Text,Label "Vineet, what you are trying to do is a terrible idea! If you ever find yourself having to engineer something as fundamental as that, take a step back and work out what else does it! I don't really believe in the whole spoon fed SO thing, but what mtwebster says is on the right track!",negative "'Course I do, corrected.",positive "Excellent, happy to help! If you don't mind, can you accept my answer?",positive "@talnicolas I'm using it a few dozen times in my class. It's heavy to write, not easy to read and very painful to debug. I'm sorry, I didn't think the question was that subjective, maybe someone should move it to PROGRAMMERS!?",negative I didn't select an answer because even though two of them helped neither of them is complete.,neutral This is for Tomcat 5.5,neutral "Paraphrasing Cypher, ""StateOf.Confusion is bliss"", so... Do all `MapCollection Items` have the same state? If so then have a single `ItemStatus` that every `Item` references. [`Application.Properties`](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.application.properties%28v=vs.110%29.aspx) may be a way to globally communicate visualness.",neutral Excellent! Thank you for your perseverence :),positive "Wow, I've just had a look at the Corona SDK. It looks excellent! A really intuitive way to build apps. Thanks for the tip!",positive A few but they all seem proprietary.,neutral "To push it to Heroku, you'll have to add it to your repo. Why don't you want to commit it? It's recommended to commit Gemfile.lock in your repo (unless you're developing a gem): When developing an app, check in your Gemfile.lock, since you will use the bundler tool across all machines, and the precision enforced by bundler is extremely desirable for applications.",negative @Thorbj�rn Ravn Andersen that's really great!,positive "I'm not sure if this is a case here but if you are really worried about the gc in this case and you'd like to better control behavior of your derived maps and thus their influence on the performance of the gc in my opinion you should take a look at the usage of different kind of references (strong, weak, soft, phantom) in java.Also remember that pre-optimization is a root of all evil especially in programming.",neutral "I don't see how this is possible, but I really, really hate to run my query an extra time just to get the record count so I can build a pager. When I say a ""pager"" I simply mean the common gizmo with a link for each 10 records for example.",negative Have added an answer,neutral "Yes, but it's tricky, since datetime parsing in SQL is a pain in the neck.",negative "@njahnke: to me, it does not matter what they advise if they do not provide alternatives. I have been a happy user of qthttp thus far without worries, but yes, it is just a quick workaround as written.",negative "@MaximilianB_ther I'm sorry to hear that... Maybe you can get in touch with the developers of BaronReplays and ask them to help you out? If not, I'm afraid I cannot help you much more! Regards, Rodit",negative This question would now be more appropriate on SuperUser.,neutral "After looking at the answers below, I am very sad that this is an example of backwards progress for SSRS.",negative "I installed Delphi 2009 Update 4 yesterday (very painful process ) Now, How can I make sure if it is properly updated? What is the build number shown in the IDE about box?",negative "I'm very sorry about my horrible English! only for this example I use radio button, I'm considering using textbox too",negative "I assume you're using Ken Reitz's excellent requests library to do the HTTP requests (if not, you really should be!)Most likely, the problem is that requests doesn't add a 'Content-type' header to multi-part uploads, and packmgr doesn't read multi-part bodies with no 'Content-type' header. So, while a normal 'requests' POST of a multipart-encoded file would go something like this: you instead have to use the longer form, setting an explicit content-type: Note that one side-effect of doing it this way is that it cannot stream the file - the entire package ZIP file will be read into memory.",neutral "Not for me, but I can suggest some possibilities :It may cause problem while editing--> This can be solved by using some comments--> And then this will cause the code messier Some code may crash and your code success will go away from you |.|--> No solution - unless you know more about the code! Code upgrade problem-- If external code has upgrade you may have problem to know which is that code--> Again use comments--> And again messier So these are some that I can think about!EDIT---Some cons:You can make it more convenient to edit--> You can edit more than one code at onceYou can edit some code that you wan't able to edit (external resource before)--> Modifying is more convenient.You can make it load faster--> 1 file with 1000 KB is faster than 1000 files with 1 KB each.It is safer--> You don't need to worry about external resource being deleted!!These are my suggestions. Try to think more about it!",negative "I have just finish that site, but there is a silly bug that remain... if you check tu horizontal position of the WHOLE page there is a slight shift... nothing to cry about but WHY here is the 2 pages any idea, the horizontal css is: i dont like my page to do the cha-cha-cha !",negative So to do this I would keep a list of axes and when I delete the contents of one I would swap it out with a full one. I think the example below solved the problem (or at least gives an idea of how to solve it): The extremely ugly for loop construct is really just a placeholder to give an example of how the axes can be swapped.,neutral "Lastly, I don't see any styling data. Does your project have some CSS defined somewhere?",negative "I'm trying to do this in a makefile and it fails horribly: do you know why? I guess it has to do with escaping, but what and where?",negative "Here's a secret. In the chrome dev tools, do a cpu profile run. After you have stopped capturing, at the bottom of the screen is a down triangle next to ""Heavy (Bottom Up)"". Click the triangle and select ""Flame Chart"". Once you are in Flame Chart mode, you can zoom and pan to see the digest cycles, how long they take, and exactly what functions are being called. The Flame Chart is so incredibly useful for tracking down page load issues, ng-repeat performance problems, digest cycle problems! I really don't know how I was able to debug and profile before the Flame Chart. Here is an example:",positive "And what do those ""lines upon lines of errors"" say? (Sheesh! Getting information out of you is about as painful as pulling out teeth!!)",negative "The function signature for pthread_create requires a function that returns . Also, returned from should be treated opaquely. Both of these changes are reflected below and compile on my machine: UPDATE: There are some other issues with your program as well. For example, it's very likely that main will exit before your thread runs. You should join on your thread if you want to make sure it exits first. Using raw pthreads is a great way to learn about threads but can be very very painful compared to some of the pre-existing frameworks out there - try boost::thread or std::thread if you want to just get up and running with as little hassle as possible.",neutral Excellent! Thanks for the info.,positive "this is for facial recognition, and auto submitting username and passwords in your browser, if you are in front of your PC. nothing malicious bout that ?!?",negative "Here is my PHP code.. ..I'm extremely crappy with my JavaScript code, could someone help me convert this? I basically want to convert a variable such as ""marine-heavy"" to ""Marine (heavy)"".",negative "No, the output is not the same; one is a Unicode value, the other an undecoded bytes value.For ASCII, that looks the same, but when you load any web page that uses characters outside the ASCII characterset, the difference will be much clearer.Take UTF-8 encoded data, for example: That's a simple U+2013 EN DASH character. The bytes representation shows the 3 bytes UTF-8 uses to encode the codepoint.You really want to read up on Unicode vs. encoded data here, I recommend:The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) by Joel SpolskyThe Python Unicode HOWTOPragmatic Unicode by Ned Batchelder",neutral "Wow, great! thanks, I didn't know this one existed.",positive "Suppose I have this interface And this class Is there a way, or is there a tool that can let me automatically put in the comments of each member in a base class or interface? Because I hate re-writing the same comments for each derived sub-class!",negative "I asked before about pixel-pushing, and have now managed to get far enough to get noise to show up on the screen. Here's how I init: Here's how I render each frame: Problem is this is awfully awfully slow, around 5fps. I think my path to publish the buffer must be wrong. Is it even possible to do full-screen pixel-based graphics that I could update at 30fps, without using the 3D chip?",negative "Paradise, if you submit that as a separate response I'll make you the winner!",positive "Now when I load it to the device, an image won't show up. This is all kinds of horrible!",negative It's very painful to add multiple tickets to Trac or to have it as your own todo list. That causes people to use their own task management tools so tasks are then spread all around. Is there any plugin or macro that would quicken the process of adding a ticket?,negative Excellent! Look forward to hearing from you.,positive "Okay, I see your confusion and edited my response with some sample code/an appropriate link to wikipedia. You are confusing the entropy of the model's probability distribution with the cross entropy (or likelihood) of the predictions it makes on real data. Consider a model that assigns probability 1 to some event and probability 0 to everything else. It has 0 entropy, but makes absolutely terrible predictions on any testing distribution that isn't a purely non-random sequence, assigning 0 probability to events that actually happen.",neutral Was afraid someone would say that...! Is there any hack I could put in place?,negative "Excellent questions! This particular project will need DS, WAYF, etc.",positive That's really bad. GWT looks extremely ugly with IE8 default!,negative Excellent point! :),positive "When you try it, you get the error: This comes from (line 3023 on my sources, but varies by version), in . The comment there explains that: This routine is to be called by statements that must not run inside a transaction block, typically because they have non-rollback-able side effects or do internal commits.For it's called from in under the case for , but unfortunately there isn't any informative comment that says why specifically isn't safe to run in a transaction.Looking at the sources, I can see that for one thing it forces a checkpoint.Overall, though, I don't see anything that really screams out ""we can't do this transactionally"". It's more ""we haven't implemented the functionality to do this transactionally"".",neutral "@KubaOber, I was in the process of revising the answer, but see you've already answered it.",neutral "Let's imagine something like this: Later I can do something like this: Is there any way I can set the limit when using the named query, and not when defining it? I'd would really love to do something like: or Thx in advance! :-)",positive This can probably be done using JavaScript.,neutral "If I understand your question correctly, the exception is because variable is not found inside the function. I'd suggest learning scoping rules in Python or read this excellent to-the-point chapter on the topic (or search for this topic on the Web!).The other thing I'd recommend is not to handle all exceptions as you've shown in your snippet. Here's why.The fixed code could look something like this:",neutral You'll need to create or call a refresh function from the same place as the alert() in the .get() call. That function is a success post-back.,neutral "As I comment your question, there are of problems inside your code so better will be to use some ready function/class for it :) just search for it ..How ever I can give you easy way to display what you want..Replace your FOR loop with that code and it will be fine :) But really !!! 1st - MYSQL_ functions are deprecated use mysqli or PDO instead.. 2nd - ESCAPE all variables in your queries.. 3rd - Think for using more flexible methods of work (function/objects ..)",positive You can download a local copy of jQuery or use a CDN. This link has details: http://jquery.com/download/,neutral I think it speaks volumes about IE that the keyCodes for the arrow keys form an angry sad face: %&'( (works better in the comment text entry font),neutral "I'm using Apache's implementation, namely http://ws.apache.org/xmlrpc/",neutral "Okay, a before And a desired after I know, horrific (don't ask!) See how the slash in the key indicates children, and how the order is nested accordingly? And items without orders are simply shifted to the bottom. But also how multiple 'same level' items with the same order are merely sorted by key?",negative "I need the page to include the sitemap because I'm saving context from each of the three previous pages. That way the user can click the previous page in the sitemap, and it will load the data I stored (i.e. load the data from their previous search).",neutral "There is another way... As the WPF application is coded with the .NET framework, it is compiled to MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language). This means you can use a decompiler such as ILSpy to decompile and view the code of BaronReplays. This will give you some idea of how BaronReplays works so you can implement the same ideas into your own code project...Hope this helped!Rodit",positive "Would you happen to have another column in your table where you can group them as ""1 2 3 4"" , ""1 2 3 4"", etc?It would look something like this:1st column | second columnA | 1B | 1C | 1D | 1A | 2B | 2C | 2D | 2If you order it by 2nd column, it will return 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2. But since you have another column, you can do order by 1st column, 2nd column, and it will be 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2.This ia ofcourse assuming that you have a field like 1st column. But given that you're looking at having them order like 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4, there must be something in your other fields that can help you achieved that Hope this helps!",positive You would need to create a counter integer variable that can keep track of the line index for you. Hope it helps!,positive "Yes, this is question.",neutral "Everytime I execute my app in debug mode, the execution breaks inside some class file of an external library that I'm using. Even though it's a NullPointerException, for some reason I can hit resume and continue the execution. In case you're curious, I've put the stacktrace below. My problem though is that I simply want to stop that. It's extremely annoying and happens every now and then during the execution. But I can't find any setting anywhere which will prevent breaking inside class files. How do I avoid this?",negative "I cannot seem to figure out why the phpunit target does not output any test results even though I have tests in position. The problem I am finding is there is no indication as to what the problem is! Incredibly frustrating. The output is as follows: My build.xml is as follows: My system: Vista, PHP 5.2.9, PHPUnit 3.4, PHPUnderControl, CruiseControl",negative excellent alternative!,positive I don't have any control over the dataset I recieve. The only thing I know is that it contains everything.,negative "Is your test case exhibiting this behavior in jsfiddle? I have tried it in Firefox, Chrome and Safari and do not see the shrinking you're talking about, although Chrome and Safari force a left-margin indent while dragging. (???) ",neutral You're very welcome ! It would be nice though if you upvoted and accepted the answer. This way other users could refer to it if they pass to the same trouble you had =P,positive "@SamDeHaan, you are correct! transposed them as i was writing.",positive Is this valid ? what I'm really worried about is can you specify type and also use def at the same time?,negative I'm afraid you cannot fetch that!The Graph API don't provide any API to do so.,negative "I store ranges in MySQL DB, but a lot of queries to MySQL for getting provider name - it's terrible :(",negative "Make a canvas path glow by applying a series of overlapping shadows with increasing blurA Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/m1erickson/Z3Lx2/You can change the styling of the glow by varying the number of overlays and the blur size.Example code for a glow effect: To get the outline path of your phone image, you can use the ""marching ants"" algorithm.This algorithm will create a path that outlines an image. In your case you would define the image as all pixels that are not transparent.Here's a very good implementation of ""marching ants"" that is used in the excellent d3 library:https://github.com/d3/d3-plugins/blob/master/geom/contour/contour.jsIt's used like this:DrawImage your phone on the canvas. Get the pixel color array from the canvas using ctx.getImageData Define a function that checks the pixel array for non-transparent pixels at any x,y on the canvas. Call the contour function: Here's an example result:the glow is automatically generated using overlapping shadowsthe outline path of the phone is calculated using the marching ants algorithm",neutral "It would be a good practice to have a separate button that will disable method since it is very easy to get confused when using your program if the code for disabling and enabling this method is all written in one method named so I suggest you separate them to make the program's design more precise.Next thing you can do is to execute a , whic you are going to mark as . After having done this you can use .Here's how: Be warned that it's sometimes dangerous to throw exceptions as it creates some other bugs, but this option won't hurt much if you're just trying to disable a function. By the way, this will really not remove the method as it will just replace it, it's now up to you to choose which method will receive this. Hope this was helpful!",positive "I want to duplicate a very large table, but I do not want to copy it row by row. Is there a way to duplicate it? For example, you can TRUNCATE w/o deleting row/row, so i was wondering if there is something similar for copying entire tables UPDATE: row by row insert is very painful (because of 120M rows). Anyway to avoid that?",negative "Yeah, I know, I just can't figure out where the 'private' is coming from. It's very frustrating!",negative Excellent! PHP really is an impressive language.,positive "If you only need the count (like you express in your original question), you could do: Hope it helps!",positive "There are two issues with your regex pattern: Firstly, you forgot to add the ^ at the beginning. this is why only the last characters were checked, or to say: you did not check the entire input. Secondly, your cyrill check did not seem to be correct. Still, I am not used to cyrillic letters and I should be careful before I judge ;) hope it helps!",positive "Cool, that was going to be my next suggestion! Good luck :)",positive no answer yet.... sad =(,negative You can use this Hope this helps!,positive yeaa im just not sure how i would be able to store a user input string into the array. I've looked around online and tried out some of their code. So im not sure. I really hate mips. :(,negative that's great :),positive "Some of your code seemed redundant, so I removed some. Such as defining and then duplicating it into so I just defined once. I got rid of , , and since you can just as easily enter the value directly.Then I got rid of the whole get the latest file in the log folder, and just added the content to the log file defined earlier. I changed the log entries so they were done by tabs so the entry type, date, and the actual entry all line up nicely when you view the log file.Lastly I changed the whole If>ElseIf>ElseIf thing into a Switch, because Switch is awesome and totally underused! Oh yeah, I got rid of because it's pointless to define a variable and then just echo it. What you could do is in the section have it write-host the error and call the log function again, so people are forced to enter a valid entry.",neutral @Pekka - what's the emoticon for being terribly embarrassed!,negative "[fiddle](http://jsfiddle.net/mcoomey/JPC4J/1/) was not related to the table