from copy import deepcopy import os from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Literal, Optional, Union import hydra import lightning as pl import omegaconf import torch from lightning import Trainer from lightning.pytorch.callbacks import ( EarlyStopping, LearningRateMonitor, ModelCheckpoint, ModelSummary, ) from lightning.pytorch.loggers import WandbLogger from omegaconf import OmegaConf from pprintpp import pformat from relik.common.log import get_logger from relik.retriever.callbacks.base import NLPTemplateCallback from relik.retriever.callbacks.evaluation_callbacks import ( AvgRankingEvaluationCallback, RecallAtKEvaluationCallback, ) from relik.retriever.callbacks.prediction_callbacks import ( GoldenRetrieverPredictionCallback, ) from relik.retriever.callbacks.training_callbacks import NegativeAugmentationCallback from relik.retriever.callbacks.utils_callbacks import ( FreeUpIndexerVRAMCallback, SavePredictionsCallback, SaveRetrieverCallback, ) from import GoldenRetrieverDataset from relik.retriever.indexers.base import BaseDocumentIndex from relik.retriever.lightning_modules.pl_data_modules import ( GoldenRetrieverPLDataModule, ) from relik.retriever.lightning_modules.pl_modules import GoldenRetrieverPLModule from relik.retriever.pytorch_modules.loss import MultiLabelNCELoss from relik.retriever.pytorch_modules.model import GoldenRetriever from relik.retriever.pytorch_modules.optim import RAdamW from relik.retriever.pytorch_modules.scheduler import LinearScheduler logger = get_logger(__name__) class RetrieverTrainer: def __init__( self, retriever: GoldenRetriever, train_dataset: GoldenRetrieverDataset | None = None, val_dataset: GoldenRetrieverDataset | list[GoldenRetrieverDataset] | None = None, test_dataset: GoldenRetrieverDataset | list[GoldenRetrieverDataset] | None = None, num_workers: int = 4, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer = RAdamW, lr: float = 1e-5, weight_decay: float = 0.01, lr_scheduler: torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LRScheduler = LinearScheduler, num_warmup_steps: int = 0, loss: torch.nn.Module = MultiLabelNCELoss, callbacks: list | None = None, accelerator: str = "auto", devices: int = 1, num_nodes: int = 1, strategy: str = "auto", accumulate_grad_batches: int = 1, gradient_clip_val: float = 1.0, val_check_interval: float = 1.0, check_val_every_n_epoch: int = 1, max_steps: int | None = None, max_epochs: int | None = None, deterministic: bool = True, fast_dev_run: bool = False, precision: int | str = 16, reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs: int = 1, resume_from_checkpoint_path: str | os.PathLike | None = None, trainer_kwargs: dict | None = None, # eval parameters metric_to_monitor: str = "validate_recall@{top_k}", monitor_mode: str = "max", top_k: int | List[int] = 100, # early stopping parameters early_stopping: bool = True, early_stopping_patience: int = 10, early_stopping_kwargs: dict | None = None, # wandb logger parameters log_to_wandb: bool = True, wandb_entity: str | None = None, wandb_experiment_name: str | None = None, wandb_project_name: str = "golden-retriever", wandb_save_dir: str | os.PathLike = "./", # TODO: i don't like this default wandb_log_model: bool = True, wandb_online_mode: bool = False, wandb_watch: str = "all", wandb_kwargs: dict | None = None, # checkpoint parameters model_checkpointing: bool = True, checkpoint_dir: str | os.PathLike | None = None, checkpoint_filename: str | os.PathLike | None = None, save_top_k: int = 1, save_last: bool = False, checkpoint_kwargs: dict | None = None, # prediction callback parameters prediction_batch_size: int = 128, # hard negatives callback parameters max_hard_negatives_to_mine: int = 15, hard_negatives_threshold: float = 0.0, metrics_to_monitor_for_hard_negatives: str | None = None, mine_hard_negatives_with_probability: float = 1.0, # other parameters seed: int = 42, float32_matmul_precision: str = "medium", **kwargs, ): # put all the parameters in the class self.retriever = retriever # datasets self.train_dataset = train_dataset self.val_dataset = val_dataset self.test_dataset = test_dataset self.num_workers = num_workers # trainer parameters self.optimizer = optimizer = lr self.weight_decay = weight_decay self.lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler self.num_warmup_steps = num_warmup_steps self.loss = loss self.callbacks = callbacks self.accelerator = accelerator self.devices = devices self.num_nodes = num_nodes self.strategy = strategy self.accumulate_grad_batches = accumulate_grad_batches self.gradient_clip_val = gradient_clip_val self.val_check_interval = val_check_interval self.check_val_every_n_epoch = check_val_every_n_epoch self.max_steps = max_steps self.max_epochs = max_epochs self.deterministic = deterministic self.fast_dev_run = fast_dev_run self.precision = precision self.reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs = reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs self.resume_from_checkpoint_path = resume_from_checkpoint_path self.trainer_kwargs = trainer_kwargs or {} # eval parameters self.metric_to_monitor = metric_to_monitor self.monitor_mode = monitor_mode self.top_k = top_k # early stopping parameters self.early_stopping = early_stopping self.early_stopping_patience = early_stopping_patience self.early_stopping_kwargs = early_stopping_kwargs # wandb logger parameters self.log_to_wandb = log_to_wandb self.wandb_entity = wandb_entity self.wandb_experiment_name = wandb_experiment_name self.wandb_project_name = wandb_project_name self.wandb_save_dir = wandb_save_dir self.wandb_log_model = wandb_log_model self.wandb_online_mode = wandb_online_mode self.wandb_watch = wandb_watch self.wandb_kwargs = wandb_kwargs # checkpoint parameters self.model_checkpointing = model_checkpointing self.checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir self.checkpoint_filename = checkpoint_filename self.save_top_k = save_top_k self.save_last = save_last self.checkpoint_kwargs = checkpoint_kwargs # prediction callback parameters self.prediction_batch_size = prediction_batch_size # hard negatives callback parameters self.max_hard_negatives_to_mine = max_hard_negatives_to_mine self.hard_negatives_threshold = hard_negatives_threshold self.metrics_to_monitor_for_hard_negatives = ( metrics_to_monitor_for_hard_negatives ) self.mine_hard_negatives_with_probability = mine_hard_negatives_with_probability # other parameters self.seed = seed self.float32_matmul_precision = float32_matmul_precision if self.max_epochs is None and self.max_steps is None: raise ValueError( "Either `max_epochs` or `max_steps` should be specified in the trainer configuration" ) if self.max_epochs is not None and self.max_steps is not None: "Both `max_epochs` and `max_steps` are specified in the trainer configuration. " "Will use `max_epochs` for the number of training steps" ) self.max_steps = None # reproducibility pl.seed_everything(self.seed) # set the precision of matmul operations torch.set_float32_matmul_precision(self.float32_matmul_precision) # lightning data module declaration self.lightning_datamodule = self.configure_lightning_datamodule() if self.max_epochs is not None:"Number of training epochs: {self.max_epochs}") self.max_steps = ( len(self.lightning_datamodule.train_dataloader()) * self.max_epochs ) # optimizer declaration self.optimizer, self.lr_scheduler = self.configure_optimizers() # lightning module declaration self.lightning_module = self.configure_lightning_module() # logger and experiment declaration # update self.wandb_kwargs wandb_args = dict( entity=self.wandb_entity, project=self.wandb_project_name, name=self.wandb_experiment_name, save_dir=self.wandb_save_dir, log_model=self.wandb_log_model, offline=not self.wandb_online_mode, watch=self.wandb_watch, lightning_module=self.lightning_module, ) if self.wandb_kwargs is not None: wandb_args.update(self.wandb_kwargs) self.wandb_kwargs = wandb_args self.wandb_logger: Optional[WandbLogger] = None self.experiment_path: Optional[Path] = None # setup metrics to monitor for a bunch of callbacks if isinstance(self.top_k, int): self.top_k = [self.top_k] # save the target top_k self.target_top_k = self.top_k[0] self.metric_to_monitor = self.metric_to_monitor.format(top_k=self.target_top_k) # explicitly configure some callbacks that will be needed not only by the # pl.Trainer but also in this class # model