import contextlib import logging from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List import numpy as np import torch import transformers as tr from lightning_fabric.utilities import move_data_to_device from import DataLoader, IterableDataset from tqdm import tqdm from relik.common.log import get_logger from relik.common.torch_utils import get_autocast_context from relik.common.utils import get_callable_from_string from import AnnotationType from import RelikReaderSample from relik.reader.pytorch_modules.base import RelikReaderBase from relik.retriever.pytorch_modules import PRECISION_MAP logger = get_logger(__name__, level=logging.INFO) class RelikReaderForTripletExtraction(RelikReaderBase): """ A class for the RelikReader model for triplet extraction. Args: transformer_model (:obj:`str` or :obj:`transformers.PreTrainedModel` or :obj:`None`, `optional`): The transformer model to use. If `None`, the default model is used. additional_special_symbols (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to 0): The number of additional special symbols to add to the tokenizer. num_layers (:obj:`int`, `optional`): The number of layers to use. If `None`, all layers are used. activation (:obj:`str`, `optional`, defaults to "gelu"): The activation function to use. linears_hidden_size (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to 512): The hidden size of the linears. use_last_k_layers (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to 1): The number of last layers to use. training (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to False): Whether the model is in training mode. device (:obj:`str` or :obj:`torch.device` or :obj:`None`, `optional`): The device to use. If `None`, the default device is used. tokenizer (:obj:`str` or :obj:`transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer` or :obj:`None`, `optional`): The tokenizer to use. If `None`, the default tokenizer is used. dataset (:obj:`IterableDataset` or :obj:`str` or :obj:`None`, `optional`): The dataset to use. If `None`, the default dataset is used. dataset_kwargs (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]` or :obj:`None`, `optional`): The keyword arguments to pass to the dataset class. default_reader_class (:obj:`str` or :obj:`transformers.PreTrainedModel` or :obj:`None`, `optional`): The default reader class to use. If `None`, the default reader class is used. **kwargs: Keyword arguments. """ default_reader_class: str = ( "relik.reader.pytorch_modules.hf.modeling_relik.RelikReaderREModel" ) default_data_class: str = "" def __init__( self, transformer_model: str | tr.PreTrainedModel | None = None, additional_special_symbols: int = 0, additional_special_symbols_types: int = 0, entity_type_loss: bool | None = None, add_entity_embedding: bool | None = None, num_layers: int | None = None, activation: str = "gelu", linears_hidden_size: int | None = 512, use_last_k_layers: int = 1, training: bool = False, device: str | torch.device | None = None, tokenizer: str | tr.PreTrainedTokenizer | None = None, dataset: IterableDataset | str | None = None, dataset_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, default_reader_class: tr.PreTrainedModel | str | None = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( transformer_model=transformer_model, additional_special_symbols=additional_special_symbols, additional_special_symbols_types=additional_special_symbols_types, entity_type_loss=entity_type_loss, add_entity_embedding=add_entity_embedding, num_layers=num_layers, activation=activation, linears_hidden_size=linears_hidden_size, use_last_k_layers=use_last_k_layers, training=training, device=device, tokenizer=tokenizer, dataset=dataset, default_reader_class=default_reader_class, **kwargs, ) # and instantiate the dataset class self.dataset = dataset if self.dataset is None and training is False: self.default_data_class = get_callable_from_string(self.default_data_class) default_data_kwargs = dict( dataset_path=None, materialize_samples=False, transformer_model=self.tokenizer, special_symbols=self.default_data_class.get_special_symbols_re( self.relik_reader_model.config.additional_special_symbols, use_nme=kwargs.get("use_nme_re", False), ), special_symbols_types=self.default_data_class.get_special_symbols( self.relik_reader_model.config.additional_special_symbols_types - 1 ) if self.relik_reader_model.config.additional_special_symbols_types > 0 else [], for_inference=True, use_nme=kwargs.get("use_nme", False), ) # merge the default data kwargs with the ones passed to the model default_data_kwargs.update(dataset_kwargs or {}) self.dataset = self.default_data_class(**default_data_kwargs) @torch.no_grad() @torch.inference_mode() def _read( self, samples: List[RelikReaderSample] | None = None, input_ids: torch.Tensor | None = None, attention_mask: torch.Tensor | None = None, token_type_ids: torch.Tensor | None = None, prediction_mask: torch.Tensor | None = None, special_symbols_mask: torch.Tensor | None = None, max_length: int = 2048, max_batch_size: int = 128, token_batch_size: int = 2048, precision: str = 32, annotation_type: AnnotationType = AnnotationType.CHAR, progress_bar: bool = False, *args: object, **kwargs: object, ) -> List[RelikReaderSample] | List[List[RelikReaderSample]]: """ A wrapper around the forward method that returns the predicted labels for each sample. Args: samples (:obj:`List[RelikReaderSample]`, `optional`): The samples to read. If provided, `text` and `candidates` are ignored. input_ids (:obj:`torch.Tensor`, `optional`): The input ids of the text. If `samples` is provided, this is ignored. attention_mask (:obj:`torch.Tensor`, `optional`): The attention mask of the text. If `samples` is provided, this is ignored. token_type_ids (:obj:`torch.Tensor`, `optional`): The token type ids of the text. If `samples` is provided, this is ignored. prediction_mask (:obj:`torch.Tensor`, `optional`): The prediction mask of the text. If `samples` is provided, this is ignored. special_symbols_mask (:obj:`torch.Tensor`, `optional`): The special symbols mask of the text. If `samples` is provided, this is ignored. max_length (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to 1000): The maximum length of the text. max_batch_size (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to 128): The maximum batch size. token_batch_size (:obj:`int`, `optional`): The token batch size. progress_bar (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to False): Whether to show a progress bar. precision (:obj:`str`, `optional`, defaults to 32): The precision to use for the model. annotation_type (`AnnotationType`, `optional`, defaults to `AnnotationType.CHAR`): The type of annotation to return. If `char`, the spans will be in terms of character offsets. If `word`, the spans will be in terms of word offsets. *args: Positional arguments. **kwargs: Keyword arguments. Returns: :obj:`List[RelikReaderSample]` or :obj:`List[List[RelikReaderSample]]`: The predicted labels for each sample. """ precision = precision or self.precision if samples is not None: def _read_iterator(): def samples_it(): for i, sample in enumerate(samples): assert sample._mixin_prediction_position is None sample._mixin_prediction_position = i if sample.spans is not None and len(sample.spans) > 0: entities = [] offset_span = sample.char2token_start[str(sample.offset)] for span_start, span_end in sample.spans: if str(span_start) not in sample.char2token_start: # span_start is in the middle of a word # retrieve the first token of the word while str(span_start) not in sample.char2token_start: span_start -= 1 # skip if span_start < 0: break if str(span_end) not in sample.char2token_end: # span_end is in the middle of a word # retrieve the last token of the word while str(span_end) not in sample.char2token_end: span_end += 1 # skip if span_end >= int(list(sample.char2token_end.keys())[-1]): break if span_start < 0 or span_end > int(list(sample.char2token_end.keys())[-1]): continue entities.append([sample.char2token_start[str(span_start)]-offset_span, sample.char2token_end[str(span_end)]+1-offset_span, ""]) sample.entities = entities yield sample next_prediction_position = 0 position2predicted_sample = {} # instantiate dataset if self.dataset is None: raise ValueError( "You need to pass a dataset to the model in order to predict" ) self.dataset.samples = samples_it() self.dataset.model_max_length = max_length self.dataset.tokens_per_batch = token_batch_size self.dataset.max_batch_size = max_batch_size # instantiate dataloader iterator = DataLoader( self.dataset, batch_size=None, num_workers=0, shuffle=False ) if progress_bar: iterator = tqdm(iterator, desc="Predicting with RelikReader") with get_autocast_context(self.device, precision): for batch in iterator: batch = move_data_to_device(batch, self.device) batch.update(kwargs) batch_out = self._batch_predict(**batch) for sample in batch_out: if ( sample._mixin_prediction_position >= next_prediction_position ): position2predicted_sample[ sample._mixin_prediction_position ] = sample # yield while next_prediction_position in position2predicted_sample: yield position2predicted_sample[next_prediction_position] del position2predicted_sample[next_prediction_position] next_prediction_position += 1 outputs = list(_read_iterator()) for sample in outputs: self.dataset.merge_patches_predictions(sample) if annotation_type == AnnotationType.CHAR: self.dataset.convert_to_char_annotations(sample) elif annotation_type == AnnotationType.WORD: self.dataset.convert_to_word_annotations(sample) else: raise ValueError( f"Annotation type {annotation_type} not recognized. " f"Please choose one of {list(AnnotationType)}." ) else: outputs = list( self._batch_predict( input_ids, attention_mask, token_type_ids, prediction_mask, special_symbols_mask, *args, **kwargs, ) ) return outputs def _batch_predict( self, input_ids: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: torch.Tensor, token_type_ids: torch.Tensor | None = None, prediction_mask: torch.Tensor | None = None, special_symbols_mask: torch.Tensor | None = None, special_symbols_mask_entities: torch.Tensor | None = None, sample: List[RelikReaderSample] | None = None, *args, **kwargs, ) -> Iterator[RelikReaderSample]: """ A wrapper around the forward method that returns the predicted labels for each sample. It also adds the predicted labels to the samples. Args: input_ids (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The input ids of the text. attention_mask (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The attention mask of the text. token_type_ids (:obj:`torch.Tensor`, `optional`): The token type ids of the text. prediction_mask (:obj:`torch.Tensor`, `optional`): The prediction mask of the text. special_symbols_mask (:obj:`torch.Tensor`, `optional`): The special symbols mask of the text. sample (:obj:`List[RelikReaderSample]`, `optional`): The samples to read. If provided, `text` and `candidates` are ignored. top_k (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to 5): The amount of top-k most probable entities to predict. *args: Positional arguments. **kwargs: Keyword arguments. Returns: The predicted labels for each sample. """ forward_output = self.forward( input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, prediction_mask=prediction_mask, special_symbols_mask=special_symbols_mask, special_symbols_mask_entities=special_symbols_mask_entities, is_prediction=True, *args, **kwargs, ) ned_start_predictions = forward_output["ned_start_predictions"].cpu().numpy() ned_end_predictions = forward_output["ned_end_predictions"] # .cpu().numpy() ed_predictions = forward_output["re_entities_predictions"].cpu().numpy() ned_type_predictions = forward_output["ned_type_predictions"].cpu().numpy() re_predictions = forward_output["re_predictions"].cpu().numpy() re_probabilities = forward_output["re_probabilities"].detach().cpu().numpy() for ts, ne_st, ne_end, re_pred, re_prob, edp, ne_et in zip( sample, ned_start_predictions, ned_end_predictions, re_predictions, re_probabilities, ed_predictions, ned_type_predictions, ): ne_end = ne_end.cpu().numpy() entities = [] if self.relik_reader_model.config.entity_type_loss: starts = np.argwhere(ne_st) i = 0 for start, end in zip(starts, ne_end): ends = np.argwhere(end) for e in ends: entities.append([start[0], e[0], ne_et[i]]) i += 1 # if i == len(ne_et): # break # if i == len(ne_et): # break else: starts = np.argwhere(ne_st) for start, end in zip(starts, ne_end): ends = np.argwhere(end) for e in ends: entities.append([start[0], e[0]]) edp = edp[: len(entities)] re_pred = re_pred[: len(entities), : len(entities)] re_prob = re_prob[: len(entities), : len(entities)] possible_re = np.argwhere(re_pred) predicted_triplets = [] predicted_triplets_prob = [] for i, j, r in possible_re: if self.relik_reader_model.relation_disambiguation_loss: if not ( i != j and edp[i, r] == 1 and edp[j, r] == 1 and edp[i, 0] == 0 and edp[j, 0] == 0 ): continue predicted_triplets.append([i, j, r]) predicted_triplets_prob.append(re_prob[i, j, r]) ts._d["predicted_relations"] = predicted_triplets ts._d["predicted_entities"] = entities ts._d["predicted_relations_probabilities"] = predicted_triplets_prob # try-out for a new format ts._d["predicted_triples"] = predicted_triplets yield ts