layout of auto versus fixed. The fiddle shows that it works for both. If you are still seeing a problem while using the newer version of jQuery-ui, then it must be another issue with your code.",neutral I have implemented this in my Visual Studio addon Visual Installer as IntelliSense Member Completion.If you type variable followed by a period (.) a list of all possible members of this class is presented in a list from which you can choose:Second option is to move cursor over any class to view it's members:See details here: http://www.unsigned-softworks.sk/visual-installer/features.html#member-completionP.S. sorry for this self promo - TLama is very angry for promoting 3rd party software in Inno questions but there is no support for this in official Inno Setup editor and many people ask for this.,negative "How do you train Neural Network for pattern recognition? For example a face recognition in a picture how would you define the output neurons? (eg. how to detect where is the face exactly, rather than just saying that there is a face in camera). Also, how about detecting multiple faces and different size of faces? If anyone could give me a pointer it would be really great Cheers!",positive "the question just came to me from a different team. The question was ""how to query the users in the exchange server's particular User group"". Its said that the Exchange server user group is not linked to an Ad group. The examples i could get are all for querying based on AD group. I heard there are two ways either through SQL or through DirectoryServices. Either solution is fine, but through DirectoryServices will be super awesome! Thanks again!",positive What will you be doing with the images? Displaying them in the browser?,neutral It is really painfull to get all code form TFS whenever you make a build using NANT. Is there any settings in ccnet.config which will only take the files which are changed form last time which can speed up the process.,negative "I'm not for sure how the ControlCollection of ASP.Net works, so maybe someone can shed some light on this for me. I recently discovered the magic that is extension methods and Linq. Well, I was very sad to find that this isn't valid syntax However from what I can tell, does implement the interface which provides such methods, so what gives? Why doesn't that just work? I have found a decent work around for this issue at least:",negative "@Bober02 if u are in this industry sooner or later you will ""meet"" Martin Thompson's excellent blog, I'm glad to introduce you to it. :) http://mechanical-sympathy.blogspot.com/2011/07/memory-barriersfences.html Happy reading!",positive "we definitely have differing views on what is the ""easier"" method achieve this functionality, and dealing with threads is not easier for me",negative "Is there a shorthand for a new line character in Scala? In Java (on Windows) I usually just use ""\n"", but that doesn't seem to work in Scala - specifically outputs in Eclipse, (sic) from the command line, and from the REPL (GREAT SUCCESS!) works, but is there anything shorter?",positive "I have a long scrolling page, and want to test if an element is 100px from the top, then apply a class elsewhere (until the next element in line is 100px from the top) If I could just get the basic statement I would be ecstatic, anything extra would be a bonus!",positive @Gabriele No worries! Glad to have helped :),positive Excellent point! Thanks!! I did mean just the left side though.. (I should have specified that). Was glad to learn your insight though..,positive "You can do as followed:When your app is not started/ running and you start from an notification, onCreate gets called. When your app is running (background or foreground), and you start a new intent from an notification this method gets called: (if you are using singleTop) To detect whether your app is running back- or foreground, you can simply set a boolean in onPause/onResume: Hope it helps!",positive "I just caught that, Firefox doesn't preform spell checking on the title field for some reason.",negative "is in so u need not to worry!Internally the data is always stored as TEXT, so even if you create table with , SQLite is going to follow the rules of data type",positive "I'm trying to output the following from within a liquid template: Obviously, Liquid sees this as a variable named and tries to do substitution. I'm trying to find out how I can output the actual braces. So far, I've found one method that works, but it's incredibly ugly: Yeah, told you it was gross. Here are other things I've tried: Any advice here?",negative "Assets are bundled with your APK and they are read only. You cannot delete them in your app.If you're really worried about storage usage, consider alternative database distribution mechanisms such as downloading it over the network.",neutral exactly why i'm asking because thats what i fear!,negative <3 <3 <3 ! ! ! :),positive I need to perform the same hash server side. All this code that I am digging through seems to have been run through some compression tool. Devastating.,negative Just that they make you list the type twice. i.e. List list = new ArrayList(),neutral "I'm looking for as automatic way as possible. Surronding every query with a StopWatch would work, but it's a lot of work.",negative "You need to make the following changes to your code: However keep in mind that this is extremely vulnerable to SQL injection, and you should also swap MySQL for PDO/MySQLi immediately if you plan to use this code on a live website.",neutral "I just noticed also that you're calling **sortable** on the reportTableBody class, but that class does not exist in the fiddle code.",neutral I have but instead of bothering them I'd like to do it myself. I really enjoy trying new things and so far figuring all of this out has been very fun!,positive "You are processing the newline character as if it is legitimate input. You should either read the entire line (including the newline, perhaps using a ) and then process the first character of the line or simply add a test to skip newlines in your loop logic.P.S. Converting case by adding or subtracting 32 is a really awful approach. It won't work with anything but a-z and A-Z (in the English alphabet). It won't work for most characters outside the Basic Latin block and shouldn't be used at all for characters that have no alternate case (such as newline). You should be using and instead.",negative "Is there a way to pattern match in F# so that it will check to see if both elements in a two element tuples are equal. I'm incredibly new to F#, and also new to the whole concept of Pattern Matching in general. I was thinking something along the lines of... But I guess that would be too easy hah. Any suggestions? Or is there even a way to do that? Thanks for your help, you guys are incredibly helpful!",positive Unless you are able to demonstrate the problem with displayed code then I'm afraid there's not much more I can do to help you out.,negative Nope. It comes right up.,neutral Gosh ! you're right !!! Excellent !!!! Is there a way to expand it programatically ? I added .setOngoing(true) (to the top) but it's not expanded... (not really the top because the first one is a notification when I'm plugged to USB for tools developpement ). Thank you again my friend !,positive @Colin Pickard: That's really sad :'( :'( :'(,negative The first line sets the file name variables and sets the field separator to comma. The second line sets the output field separator to comma too. The third line prints lines with 3 fields to the new file; the fourth line prints lines with other than 3 fields to the error file.Note that your code would be excruciatingly slow on big files because it executes two processes per line. This code has only one process operating on the whole file which will be really important if the input grow to thousand or millions or more lines.,neutral Excellent! Thanks.,positive "Sorry, I was just trying to help and obviously misread the question. No need to get angry!",negative Great! Good to hear it. Can you please accept my answer? :),positive You are right. See my update! Make a suggestion pls and I'll catch your thoughts ;),positive "I have a function name called setValue, used in many classes. Also, i have a global function by the same name. When i press C-], it goes to arbitrary setValue function. How do i directly jump to the global setValue function? It is really pain to use tnext every time to find if the function global.",negative "Also, your fiddle example seems to be cut from a much bigger project with a lot of superfluous code hanging around. I think if you are able to duplicate the issue in fiddle then you should pare down the code to eliminate some of that and make it easier to troubleshoot.",neutral jQuery abuse! Use CSS: HTML: FiddleThis should be much faster then jQuery (as with everything CSS).,neutral that's the hope :),positive @AlexK. excellent thought. Edited.,positive "This works excellent, thank you very much! (Trim('0'||mycolumns))",positive Don't have access to any other versions here I'm afraid :(,negative "I was wondering whether anyone knows of any tools available that perform the task of analyzing one or more CSS files, determining the similarity between the various rules within the files and presenting the user with options for the merging and reduction of rulesets. I ask this because a project I am working on has reached the point where it has so much CSS that Internet Explorer (Still the bottom line I'm afraid) chokes on the CSS after page load, causing a 3-5 second lock-up in interactivity until the choke is processed. In case you're wondering: Yes, I am sure it is the CSS causing this issue.",neutral No problem. I see you got your answer above. Did that satisfy your question or is there anything else?,neutral "Added bounty to see if I can get a full answer (ideally: the code snippet that, when added above, answers the question).",neutral That's excellent! Please post it as an answer so I can accept it.,positive To be honest I don't even know where to start. I guess the solution might entail using a zillion IIf statements. I'm fairly new to this I'm afraid!,negative "I second trying to put the whole path instead. For relative paths, if you're doing compiling and running in command line/terminal, you need to have that studentrecords.txt in the same directory of your code files.If you're using an IDE, you need to put your studentrecords.txt under the src/ folder. This is assuming you're not in maven project setup; otherwise it should be put under /src/main/java/resources/ .Hope this helps!",positive You can use Mercurial on Google code now. I never tried git before but I'm loving Mercurial.,positive "whenever i drag-n-drop a stored procedure onto my Context canvas, the parameters/arguments for the stored procedure are all nullable. Why is this? Is it because of how i've declared my parameters inside the stored procudure itself? Besides manually creating my stored procedure methods in the Context partial class (or drag-n-drop onto canvas, cut from autogen'd code, move to partial class, then remove nullables types) .. is there any way to fix this? It's really frustrating :(",negative "It's HORRIBLE! No, seriously, I don't like it.",negative worried about IE compatibility!!,negative "The problem is that you never run the method, so the field stays at zero. It's a really terrible idea to give a field and a method the same name.",negative Excellent! Cheers dude,positive "Arrrghhh, how I hate those people who downvote answers without leaving a comment as for why the downvote...",negative "james, the stack trace under that is just my function name. Nothing more. very frustrating :(",negative "Turns out to be a pretty small tweak, you were almost there! You have to re-set the option prior to the if you want to have the new selection box, visually change: Which then successfully redraws the box upon a single click as like it does within the below Fiddle, which listens to the dimensions which are set within the object:Demo Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Pg39A/",neutral I should add that the element thing throws an error when it can't find something. Do you normally use try/except for all find_element commands? * oh so very sad * :(,negative "No communications. Just trying to get one to run the other, passing it a few params. They are both installed to the same directory under Program Files and access files under app data.",neutral "So, the following hack seems to work, but it's really incredibly ugly IMO, as it relies on you controlling the line-height and using absolute positioning. Worse, it requires you to know how many lines there are in your text, which depends on the width of the div and the font-size, and probably requires JS to compute.Anyway, after all the above disclaimers, here's the hack: Use two divs with the same text, one on top of the other. One justified, one centered. Then clip the justified one.HTML CSS Fiddle.Of course, the above code is hard-coded for the specific width. Again, you'll probably need JS in order to compute the number of lines in the div. I'm pretty sure that until this gets implemented in Webkit you probably won't find an elegant solution for your problem.",negative "Per:https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/3131213?hl=enYou need to be registered as a member of a Google + or Google Group that is designated for Beta or Alpha testing by the Developer. If you are not registered, you will only be able to download the production app from Google Play, NOT the Beta or Alpha version of the app from Google Play. Having the ""link"" won't be sufficient, you need to opt-in to the beta or alpha via Google + or Google Group. Please note that even if you properly opt-in via Google + or Google Groups as defined by the developer, you will need to wait several hours (perhaps 2-8 hours) for your status to propagate via Google Play. So, perhaps you need to wait 2-8 hours even if your Beta/Alpha status is proper?Hope this helps!",positive "I'm building a little script that changes content and css live on the page based upon the values of various input fields. I'm able to change the content ""live"" absolutely fine as you'll see here: I'm not able to get this working with the css method using the same principles though: Thanks!",positive It would be super great! if you can help me with iframe and cookies stuff... data.message contains URL,positive "HXT, a library which is used for parsing XML, is a very good example for the usage of arrows (have a look how often the word occurs in the module names of this package!). You shall have a look on the great tutorial: http://adit.io/posts/2012-04-14-working_with_HTML_in_haskell.htmlBut it is also good to have the arrow concept for functions. For example the following code just works, because is an instance of the arrow class (The operator is defined in Control.Arrow).Thanks to the arrow syntax you have also a great tool to write complex computations in Haskell (it works as well for functions, monads and XML filters in HXT).",neutral "I need to transform this : into this : I tried to use wrapAll with jquery, something like that : Any suggestions would be really appreciated :) Thank you very much !",positive Thanks for the feedback! It was a pleasure!,positive That would be great! @Heinz: contact established :-),positive All assets should be placed in the folder You can access the assets using the method or the Laravel HTML helper methods and . i.e to include Javascript file: Hope this helps!,positive "I know that, that's why I wrote unsupported (exclamation mark). It was just meant as an aside and isn't central to the question.",neutral "I'm not knowledgeable in the whole ""server-side"" idea. Right now, I just want to start learning how to send data from a windows mobile phone application to a server. I'm pretty good at C# and making apps. I just need to learn how to send data from and to a server/mobile application. I am using Silverlight (The latest one) as the API for my windows phone app. At the moment, a ""hello world"" sort of program would be awesome. Any help is is extremely appreciated! Subby~",positive No I did not. The question is - which files..,neutral "Sorry, I wasn't clear. You would need to add that as a BOOL property on your class. It originally sounded as if you had a single place that handled the notifications and displayed the errors.",negative "What matters is that your code is readable. If you're worried, add a comment -- that's what they're for! Having said that, maybe you should StopIteration when there are no more players.",neutral I have created a new project using core data then copied all of the app delegate code for core-data that i need over into my current projects app delegate.. my appdelegate.m looks like this now. My questions are as follows Is the URLForResource in this part of the code ment to reflect the name of my xcdatamodeld that I have created? With the URLByAppendingPathComponent: do i have to create a sqlite database called Code.sqlite or is this made automatically for me by the core-data code? what is the purpose of this method exactly? any help or tips would be really awesome!,positive "Also, your query is completely vulnerable to SQL injection. If you don't know what that is, look it up.",neutral very kind :) Paul S. approach is a good one as it acts like a polyfill.,positive @prototypical - Absolutely. I was never to solve this xTo-1 issue and ended up creating mirror images for my sprites. I praised the genius who created keyboard shortcuts that day!,positive Just use the appropiate font and enclose your string with an asterix.,neutral I'm having trouble setting the default character set of my JVM . (and was a bit afraid of messing it up!),negative "@Gary it is indeed strange enough that `Files` does not have a recursive deletion method... That sounds like an obvious thing to have. But it probably isn't. How to deal with errors, for instance�",negative "@GMasucci, I'm not saying that all singletons are evil, I'm saying that they are considered such and for a reason. I myself use them sometimes, but I often find that I would be better of without them. I'm not going to start a flame war about singletons here, but if there is a doubt (otherwise, why ask a question?)