checkpoint callback if self.save_last: logger.warning( "We will override the `save_last` of `ModelCheckpoint` to `False`. " "Instead, we will use a separate `ModelCheckpoint` callback to save the last checkpoint" ) checkpoint_kwargs = dict( monitor=self.metric_to_monitor, mode=self.monitor_mode, verbose=True, save_top_k=self.save_top_k, filename=self.checkpoint_filename, dirpath=self.checkpoint_dir, auto_insert_metric_name=False, ) if self.checkpoint_kwargs is not None: checkpoint_kwargs.update(self.checkpoint_kwargs) self.checkpoint_kwargs = checkpoint_kwargs self.model_checkpoint_callback: ModelCheckpoint | None = None self.checkpoint_path: str | os.PathLike | None = None # last checkpoint callback self.latest_model_checkpoint_callback: ModelCheckpoint | None = None self.last_checkpoint_kwargs: dict | None = None if self.save_last: last_checkpoint_kwargs = deepcopy(self.checkpoint_kwargs) last_checkpoint_kwargs["save_top_k"] = 1 last_checkpoint_kwargs["filename"] = "last-{epoch}-{step}" last_checkpoint_kwargs["monitor"] = "step" last_checkpoint_kwargs["mode"] = "max" self.last_checkpoint_kwargs = last_checkpoint_kwargs # early stopping callback early_stopping_kwargs = dict( monitor=self.metric_to_monitor, mode=self.monitor_mode, patience=self.early_stopping_patience, ) if self.early_stopping_kwargs is not None: early_stopping_kwargs.update(self.early_stopping_kwargs) self.early_stopping_kwargs = early_stopping_kwargs self.early_stopping_callback: EarlyStopping | None = None # other callbacks declaration self.callbacks_store: List[pl.Callback] = [] # self.configure_callbacks() # add default callbacks self.callbacks_store += [ ModelSummary(max_depth=2), LearningRateMonitor(logging_interval="step"), ] # lazy trainer declaration self.trainer: pl.Trainer | None = None def configure_lightning_datamodule(self, *args, **kwargs): # lightning data module declaration if self.val_dataset is not None and isinstance( self.val_dataset, GoldenRetrieverDataset ): self.val_dataset = [self.val_dataset] if self.test_dataset is not None and isinstance( self.test_dataset, GoldenRetrieverDataset ): self.test_dataset = [self.test_dataset] self.lightning_datamodule = GoldenRetrieverPLDataModule( train_dataset=self.train_dataset, val_datasets=self.val_dataset, test_datasets=self.test_dataset, num_workers=self.num_workers, *args, **kwargs, ) return self.lightning_datamodule def configure_lightning_module(self, *args, **kwargs): # add loss object to the retriever if self.retriever.loss_type is None: self.retriever.loss_type = self.loss() # lightning module declaration self.lightning_module = GoldenRetrieverPLModule( model=self.retriever, optimizer=self.optimizer, lr_scheduler=self.lr_scheduler, *args, **kwargs, ) return self.lightning_module def configure_optimizers(self, *args, **kwargs): # check if it is the class or the instance if isinstance(self.optimizer, type): param_optimizer = list(self.retriever.named_parameters()) no_decay = ["bias", "LayerNorm.bias", "LayerNorm.weight"] optimizer_grouped_parameters = [ { "params": [ p for n, p in param_optimizer if "layer_norm_layer" in n ], "weight_decay": self.weight_decay, "lr": 1e-4, }, { "params": [ p for n, p in param_optimizer if all(nd not in n for nd in no_decay) and "layer_norm_layer" not in n ], "weight_decay": self.weight_decay, }, { "params": [ p for n, p in param_optimizer if "layer_norm_layer" not in n and any(nd in n for nd in no_decay) ], "weight_decay": 0.0, }, ] self.optimizer = self.optimizer( # params=self.retriever.parameters(), params=optimizer_grouped_parameters,, # weight_decay=self.weight_decay, ) else: self.optimizer = self.optimizer # LR Scheduler declaration # check if it is the class, the instance or a function if self.lr_scheduler is not None: if isinstance(self.lr_scheduler, type): self.lr_scheduler = self.lr_scheduler( optimizer=self.optimizer, num_warmup_steps=self.num_warmup_steps, num_training_steps=self.max_steps, ) return self.optimizer, self.lr_scheduler @staticmethod def configure_logger( name: str, save_dir: str | os.PathLike, offline: bool, entity: str, project: str, log_model: Literal["all"] | bool, watch: str | None = None, lightning_module: torch.nn.Module | None = None, *args, **kwargs, ) -> WandbLogger: """ Configure the wandb logger Args: name (`str`): The name of the experiment save_dir (`str`, `os.PathLike`): The directory where to save the experiment offline (`bool`): Whether to run wandb offline entity (`str`): The wandb entity project (`str`): The wandb project name log_model (`Literal["all"]`, `bool`): Whether to log the model to wandb watch (`str`, optional, defaults to `None`): The mode to watch the model lightning_module (`torch.nn.Module`, optional, defaults to `None`): The lightning module to watch *args: Additional args **kwargs: Additional kwargs Returns: `lightning.loggers.WandbLogger`: The wandb logger """ wandb_logger = WandbLogger( name=name, save_dir=save_dir, offline=offline, project=project, log_model=log_model and not offline, entity=entity, *args, **kwargs, ) if watch is not None and lightning_module is not None: watch_kwargs = dict(model=lightning_module) if watch is not None: watch_kwargs["log"] = watch**watch_kwargs) return wandb_logger @staticmethod def configure_early_stopping( monitor: str, mode: str, patience: int = 3, *args, **kwargs, ) -> EarlyStopping:"Enabling EarlyStopping callback with patience: {patience}") early_stopping_callback = EarlyStopping( monitor=monitor, mode=mode, patience=patience, *args, **kwargs, ) return early_stopping_callback def configure_model_checkpoint( self, monitor: str, mode: str, verbose: bool = True, save_top_k: int = 1, save_last: bool = False, filename: str | os.PathLike | None = None, dirpath: str | os.PathLike | None = None, auto_insert_metric_name: bool = False, *args, **kwargs, ) -> ModelCheckpoint:"Enabling Model Checkpointing") if dirpath is None: dirpath = ( self.experiment_path / "checkpoints" if self.experiment_path else None ) if filename is None: filename = ( "checkpoint-" + monitor + "_{" + monitor + ":.4f}-epoch_{epoch:02d}" ) self.checkpoint_path = dirpath / filename if dirpath is not None else None"Checkpoint directory: {dirpath}")"Checkpoint filename: {filename}") kwargs = dict( monitor=monitor, mode=mode, verbose=verbose, save_top_k=save_top_k, save_last=save_last, filename=filename, dirpath=dirpath, auto_insert_metric_name=auto_insert_metric_name, *args, **kwargs, ) # update the kwargs # TODO: this is bad # kwargs.update( # dirpath=self.checkpoint_dir, # filename=self.checkpoint_filename, # ) # modelcheckpoint_kwargs = dict( # dirpath=self.checkpoint_dir, # filename=self.checkpoint_filename, # ) # modelcheckpoint_kwargs.update(kwargs) self.model_checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint(**kwargs) return self.model_checkpoint_callback def configure_hard_negatives_callback(self): metrics_to_monitor = ( self.metrics_to_monitor_for_hard_negatives or self.metric_to_monitor ) hard_negatives_callback = NegativeAugmentationCallback( k=self.target_top_k, batch_size=self.prediction_batch_size, precision=self.precision, stages=["validate"], metrics_to_monitor=metrics_to_monitor, threshold=self.hard_negatives_threshold, max_negatives=self.max_hard_negatives_to_mine, add_with_probability=self.mine_hard_negatives_with_probability, refresh_every_n_epochs=1, ) return hard_negatives_callback def training_callbacks(self): if self.model_checkpointing: self.model_checkpoint_callback = self.configure_model_checkpoint( **self.checkpoint_kwargs ) self.callbacks_store.append(self.model_checkpoint_callback) if self.save_last: self.latest_model_checkpoint_callback = self.configure_model_checkpoint( **self.last_checkpoint_kwargs ) self.callbacks_store.append(self.latest_model_checkpoint_callback) self.callbacks_store.append(SaveRetrieverCallback()) if self.early_stopping: self.early_stopping_callback = self.configure_early_stopping( **self.early_stopping_kwargs ) return self.callbacks_store def configure_metrics_callbacks( self, save_predictions: bool = False ) -> List[NLPTemplateCallback]: """ Configure the metrics callbacks for the trainer. This method is called by the `eval_callbacks` method, and it is used to configure the callbacks that will be used to evaluate the model during training. Args: save_predictions (`bool`, optional, defaults to `False`): Whether to save the predictions to disk or not