import collections import itertools from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple from import BlankSentenceSplitter from import BaseSentenceSplitter from import BaseTokenizer from import RelikReaderSample class WindowManager: def __init__( self, tokenizer: BaseTokenizer, splitter: BaseSentenceSplitter | None = None ) -> None: self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.splitter = splitter or BlankSentenceSplitter() def create_windows( self, documents: str | List[str], window_size: int | None = None, stride: int | None = None, max_length: int | None = None, doc_id: str | int | None = None, doc_topic: str | None = None, is_split_into_words: bool = False, mentions: List[List[List[int]]] = None, ) -> Tuple[List[RelikReaderSample], List[RelikReaderSample]]: """ Create windows from a list of documents. Args: documents (:obj:`str` or :obj:`List[str]`): The document(s) to split in windows. window_size (:obj:`int`): The size of the window. stride (:obj:`int`): The stride between two windows. max_length (:obj:`int`, `optional`): The maximum length of a window. doc_id (:obj:`str` or :obj:`int`, `optional`): The id of the document(s). doc_topic (:obj:`str`, `optional`): The topic of the document(s). is_split_into_words (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`False`): Whether the input is already pre-tokenized (e.g., split into words). If :obj:`False`, the input will first be tokenized using the tokenizer, then the tokens will be split into words. mentions (:obj:`List[List[List[int]]]`, `optional`): The mentions of the document(s). Returns: :obj:`List[RelikReaderSample]`: The windows created from the documents. """ # normalize input if isinstance(documents, str) or is_split_into_words: documents = [documents] # batch tokenize documents_tokens = self.tokenizer( documents, is_split_into_words=is_split_into_words ) # set splitter params if hasattr(self.splitter, "window_size"): self.splitter.window_size = window_size or self.splitter.window_size if hasattr(self.splitter, "window_stride"): self.splitter.window_stride = stride or self.splitter.window_stride windowed_documents, windowed_blank_documents = [], [] if mentions is not None: assert len(documents) == len( mentions ), f"documents and mentions should have the same length, got {len(documents)} and {len(mentions)}" doc_iter = zip(documents, documents_tokens, mentions) else: doc_iter = zip(documents, documents_tokens, itertools.repeat([])) for infered_doc_id, (document, document_tokens, document_mentions) in enumerate( doc_iter ): if doc_topic is None: doc_topic = document_tokens[0] if len(document_tokens) > 0 else "" if doc_id is None: doc_id = infered_doc_id splitted_document = self.splitter(document_tokens, max_length=max_length) document_windows = [] for window_id, window in enumerate(splitted_document): window_text_start = window[0].idx window_text_end = window[-1].idx + len(window[-1].text) if isinstance(document, str): text = document[window_text_start:window_text_end] else: # window_text_start = window[0].idx # window_text_end = window[-1].i text = " ".join([w.text for w in window]) sample = RelikReaderSample( doc_id=doc_id, window_id=window_id, text=text, tokens=[w.text for w in window], words=[w.text for w in window], doc_topic=doc_topic, offset=window_text_start, spans=[ [m[0], m[1]] for m in document_mentions if window_text_end > m[0] >= window_text_start and window_text_end >= m[1] >= window_text_start ], token2char_start={str(i): w.idx for i, w in enumerate(window)}, token2char_end={ str(i): w.idx + len(w.text) for i, w in enumerate(window) }, char2token_start={ str(w.idx): w.i for i, w in enumerate(window) }, char2token_end={ str(w.idx + len(w.text)): w.i for i, w in enumerate(window) }, ) if mentions is not None and len(sample.spans) == 0: windowed_blank_documents.append(sample) else: document_windows.append(sample) windowed_documents.extend(document_windows) if mentions is not None: return windowed_documents, windowed_blank_documents else: return windowed_documents, windowed_blank_documents def merge_windows( self, windows: List[RelikReaderSample] ) -> List[RelikReaderSample]: windows_by_doc_id = collections.defaultdict(list) for window in windows: windows_by_doc_id[window.doc_id].append(window) merged_window_by_doc = { doc_id: self._merge_doc_windows(doc_windows) for doc_id, doc_windows in windows_by_doc_id.items() } return list(merged_window_by_doc.values()) def _merge_doc_windows(self, windows: List[RelikReaderSample]) -> RelikReaderSample: if len(windows) == 1: return windows[0] if len(windows) > 0 and getattr(windows[0], "offset", None) is not None: windows = sorted(windows, key=(lambda x: x.offset)) window_accumulator = windows[0] for next_window in windows[1:]: window_accumulator = self._merge_window_pair( window_accumulator, next_window ) return window_accumulator @staticmethod def _merge_tokens( window1: RelikReaderSample, window2: RelikReaderSample ) -> Tuple[list, dict, dict]: w1_tokens = window1.tokens[1:-1] w2_tokens = window2.tokens[1:-1] # find intersection if any tokens_intersection = 0 for k in reversed(range(1, len(w1_tokens))): if w1_tokens[-k:] == w2_tokens[:k]: tokens_intersection = k break final_tokens = ( [window1.tokens[0]] # CLS + w1_tokens + w2_tokens[tokens_intersection:] + [window1.tokens[-1]] # SEP ) w2_starting_offset = len(w1_tokens) - tokens_intersection def merge_char_mapping(t2c1: dict, t2c2: dict) -> dict: final_t2c = dict() final_t2c.update(t2c1) for t, c in t2c2.items(): t = int(t) if t < tokens_intersection: continue final_t2c[str(t + w2_starting_offset)] = c return final_t2c return ( final_tokens, merge_char_mapping(window1.token2char_start, window2.token2char_start), merge_char_mapping(window1.token2char_end, window2.token2char_end), ) @staticmethod def _merge_words( window1: RelikReaderSample, window2: RelikReaderSample ) -> Tuple[list, dict, dict]: w1_words = window1.words w2_words = window2.words # find intersection if any words_intersection = 0 for k in reversed(range(1, len(w1_words))): if w1_words[-k:] == w2_words[:k]: words_intersection = k break final_words = w1_words + w2_words[words_intersection:] w2_starting_offset = len(w1_words) - words_intersection def merge_word_mapping(t2c1: dict, t2c2: dict) -> dict: final_t2c = dict() if t2c1 is None: t2c1 = dict() if t2c2 is None: t2c2 = dict() final_t2c.update(t2c1) for t, c in t2c2.items(): t = int(t) if t < words_intersection: continue final_t2c[str(t + w2_starting_offset)] = c return final_t2c return ( final_words, merge_word_mapping(window1.token2word_start, window2.token2word_start), merge_word_mapping(window1.token2word_end, window2.token2word_end), ) @staticmethod def _merge_span_annotation( span_annotation1: List[list], span_annotation2: List[list] ) -> List[list]: uniq_store = set() final_span_annotation_store = [] for span_annotation in itertools.chain(span_annotation1, span_annotation2): span_annotation_id = tuple(span_annotation) if span_annotation_id not in uniq_store: uniq_store.add(span_annotation_id) final_span_annotation_store.append(span_annotation) return sorted(final_span_annotation_store, key=lambda x: x[0]) @staticmethod def _merge_predictions( window1: RelikReaderSample, window2: RelikReaderSample ) -> Tuple[Set[Tuple[int, int, str]], dict]: # a RelikReaderSample should have a filed called `predicted_spans` # that stores the span-level predictions, or a filed called # `predicted_triples` that stores the triple-level predictions # span predictions merged_span_predictions: Set = set() merged_span_probabilities = dict() # triple predictions merged_triplet_predictions: Set = set() merged_triplet_probs: Dict = dict() if ( getattr(window1, "predicted_spans", None) is not None and getattr(window2, "predicted_spans", None) is not None ): merged_span_predictions = set(window1.predicted_spans).union( set(window2.predicted_spans) ) merged_span_predictions = sorted(merged_span_predictions) # probabilities for span_prediction, predicted_probs in itertools.chain( window1.probs_window_labels_chars.items() if window1.probs_window_labels_chars is not None else [], window2.probs_window_labels_chars.items() if