... Maybe there's enough of a reason not to use them?",neutral "The most correct/idiomatic solution (if you cannot avoid having a collection to begin with) is to use an : Putting the into a lambda isn't going to make anything any easier. In fact, it'll only create more work.Of course if you really hate using an you can avoid it, not that it'll really help you much: You could emulate the more functional style concept with a method that invokes an action if the object isn't , not that this is really any easier than a check when dealing with actions instead of functions:",neutral "Oh, bummer, I think i got i right now?",negative "I think JSON is in incorrect format. Try this:Change the in your OperationContract to Try adding following when request is made: If still it doesn't work, then try Overriding method in your class. Now make an object of and call method and here you can see your required JSON format. After you get required JSON format, then try sending JSON in that format.Hope this will help! Thanks",positive Try: This should make it open as a pop-up (unless default browser setting are different)Although it's not recommended to use pop ups anymore because most users find it extremely annoying.Hope this helped.,positive "Great to hear! Good luck implementing. If you have any questions, feel free to ask :)",positive "Most of the times when Iphone program crash, compiler show stack with full of no's, but these no's don't make any sense to me. Very rarely it point out where the problem might be and mostly there are these useless no's. How you can make sure that when your program crashes while development/testing, it shows at what place this cause this crash?",negative You can just see all the W3C Examples and you'll be fine! Delete a Cookie with JavaScript Deleting a cookie is very simple. Just set the expires parameter to a passed date:,neutral "@levi excellent answer!! you save my day!!! I forgot that req and res handle only one connection, so I dont try to call res.end(). Thank you very much!",positive "There was a great answer to the first half of this on http://security.stackexchange.com/a/19710 , the second half god a good answer from the manpage, as posted by rmcfrazier: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.uniqid.phpquote combinatorics:""There are devastating collision attacks on MD5. (...) In contrast, SHA1 appears to be much more secure. While there are some known attacks on SHA1, they are much less serious than the attacks on MD5. For this reason, SHA1 is a much better choice than MD5 in many settings."" - MD5""Warning: This function does not create random nor unpredictable strings. This function must not be used for security purposes. Use a cryptographically secure random function/generator and cryptographically secure hash functions to create unpredictable secure IDs."" - uniqid",neutral "timeout basically, it pops out a download window but never advance, after a couuple of minutes it timeouts saying: ""Internet Explorer Cannot Download FileName from WebServer""",neutral "I have a script in which I need to process a file using ajax. Everything in the script works, except I can not get the right variable. I have tried everything and I currently have this in its place I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to successfully set whatever is in this field As a variable in the ajax script that I have. All help is extremely appreciated, thanks for the help!",positive "Update: I've tried the Sun VM 1.5, 1.6 and JRockit VM 1.5 to make sure this network behaviour wasn't VM-specific.",neutral "I'm really glad it worked! Btw, the best way to show appreciation on Stack Overflow if someone helps to solve your problem is to upvote their answer and mark it as solved :)",positive "I have a javascript document.write function that returns a textarea value to a field like so: Now, I need the output of what is returned from the document.write part to be in BBCode output, so if the value fetched from the document.write function is [b]hello[/b], it returns ""hello"" not [b]hello[/b]. Any help would be extremely appreciated!",positive Edited my post. Hope it helps; and feel free to keep asking questions!,positive "Is search and replace the only way to rename as asp control in the code behind file? I find this extremely annoying, but it is the only way I can find. Scenario: I'll find a variable that needs renaming (Usually to meet naming convention) I'll rename the variable in the aspx/ascx file. I'll have to go in the code behind files and search and replace. I get annoyed Are there any better ways - preferably that would not touch a similarly named variable in another scope in the project. I'm on VS2008 with resharper -- does VS2010 address this perhaps?",negative "At a guess, you're probably defining your objects in VB as just s, something like this: If so, you're forcing VB to go through the automation interface (IDispatch). Basically, it doesn't know what type you're going to assign to until run-time, so it has to invoke methods on that object via IDispatch::Invoke. To do that, it looks up all the information it needs for an invocation from the object itself at run time.By contrast, your C++ code is probably early-bound, which means offsets into the COM object's vtable are compiled directly into your code. In that case, when/if you change the code so those offsets aren't valid any more, the code will fail horribly.",neutral Hibernate.initialize(),neutral "I've done some easy .hover(function() statement in jQuery. When i hover over a text i simply want a #div.fadeIn, and on non-hover fadeOut. It works. But it's just if i spam the text-trigger with hover and un-hoverring really quickly and then stop the animation begin to give a blinking effect. It just kind of loops, really annoying!",negative damn..thats what i was afraid of!!,negative "First: I like your approach of being concentrated on a clean and proper state handling of your application.Excellent! But, as you said: Android can kill activities and manage their lifecycle for itself. The OS may release memory allocated for your activity as soon as possible requiring you to allocate it again. This means your fragment may or may not get destroyed. As you can see in your stack trace, FragmentActivity.onCreate is called.This obviously inddicates your existing resources created within the context of the old activity are not access - able anymore. The only context that is guaranted to exist through your application lifecycle is the application context. For all other resources you should be aware and handle properly that created resources may be invalid at the time you are trying to access them.",positive "You could try this one (not optimal, I am afraid):",negative "I'm working on a Data Warehouse which, in the end, will require me to create reports based on business hours. Currently, my time dimension is granular to the hour. I'm wondering if I should be modifying my Time dimension to include a bit field for ""business hour"" or should I be creating some sort of calculated measure for it on the analysis end? Any examples would be super magnificent?",neutral Are you referring to the D version?,neutral I was planning to use it with TFS.,neutral Never knew about VS macros. It's awesome!!! Just what I need in a couple scenarios. Thanks a lot,positive "Wow, you guys reply quickly! I'm having a hard time following up here :)",positive You have to created a new model for hold referral code. below are given model syntax. add These lines in your last lines your models.py Above mention line will create your user profile at the time of creating user.Hope this work for you!!!,positive "I just use following code right now. The table is MyISAM 90MB. terms has FULLTEXT INDEX and it is varchar(255). There are 1,000,000 rows on the table. I wonder if there is any solution which is more resource usage friendly than fulltext search on MySQL? Especially in terms of memory. By saying solution, I refer to any solution such as other types of databases, table structures etc. and if the solution would be adaptable to a standart VPS or hosting in general, it would be extremely super duper perfect! Thanks for your time!",positive Link works fine!,positive Here is the new link: http://jsfiddle.net/qor1r0a4/2/,neutral Official guide says: Tomcat deployment is trivial and requires copying the WAR file into the TOMCAT_HOME/webapps folder and restarting the container. But this is really painful :-( Does there any way to deploy app without restarting Tomcat ?,negative "found a solution, would still love to see alternatives!",positive WOW people THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR ANSWERS!!!! (bow),positive "Wow! Actually, that's nearly what @MarkSeemann wrote, but in code :) Hope that helps.",positive "I've updated the fiddle. I had to use classes to get it to work, so its not 100% perfect imo.",negative I used multiple requests - batches of 10. I don't want to anger the Api!,negative "A generic ""Sum"" method would be a simple example. T Sum(IEnumerable sequence)",neutral I stumbled upon this site and really loved the way they have done the navigation on the left hand site. I noticed that site is using jquery but didnt see any plugins. Any ideas on how to go about doing this?,positive its a very weird behaviour!,neutral Why am i using over 80% CPU when just hovering some links? As you can see in the video i uploaded: the CPU goes to >80% CPU when i move my mouse over the links. My style for the items are as follows Why?,negative "I just wrote this function, so there are no versions to speak of... I'm afraid I'm not very faimiliar with mapping!",negative "I'm a novice programmer who is attempting assembly for the first time. Sorry in advance if this is an incredibly lame question. I have a character stored in the EAX register, but I need to move it to my DL register. When I try: mov dl, eax I get an error C2443: operand size conflict. I know that the eax register is 32 bit while the dl is 8 bit... am I on to something?? How do I go about solving this.",negative updated the answer. This might help you! Great! then you might want to edit the java program and have the permission specified while the folder is created did you try chmod with 777 permission via terminal or php?,positive "I have no clue if this approach would be feasible or not, but then there are two things you could try:1.Create a singleton class where you and the arraylist. The class might look like this: To access the list you could write: is the name of the getter method and before getting it set it. Else you might get .Also a receiver might start before the list is filled. So always check for null before you use it.2.The other option is you store the list in a cache object like Check for even in this case in the broadcast receiver before using it.Hope that helps!",positive You need to or if you target Windows Phone 8.1.And port you code to DirectX 11 the call is . It will be painful! You will still use this feature level.,negative "The problem here is that you already stringified the response as JSON before passing that into another data structure (now as a string) in order to return that as JSON. So you are basically doing a double encode and the ""string"" gets encoded.So just pass in the data once: So on a small collection like this: Yo get a result like this: If you are really worried about the order of those two keys then you can use the bson ""dumps"" to go to a string then decode with the standard json decoder in order to get a native dict with the Mongo objects deserialized, then further put into your ordered dict.But really your client should not care about the order of the keys and just expect those root elements.",neutral "The plan of making a mum/dad accessible UpgradeYourBrowser page was growing for me the last few days, but now caffeine and this bug just filled me with angry rage (the green kind)",negative "The problem is in 'third integer' variable, missing the underscore. see my code: http://jsfiddle.net/Magicianred/3k5tS/Enjoy your code!Simone",neutral "I am having my site hosted in Bluehost server. I have been working with the Allvideos Plugin to have the video inside article content. When i try to upload my video my filename.flv in the folder/images/stories/videos/ , i am getting the error as Business Agility_VS.flv: unknown Bytes: 0% Complete FAILED! :Unknown error or disk quota exceeded. What may be the problem in this?? Even i have increased the size of the destination folder. But still i am getting this error. Why i am getting the Unknown Bytes error.",negative "You have at wrong place, that must be in element, so You should try like : Referred from Here Hope it will help you!",positive "I really hate Jquery, your code looks as if you are looking forward to publishing your project finalized with Jquery..Anyhow.. if your looking to replace the jquery selector $("""") with a function you should know that the function requires that it returns a DOM element. otherwise an error will be flagged and java script with abort.",negative That really stinks! I was afraid of that...,negative I know that there is a Item.RoleAssignments.Remove command but I have not found a way to list out all the current assigned groups so I could loop through and remove them. Hope this helps you guys!,positive "Oops! Yeah, that was just radio functionality heh. It turns out this isn't as straightforward as I thought. Give me a few minutes and I think I can fix it.",positive In Rails the ids are assigned by the database using a sequence or autoincrement integer field type.,neutral Great! I Will take a look later. Cheers.,positive "I have just read and I really loved to the question. Naturally, an interesting question popped in my head... How to add my own events (of my own applications) in the Control Panel -> Sounds and Audio Devices -> Sounds -> Program Events? And another related question, that I suppose should be answered here as well is... How do I play those sounds specified in the Control Panel, when the event in my application occurs?",positive Then I can suggest you to use go through advanced search form php tutorial or use the WP plugins.,neutral "that's sad:-( I don't need it for debugging, I need it for other purpose.",negative "I have an old friend who is a mathematician. He has his own math to compress his formulas, which are incredibly beautiful. He works in a program called Mathematica, which transforms the formulas for 3D-shapes. I wonder if it is possible to obtain these figures using Canvas and JavaScript? See attached formula and figure. I know little of this myself. But I would be delighted if some one could show me an example.",positive I running an exe from a .NET app and trying to redirect standard out to a streamreader. The problem is that when I do myprocess.exe >> out.txt out.txt is close to 14mb. When I do the command line version it is very fast but when I run the process from my csharp app it is excruciatingly slow because I believe the default streamreader flushes every 4096 bytes. Is there a way to change the default stream reader for the Process object?,neutral "SORRY! had some syntax issue, i fixed it and it works now...what should i do with the question?",negative "The function is extremely annoying because it uses a prototype or something insane like that. You'd have to do an ampersand-call to override the prototype: .However, you are trying to transpose the matrix, not to it (which would produce a continuous list like We could use an iterator in conjunction with : which works, but this is severely overthinking the problem. Let's just swap indices:",negative "What is the problem? Create additional page and add it to WP, insert code there, and make an output page whatever you want. If you know PHP it will take you 15 min.",positive "Hope it works, if you can upvote my answer I'd really appreciate it! :)",positive "I found an excellent tutorial on how to create site columns and content types - here : (THANKS AGAIN ROB!) Does anyone know of a written or video tutorial that will explain how to create a list and list instance in MOSS 2007. I use WSP Builder, and the build in templates from Microsoft aren't compatible (or up to the task). Preferably a method that focuses on the CAML (xml) , and explains in detail the theory, and demonstrates how it is done. Thank you.",positive "Sure play around it, WP is easy it will just take a bit of time to get used to the structure .",positive "Added bounty to see if I can get a full answer (ideally: the code snippet that, when added above, answers the question).",neutral Please take a look at WP Codex: http://codex.wordpress.org/Page_Templates,neutral i get it! i guess you are right,positive "I can point what you should do then: 1. create script.php and clean all input variables from search page. 2. connect to the database and make a select statement "".. WHERE grad = '$grad' .. 3. protect your form from mysql injection.",neutral That is great news!,positive "You are very welcome! Learn programming, it's a lot of fun!",positive "(I'm assuming you don't have a DMR.)There is no easy/clean way to do this in Cognos. In your query, you'll have to build a calculation for each year in your output. So, something like this for 2013: And basically the same for 2014.Cut the Trans piece out of your crossab. Then you'll nest those two calcs under your years. To get rid of all the zeroes or nulls, select the two columns. From the menu, select , , .Finally, you will drop a calc in next to your Years in the crosstab (not under them). The expression will be (or whatever you end up naming your calcs). Format it as a percent, and you should be good to go.Told you it was a pain!",neutral "Sorry -- Current output is raw HTML as far as I know. I'll double check that, though. Warren -- I suppose that is what I'll have to do. Looks quite scary, though!",negative "If you read the FB.init documentation, there are some parameters that can be used while defining . One of the parameter is which- Determines whether XFBML tags used by social plugins are parsed, and therefore whether the plugins are rendered or not. Defaults to false.You said that in case of pure javascript the like plugin worked that's beacause you must have set to . To get your jquery code to work simply define this paramter to true which is false by default- and it shall work. Good luck!",positive No worries and good luck with it! ;),positive "A couple of issues with your code that may be causing the problem is as follows:Do not EVER escape binary data prior to insertionInserting binary data from an upload into the database is a huge no-no. This can inadvertently lead to some very malicious attacks on your server that extend beyond simple SQL injection.That being said, it is not know what the field type is that you are trying to store into, nor how large the image file is. Storing a 2GB upload as a field in a database is probably not a wise idea, but if you wanted to store large images, it is recommended to stream the data into a BLOB field.For smaller files, you can them safely into fields or if allocated enough space.",neutral Have you tried removing 'preload' attribute? (Afraid I can't be much help otherwise!),negative "A smarter, entirely C++-way of doing what you want is using . Especially helps you to accomplish what you want. Please see the excellent about how to use it!",neutral "Ok, I find the reason: device won't answer to simple user (and doesn't matter what permissions did you ask in program manifest). You can directly speak to device only if you are root (or from kernel mode). That means you cannot use devices directly from general applications. Very sad :(",negative What about Signed zero. -0.0 vs Unsigned zero 0.0,neutral "The TIFF file can store various image types: Bilevel (B/W) Grayscale Palette-color RGB full-color The storing of actual image data is done differently for each image type. The is not the scariest I have seen, but it is definitely not trivial!",neutral "Excellent tips, thanks! Additionally you can try Clarity",positive Try altering the request to include .,neutral I am unable keep selection after locking model of grid. My code is as below.,neutral "Hi I'm using the chrome inspector (F12) to try and analyze the z-index of a twitter bootstrap popover, and finding it extremely frustrating... Is there a way to freeze the popover (while shown) so that I can assess and modify the associated CSS? Placing a fixed 'hover' on the associated link does not cause the popover to appear.",negative @VitoshKa Excellent! Wish I could give you another up vote for th update,positive Great time saver and hidden gem. Excellent!,positive I have hit this too. No solution as yet. This is very worrying though!,negative TRUNCATE_ONLY option on log backup is discontinued in SQL 2008.,neutral "Guy's I am at my wit's end. I've got a VPS that I'm mucking around on, so nothing is important, but nginx is being a complete pain. I've deleted all of the content inside and restarted. Visting the ip of the server simply results in a page with one word on it: I just don't get it. Is this normal nginx behaviour? I've deleted the entire conf file and restarted, so why is this happening?",negative Shoulld be:,neutral "Firstly, that's not how works. You have to specify constants for each , and those constants will be compared to the expression in parentheses (in your case, ). That is how works, period. Secondly, switch is not faster than several s And thirdly, you shouldn't really worry about miniscule performance optimizations when you're dealing with javascript.",neutral "Compare these two methods: Aside from the method signatures (bar can declare instead of ), is there any practical difference between the two methods? To be clear: I'm aware that this is a horrible approach to exception handling, and should not be done!",negative Excellent article! Very useful :),positive You are just too quick...you scooped my answer,neutral This is one of the shortcomings of DGV that I absolutely hate and why I almost always bind to an IEnumerable of an anonymous type.,negative Your are really violating the idea of TDD if your code if doing something different for the Test. Why do you only need to change it inside the test?,negative "I've re-read my comment, and it says what I meant it to say.",neutral @Oded thank you this tool is very great!,positive put your path and your shadow in a set. apply your animation to the set and it'll affect both. a really terrible example where I move both at once.,negative "Yep I've been testing some stuff recently under Safari 5.1.5 (WinXP) recently and when you have elements with tabindex=""0"", all the elements EXCEPT links ( with ""href"" defined) are focusable. By all elements, I mean s, s etc. It's absolutely amazing for me from the accessibility point of view!",positive Still printed but had that dreaded extra page! -_-,negative I started to be thrilled only to find out that the example is ascii art!,positive "Here is the good example of getting twitter-like UI for ipad app. , its really awesome!!!!! It provides : cascade views orientation support bouncing effect",positive "Excellent answer, thanks! Wish I could give you more