import contextlib import logging import os from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union import torch from import DataLoader from tqdm import tqdm from relik.common.log import get_logger from relik.retriever.common.model_inputs import ModelInputs from import BaseDataset from import Labels from relik.retriever.indexers.base import BaseDocumentIndex from relik.retriever.pytorch_modules import PRECISION_MAP, RetrievedSample logger = get_logger(__name__, level=logging.INFO) class InMemoryDocumentIndex(BaseDocumentIndex): DOCUMENTS_FILE_NAME = "documents.json" EMBEDDINGS_FILE_NAME = "" def __init__( self, documents: Union[str, List[str], Labels, os.PathLike, List[os.PathLike]] = None, embeddings: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, device: str = "cpu", precision: Optional[str] = None, name_or_dir: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None, *args, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ An in-memory indexer. Args: documents (:obj:`Union[List[str], PassageManager]`): The documents to be indexed. embeddings (:obj:`Optional[torch.Tensor]`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`None`): The embeddings of the documents. device (:obj:`str`, `optional`, defaults to "cpu"): The device to be used for storing the embeddings. """ super().__init__(documents, embeddings, name_or_dir) if embeddings is not None and documents is not None:"Both documents and embeddings are provided.") if documents.get_label_size() != embeddings.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "The number of documents and embeddings must be the same." ) # embeddings of the documents self.embeddings = embeddings # does this do anything? del embeddings # convert the embeddings to the desired precision if precision is not None: if ( self.embeddings is not None and self.embeddings.dtype != PRECISION_MAP[precision] ): f"Index vectors are of type {self.embeddings.dtype}. " f"Converting to {PRECISION_MAP[precision]}." ) self.embeddings =[precision]) else: if ( device == "cpu" and self.embeddings is not None and self.embeddings.dtype != torch.float32 ): "Index vectors are of type {}. Converting to float32.".format( self.embeddings.dtype ) ) self.embeddings =[32]) # move the embeddings to the desired device if self.embeddings is not None and not self.embeddings.device == device: self.embeddings = # device to store the embeddings self.device = device # precision to be used for the embeddings self.precision = precision @torch.no_grad() @torch.inference_mode() def index( self, retriever, documents: Optional[List[str]] = None, batch_size: int = 32, num_workers: int = 4, max_length: Optional[int] = None, collate_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, encoder_precision: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, compute_on_cpu: bool = False, force_reindex: bool = False, add_to_existing_index: bool = False, ) -> "InMemoryDocumentIndex": """ Index the documents using the encoder. Args: retriever (:obj:`torch.nn.Module`): The encoder to be used for indexing. documents (:obj:`List[str]`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`None`): The documents to be indexed. batch_size (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to 32): The batch size to be used for indexing. num_workers (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to 4): The number of workers to be used for indexing. max_length (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to None): The maximum length of the input to the encoder. collate_fn (:obj:`Callable`, `optional`, defaults to None): The collate function to be used for batching. encoder_precision (:obj:`Union[str, int]`, `optional`, defaults to None): The precision to be used for the encoder. compute_on_cpu (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to False): Whether to compute the embeddings on CPU. force_reindex (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to False): Whether to force reindexing. add_to_existing_index (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to False): Whether to add the new documents to the existing index. Returns: :obj:`InMemoryIndexer`: The indexer object. """ if documents is None and self.documents is None: raise ValueError("Documents must be provided.") if self.embeddings is not None and not force_reindex: "Embeddings are already present and `force_reindex` is `False`. Skipping indexing." ) if documents is None: return self if collate_fn is None: tokenizer = retriever.passage_tokenizer def collate_fn(x): return ModelInputs( tokenizer( x, padding=True, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True, max_length=max_length or tokenizer.model_max_length, ) ) if force_reindex: if documents is not None: self.documents.add_labels(documents) data = [k for k in self.documents.get_labels()] else: if documents is not None: data = [k for k in Labels(documents).get_labels()] else: return self # if force_reindex: # data = [k for k in self.documents.get_labels()] dataloader = DataLoader( BaseDataset(name="passage", data=data), batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=num_workers, pin_memory=False, collate_fn=collate_fn, ) encoder = retriever.passage_encoder # Create empty lists to store the passage embeddings and passage index passage_embeddings: List[torch.Tensor] = [] encoder_device = "cpu" if compute_on_cpu else self.device # fucking autocast only wants pure strings like 'cpu' or 'cuda' # we need to convert the model device to that device_type_for_autocast = str(encoder_device).split(":")[0] # autocast doesn't work with CPU and stuff different from bfloat16 autocast_pssg_mngr = ( contextlib.nullcontext() if device_type_for_autocast == "cpu" else ( torch.autocast( device_type=device_type_for_autocast, dtype=PRECISION_MAP[encoder_precision], ) ) ) with autocast_pssg_mngr: # Iterate through each batch in the dataloader for batch in tqdm(dataloader, desc="Indexing"): # Move the batch to the device batch: ModelInputs = # Compute the passage embeddings passage_outs = encoder(**batch).pooler_output # Append the passage embeddings to the list if self.device == "cpu": passage_embeddings.extend([c.detach().cpu() for c in passage_outs]) else: passage_embeddings.extend([c for c in passage_outs]) # move the passage embeddings to the CPU if not already done # the move to cpu and then to gpu is needed to avoid OOM when using mixed precision if not self.device == "cpu": # this if is to avoid unnecessary moves passage_embeddings = [c.detach().cpu() for c in passage_embeddings] # stack it passage_embeddings: torch.Tensor = torch.stack(passage_embeddings, dim=0) # move the passage embeddings to the gpu if needed if not self.device == "cpu": passage_embeddings =[self.precision]) passage_embeddings = self.embeddings = passage_embeddings # free up memory from the unused variable del passage_embeddings return self @torch.no_grad() @torch.inference_mode() def search(self, query: torch.Tensor, k: int = 1) -> list[list[RetrievedSample]]: """ Search the documents using the query. Args: query (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The query to be used for searching. k (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to 1): The number of documents to be retrieved. Returns: :obj:`List[RetrievedSample]`: The retrieved documents. """ # fucking autocast only wants pure strings like 'cpu' or 'cuda' # we need to convert the model device to that device_type_for_autocast = str(self.device).split(":")[0] # autocast doesn't work with CPU and stuff different from bfloat16 autocast_pssg_mngr = ( contextlib.nullcontext() if device_type_for_autocast == "cpu" else ( torch.autocast( device_type=device_type_for_autocast, dtype=self.embeddings.dtype, ) ) ) with autocast_pssg_mngr: similarity = torch.matmul(query, self.embeddings.T) # Retrieve the indices of the top k passage embeddings retriever_out: Tuple = torch.topk( similarity, k=min(k, similarity.shape[-1]), dim=1 ) # get int values batch_top_k: List[List[int]] = retriever_out.indices.detach().cpu().tolist() # get float values batch_scores: List[List[float]] = retriever_out.values.detach().cpu().tolist() # Retrieve the passages corresponding to the indices batch_passages = [ [self.documents.get_label_from_index(i) for i in indices] for indices in batch_top_k ] # build the output object batch_retrieved_samples = [ [ RetrievedSample(label=passage, index=index, score=score) for passage, index, score in zip(passages, indices, scores) ] for passages, indices, scores in zip( batch_passages, batch_top_k, batch_scores ) ] return batch_retrieved_samples