from functools import partial from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union import hydra import lightning as pl import torch from lightning.pytorch.trainer.states import RunningStage from omegaconf import DictConfig from import DataLoader, Dataset from relik.common.log import get_logger from import BaseDataset logger = get_logger(__name__) STAGES_COMPATIBILITY_MAP = { "train": RunningStage.TRAINING, "val": RunningStage.VALIDATING, "test": RunningStage.TESTING, } DEFAULT_STAGES = { RunningStage.VALIDATING, RunningStage.TESTING, RunningStage.SANITY_CHECKING, RunningStage.PREDICTING, } class PredictionCallback(pl.Callback): def __init__( self, batch_size: int = 32, stages: Optional[Set[Union[str, RunningStage]]] = None, other_callbacks: Optional[ Union[List[DictConfig], List["NLPTemplateCallback"]] ] = None, datasets: Optional[Union[DictConfig, BaseDataset]] = None, dataloaders: Optional[Union[DataLoader, List[DataLoader]]] = None, *args, **kwargs, ): super().__init__() # parameters self.batch_size = batch_size self.datasets = datasets self.dataloaders = dataloaders # callback initialization if stages is None: stages = DEFAULT_STAGES # compatibily stuff stages = {STAGES_COMPATIBILITY_MAP.get(stage, stage) for stage in stages} self.stages = [RunningStage(stage) for stage in stages] self.other_callbacks = other_callbacks or [] for i, callback in enumerate(self.other_callbacks): if isinstance(callback, DictConfig): self.other_callbacks[i] = hydra.utils.instantiate( callback, _recursive_=False ) @torch.no_grad() def __call__( self, trainer: pl.Trainer, pl_module: pl.LightningModule, *args, **kwargs, ) -> Any: # it should return the predictions raise NotImplementedError def on_validation_epoch_end( self, trainer: pl.Trainer, pl_module: pl.LightningModule ): predictions = self(trainer, pl_module) for callback in self.other_callbacks: callback( trainer=trainer, pl_module=pl_module, callback=self, predictions=predictions, ) def on_test_epoch_end(self, trainer: pl.Trainer, pl_module: pl.LightningModule): predictions = self(trainer, pl_module) for callback in self.other_callbacks: callback( trainer=trainer, pl_module=pl_module, callback=self, predictions=predictions, ) @staticmethod def _get_datasets_and_dataloaders( dataset: Optional[Union[Dataset, DictConfig]], dataloader: Optional[DataLoader], trainer: pl.Trainer, dataloader_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, collate_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, collate_fn_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple[List[Dataset], List[DataLoader]]: """ Get the datasets and dataloaders from the datamodule or from the dataset provided. Args: dataset (`Optional[Union[Dataset, DictConfig]]`): The dataset to use. If `None`, the datamodule is used. dataloader (`Optional[DataLoader]`): The dataloader to use. If `None`, the datamodule is used. trainer (`pl.Trainer`): The trainer that contains the datamodule. dataloader_kwargs (`Optional[Dict[str, Any]]`): The kwargs to pass to the dataloader. collate_fn (`Optional[Callable]`): The collate function to use. collate_fn_kwargs (`Optional[Dict[str, Any]]`): The kwargs to pass to the collate function. Returns: `Tuple[List[Dataset], List[DataLoader]]`: The datasets and dataloaders. """ # if a dataset is provided, use it if dataset is not None: dataloader_kwargs = dataloader_kwargs or {} # get dataset if isinstance(dataset, DictConfig): dataset = hydra.utils.instantiate(dataset, _recursive_=False) datasets = [dataset] if not isinstance(dataset, list) else dataset if dataloader is not None: dataloaders = ( [dataloader] if isinstance(dataloader, DataLoader) else dataloader ) else: collate_fn = collate_fn or partial( datasets[0].collate_fn, **collate_fn_kwargs ) dataloader_kwargs["collate_fn"] = collate_fn dataloaders = [DataLoader(datasets[0], **dataloader_kwargs)] else: # get the dataloaders and datasets from the datamodule datasets = ( trainer.datamodule.test_datasets if trainer.state.stage == RunningStage.TESTING else trainer.datamodule.val_datasets ) dataloaders = ( trainer.test_dataloaders if trainer.state.stage == RunningStage.TESTING else trainer.val_dataloaders ) return datasets, dataloaders class NLPTemplateCallback: def __call__( self, trainer: pl.Trainer, pl_module: pl.LightningModule, callback: PredictionCallback, predictions: Dict[str, Any], *args, **kwargs, ) -> Any: raise NotImplementedError