points.",positive "I have developed a cumulative sum function as defined below in the Haskell library Repa. However, I have run into an issue when combining this function with the transpose operation. All 3 of the following operations take well under a second: However, if I write: performance degrades horrendously. While each individual operation in isolation takes well under a second on a 1920x1080 image, when combined they now take 30+ seconds... Any ideas on what could be causing this? My gut tells me it has something to do with delayed arrays, not forcing at the right time, etc... But I do not have enough experience to track this down quite yet.",negative No worries Stephen!,positive "The following program prints 0, not std::string::npos as I expected. Why?",neutral "If I have a setup project in a VS 2010 solution and I add/remove another project, or unload/reload another project any setup projects in the solution are expanded in the solution explorer. It only does this for setup projects and it is extremely annoying. Is there any way to disable this behaviour?",negative sounds like desirable behaviour to me! How do you make it do that again?!?,positive "I appreciate your warm welcome, I never seen such a warm regard here for trying to be helpful, it was a really pleasant introduction and I want to thank you for taking your time to write - at last the end of the questions reads ""If anyone has any ideas I would be extremely grateful!""",positive Excellent point! Thanks!! I did mean just the left side though.. (I should have specified that). Was glad to learn your insight though..,positive Thanks. That was a really great pointer!,positive "Excellent, this works perfectly! Thank you :)",positive "Excellent, Thanks!",positive @MikeChristensen that's horrible :| and weird!!,negative I would not go the gdi route... Have you considered using wpf?,neutral Can you give us some more code?,neutral Is it possible to pass 3 parameters into a selenium command via IDE? e.g.,neutral excellent solution is in subclass UITextView add lines It's work!,positive Use to insert data from another table,neutral "Ahhh! I just made num_rows work (even though I don't need it, as you pointed out) because of your indirect help! Thanks you sweetheart!",positive Including an external jsp page as an innerHtml from a javascript function,neutral "Maybe you can post the relevant code snippet? Regards, tamberg",neutral I'm getting a 404 when I try to check that link... do you need to edit the html?,neutral Stu Nicholls's site has a lot of examples of how to do this without javascript. It's a really excellent resource.,positive yes it does it in IE8 as well. Very annoying !,negative "Yes, you need two view controllers. Check out lesson 7 from Stanfords CS193P iPhone Application Programming course. It is available online. Both slides and the lecture through iTunes U. I really enjoyed watching the course!",positive "Out of all that pseudocode, the only thing that really worries me is ""extracts code samples from file"". Reading files from a directory is trivial, saving a file is trivial. Regardless of the test framework I'd spend most of my time focusing on the parsing bit. For direct testing, I'd embed the snippets directly into the test case: Ah, I see another change I subtly made while writing the test: my ExamplesToCode.parse() returns an Array (or other iterable container), so that it can be tested apart from the iteration itself.",negative no worries! it happens all the time.,positive as you can see folks hate spending time giving details on bad advice!,negative "We can do this quite neatly using numpy, without having to worry about the channels at all! output: input:",neutral Answer coming late. But anyway ... here goes: If it's indeed PIC S9(9) COMP and not COMP-3 then it's not a 'sinister' COBOL packed field but a simple 4 byte integer!,neutral "I ended up using , which met all my needs and is (IMO) very excellent.",positive Back in the day I had to solve this with a panel where the text box is a component inside and had DockPadding set to 3 or 4 pixels. I'd then style that panel to a single pixel. I always found this really annoying!,negative "the two are not mutually exclusive, archmage.",negative +1 for code sample,neutral Wow great answer and very quick!. Explained everything.,positive "Excellent, injekt!!! Loved the way you answered.",positive Absolutely. Don't be afraid to just try stuff out!,positive @sll: Not True... See my Edit,neutral That's what I thought...but I'm terrible with C. Absolutely terrible.,negative That's really sad...,negative There is a particularly efficient algorithm using de Bruijn sequences described on Sean Eron Anderson's excellent page: It works in 13 operations without branching!,positive If I delete this question will it increase my reputation? 5 down votes it really sad.,negative Pragmatic approach: See other answers for excellent backgrounders!,neutral "Loving Susy, so far! Now I'd like this initial layout... ... to turn into this layout on a smaller screen: Is this possible using Susy? Furthermore, I'd want the AC-column to function as a single entity when they're in the same column, since I'd like to give them sticky behavior.",positive "hi, it needs to be server side, no javascript",neutral "Too many `""`. You need: ``",neutral The question is tagged winforms,neutral How can I increase Java heap size for Carrot2 Document Clustering Workbench?,neutral Shameeeee on me!!!,negative I need from document object or from a DOM element (i.e. a DIV) to know which is its window object. In Firefox I can do: but obviously in that AWFUL browser that statement not work!!!,negative How can i extract data from a 2d array.. e and b are indexes of the array,neutral I have a fairly large codebase with several directories and files and I would like to check out a view or have a view as of a given date (Septermber 12th). I am manually checking file histories and doing and this is extremely painful. I wonder if there is a way to do a checkout and load everything as of a particular day at once?,negative You might want to look into JAXB. If you have a defined XML schema it will automatically create java classes that will easily allow you to 'marshal' (move data from java -> XML) and much much more. It's incredibly useful!,positive Using a Inside the delegate for the TextField.TextChanged put this:,neutral No worries! IE11 does a poor job of emulating other browser versions.,positive I've discovered that my Python code is a lot flatter than my C++ code. Don't know why.,negative "After I changed my windows regional setting from my native language to USA, the problem has gone. Do not forget to restart Visual Studio. really annoying problem !",negative my pleasure :) :),positive "Related: Doug Lea put this up last week, pretty awesome!",positive Felix Geisend�_rfer from Debuggable has some really excellent examples of how to utilize Set::extract to get multiple values from various nested data structures,neutral Do need this for existing documents or generated on fly ones?,neutral You can try the (very) comprehensive jeff's OR go with this simple workaround: And then declare the attribute as an integer: This worked very fine for me! =D,positive You can use with an existing profile:,neutral "I've been having a spam problem on my site, where people sign up and act extremely abusive to other users of my site. I can easy IP ban them, except they always come back under a different IP address through a proxy or TOR. So I was curious if there are any php classes or functions that can look up the IP and determine if its a genuine user, or someone behind a proxy, in which case it would muzzle their accounts upon registration.",neutral This would introduce scaling artifacts and might look extremely ugly.,negative It's impossible to receive unicast UDP packets in Silverlight (rage!!!).,negative "Not that I recommend this, but totally abusing LINQ the following would work:",neutral Does anyone know how to enable locking on a TreePanel column in ExtJS 4.1.1?,neutral "Working on providing source code now, and no. Infact Chrome seems to suffer the least!",neutral "And sometimes, if the system is hanging, keyboard might be the only way..",neutral "Is it possible to get a visitor flow associated with a given ga:transactionId through the Google Analytics API? There's limited availability in ga:landingPagePath, ga:secondPagePath, ga:exitPagePath and ga:pageDepth but a more complete path would be desirable Thanks!",neutral I agree with this. For *non-essential services* increasing timeouts is incredibly frustrating.,negative "There's an error here: $r3 only has one result column (which you haven't given a name). Are you sure you are using the correct variable because there's no way that your code should work as you have posted it. Also your variable naming is really awful. Use meaningful names instead of , , etc...",negative "OK, then, no solution that going DB mysql... so sad ! :-( i will close the question !",negative "@Aggieboy that's really sad, and I have to hand-code stuff .",negative What's a 'LinkControl'? I'm aware of LinkButton and HyperLink.,neutral """in the second instance run the designer, and the breakpoint will fire""...does not fire...",negative That is awful advice! I don't mean to be overtly mean but I lolled.,negative "So, which solution did you go for in the end?",neutral "Oh, absolutely horrible practice. But still the answer he was looking for.",negative "The link works for me. That is a pretty awesome testing class! Thanks Andrew. I think I am going to convert and use that in my Silverlight project. Thanks for the tip about Caliburn, Josh G. I'll have a look at that too! :)",positive "Effective, but what a pain! You'd think there'd be an easier way.",negative "C++ isn't dying, but most of its strengths only shine in niche markets.",neutral "Putting data in the ID is a terrible, terrible idea.",negative Absolutely: Jersey is The Thing to use for JSON-based/aware web services.,neutral This only works if the compiler switch AssignableConsts is turned on,neutral AutoHyperlinks (https://bitbucket.org/sholt/autohyperlinks2/overview) is a pretty excellent library for this purpose.,positive Excellent! Exactly what I needed :),positive @david-b why do you said not to let the db concat the strings?,neutral do you have access to Visual Studio Team Edition for Testers?,neutral @Andremoniy this is an excellent idea! But what if this is legacy code?,positive Horray for Android!,positive "avoid the auto method, to apply by hand is such painful :(",negative worked for me too..,neutral "Somewhat new to OOP (i.e. C programmer converting to C++) and cannot figure out why my data members in my backpack class are empty. I make pass an array of potions to my backpack, yet the data members are saying mType = """" (i.e. nothing). I have never felt this lost in a program before. Starting to hate OOP (i.e. kidding...but this extremely frustrating). main.cpp potion.cpp backpack.cpp",negative Excellent ! You just gave me a lesson :),positive "I am not sure if it does, I will check into that. That may be the solution I need.",neutral "Tools -> Options -> Projects & Solutions -> Build and Run ""On Run, when projects are out of date:"" Select ""Always Build"" That's it, had it myself, extremely annoying.",negative "I got to this question via the Almighty Google. To complement on what Andrew said above, for those of you on OSX you might want to take a peek at /Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/Resources/vim/runtime/indent/html.vim and the modifications necessary should become evident. I can't believe I spent so much time suffering from poorly indented
  • s!",negative "excellent, thanks to both of you!",positive "No, n % 7 + 1 actually returns n + 1 unless n == 7 in which case it returns 1.",neutral You're missing a . on your class selectors: should be and should be,neutral "Excellent hint! I was using scrollTo(0,0) and it was doing nothing",positive To stop it:,neutral "From my experiences so far, I've concluded that the HTML5 Manifest scheme was really terribly designed. My site serves a manifest file when a user is logged in. Unfortunately, when they log out, they can still access the cached protected materials. Can anyone think of a way to fix this?",negative how to add SelectedIndexChanged event for DropDownList in SharePoint2010?,neutral Someone is scared to tell the reason of -1 !,negative "Well, you are really brave! Implementing a Linq provider all be yourself...",positive "Although, using this outside testing is a horrible, horrible idea...",negative http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms678505(VS.85).aspx,neutral I see the outcome: A's do work whats the things you are expecting ?,neutral "Can I fix the width and the height of jQueryMobile dialog? Currently, the size of width is 100% which is really awful in iPad.",negative If you want to search give Red Gate's excellent tool a try (its free!) but it's only for SQL Server though.,positive "Maybe someone knows how to disable content assist only on 'else' keyword when working with PHP source editor in Aptana? As I really, really hate it with this keyword, because after newest release it's really messing with my workflow as after entering 'else' and pressing enter it replaces it with: and sometimes it decides to get rid of indents completely. Mind you I don't want to disable content assist completely, I just want to disable it for 'else' keyword.",negative "If you really worry about the performance, divide the page content into separate section and run the search process parallel !!!",neutral Check out Bruce Dunwiddie's excellent class. It provides really excellent information in the exception messages when you have this kind of mapping issue.,positive You should really check out this plugin: I have been using it for about 10 sites and it's really great! Since the latest update it's posible to export your custom fields to a PHP file which you can include your functions.php,positive "oh ok...I forgot php considered empty strings as FALSe, though it was just 0 and null",neutral it really does crash my vm,neutral have edited my answer to include the bitdepth,neutral "Excellent, I'm glad that worked for you!",positive "+1. I do this in several querying libs, especially the ones that flow through to web services.",neutral What is your current function?,neutral Which language and/or regex engine is it for?,neutral "Yup because I am doing a search, unless you know another way.",neutral "Well, I was using the setControlValueToUpperCase() method too soon it seems. So changing my keydown first if statement to fixed my issue. Horray Me!!",positive For example: How would I go about summing the cost of items? (so I'd get 60),neutral "I am developing a web page which embedded a ""Google maps"" view. In this web page, the user must specify several positions on the maps At this time, I am able to spread the balloons on the map displayed when the user click on a button to be dragged, but according to the zoom it can be very painful to zoom in and out to drag the balloon to a place. I would like to know if it could be possible to have a panel with all balloons to drag/drop on the map? My current development : My target :",negative +1 excellent!..,positive Excellent! Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.,positive Is there a convenient way to check if a directory is empty using MSBuild?,neutral "you actually can use HTML5 tech to apply on that beside, you can use a gem 'client-side validation' the github is here I suggest you use the gem...pretty awesome :D",positive What's the expected vs resulting behaviour? More info needed.,neutral You can define an External. and a little more on the how-to side...,neutral DELETE command doesn't work with JOIN,neutral Horribly inefficient! It re-encodes the image each time. Try this instead.,negative "You have to be excruciatingly careful when there are spaces in the path names. In the context, you probably need: You don't need quotes around the variable this time.",neutral "I am using 'simpLESS' program to compile my .less files into .css files on the fly. It is really great! However, after using it only for couple of days, 'simpLESS' stopped copiling the .less into .css files. I have tried to reinstall, redownload and then reinstall, tried other directories, other .less files, tried recompiling manuall - but nothing works. Has anyone experienced this? Thanks!",positive "Oh, this was was a pain! I probably lost 2 hours on this. Here is the solution: CMake uses short 'C' applications to test/try things. If the CMakeLists.txt states that C++ is used for the project, without also listing C, then some of those shorts tests incorrectly fail, and cmake then thinks those things aren't found. The solution was to change the first line of CMakeLists from this: ...to include C as a language: Then delete , recreate it, and everything then works:",negative Im afraid you cant do that!!!,neutral "I would've answered StackOverflow, but it's not open-source :)",neutral We are now 2 years after migrating to TFS. Just upgraded to 2013. The team absolutely love it and can't even think about the old svn days!,positive "I am building the Android OS on Mac OSX (Lion), and Eclipse as an IDE. I am trying to understand certain parts of the OS however this requires performing many searches throughout the project. These searches take 5 or 10 minutes on Eclipse, and the way they are presented is also extremely annoying. Also, I need a separate editor to open up the native files found in the OS, since if they are opened in Eclipse there is no color coding of the C++ syntax. I feel that Eclipse is really slowing me down - can anyone suggest a better IDE for browsing the Android OS (preferably free)?",negative "I recently worked on a product that was targeted to .NET 3.5. Out of hundreds of beta testers, I can probably count on one hand the number that already had .NET 3.5. The rest had to sit through the absolutely painful .NET 3.5 install from microsoft (~30 minutes, and most of the time the progress bar stays near 0 so people think it is broken).",negative +1 for makeself. I totally loved that. :),positive Test code: How do I remove the whitespaces before storing it into the array?,neutral "I wish I'd have found this question yesterday, as it has been causing me grief for hours! Surely this is a bug with the emulator?",negative "Yeah I agree, I use igoogle to read all the news at one place, check my gmail, gcalender, etc.",neutral Thanks so much for the excellent answers! All answers worked beautifully.,positive "+1, @this is better than the accepted answer",neutral FYI: I happen to be on Tomcat 5.5.17,neutral Don't rely too much on cplusplus.com,neutral "The search bots don't care about hash tags. And if you are using them for some kind of flash or AJAX calls, you have more serious problems than your 301 redirects don't work. Because unless you have the content in an alternate form, the search engines are not indexing your site and you are definitely suffering as far as SEO goes.",neutral "That answer was extremely helpful Scott, thanks for the pointer on that!",positive "Why dont you simply wrap the absolutely excellent XOM with implicit conversions and such? Yes, it won't give you scala's XML-native-syntax style out of the box...",neutral "There's no need to spawn new processes, simply re-use them between requests.",neutral "I'm trying to do this in a makefile and it fails horribly: do you know why? I guess it has to do with escaping, but what and where?",negative Check out the WordPress repository. There is a plugin called WP GCM Its a very great one and has some great extras!,positive "**As of May 2010, Silverlight is at 57%.