from __future__ import annotations from typing import List, Tuple from app_modules.utils import * def postprocess( self, y: List[Tuple[str | None, str | None]] ) -> List[Tuple[str | None, str | None]]: """ Parameters: y: List of tuples representing the message and response pairs. Each message and response should be a string, which may be in Markdown format. Returns: List of tuples representing the message and response. Each message and response will be a string of HTML. """ if y is None or y == []: return [] temp = [] for x in y: user, bot = x if not detect_converted_mark(user): user = convert_asis(user) if not detect_converted_mark(bot): bot = convert_mdtext(bot) temp.append((user, bot)) return temp with open("./assets/custom.js", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f, open("./assets/Kelpy-Codos.js", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f2: customJS = kelpyCodos = def reload_javascript(): print("Reloading javascript...") js = f'' def template_response(*args, **kwargs): res = GradioTemplateResponseOriginal(*args, **kwargs) res.body = res.body.replace(b'', f'{js}'.encode("utf8")) res.init_headers() return res gr.routes.templates.TemplateResponse = template_response GradioTemplateResponseOriginal = gr.routes.templates.TemplateResponse