Returns: `List[NLPTemplateCallback]`: The list of callbacks to use for evaluation """ # prediction callback metrics_callbacks: List[NLPTemplateCallback] = [ RecallAtKEvaluationCallback(k, verbose=True) for k in self.top_k ] metrics_callbacks += [ AvgRankingEvaluationCallback(k, verbose=True) for k in self.top_k ] if save_predictions: metrics_callbacks.append(SavePredictionsCallback()) return metrics_callbacks def configure_prediction_callbacks( self, batch_size: int = 64, precision: int | str = 32, k: int | None = None, force_reindex: bool = True, metrics_callbacks: list[NLPTemplateCallback] | None = None, *args, **kwargs, ): if k is None: # we need the largest k for the prediction callback # get the max top_k for the prediction callback k = sorted(self.top_k, reverse=True)[0] if metrics_callbacks is None: metrics_callbacks = self.configure_metrics_callbacks() prediction_callback = GoldenRetrieverPredictionCallback( batch_size=batch_size, precision=precision, k=k, force_reindex=force_reindex, other_callbacks=metrics_callbacks, *args, **kwargs, ) return prediction_callback def train(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Train the model Args: *args: Additional args **kwargs: Additional kwargs Returns: `None` """ if self.log_to_wandb:"Instantiating Wandb Logger") # log the args to wandb # self.wandb_logger = self.configure_logger(**self.wandb_kwargs) self.experiment_path = Path(self.wandb_logger.experiment.dir) # set-up training specific callbacks self.callbacks_store = self.training_callbacks() # add the evaluation callbacks self.callbacks_store.append( self.configure_prediction_callbacks( batch_size=self.prediction_batch_size, precision=self.precision, ) ) # add the hard negatives callback after the evaluation callback if self.max_hard_negatives_to_mine > 0: self.callbacks_store.append(self.configure_hard_negatives_callback()) self.callbacks_store.append(FreeUpIndexerVRAMCallback()) if self.trainer is None:"Instantiating the Trainer") self.trainer = pl.Trainer( accelerator=self.accelerator, devices=self.devices, num_nodes=self.num_nodes, strategy=self.strategy, accumulate_grad_batches=self.accumulate_grad_batches, max_epochs=self.max_epochs, max_steps=self.max_steps, gradient_clip_val=self.gradient_clip_val, val_check_interval=self.val_check_interval, check_val_every_n_epoch=self.check_val_every_n_epoch, deterministic=self.deterministic, fast_dev_run=self.fast_dev_run, precision=self.precision, reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs=self.reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs, callbacks=self.callbacks_store, logger=self.wandb_logger, **self.trainer_kwargs, ) # # save this class as config to file # if self.experiment_path is not None: #"Saving the configuration to file") # self.experiment_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # # OmegaConf.create(to_config(self)), # self.experiment_path / "trainer_config.yaml", # ) self.lightning_module, datamodule=self.lightning_datamodule, ckpt_path=self.resume_from_checkpoint_path, ) def test( self, lightning_module: GoldenRetrieverPLModule | None = None, checkpoint_path: str | os.PathLike | None = None, lightning_datamodule: GoldenRetrieverPLDataModule | None = None, force_reindex: bool = False, *args, **kwargs, ): """ Test the model Args: lightning_module (`GoldenRetrieverPLModule`, optional, defaults to `None`): The lightning module to test checkpoint_path (`str`, `os.PathLike`, optional, defaults to `None`): The path to the checkpoint to load lightning_datamodule (`GoldenRetrieverPLDataModule`, optional, defaults to `None`): The lightning data module to use for testing *args: Additional args **kwargs: Additional kwargs Returns: `None` """ if self.test_dataset is None: logger.warning("No test dataset provided. Skipping testing.") return if self.trainer is None: self.trainer = pl.Trainer( accelerator=self.accelerator, devices=self.devices, num_nodes=self.num_nodes, strategy=self.strategy, deterministic=self.deterministic, fast_dev_run=self.fast_dev_run, precision=self.precision, callbacks=[ self.configure_prediction_callbacks( batch_size=self.prediction_batch_size, precision=self.precision, force_reindex=force_reindex, ) ], **self.trainer_kwargs, ) if