**",neutral ps really hate the response limits on comments.,negative "clicking the zoom (or pan) button again, restores it. terribly silly - yes!",negative I have used very successfully ( with a tweakette here or there! ),positive done... stackoverflow makes you wait several minutes. I really hate that,negative "@Rob same problem, nothing. very disgusting",negative "Why do you need the class explicitly? Couldn't you use the interface? Note that casting is not encouraged, which is why it looks so awful in Scala!",negative This didn't seem to bring the existing window to the foreground when I tried it.,neutral What is the equivalent of ObjectContext.ApplyCurrentValues for DbContext?,neutral It sounds very scary to me to use a floating point number for a key in a `map`.,negative Excellent thanks!,positive The WPF SDK Team posted a EXCELLENT article about chromeless windows available here: This is a MUST read!!! UPDATED Also found article by Lester Lebo on how to use the WPF Shell Integration Library for a custom window chrome,positive Ahw... that's plain sad :(,negative No worries man!,positive @Stilly.stack wooow I didn't know that that was important!! thanks a lot :),positive in about 4 months from now I should be able to show you one =P,positive "I'm trying to make a link inside the fancybox single image title. I want it to redirect me to another fancybox window (witch is inline)... I have a script that makes the whole single image a link, but this targets my document title instead of the anchor title... I really hope someone will have a solution or a better idea on how to do it!! :) Thank you thank you thank yooou! :) btw: I have almost never worked with scripts.. In depth anyways...",positive "I can only help if I can see the full (ie. non-compressed) source code. The code included on the website has been modified (from jqDock v1.6 source) and re-compressed, which makes it extremely difficult (understatement!) to tell what has been changed. (I have also responded - with the same answer - to a direct email from the poster)",neutral Are you using WinForms or WPF?,neutral I voted up your question because I want to do the same thing.,neutral Excellent! Thanks for the additional detail Sean!,positive "There's 2 parts to this question, both about RestKit: How can we post up 2 values email and password, and deal with the response using the object mapper How can we map 2 objects in a response We are expecting the following JSON response: What's the correct way to map this out, we've got a class setup for User and Token, but all the examples i've seen seem to not show something like this where there is two segments to the response, here's the code we have at the moment: Appreciate any help you can give on this, loving RestKit so far!",positive "This is extremely ugly C-style code, easy to get wrong. While the bugs in your code have been fixed by earlier birds, here is the C++ way to do this:",negative You don't know if threads are killed unless you catch a signal that tells you so!,neutral Return some JSON with the state... Then some jQuery should do it...,neutral "eXcellent, superb, charm :) Thank you!",positive "I am working on an app that uses some basic view types, but I find the default attributes extremely ugly in Android (for example, a bright yellow ). I can get the basic seekbar if I create it from code, using only the parameter, but I would like to know if there is a way to do this inside an XML Layout file. Is there an attribute I can set that will remove all default attributes - such as ?",negative Need to do it without using any swing or other GUI as background process.,neutral @BoristheSpider :( :( That is really sad. :(,negative Excellent answer!,positive I drew a circle using this code: how can i write a or event for this circle?,neutral If this is true that's excellent news! I'll give it a try next app update...,positive There are some really great answers here that I wholeheartedly agree with!,positive Is there any way we could implement vertical lines in a jquery file tree?,neutral "@DaveBish, What an excellent tool! I will be using this ALOT in future! :-)",positive "I am experiencing exactly this problem (and am in exactly the same world of pain): Whereby I am offering an update to SQL using LinqToSQL and it is failing with a because is set to . Due to legacy databases also on the server I am targeting, I am not able to re-configure the default connection settings as is quite rightly stated in the accepted answer in . My question is: How do you convince LinqToSQL to run a SQL before executing an update?",negative Here is another one to consider http://tableview.codeplex.com,neutral "Here are my tables. And here are my object classes I'm brand new to dapper and orm in general, so please bare with me. Would a many-to-many relationship be possible to map out with dapper? If so, could someone provide a coding sample, that would be extremely helpful! I am also open to switching to a heavier orm if that would make these advanced mapping scenarios a lot simpler.",positive "You can't use multiple colors on an icon font, so what you ask isn't possible. You could use a partial background fill, but that doesn't seem very desirable. If you switch to you would at least have access to symbols.",neutral "Chris, this regex matches *1* character from [^\w\W] character class. *Single* character.",neutral That's horrible!!,negative "I've been using yui3 grids lately for my column layouts, and I'm loving them! Here's a link to a great overview/tutorial: This is a very easy and flexible solution, which scales well to even very complex layouts.",positive Replaced http://www.vim.org/tips/tip.php?tip_id=305 with archive.org link...,neutral Is this possible? I have looked online and cannot seem to find an answer.,neutral Excellent! Can you post it as an answer?,positive can I replace my entire windows vista with ubuntu and is it free? I really hate vista,negative @PhilipOakley excellent suggestion! I hadn't used `cherry-pick` before but that worked quite well. If you post as an answer I'll accept.,positive I've been tackling the same issue. It's a pain!,negative "This is a common problem, and it's not a matter of ""PHP is lying to me!"" You have to understand how PHP sends the emails, and how servers interpret and process them. Your email host is likely interpreting these emails as spam, and sending them to a quarantine folder. None of this has anything to do with how PHP is handling your email.",neutral "I found this great node mysql boilerplate: it works terrific! However, now I need to hook it in to my existing user table, and my key field is named userID, not simply id, and changing the key fieldname in mysql breaks the example. So my question is, where in the project do I need to specify a different id field name? I see user.id in /util/auth.js passport.serializeUser and id in passport.deserializeUser functions, but it seems it must be specified elsewhere too. I'm hoping this is a simple question for users of passportjs!",negative "OR do whatever you need to to make the bottom, left and right borders look right and then just hide the top border with this hacky code: . Then feel really guilty about using it.",neutral Excellent answer!,positive Except he says WCF right in the title. -1.,neutral It's possible to change color of UINavigationController view and buttons?,neutral "I'm trying to create some ads in Admob, but on last step I always get error: but it didn't specify WHERE. I swear god, there are no errors on whole page, all fields are correctly filled, I see no red shapes around fields, everything match criterias written under fields, but I stil get this error - without any explanation. Has anybody same experiences? It's totally frustrating :(",negative I'm not sure that the given approach will work with hosts using NPT/EPT.,negative I had on top of one of my rake files.,neutral "Ah, excellent :)",positive you can use,neutral The only way I've found to do this is using the plugin hoverIntent:,neutral "@NWest You can use a `@table` variable, which is immune from transaction rollbacks, to not need all kinds of heinous workarounds.",neutral "I don't see how this is possible, but I really, really hate to run my query an extra time just to get the record count so I can build a pager. When I say a ""pager"" I simply mean the common gizmo with a link for each 10 records for example.",negative I had to iterate over the json object,neutral "It sounds like you might want to use . It is extremely awesome. If you use Datejs, here's how you could do it: ex. for me: returns an array with 3 Date objects:",positive I mean when the form is posted.,neutral "I had left out PIPE, the new version works...",neutral Are the elements also initialized to '\0' when allocating memory to a string through malloc?,neutral there is no chance to add blank lines between html code in slim. closest solution to your case are adding comment such and but this is really painful,negative sp_detach_db and sp_attach_db. It need not be point and click.,neutral Very scary! O_O,negative Where exactly do you hook your events inside your UserControl?,neutral I've created a div how would I make this div a child of using Javascript?,neutral Have you declared the Bundle-ClassPath in your bundle's MANIFEST.MF,neutral "So ""options"" always has one item, and ""option"" can have multiple? What a horrid API!",negative I would really love if someone could tell me how to tell whether 2 objects have touched (An image or a button) I know how to make them draggable but not how to tell if they have touched and to do something when they touch! Thanks!,positive "Here is a solution that works for lower case strings only. Horrible horrible code, but I was trying to see how few lines I could write a solution in.",negative urllib.quote ought to help with this.,neutral Excellent ! It works !,positive @Marc-Andr� Lafortune Your answer there was incredibly helpful! Thank you!,positive Which version of Visual Studio are you using?,neutral "Excellent! You, sir, need a Flattr button. Or join Gittip.",positive +1 Thats a very sexy way of getting days within a range!,positive "@AliceChen sad but sometimes the dropbox servers go down, this may also cause this!",negative "Ew, the `com` prefix is horrible!",negative "I wanna make popover for add new event when user will click to day (""select"" callback in jsEvent.pageX and jsEvent.pageY parameter but Idea where is this popup still sticked on clicked element looks better. So my working code for stick popup to some element : html I already tried something like this: But isn't working. Any help will very greatful!",positive "So I'm using activerecord to get the count of items for a certain day: But this doesn't give me if there are no records for a given day, how can I fix this? Or is there are more ""Rails"" way do to something like this? Any help is hugely appreciated, thanks again!",positive @Leon Tayson: Excellent answer!!! Thanks loads...,positive You have a data race because of the conflicting read/write access to . This implies that the behavior of your program is not defined. The race condition on is the least of your worries: the program could do anything!,neutral very nice beautiful :-),positive "I wrote something that does work, but it's extremely ugly, but thought it could either help someone else or we could get something better. Here's what I came up with:",negative "I am trying to create a plot of several data series that are contained in a pandas DataFrame. Let's use as an example: This code produces a simple line chart with two different data series: However, if I try and create this same plot in a PyQt widget using , I only get a single line. My code for the second example is a little more involved: When I run this code, the output looks like this: If anyone can shed any light on this, it would be hugely appreciated! Thanks.",positive "I need someone to point me in the right direction on this.... In my Android application I have a ListView with custom views for each row containing various textviews each. I retrieve weather information for multiple locations and then want to write the results for each location to its own listview item. The question is, how do I refer to each textview on each listview item? I can't do it by name using , can I? If there are three items in the list, will the temperature textview for each item be names the same, just differ by an array index? If so, how do I specify TextViewName(0), TextViewName(1) and TextViewName (2) for the three list items? Yes, I'm still very new to Android....but loving it!",positive "Something along these lines, perhaps?",neutral Awesome :) !!!!!,positive "this worked excellently, great job! :)",positive Gosh ! you're right !!! Excellent !!!! Is there a way to expand it programatically ? I added .setOngoing(true) (to the top) but it's not expanded... (not really the top because the first one is a notification when I'm plugged to USB for tools developpement ). Thank you again my friend !,positive @Jon no worries!,positive "It can't be closed, but you can remove the OK button by specifying a function as the 3rd parameter: But seriously think about this, because spawning unclosable dialog boxes won't exactly make people overjoyed about your site.",neutral You should accept @Andreas Petersson's answer.,neutral "Since ChangeSets are becoming too many to handle because of many checkins, I'm thinking of selecting multiple changesets then create a single work item link for code review purposes. It's really painful to create work item per changeset and assign to a code-reviewer. Is this possible?",negative "I need to add some controls to context menu. Is it possible? If yes, how?",neutral I stumbled upon this site and really loved the way they have done the navigation on the left hand site. I noticed that site is using jquery but didnt see any plugins. Any ideas on how to go about doing this?,positive Is it possible to initialize objects of the type: via boost::assign::list_of,neutral That works! Very awesome :) How do I select your answer as the solution?,positive excellent! exactly what I was looking for. Thanks Anna.,positive "In that case, try: ls -f | head -10",neutral I just installed AndroidStudio in my System I am trying to create my Very First Project . I set up JAVA_HOME and Android SDK path that has been used previuosly by eclipse in Android Studio Android SDK has the below versions for Tools and Platform Android SDK Tools - 22.6.2 SDK Platform - 19 As soon as started Android studio downloaded the Gradle-1.12 in the below path C:\Users\DELL.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-1.12-all after that it shows the build screen as below. This screen is shown for ever . It is not moving further. can anyone help me in this. I am sad!,negative "Right, I've got this horrible mess of html and erb (that does work!), but I want to do things properly and render the whole thing with the method. But I'm not sure how to do this, I can only render text with the link_to at the moment.",negative @KevinB what an excellent resource! That just made my life waaaaay easier!,positive "i have: how can i get the innerHTML of the child of ""td1"" ? dosen't work.",neutral The project was moved to https://github.com/leblancmeneses/NPEG,neutral this long: |-----------------|,neutral "Sometimes in a long commit log, it's really painful to navigate the all-expanded diffs. (You get expanded-diffs when hitting enter from the magit-blame-mode for example) Is there a way to collapse these diffs?",negative "It might be questionable, but not a cause for rejection as long as you have a fallback behavior when/if the method can not be found. There are worse abuses that have passed.",negative "What options are there to pull a GApps user creation date? I saw that the Admin SDK is capable of it, is it the only API capable of doing this? does any of the previous one also capable of? If possible using GAS, it will be most excellent, Thank you!",positive I am very jealous of your name!,negative Excellent! Thanks for the link.,positive "I want to know what is good start point to work on creating own GUI on iphone/objective-c. I've never done this part before, and I know I'm kinda attracted to make my own slick GUI, something like convertbot, which I really love :) Any suggestion would be appreciated! Thanks",positive "@hrbrmstr I already have a rApache implementation. I have simply no time to switch to a different technology. I chose this because it makes R behave like PHP and others, which means people can start to see R as a general purpose language... something I'd really love to happen!",positive What is the difference between the events vs ? When does each event get hit?,neutral Wouldn't it be easier to store a shared copy of it in the application class?,neutral "This is excellent, thank you!",positive How do you convert the *.docx file to an indexable (text) format? We use Apache POI to get our *.docx (and other office formats) indexed and this works pretty fine! You can have a look at the Implementation here:,neutral "Tim, great-great sample, does exactly what I was looking for!",positive If you don't want to modify the file:,neutral "Ok after a LOT of searching I found the answer, which is relating to accessing request in django custom template tags.... You can see the answer here: I used the following: and then changed the following line: I really hope this helps someone else! :-)",positive "No, there is no performance difference if the view is essentially a",neutral When I click on Memcache Viewer the whole dashboard crashes and I have to login again. This is really worrying me as we are serving data to many users. A server error has occurred. Is there a way to see the internal logs? I can't see anything in nor . Is there any other way to reset the Memcache?,negative Excellent work on that site by the way!,positive This is answered . The concept was implementing with the tags such as and within the and div. Excellent answer!,positive Edited my answer. It now references *Unicode and permalinks*.,neutral "It's HORRIBLE! No, seriously, I don't like it.",negative "Found the culprit! At first I tried the solution suggested by @billinkc in the comment, it worked (I managed to create a folder) but the folder wasn't usable as I couldn't upload packages. I have db_owner permission on the MSDB database and so I can see and access the SSIS MSDB folder. What I really needed was the db_ssisadmin permission. Not to worry as db_owner permissions allow me to give myself the db_ssisadmin permission! After this was done, all the problems (the one in the original Q and more) disappeared.",positive +1 Excellent explanation!,positive Apple's MapCallouts code sample demonstrates how do do this with the callout and their Weather Map sample shows how to do custom annotation views. There documentation is really excellent and these samples are both helpful.,positive "No, unless there's a relevant IE zero day. Obviously, this would be a huge abuse of user privacy (if you want their name, ask them!).",negative "I have a function name called setValue, used in many classes. Also, i have a global function by the same name. When i press C-], it goes to arbitrary setValue function. How do i directly jump to the global setValue function? It is really pain to use tnext every time to find if the function global.",negative "I need to echo only selected lines from a .txt file using PHP. The txt file content looks like this: The previous working code was echoing every lines. I'm trying to get the same formating but only with the selected lines. For instance let say only lines: 3, 5, 8, 10. The second step would then be if the lines could be echoed in a different order than the initial one. If someone knows a simple way to do it, that would be excellent! Thanx in advance.",positive be very afraid?,neutral Thanks. First method is really great!,positive This works as of Moq 3.1.416.3,neutral "This sounds like an excellent project! You might want to start with the module. You might also be interested in the module. Perhaps to get you started, here's a function that takes a path to a file and backs the file up by copying it and giving it a .bak extension.",positive EF CTP5 is still having this bug! Anyway there is a simple work around for now See more here: Be aware that Count() is total rubbish performance wise!,negative "Can anyone help me add children to a plist? I think I want to record an index of rows from the plist and then state which index row to write the key too. I'm not sure how to say if the key will be a string, dictionary or array. The following is code from another question on adding a key to root. Any help would be extremely appreciated :)",positive wow the reaction time on this by you guys was amazing xD I'll give everyone +1 once I get to the 15 rep ^_^ Thank you so much everyone!,positive Excellent! Glad that sorted it,positive That doesn't seem to create a table... any reasons why? I tried dbdelta too.,neutral "Here is a code in , I would like to run it with , optimizing if possible.",neutral "Which GUI are we talking about: SWT, Swing, or (classic) AWT?",neutral "Oh, I am scared!",negative "I had the same exception, I just installed the latest VM release and now the compilation complete successfully :)",positive "You could also try Continuation Passing Style: This gets very painful when you have to chain multiple functions, so you can break standard formatting:",negative "So, it is as simple as purchasing a domain name, and then adding that identifying information to the hosts file? If so, that is excellent!!",positive Excellent! This should be marked as an answer. Very good solution.,positive can anyone give me simple code to create a line in iphone using drawrect?,neutral