window2.probs_window_labels_chars is not None else [], ): if span_prediction not in merged_span_probabilities: merged_span_probabilities[span_prediction] = predicted_probs if ( getattr(window1, "predicted_triples", None) is not None and getattr(window2, "predicted_triples", None) is not None ): # try to merge the triples predictions # add offset to the second window window1_triplets = [ ( merged_span_predictions.index(window1.predicted_spans[t[0]]), t[1], merged_span_predictions.index(window1.predicted_spans[t[2]]), t[3] ) for t in window1.predicted_triples ] window2_triplets = [ ( merged_span_predictions.index(window2.predicted_spans[t[0]]), t[1], merged_span_predictions.index(window2.predicted_spans[t[2]]), t[3] ) for t in window2.predicted_triples ] merged_triplet_predictions = set(window1_triplets).union( set(window2_triplets) ) merged_triplet_predictions = sorted(merged_triplet_predictions) # for now no triplet probs, we don't need them for the moment return ( merged_span_predictions, merged_span_probabilities, merged_triplet_predictions, merged_triplet_probs, ) @staticmethod def _merge_candidates(window1: RelikReaderSample, window2: RelikReaderSample): candidates = [] windows_candidates = [] # TODO: retro-compatibility if getattr(window1, "candidates", None) is not None: candidates = window1.candidates if getattr(window2, "candidates", None) is not None: candidates += window2.candidates # TODO: retro-compatibility if getattr(window1, "windows_candidates", None) is not None: windows_candidates = window1.windows_candidates if getattr(window2, "windows_candidates", None) is not None: windows_candidates += window2.windows_candidates # TODO: add programmatically span_candidates = [] if getattr(window1, "span_candidates", None) is not None: span_candidates = window1.span_candidates if getattr(window2, "span_candidates", None) is not None: span_candidates += window2.span_candidates triplet_candidates = [] if getattr(window1, "triplet_candidates", None) is not None: triplet_candidates = window1.triplet_candidates if getattr(window2, "triplet_candidates", None) is not None: triplet_candidates += window2.triplet_candidates # make them unique candidates = list(set(candidates)) windows_candidates = list(set(windows_candidates)) span_candidates = list(set(span_candidates)) triplet_candidates = list(set(triplet_candidates)) return candidates, windows_candidates, span_candidates, triplet_candidates def _merge_window_pair( self, window1: RelikReaderSample, window2: RelikReaderSample, ) -> RelikReaderSample: merging_output = dict() if getattr(window1, "doc_id", None) is not None: assert window1.doc_id == window2.doc_id if getattr(window1, "offset", None) is not None: assert ( window1.offset < window2.offset ), f"window 2 offset ({window2.offset}) is smaller that window 1 offset({window1.offset})" merging_output["doc_id"] = window1.doc_id merging_output["offset"] = window2.offset m_tokens, m_token2char_start, m_token2char_end = self._merge_tokens( window1, window2 ) m_words, m_token2word_start, m_token2word_end = self._merge_words( window1, window2 ) ( m_candidates, m_windows_candidates, m_span_candidates, m_triplet_candidates, ) = self._merge_candidates(window1, window2) window_labels = None if getattr(window1, "window_labels", None) is not None: window_labels = self._merge_span_annotation( window1.window_labels, window2.window_labels ) ( predicted_spans, predicted_spans_probs, predicted_triples, predicted_triples_probs, ) = self._merge_predictions(window1, window2) merging_output.update( dict( tokens=m_tokens, words=m_words, token2char_start=m_token2char_start, token2char_end=m_token2char_end, token2word_start=m_token2word_start, token2word_end=m_token2word_end, window_labels=window_labels, candidates=m_candidates, span_candidates=m_span_candidates, triplet_candidates=m_triplet_candidates, windows_candidates=m_windows_candidates, predicted_spans=predicted_spans, predicted_spans_probs=predicted_spans_probs, predicted_triples=predicted_triples, predicted_triples_probs=predicted_triples_probs, ) ) return RelikReaderSample(**merging_output)