lightning_module is not None: best_lightning_module = lightning_module else: try: if self.fast_dev_run: best_lightning_module = self.lightning_module else: # load best model for testing if checkpoint_path is not None: best_model_path = checkpoint_path elif self.checkpoint_path is not None: best_model_path = self.checkpoint_path elif self.model_checkpoint_callback: best_model_path = self.model_checkpoint_callback.best_model_path else: raise ValueError( "Either `checkpoint_path` or `model_checkpoint_callback` should " "be provided to the trainer" )"Loading best model from {best_model_path}") best_lightning_module = ( GoldenRetrieverPLModule.load_from_checkpoint(best_model_path) ) except Exception as e:"Failed to load the model from checkpoint: {e}")"Using last model instead") best_lightning_module = self.lightning_module lightning_datamodule = lightning_datamodule or self.lightning_datamodule # module test self.trainer.test(best_lightning_module, datamodule=lightning_datamodule) def train(conf: omegaconf.DictConfig) -> None:"Starting training with config:")"Instantiating the Retriever") retriever: GoldenRetriever = hydra.utils.instantiate( conf.retriever, _recursive_=False )"Instantiating datasets") train_dataset: GoldenRetrieverDataset = hydra.utils.instantiate(, _recursive_=False ) val_dataset: GoldenRetrieverDataset = hydra.utils.instantiate(, _recursive_=False ) test_dataset: GoldenRetrieverDataset = hydra.utils.instantiate(, _recursive_=False )"Loading the document index") document_index: BaseDocumentIndex = hydra.utils.instantiate(, _recursive_=False ) retriever.document_index = document_index"Instantiating the Trainer") trainer: Trainer = hydra.utils.instantiate( conf.train, retriever=retriever, train_dataset=train_dataset, val_dataset=val_dataset, test_dataset=test_dataset, _recursive_=False, )"Starting training") trainer.train()"Starting testing") trainer.test()"Training and testing completed") @hydra.main(config_path="../../conf", config_name="default", version_base="1.3") def main(conf: omegaconf.DictConfig): train(conf) def train_hydra(conf: omegaconf.DictConfig) -> None: # reproducibility pl.seed_everything(conf.train.seed) torch.set_float32_matmul_precision(conf.train.float32_matmul_precision)"Starting training for [bold cyan]{conf.model_name}[/bold cyan] model") if conf.train.pl_trainer.fast_dev_run: f"Debug mode {conf.train.pl_trainer.fast_dev_run}. Forcing debugger configuration" ) # Debuggers don't like GPUs nor multiprocessing # conf.train.pl_trainer.accelerator = "cpu" conf.train.pl_trainer.devices = 1 conf.train.pl_trainer.strategy = "auto" conf.train.pl_trainer.precision = 32 if "num_workers" in = { k: 0 for k in } # Switch wandb to offline mode to prevent online logging conf.logging.log = None # remove model checkpoint callback conf.train.model_checkpoint_callback = None if "print_config" in conf and conf.print_config: # pprint(OmegaConf.to_container(conf), console=logger, expand_all=True) # data module declaration"Instantiating the Data Module") pl_data_module: GoldenRetrieverPLDataModule = hydra.utils.instantiate(, _recursive_=False ) # force setup to get labels initialized for the model pl_data_module.prepare_data() # main module declaration pl_module: Optional[GoldenRetrieverPLModule] = None if not conf.train.only_test: pl_data_module.setup("fit") # count the number of training steps if ( "max_epochs" in conf.train.pl_trainer and conf.train.pl_trainer.max_epochs > 0 ): num_training_steps = ( len(pl_data_module.train_dataloader()) * conf.train.pl_trainer.max_epochs ) if "max_steps" in conf.train.pl_trainer: "Both `max_epochs` and `max_steps` are specified in the trainer configuration. " "Will use `max_epochs` for the number of training steps" ) conf.train.pl_trainer.max_steps = None elif ( "max_steps" in conf.train.pl_trainer and conf.train.pl_trainer.max_steps > 0 ): num_training_steps = conf.train.pl_trainer.max_steps conf.train.pl_trainer.max_epochs = None else: raise ValueError( "Either `max_epochs` or `max_steps` should be specified in the trainer configuration" )"Expected number of training steps: {num_training_steps}") if "lr_scheduler" in conf.model.pl_module and