Check out .,neutral "I am completely hopeless with regular expressions... I have a Velocimacro named , and I have a JS function named . Now I want to find all the places the JS function is called. So I need to search for ""addButton"", where ""addButton"" doesn't start with the hash key. Any ideas?",negative "I use festAssertions in my tests and I noticed that using yields different results than in tests where hibernate objects are tested. I had to do workaround and now test looks really ugly but I cannot use because that just does not work! Here is partial code(look at last line): seasonRate, seasonRate1 are created and persisted. Then retrieved from db and checked against originals. Nothing fancy, but does not work with festAssertions. Do you have any idea how to fix that and if it is some error on my side or not?",negative This was a very quick and excellent way to show me everything I needed!,positive I really despise SWFObject for this very reason. Maybe you could give a try,negative "as was already established, this is a miserable, horrible, awful, and terrible idea from a concurrency perspective. Anyway, since your question is really about Go's type system, here's how you would define a type with a recursive method.",negative "I am using some PHP script to add some data from a complex form to MySQL db and then showing it all in some HTML table. Everything works just fine, but I would like to 'upgrade' my script with jQuery and (I suppose) AJAX. What I would like to do is when user submits data, the row (or ) shows up in the HTML table without refreshing a page. Form and table are on same page, of course... Some guidelines would be really helpful because I'm not sure should I even use AJAX or something else for my needs. Links for some tutorials will be also great :) Thanks a lot for any help!",positive "I am using NHibernate mapping-by-code to map the classes. Sometimes, in order to debug my NHibernate configuration, I would require to check exactly what were the settings passed over to NHibernate, and it is quite difficult do debug the mapping-by-code. Is there any way where you could convert the generated HbmMapping, back into the Xml file, just as if typed by hand? This would help a lot in diagnosing if the problem is lying from my mappings!",neutral "I cannot seem to figure out why the phpunit target does not output any test results even though I have tests in position. The problem I am finding is there is no indication as to what the problem is! Incredibly frustrating. The output is as follows: My build.xml is as follows: My system: Vista, PHP 5.2.9, PHPUnit 3.4, PHPUnderControl, CruiseControl",negative ([0-1 ]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]) I think that's the regex you're looking for (not specifically for javascript though). This site has an excellent amount of info for language-specific regular expressions! Cheers!,positive <3 <3 <3 ! ! ! :),positive "I am new to Delphi (been programming in it for about 6 months now). So far, it's been an extremely frustrating experience, most of it coming from how bad Delphi is at handling dates and times. Maybe I think it's bad because I don't know how to use TDate and TTime properly, I don't know. Here is what is happening on me right now : That's not the exact code I use, everything is in variables and used in another context, but I think you can see the problem. Why is that calculation wrong? How am I suppose to work around this problem?",negative Any idea why this is called **reservoir** sampling?,neutral Release candidate 1 is now available may be worth trying that.,neutral Either you want to group or you don't. Now which is it? (This is why I really hate how MySQL allows non-aggregates in `GROUP BY`),negative "I can't get to work a many-to-many relationship using bookshelf.js. Models: Database table ""events"": Database table ""tags"": Database table ""events_tags"": Query that isn't returning what it should: The log outputs: That is: empty array of tags, which is wrong. Question: Is there an issue with my code? the desired output should be: This doesn't help in the question, but I'll throw it anyway: I'm currently hating all ORMs in Node JS! Maybe I should just use a query builder.",negative "Read [The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)](http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html). Python files should be written in ASCII (although you can enter Unicode characters if you set the encoding).",neutral +1 The project has moved: https://github.com/nmosafi/aspcomet,neutral what I am trying to do it show what terminal port im useing when I am currently logged in to my linux server. If anyone could offer some help I would be very greatfull!! thanks,positive Are you using a PHP framework?,neutral Pixel Bender files don't run under iOS. See other limitations here:,neutral "Really great article, thanks!",positive I want to be able to start External Application in C# WPF How do I do it?,neutral "I've heard rumours that Angry Birds can make you throw little birds on green pigs, and that you cannot do that in Visual Studio!",neutral "I want to call a method after each 2 minutes, how can I apply such logic?",neutral "Is that all the details you get in your C# code, when you catch and log the `SqlException` ?? Anything more could be extremely helpful!",positive "I have a button that, when hovered over, I would like the background image to display also. (It is an arrow an explanation of the button). There are quite a few questions similar, but I couldn't quite tweak the answers to work for me. The HTML looks like the CSS then is Any ideas hugely welcome!",positive "given a youtube url, how can i embed the video into a page using .net c#?",neutral "These will not jump: They are, however, soul destroying and extremely ugly.",negative "You DO need to modify web.xml whenever it's needed. Especially with JAX-RS, you will have to define your servlet in web.xml. I recommand you to use Maven. There are plenty of exemple in the web to do so. Good luck, JAX-RS is really great ! Maven is also nice.",positive "Yes, yes it is. It is really horrible though. There is also this atrocity:",negative "was excellent :) However instead of creating a button object, I am only calling an OnTouchlistener to change the state of every view. Gives the same results though",positive "No, I'm afraid not! You can call yourself in a js-function from . codebehind:",negative "Using the window object, only gives you access to globals, not to local variables.",neutral "I have a xml similar to this one: The thing is, Im able to get all the info tags, but I get the results from all dates. I dont know what the dates will be, since the are dynamic generated. What I know is that I may have a data tag with one or two date tags I wish I could show the first date��s info on a list box and the second date��s info on another listbox. How can I do that? Desirable Output: If there��s a second date then print it too: Thx!",neutral @Colin Pickard: That's really sad :'( :'( :'(,negative "Work-around (horrible horrible invasive work-around) I got around this by subclassing UIApplication to track all screen touches. By holding on to the last touch location, I can, in the delegate, map the location to the link to determine whether or not it should be considered valid: MyCustomApplication.m (use it in main.m) And map it...",negative "@MartinBa I'm not sure it always works, but it sometimes does.",neutral http://stackoverflow.com/a/4105631/1104483. Sad :(,negative "What about an equivalent to ""tail -f -n500 ""?",neutral I want to fetch data from webservice and want to display it in to databse,neutral "Excellent, now that I know the name I can easily google tutorials! ty! :)",positive "Is it possible to restore infolog from InfologData? Consider the code what should I write instead of to restore ""something awful"",""something terrible"", ""scary\tmouse"" into infolog from infologData? My goal is to perform some operation, store infolog in database, and then show it to user, when they want it.",neutral I really hate regex in principle. can it be done in a plane script or something?,negative Is there any method to refresh state to begin and i can read png image using,neutral I absolutely *love* your title! But your question will need some more details if you need some help. Do you have any code you've tried?,positive @Java1 I had totally forgotten about the moderators _hating_ the _link-only-answers_.!! :-(,negative "I'm trying to insert the following array ( from a html form ) but i believe i'm working with this array in a very awful way The array: Actual code: ?> current output: What would be a decent way to do it? EDIT : No need to show how to connect to a database, i just need to deal with the array data.",negative "Right, and that code calls which one: phone.dial(phoneNumber) or phoneNumber.dialOn(phone)?",neutral This is totally abusive if you intentionally are using this with resources that are managed.,negative How to visualize XML from Java?,neutral The top chunk of code is not indenting properly.,negative You can also do Start->Run and type services.msc to get to the services and stop it.,neutral StyleReports is one of the most heinous toolsuites I've ever had to use.,negative This gem is pure gold.,positive "Why? Can�t return $ -1.885,00?",neutral did you get the answer you were looking for?,neutral Thanks for the tips! Loving StackOverflow!,positive "Deleting files in Xcode does not delete them from installed apps/build folders/etc. It's extremely annoying. If you really want your app to only run in 3.5 inch mode, delete the Default-568 file and make sure to run Clean/Clean Build Folder in Xcode, and delete the app completely off your simulator/device. It should start showing up letterboxed again. Apple is still accepting 3.5in only submissions.",negative "My approach to this problem would be: Create a that hosts a Add a dependency property to the . In the event handler, parse the CSV and update the accordingly. Add a dependency property to the - and when this changes, parse the CSV and add the data to the . See this question for a few pointers: By the way, a CSV of column names is a horrible interface! Why not expose a , then add a so that you can use a CSV string in XAML?",negative "Not free, from $195 as of July 2010",neutral @Gili: SerialPort is in current production use by our customers.,neutral Why is `AbstractMap.SimpleEntry` convoluted?,negative How to find a whose is and is ?,neutral "Probably not, given they already have a checksum. Adding a second one isn't going to help all that much unless you're really worried about edge cases which the UDP checksum doesn't pick up.",neutral Excellent summary!,positive I don't do c# anymore but yes I remember those templated stuff was really painful.,negative "*I really love your project, It is really amazing!* Are you directly asking to BalusC?",positive "I've set up Windsor to use constructor parameter names to map to a config file settings by convention. When a parameter is missing, it throws a very frightening : I want it to instead throw the following error: How can I do this?",negative I think your underscores got eaten by markdown. You meant:,neutral "So through an incredibly awesome coding session I managed to extract all the variables on the first try. Well, all checked out except for array since the PDF I tested on didn't have one in the Aux Info. All the data from CGPDFDictionaryRef are now in an NSMutableDictionary, so its usable. Tomorrow I'll be making the second part to put it back into the other type that is needed, CFDictionaryRef. So if you wanted to wait I'll post it up.",positive I'm currently tuning a large app that uses L2S using the following process (to great success!) Start SQL Server Profiler and create a trace using the 'Tuning' template that gets saved to a file. Then interact with your app to exercise the slow spots. Stop the trace then start up the Database Engine Tuning Advisor. You can load up the trace file you just created and have it suggest all sort of optimizations. I've just created 5 non-clustered indexes based on its suggestions and my app is easily 90% faster that it was before.,positive "Thanks @BrunoLowagie! (I'm so thrilled to get your reply! If you write that as answer I would accept it!) I have found the relevant code samples: [iText in Action, Ch. 16, ResizeImage sample](http://itextpdf.com/examples/iia.php?id=286), and also [How to recompress image in a PDF on Chris J. Haas's website](http://cjhaas.com/blog/2012/01/06/how-to-recompress-images-in-a-pdf-using-itextsharp/) The first sample modifies a `PdfWriter` replacing virtually every `PdfDictionary` key in an `PdfImageObject`, even passing in a byte array - bypassing image validation. Second sample goes through an Image",positive "If you're worried about burning bandwidth, RDP is NOT going to help!",negative why I can't simple: instead of:,neutral "A module name is an , so it must normally start with a lowercase letter, unless you enclose it in single quotes. This is actually possible: But completely horrible, so don't do this.",negative os.statvfs() doesn't work on Windows (Python 2.5.2 -- current production version).,neutral no answer yet.... sad =(,negative "I must investigate further, but I fear it's not : big precompiled pieces of middleware ahead !",negative "I'm working on Java web application and using from and as a web server. When i build the project, build complete successfully but when i start , the files that created during build in folder, getting to deleted!!",negative "In my personal opinion, I would make theUILabels as properties of the UIView, so option 2. You can then access them from the view easily through the controller. This also gives you the advantage of reusability from the view to any controller, and since dealloc will get rid of those from the UIView, you only worry about cleanup once!",neutral "The question on how to check input for validity is answered numerous times! You just check whether the stream is in a good state. If not, you'll reset the stream and ignore the character. Search for question where this answered. Also, don't use exceptions for non-exceptional cases and *always* throw something derived from `std::exception`: once you have tried to locate where an exception came from which isn't derived from `std::exception` in a program with a few million lines of code you'll find it extremely helpful to look at what `what()` returns!",negative PHP: RESULT: i want the result:,neutral "Behaviour by tag, when you can just set a target action on a button directly? That's horrible!",negative "Its not quick to do, but you can also run FXCop, and it will alert you to objects that are IDisposable that arent in a using() block. Working on some legacy C# code here at work, I found that whoever wrote it orgininally actually made a "".Dispose()"" method is almost every class, even if not needed, but the classes don't actually implement IDisposable. Which means in intellisence they all have a Dispose() method, but can't be put in using() blocks... very annoying!",negative "Ah, excellent!___",positive "Check out GSON for converting POJOs to JSON: We've been using for a couple of years now. Very excellent library. For POJOs to XML, Jersey uses JAXB or you could roll your own serializer.",positive "ouch. I have a large table, and the row by row insert is very painful",negative What would the above be in PHP?,neutral "No worries, once you know, you know!",positive (lack of line breaks in comments is saddening!),negative How do i replace with using php,neutral "I've accidentally created a file called / and one called --reporter=test and now I can't delete them, attempting to delete the --reporter file results in rm: illegal option -- - I haven't attempted to delete the one called / I'm too scared, help!!",negative No. I cannot seem to be getting the module to work. Its really pain staking.,negative "yeah, your pain is mine! This method described by ctrahey at least gives you some clue.",negative At the moment my divs load in one by one on page load. It's absolutely fine! Though when I make an ajax request and then to the same container my code then loops through all of the divs on the page rather than the newly added divs? My question is: how would I perform the same effect on only the newly added ajax success data? jQuery: HTML:,positive "I figured out, way of calling the Hub was not correct. For the time being i have modified my code as in Global.asax :- Works absolutely fine now :) Still figuring out better alternatives !!!!",positive "Excellent, thanks! That looks like an elegant solution.",positive It's works fine :) Thanks !,positive Excellent example and interesting discussion! Thanks everyone!,positive "If the user hasn't checked anything there will be no $_POST['features'] or $_POST['fright'] You need to do an isset, or more precisely a ! isset",neutral Isn't this just 0xFFFFFFFF ?,neutral I have a series with many null values all over the place on the line. I need the gap between those values to be represented with a dotted-line or whatever (another color). Any help will be very welcome :) thanks!,positive @RobG - I hate IE! jQuery is my final weapon.,negative "Hey I figured it out! I wasn't using Virtual, New, nor Override keywords effectively and I learned how to directly access the Font property of the progressbar control. I bet you guys figured all this out and was letting me think it through. Totally awesome! How did you guys get to be so smart? Well anyway, thanks for letting me learn from the best teacher of all. God bless! Craig. (Now, how do I close this question again?)...",positive Select the cells in question and do a find and replace... Find . Replace / I tested it and it worked perfectly :) Hope that helps!,positive "How can I get my Error, Logcat, Debug, etc. tabs to go back to the bottom-middle of Eclipse? For some reason, they moved up between the Package Explorer and the code editor in a vertical arrangement - I really hate it when sections of an IDE break off and dock to some seemingly arbitrary area.",negative That thing is really really awesome!,positive "Take a look at this , and rejoice! :)",positive "I'm rethinking the design of my GUI. I designed a few JFrame with Netbeans automated GUI (yes, I'm lazy, and this generated code is often awful, I know !), but now I want them to be JPanel (actually, to inherit from another class that inherits JPanel). But I had the ""setDefaultCloseOperation"" modified, so my code is broken : setDefaultCloseOperation is impossible for a JPanel. Since I can't modify the generated code, I was wondering : is there a way to make Netbeans understand I changed my mind, and regenerate the code ?",negative "I have a BufferedWriter to which I use to write characters into a PipedInputStream. Based on keyboard events. But I am implementing a backspace handler, but I can see no way of doing so without unputc. I am almost falling back into using a string to buffer the current line. Perhaps, I could do a better job using Canvas instead. (God how I hate java!)",negative Take from :,neutral "I really hate when this happens.. I search and search for an answer and then I post a question. Then minutes later I find the answer.. The answer was on line 5.. this let me make the call.. I mean I get a pile of junk on the screen, but it doesn't fail... no exception.",negative "Hey I just had to solve this on a project I am working on, here is my answer Then in my configuration (I am using Fluent NHibernate to configure my unit tests in code) AWESOMENESSSSSSSS!",positive "Excellent, I'll check that out later, looks promising, thanks!",positive doesn't work. how do I do this?,negative wonderful :-) :-),positive "Aye, the timer idea would result in horrible flickering for sure!",negative Mark B - excellent - works perfectly ! Thanx again :),positive "You never compile an .h file by itself, I think.",neutral "`CREATE TABLE [[With Spiteful]]] ([[Identifiers]]] INT, []]^!