#%02x%02x%02x" % hsl_to_rgb(hue, saturation, lightness)
for hue in floatrange(start_hue, start_hue + 1, n + 1)