conf.model.pl_module.lr_scheduler: # set the number of warmup steps as x% of the total number of training steps if conf.model.pl_module.lr_scheduler.num_warmup_steps is None: if ( "warmup_steps_ratio" in conf.model.pl_module and conf.model.pl_module.warmup_steps_ratio is not None ): conf.model.pl_module.lr_scheduler.num_warmup_steps = int( conf.model.pl_module.lr_scheduler.num_training_steps * conf.model.pl_module.warmup_steps_ratio ) else: conf.model.pl_module.lr_scheduler.num_warmup_steps = 0 f"Number of warmup steps: {conf.model.pl_module.lr_scheduler.num_warmup_steps}" )"Instantiating the Model") pl_module: GoldenRetrieverPLModule = hydra.utils.instantiate( conf.model.pl_module, _recursive_=False ) if ( "pretrain_ckpt_path" in conf.train and conf.train.pretrain_ckpt_path is not None ): f"Loading pretrained checkpoint from {conf.train.pretrain_ckpt_path}" ) pl_module.load_state_dict( torch.load(conf.train.pretrain_ckpt_path)["state_dict"], strict=False ) if "compile" in conf.model.pl_module and conf.model.pl_module.compile: try: pl_module = torch.compile(pl_module, backend="inductor") except Exception: "Failed to compile the model, you may need to install PyTorch 2.0" ) # callbacks declaration callbacks_store = [ModelSummary(max_depth=2)] experiment_logger: Optional[WandbLogger] = None experiment_path: Optional[Path] = None if conf.logging.log:"Instantiating Wandb Logger") experiment_logger = hydra.utils.instantiate(conf.logging.wandb_arg) if pl_module is not None: # it may happen that the model is not instantiated if we are only testing # in that case, we don't need to watch the model, ** experiment_path = Path(experiment_logger.experiment.dir) # Store the YaML config separately into the wandb dir yaml_conf: str = OmegaConf.to_yaml(cfg=conf) (experiment_path / "hparams.yaml").write_text(yaml_conf) # Add a Learning Rate Monitor callback to log the learning rate callbacks_store.append(LearningRateMonitor(logging_interval="step")) early_stopping_callback: Optional[EarlyStopping] = None if conf.train.early_stopping_callback is not None: early_stopping_callback = hydra.utils.instantiate( conf.train.early_stopping_callback ) callbacks_store.append(early_stopping_callback) model_checkpoint_callback: Optional[ModelCheckpoint] = None if conf.train.model_checkpoint_callback is not None: model_checkpoint_callback = hydra.utils.instantiate( conf.train.model_checkpoint_callback, dirpath=experiment_path / "checkpoints" if experiment_path else None, ) callbacks_store.append(model_checkpoint_callback) if "callbacks" in conf.train and conf.train.callbacks is not None: for _, callback in conf.train.callbacks.items(): # callback can be a list of callbacks or a single callback if isinstance(callback, omegaconf.listconfig.ListConfig): for cb in callback: if cb is not None: callbacks_store.append( hydra.utils.instantiate(cb, _recursive_=False) ) else: if callback is not None: callbacks_store.append(hydra.utils.instantiate(callback)) # trainer"Instantiating the Trainer") trainer: Trainer = hydra.utils.instantiate( conf.train.pl_trainer, callbacks=callbacks_store, logger=experiment_logger ) if not conf.train.only_test: # module fit, datamodule=pl_data_module) if conf.train.pl_trainer.fast_dev_run: best_pl_module = pl_module else: # load best model for testing if conf.train.checkpoint_path: best_model_path = conf.evaluation.checkpoint_path elif model_checkpoint_callback: best_model_path = model_checkpoint_callback.best_model_path else: raise ValueError( "Either `checkpoint_path` or `model_checkpoint_callback` should " "be specified in the evaluation configuration" )"Loading best model from {best_model_path}") try: best_pl_module = GoldenRetrieverPLModule.load_from_checkpoint( best_model_path ) except Exception as e:"Failed to load the model from checkpoint: {e}")"Using last model instead") best_pl_module = pl_module if "compile" in conf.model.pl_module and conf.model.pl_module.compile: try: best_pl_module = torch.compile(best_pl_module, backend="inductor") except Exception: "Failed to compile the model, you may need to install PyTorch 2.0" ) # module test trainer.test(best_pl_module, datamodule=pl_data_module) if __name__ == "__main__": main()