^[] CHAR(10))`",neutral "I've been reading about MVC design for a while now and it seems officially the View calls objects and methods in the Model, builds and outputs a view. I think this is mainly wrong. The Controller should act and retrieve/update objects inside the Model, select an appropriate View and pass the information to it so it may display. Only crude and rudiementary PHP variables/simple if statements should appear inside the View. If the View gets the information it needs to display from the Model, surely there will be a lot of PHP inside the View -- completely violating the point of seperating presentation logic.",negative Is entity an instance of class?,neutral Excellent! it's very useful to me!,positive "Let's imagine something like this: Later I can do something like this: Is there any way I can set the limit when using the named query, and not when defining it? I'd would really love to do something like: or Thx in advance! :-)",positive Excellent! Cheers dude,positive "Is there a way to set which activity is to be started anytime the application is opened? Obviously I have the Intent Filters android.intent.action.MAIN and android.intent.category.LAUNCHER, but I want it to reset to this activity even if the App wasn't completely killed (if it wasn't, now it just goes back to the last activity that was open)",neutral This code is scary :(,negative "I have a big problem. I've created site, using jQuery, but it runs very slowly. On mobile phones it's terrible! And I don't know, what's wrong... Someone can help me? Links doesn't works yet, because I want use CMS on this layout, but before I want to little optimise these scripts. Here's test site: And here are the scripts:",negative "Try this: If you really hate subqueries, you can use: But in this case Student table have to contain unique entries for one student entity.",neutral That's very sad :(,negative "You need to the file name as you build your URL. This will escape the '#' character, allowing the browser to interpret it appropriately. Proper encoding is very important for preventing attacks against your application, which can be devastating.",neutral "Why do you not want to store it in the assets folder? That's what it's for. Regardless, you can't reference your local hard drive for it. (also, personal opinion, Monotype Corsiva is a horrible, horrible font) EDIT: So I would add, you should be able to do it the way you're doing it, you just can't use your local hard drive. Just get a reference to your TypeFace as a , depending on where you are saving them (e.g. ) and use .",negative is there a eval function in ML?,neutral NicoGranelli mentioned Nancy(). It's really great! Plz check this project JabbR() It's a chat involving SignalR and Nancy. Great Job!,positive "JSPs must not include any code that requires dependency injection. So don't do it. If you really must, you can use But this is extremely ugly.",negative list.pl Pgm.pl is it possible ?,neutral Are both SQL and the .NET in the same language?,neutral Are you using this program in 64-bit linux?,neutral See: http://stackoverflow.com/a/15764763/1709992,neutral "What you are implementing here is very similar to a . Doing it by hand is the only way I'm afraid! My advice is to use in your class A definition and override the properties for your class B implementation: Functionally, this will act similarly. The only downside is that your wrapped class A instance can no longer be changed independently of your class B instance. Is this a requirement?",negative "I hate Dev-C++ but because of a library, I have to use it!!! What's the matter for Dev-C++ or are there errors in my code about using referance variable? Error: 9 C:***\main.c syntax error before '&' token",negative "OK, I can continue to do web dev on my mac by sharing the webdev folder on my ubuntu laptop. This is a really terrible solution though.",negative its not lining up side by side.,neutral Edited with form submit event handler,neutral "That's excellent, and works absolutely beautiful!",positive Blimey - I hate XML Namespaces!,negative Is there a way to zoom extents of a collection of shapes without computing min/max xy's and wh's - very painful when sloping lines are involved. Perhaps some kind of pixel detection?,negative What version of Python is it?,neutral +1 pines is excellent!,positive Is it to use the ViewData argument? As you already have seen that would be absolutely horrible. What I want to know is this: What is the recommended way to pass this sort of layout configuration to the partial view? By using a view model of course: and then: and then: and then: and then: and so on...,negative Loved the keyboard geeks part!,positive "In my android app i'm trying to share an Open Graph including an object and an action. In my facebook app i added a story: and (is this ok?). When i try to add an image to the object in the OG i get above error. This is my code: here's the logcat: What am i doing wrong? Maybe i'm messing up some strings in the story, facebook tutorial is awful!",negative "I have found the from Position Absolute to just be that, Absolutely awesome! :). I have an on how to include it in ASP.NET MVC and in ASP.NET, you could just pass it the generated form id.",positive "I didn't find a solution. Thus, I delomboked the source code and done it with plain vanilla Java... sad :-(",negative "Excellent, thanks!",positive I have a datagridview and need of context menu. When i right-click on cell (RED POINT) - context menu shows.. But in wrong place. Can't understand why here is the code: That stuff really annoys me!,negative Try to use the System.DateTime class.,neutral I saw questions about GWT + SPRING + HIBERNATE integration but none is clear or up to date with the current versions! Please if there is anyone who has a clear and simple example of the integration (form submit and saving in DB) I will be extremely thankful! If you could put the simple project in a ZIP and upload it (with its jars it will be great) Thank you!,positive How large is the file? Can it fit in memory?,neutral "Not sure this answers the question accurately, what does everyone else think?",negative Could you rewrite the question to reflect that?,neutral "Error handling in classic ASP is a complete pain. You can catch the error where you think it's going to occur using , then check for the error code in the following line of code. Alternately you can scan the server logs for 500 errors. or set up a ""500 error"" page in your IIS settings.",negative whatever generated this code is terribly broken!,negative what's the difference between ?,neutral I think you'd be better off with Iterables.,neutral I didn't know that. I always thought it was AND.,negative It does not support postgres yet.,neutral I think you are looking for the .,neutral Could you give the corresponding URLs in a comment so someone may edit them into your answer?,neutral "I'm new to ror and am finding the scattered documentation extremely frustrating! When the commands rails generate model or rails scaffold are any fileds automatically created. I'm thinking here about the Id field in particular. Additionally, could anyone point me to the documentation which specifies this?",negative +1 simple is �l�gant.,neutral can do it ! And you can find other plugins on the . Note that you cannot use this plugin with github pages. This video is excellent !,positive Here's a really terrible hack if you don't want the indirection and don't mind doing the cleanup yourself:,negative "I have imported the data into an database. Patient(pt_id,pt_name,pt_type,pt_loc) Now , I want to find which of these a primary (have unique) values. Any way I could found is would return the same value Any input would be great :) Thanks!!!",positive @MattBurland no worries!,positive "@ryanc: Excellent! Now I understand what is going on, rather than just thrashing, as before. I think your explanation (about the canvas ignoring `refresh-now` before it is open) is very sensible. (If any Racket developers are listening here, it seems a valuable tool would be a way to pause until the frame is ready for action, platform-independent.)",positive I'm in Ubuntu using gVim. Something is just wrong with the Window management of gVim - it keeps resizing on me! ... It usually happens when I either switch tabs or split the window or switch between splits. Any help would be completely awesome! Thanks!,positive I am have used the remove data method to remove validation from the page. This works but throws an error in the console window and crashes with IE8 (I'm being forced to develop to this browser...sad I know!). Does anyone know how I can stop this error? Here is my code to remove the validator: Here is the error message from the console:,negative "There is a such thing as a [sublime-project](http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/projects.html) file which you could check into Version control, but it seems like it could be overridden by Syntax specific settings per the [settings doc](http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/settings.html), and people would likely have to use the project file to get the benefit. [This blog](http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/tools-and-tips/sublime-text-2-project-bliss/) is also interesting and applicable.",positive Which version of the jQuery core are you using?,neutral "that's what I thought, that's why I'm surprised",neutral "Just had this happen to me.. very annoying! I am using ""Pandora Recovery"" to try and restore the files, because I have no other backup.",negative `Logger logger = new logger.getLogger` - I'd be more worried about the impending logpocalypse!,negative "Yes, it's possible, juste remove the second parameter of your method (it's totally useless) ans it will work (I tested the code) !",positive Doubles aren't compared that way in real life...,negative Never hardcode urls. Always use url helpers when dealing with urls:,neutral "I'm using MongoMapper and am trying to come up with a way to use an abbreviated field name. I want to keep the keys as plain english but have the field names stored short (e.g. ""name"" maps to ""_n""). I noticed a conversation but it ended up closed () and I was wondering if anybody has an example of how to accomplish this. I'd be extremely grateful for any feedback!",positive "Ohh, well this is sad! I found the error and it unfortunately just was a typographical error...",negative https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/reserved-keywords,neutral "I ran into the same thing a few years ago with a PI system, so I do feel your pain!",negative "I found the answer! It appears to be an issue with sending to the development device tokens. Like most people, we have a database that stores the device tokens, and the earlier records were populated with our device tokens from testing. As soon as I net out those device tokens from my list, all works! I really hope someone finds this useful!",positive This one does not: Why is that?,negative That's super great ! @JoshuaNozzi Thanks !!!,positive See related: http://stackoverflow.com/q/4155993,neutral Theoretically if you wrap the functions of each file in a separate class then you can call them both without problems. You don't even need to really worry about class state if you call them statically.,positive "Sure, you can. Just mark your content with the appropriate langauge code: if you use the following CSS, the spanish text is formatted with the most-loved font style comic sans ms: Easy!",positive "Excellent!, thanks for remembering :)",positive my experience with SOAP is not good ): and documentation(at least in D2010) is extremely poor!,negative "In my case sometimes begins work after ""Source Control/Update"". Actually, its terrible bug, you have no guarantees that you see actual list!!!",negative It is really sad that answers need to be more than three characters,negative Oh wow! That does an excellent work! Thank you!,positive "Thank you, you're positively awesome!",positive Works very fine with jquery!,positive There are APIs for real-time data. See my answer,neutral Absolutely Beautiful!,positive Excellent! That is what I'm looking for! Thanks very much!,positive "Excellent Rickard! This, together with Black Panda's advice helped us track it down.",positive "@Martinho: Indeed. But you have to learn an awful lot of C++ to understand WTF type traits do, and what the corresponding syntax means!",negative IronPyton is your thingy dawg,neutral for completness: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAII,neutral I think StaggeredGridView is what best suited for your requirement. this is the link go and download and attach this library to your project. I used this and it works very beautifully..!,positive Where is the func module? Is there any docs in SA?,neutral "Pretty self explanatory question. I just don't know how to do it. I've been using Eclipse for about a month so I still have a lot to learn. I'm using the newest version of eclipse Juno and need to push the app (or email it) to my MyTouch. How would I do it from eclipse, as that is the way I would prefer? If I should just email it, would I email the whole project folder or just a particular piece of code? I thank you for all your help in advance. This site has been so incredibly helpful!",positive "The ""main view"" is set in the application's Info.plist with the key",neutral Can you not set the width on the containing div?,neutral "Calculate the height is easy, enjoy: Hope it will help! UPDATE!!! You only need: Instead of:",positive When must we use keyword in C#?,neutral Probably your answer is better given as a comment.,neutral "I have spent days trying to find any information or working samples on how I can get google data such as emails in my gmail inbox, list of my contacts, my calendar events etc... None whatsoever :( There are broken pieces of some code fragments here and there, 90% say it's been deprecated, is the a one single page on the internet that gives me a working example how to do that from javascript. Many pages about oAuth, but I have absolutely no idea how to use it , I have spent days reading broken pieces here and there, but I was unable to understand what that it and how I can use it PRACTICALLY. Very sad, and I am very tired to waste so much time on things that dont work and are not documented in human language, possible to understand. Why do they have to overcomplicate thing so much and spread broken pieces of information everywhere?",negative What languages do you work in? Is there a specific Testing Harness you recommend?,neutral Use a real GC instead of reference counting.,neutral @Stultuske Depends on the context. I would totally abuse a library.,neutral -1 undefined behavior,neutral "With an you would get different results for and , but that class is clearly documented as violating the general contract of maps: This class is not a general-purpose Map implementation! While this class implements the Map interface, it intentionally violates Map's general contract, which mandates the use of the equals method when comparing objects. This class is designed for use only in the rare cases wherein reference-equality semantics are required. For normal Map implementations there is no problem with using string keys.",neutral I think this question belongs to ServerFault.com,neutral I really hate to give any pointers without explanation but i think your requirements are bigger ::: so --->,negative Absolutely terrible!!! It is not Dependecy Injection,negative Indexed lookups in LinkedLists are O(n). That'd could be terrible for a 3d array!,negative This is for SQL Server 2005+. Output:,neutral "I have an old friend who is a mathematician. He has his own math to compress his formulas, which are incredibly beautiful. He works in a program called Mathematica, which transforms the formulas for 3D-shapes. I wonder if it is possible to obtain these figures using Canvas and JavaScript? See attached formula and figure. I know little of this myself. But I would be delighted if some one could show me an example.",positive how to do this in codeigniter ?,neutral "i work with Office 2007 (excell) in my C# program. i do this reference: it work excellent !, but if in the computer there is Office 2003 is it work good ? if not, what i need to do ? thank's in advance",positive "The problem is that you never run the method, so the field stays at zero. It's a really terrible idea to give a field and a method the same name.",negative "So I am using the android Alarm to try and hit a PHP script every 3 minutes....it's going to check if a notification needs to be sent to the user. I keep getting a nullpointer exception, and whats more weird is...whenever I run another POST or GET request, the alarm fires off as well (even though its set to ONLY every 3 minutes...) Here is my code for the alarm (AlarmReceiver): here is my code to set the alarm (on MainActivity):",negative "Is it possible to re-open an .xcarchive file on Xcode? I know this is not common, but I would like to open a project exactly as it was submitted to the App Store. I don't have back up of that exact build, so it would be really great to open the archive copy! Before you ask why don't I just download it from the store, I must say this build has been approved and is just pending on my release. :) Thanks!",positive Excellent! Thanks :),positive "If you are really worried about performance, FirstOrDefault is O(n). Your second query is only going to execute if the first is null. You could try using .Any(predicate). First() lends itself to try { } catch which might be better for your situation. You don't really need to worry about performance optimization until it becomes an issue, though.",positive "Wow, great site, and people I got in an answer in less then 5 minutes! Thanks SLaks!",positive Your formatting is absolutely horrible to read. Could you fix that?,negative "Excellent, exactly what I needed!",positive I can't believe one of those Regex haters hasn't posted a comment about how parsing HTML with Regex contributes to the rise of Cthulhu!,negative "I am getting very strange flickering on a WPF application of mine. It only happens with alpha blended content, only on my computer, and only with WPF applications. At least I haven't noticed it with anything else. It's really annoying! Has anyone else dealt with this weirdness?",negative "I am using Internet Explorer 11. Something annoying keeps happening when I add code to my site through the CMS form that I use. Take this line: Let's say I want to copy just this in IE, through the form on the page: When I go to copy just that section, it actually copies this: It is VERY annoying! It doesn't happen on Chrome or Firefox. For reasons with the CMS I have to use Internet Explorer. Is there a setting I can change so that doesn't happen? On Windows 7 if that helps. Sorry if this doesn't 100% fit with programming, someone let me know if there is a better place for this question.",negative Any reason for not using ssl?,neutral :D :D :D :D :D :D,positive Here it is:,neutral "Netbeans is showing all files and folders under /var/www/application/app/webroot/ as ignored, but that is not what is in the .gitignore file. Any ideas? This is incredibly annoying. Git version Netbeans version 7.2.1 (Build 201210100934) Here is the ignore file:",negative One example is if you provide a custom in . Obviously calling wrong will likely produce devastating results.,neutral Has Delphi analog of enum in C?,neutral What does ABC in WCF stand for?,neutral This should do it (it's not quite a one-liner I'm afraid):,negative "I am sorry for posting so many questions, but getting this to work has been incredibly painful, even tho Testflight makes it much easier I figure this has got to do with my Apple Push Notifications. I am using my distribution profile across all my settings. My app has been configured to both development and production. What could the causes of this error be? As a side note, i have been working on this for the entire day, and i get stuck at one thing after the other, esp involving static libraries and xcode4. Am I really bad at this, or does Apple really make it so hard?",negative "Is it possible (or desirable?!) to set up to behave more like ? For example, instead of writing why can't I just write Similarly, instead of why not just",neutral "@JoranBeasley Please read [The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)](http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html). Unicode is not a character encoding and not concerned with bytes, though as a matter of fact you cannot fit all unicode code points into 16 bit because there are more than 2^16 of them.",neutral @Bukes: That's disgraceful :(,negative Clients deliver us files that big that we have to parse through.,neutral What an awful Api!,negative We in the process of building an IOS app (it's yet to be launched). We are trying to implement Push Notifications as part of the build. We have set this up via Amazon SNS and have created and registered an app certificate for the app which contains push notification permissions. Basically we send the app message from Server code - it states that it has been published and it returns the message ID but the device doesn't receive anything. To clarify the device registers ok for remote notifications and returns a device token. Very frustrating! Does anyone have any tips?,negative is really awesome!,positive Thanks for the excellent link!,positive Try this and it should test Damien's thought... Or possibly this...,neutral "I agree, we often face this problem when using 10g XE databases, this is really annoying!",negative "When I refactor the following line: using Resharper's ""Use Object Initializer"", I get the following: I really hate this type of formatting because with longer object names and variables it just gets out of control. How can I get Resharper to do the following?",negative "I really hate putting variables in the view. I would change your helper to to ""memoize"" it, and just keep the three function calls.",negative "NivoSlider, Flexslider, and others all require the images to be the same width and height. I need a slider that will allow me to have images with varying widths. has a good example, but it only works if you have the slider take up the full width of the screen. Any direction would be greatly greatly appreciated!",positive What breaks when you use 1.6?,neutral I've just stumbled onto this one there you will find a couple of REALLY GREAT templates!!!,positive "You can do it with BUT, you should look into jQuery, an excellent Javascript library which makes it really easy to do that plus a LOT more! It's worth the small learning curve, trust me.",positive that what i was afraid of ! cause my knowledge about ajax is zero :(,negative I see... that's really great! Thanks!,positive "I'm sorry, but I didn't had an eye on this thread. I'm afraid the topic isn't hot anymore!?",negative This is the old syntax that is now deprecated. BACKUP LOG is the preferred method.,neutral That's the simplest query to return the result set in your example.,neutral "You should definitely check out Jon Rista's three-part series on .NET 2.0 configuration up on CodeProject. Highly recommended, well written and extremely helpful! He shows how to create and use custom configuration sections, and goes on to explain how to use your own custom.config instead of or in addition to standard .NET config files. Marc",positive "I just got through this exact problem. What a pain! If you are running a 32-bit JVM on a 64-bit Windows, make sure that you set the execution policy for the 32-bit Powershell interface. I found my 32 bit executable here: The 32- and 64-bit Powershell environments are completely distinct so setting the execution policy in one has no effect on the other.",negative How can i close IStream in c++?,neutral You can use,neutral +1 Fear the unhappy robots!,negative "is not an , it's a basic type. You can only add NSObject-derived objects to an NSArray. The EXC_BAD_ACCESS is probably because, under the covers, it's trying to access an object stored at wherever your int is pointing to. In other words, it's using your int as a pointer to an NSObject and failing horribly when it does so.",negative "Hey Piper, I saw you posting a lot of `git` questions tonight (which is completely fine!) but just wanted to make sure you were aware of http://gitready.com and the Git Community Book: http://book.git-scm.com/ which might help you with some of your questions. The community book even has some screencasts in it. Again, feel free to ask questions here... just wanted to pass that along to you.",positive "james, the stack trace under that is just my function name. Nothing more. very frustrating :(",negative "@ajreal no worries, I think I managed to fix it!",positive "BTW, which auto-generated headers are these?",neutral "The answer does not establish the same 's as adding directly to the ajax call. So in order for jQuery to do this properly I add this : where is a global variable. Unfortunately, I have to write this extra line on every single ajax call. Terrible! Maybe I'll edit the jQuery framework to handle this..",negative The following will mirror your dev DB up to production on heroku: heroku rake db:push but what you probably really need(ed) to do was run the migration heroku rake db:migrate Good luck!,positive To get it to work in Internet Explorer I had to use following code:,neutral "I've searched this and cannot find it. I've tried different plugins and different browsers (Firefox, Opera, and Chrome). I've tried most of the no flash plugins for each of those as well as disabling Flash plugins/addons in the settings. I also renamed the file in i found by searching the system. when i renamed it, makes Firefox and Chrome ask to install Flash, but still: returns: I'm not sure what else to try without uninstalling Flash, but that will be a total pain in the ass for this. I also REALLY don't want to use SWFObject just to see if Flash is at all installed which I can do simply with: Any ideas?",negative "I am trying to generate API documentation via cabal and haddock. I want it to be latex. So I do: This fails ultimately with: Is there something I can do or is something wrong with haddock? FYI, I have to use cabal since the build process is rather complicated (lots of preprocessors, ffi libraries, ...). Invoking haddock manually is really painful. Building HTML documentation however is working completely as expected. The complete output is at . I am using:",negative "I have a script that prints out the average time when pinging a server, shown below: How can I add the line number to output of the script above when pinging a list of servers ?? my actual output when pinging list of 3 host is: I want the output to be like this: so that this can be read by excel :) Thank in advanced!!",positive "Is there a way to convert a ui formed with qtDesigner to a python version to use without having an extra file? I'm using Maya for this UI, and converting this UI file to a readable python version to implement would be really great!",positive "Excellent, thanks!",positive @sjdowling when downvoting someone you are suggested to explain why...,negative "When you call ""su"" you're creating a new process that runs that command, so after running exec(""su"") you have a new process with SU rights. You can't give your already running application SU rights I'm afraid! I'm not sure how other applications do this, but you can run ""su -l ls /data"" and then read from the outputstream of the process.",negative "excellent, thanks!",positive This is an exact repost of a previous question.,neutral "As was noted in the comments the link is: He particularly piqued my interest with this quote: ""... in certain cases, you are simply better off working on getting more data, then spending your time on improving the algorithm..."" Excellent presentation and presenter ()! Highly recommended for anyone wanting to start down the path of machine learning.",positive "I use following code for displaying three simple rollover images over one main background image. The code works absolutely fine with Chrome, but unluckily not with Mozilla! I hope, somebody might have an idea to improve my lines! Thank you already very much!",positive wow this is really awesome! thanks for that @petert,positive Excellent thank you guys!,positive "I'd recommend python as a fantastic general-purpose scripting language which is fairly quick to pick up. You'll find it's more versatile for system-programming than something like php, which would be another option. You might look here as a starting point: Besides, if you learn python, you can then learn django, which is incredibly awesome!",positive I've done much searching on this and can't seem to find an example that helps my case. I have an array like so: What I am trying to achieve is a new array with grouping like the following: Any pointers would me hugely appreciated!,positive "This didn't work for me, just to confirm the port number that needs changing is 1374?",neutral been looking at this for days..,negative Is there any need any more to profile with Leaks now that we can use ARC (which incidentally is absolutely fantastic and really speeds up development!),positive No. Just size permgen appropriately. It's no different to having to size the heap appropriately. Don't be afraid!,positive "I have an xml document that is generated based on what the parametres are in the URL for example: This will generate an xml page. Now I want to display this in a formatted way on the menu, after having a look it seems that: file_get_contents() seems to be the best option. But I was just wondering how I can place elements and attributes found in this xml into the html code? Any tips/help would be hugely appreciated!",positive "Well asp.net is problematic by itself in many ways. I can only imagine how the page is coded, but mostly asp.net submits are done in a very painful way through _doPostback where it sets additional hidden fields. You might want to try reading this and reviewing the generated html of the page",negative Seems that it has moved to github: https://github.com/mono/taglib-sharp,neutral Catalyst has which is pretty excellent.,positive "I have a function: Basically it just uses the plugin to nudge an image on mouseover to one slide and then another, to give the effect of a shake. I can see my code looks absolutely horrible, (I come from a php/c# background) can anoyone suggest a better means to achieve my goal?",negative "I am Posting my values from database here, code: ?> Then I am trying to write out all rows of my array but can't get to understand how. However, this is the code from my script. Hope you can help somehow. Thanks. I can't find a solution so I am very greatful for good and simple answers!",positive "No, and I would be very afraid if there was.",negative What was it you had to change to get it working?,neutral @Stephen excellent example! Somehow my mind was stuck in 1995 :),positive "Have a look at . (Except for it being the foundation of their incredibly great IncrediBuild product, I haven't used it, though.)",positive "This is probably what you were looking for: It's an uber awesome, extremely useful app to track your overall app downloads & sales!",positive The page for subscriber downloads is:,neutral killed that process and restarted and it worked!,positive "er, can you explain how and why works?",neutral The video is private. Is there a copy somewhere?,neutral Why does 'a' equals 0 in MySQL?,neutral "great great great, that's what I was looking for !",positive I'll bump them all so they can get 10 at least.,neutral @jozefg I'm really afraid of what you've told :(,negative "I'm trying to run a Windows command in Python that requires admin access. I have figured out a way using runas, but it opens a User Account Control Pop-Up, which almost defeats the purpose of the automation and is really annoying! Is there any way around this? Here's my code for the admin command:",negative "I created a Mastermind code and when I attempt to run it on my Mac it just says ""logout"". If anyone knows why, that would be extremely helpful! Here is the code:",positive This is very fine :) Note that if you do the following: Only the first element of the array will be initialized with the non-zero number whereas the rest will be initialized with zeros.,positive Maybe you can use the to do this.,neutral clock() is not accurate enough.,negative Excellent! Onward with your project...,positive "@KDJ It means the elements siblings whose ID's end in _dd, and no worries!",positive This is extremely unsafe! Use `mysqli` or `pdo` instead of `mysql_`.,negative how can we read http port in c#,neutral "PermGen memory can be garbage collected by full collections, so increasing it may increase the amount of GC time when a full collection takes place. These collections shouldn't take place too often though, and would typically still take less than a second to full GC 1GB of permgen memory - I'm just pulling this number from (my somewhat hazy) memory, so if you are really worried about GC times to some timing tests yourself (use and read the logs, more details )",neutral I have a hidden UIpickerView that should display a different Array depending on what button is pushed. The picker view shows up when the button is pushed but for some reason it doesn't show the Arrays in the picker view. I would be extremely grateful of any help!!!! Here is the .m file: Many Thanks,positive That is incredibly frustrating!,negative excellent answer!! Its very informative. Thank you.,positive ok i have tried this with NEO4J but not with great success! any tools suggestions ?,neutral "The following code to use results in black image no capture, why? Note that adding before capture has no effect! Googling has been completely useless for this case, so far!",negative "set prevFib = 1 - the first Fibonacci number is a ""1"", not a ""0""",neutral "I absolutely hate that this exists, but there it is:",negative Believe me without an IDE you just waste your time and it is a real pain ! if you feel that visual studio is expensive you can try the or go for or,negative @Pieter ��� He's worried about the performance of getElementById and you're suggesting jQuery?!,negative Excellent Thanks!,positive "No worries, Greg!",positive "Having had some experience with using a thick client through VPN, I'd say go with some kind of web app. If done wrong, a thick client can become really painful to use through a VPN because of data churning. A web app concentrates all of that on the server, which makes it much better from that point of view. Other benefits: no deployment hassle no direct access to the database from the user machine. Evidently it also depends on your skills, and on how much time/budget you have...",neutral "Maybe do a setTimeout for the length of the video and fire an event once the length of the video has passed. Try this to detect when the window loses focus: If you're really worried about the accuracy of setTimeout, maybe try this:",neutral "in my database I have these two tables (Project and Theme). I also have a middle table called Project_Theme which contains ProjectID and Theme. In Theme there are about 15 values pre-setted. I am able to display all these themes into checkboxes however I don't know how to save them in my database. Here is my controller : Here is my model : And my second model : Finally here is my create view : So please if there is anyone that could help me, It would be really great :)",positive "As things are evolving very fast, there are some major update. For example, a framework named Total.js has made much work to make Angular.js work in hand with Node.js. Please have a look at their web site and at the 6 (!) example they provide on how to use it : . Pretty amazing! Hope that helps! Note: I have no affiliation with Total.js at all.",positive "Hi Derick - right now, I'm running from the command line, and very soon we'll have it hooked up to hudson. We've convinced people that hudson will be fine without a physical log file from the rake execution. And I think I've satiated the desire for log files by using the "".parameters"" option on my msbuild and nunit tasks to log output. I'm LOVING albacore! You guys did a great job with it.",positive This in an extremely ignorant answer.,negative "+1 - Excellent link, thanks!",positive "I'm afraid not! AFAIK, the English resources aren't available at all in other international editions of the OS.",negative "Try . It's free, it has very good , excellent where you can see all the features in action. It has all functions you want and many more.",positive How can I use the for a UIView?,neutral You can use,neutral Here are some useful info from Apple:,positive @ShlomiHassid no worries!,positive "...also, how is this a programming question?",neutral Are the two the same thing or ?,neutral +e766 // Include of header file FileName not used in module String,neutral I ran this code in Eclipse.. it is running absolutely fine!! The output is : Thu May 16 09:35:31 ICT 2013 I am using Java jre7,positive What are Maven coordinates of ?,neutral "I have an application where I need to adjust view position according to current focused subview (it's a list with focusable items, current focused item must be in the center of the screen - used for a tv application controlled from tv remote). Position must be adjusted with animation. I got it working with just one problem: if the user changes focus before the animation is complete (quickly taps ""up"" button twice) next animation starts with ""jump"" - it starts from the same position as did the first one. So what I try to do is I cancel previous animation and start another, but then new animation starts from the point where first animation was started, so user can see a very obvious jumps in the animation, which look really awful. Here's the code: So must question is: how can I start translate animation from the point where previous translate animation left on (assuming that it was cancelled)? Or, in a simplier words, how can I determine current visible rect of a view?",negative "I have a serious problem which I can't a solution to. I need to authenticate a token in order to let the user login into my app, the problem is that even though I'm using the AsyncTask, and probably because of it, I can't authenticate it in time. Other problem that sometimes accurs is that I get the NetworkOnMainThreadException error... I'm really hopeless. Here's the flow - And here's my code - That's is the URLDownloader class -",negative No. is one of Perforce's competitors.,neutral "This might work for what I have in mind, will certainly give it a try.",positive @Brant - No worries!,positive "if your memory consideration is only about these integers, then all I say is woooow =)",positive "Android apps are constrained to a certain amount of memory. As it's quite (insanely?) low, I think you shouldn't feel guilty about using all of it! The limit is 16 MB on very old devices, 24 MB or 32 MB on newer ones. There doesn't seem to be much info on the size for different devices, and nobody seems to know why the limit is so small when modern phones have 1-2 GB of RAM. Aha, I found some concrete numbers on the limit: G1: 16MB Droid: 24MB Nexus One: 32MB Xoom: 48MB",negative @Milhous *Everything breaks when you use Java*.,negative Got some help from . Here is my Java class: I used for the base64 encoding. Here's my C# class: I really hope this helps someone else!,positive wowww thanksss!,positive This might help you understand/explore things a little bit more. An excellent article! Cheers!,positive I'm using Python 2.6 on Ubuntu.,neutral What is 1.01 binary in decimal?,neutral How can I echo the query above?,neutral @Justin Bennett: so which of the two alternatives did you choose? Did you contact Avast?,neutral But compressions will add them automatically wont they?,neutral I'm hoping someone familiar with using Bliss with Express will see this question.,positive Horrible but linqy!,negative "Use the . It has a Desktop Form for exactly that, and I like it, even if tabs are all the hype now. I already used it with great success!",positive This makes me really sad.,negative What's the Ruby way to do this?,neutral You actually linked to the same article twice there - did you mean to?,neutral "Hi Barney, I think @EdMorton 's answer is pretty pretty more powerful than my comment!",positive "excellent, good luck!",positive thanks dana-- that's really great! any way to add a slider to control zoom level?,positive "yields ""fal"" rather than ""fa l""",neutral "Excellent, thanks!",positive Hmm...VS is telling me this is already a string? Guess it's lying!,negative Is Flex Data Services the proprietary version of BlazeDS?,neutral "No worries, I have definitely done that before while copying a url from jsfiddle!",positive "@GUI Junkie, I'll keep you informed.",positive This was one area of C that the designers got terribly badly wrong!,negative "indeed, I HATE IT! But sadly no, i could not find an alternative... Sorry :(",negative "I'm using VIM with pythoncomplete. When I'm making a completion, the current window is splitted and calltips are shown in the upper pane. I hate that! Is there a way to prevent that behavior or at least limit the size of the upper pane automaticly?",negative Excellent man! You know what you are doing! I appreciate your help with this one.,positive although I feel incredibly stupid/angry or both,negative I absolutely love ! I tried the REST support in WCF and was quickly turned off from it. Good luck!,positive @DonQuestion Yep. My account is domain admin so it should be ok... really annoying problem! arg,negative (Really awful title.) Anyway: can I somehow make Scala infer the type of in 2nd line? This works as expected after adding the type: And is certainly the expected type:,negative What .NET library are you using for POP3 access?,neutral "Yeah, I thought the same thing when I was writing the answer.",neutral You can use Projections in your Order,neutral what means csla CanReadProperty,neutral @Guffa: a *very* excellent question. There's not typically a good reason to do so.,positive "Excellent, thanks very much! Moving them to inst/tests and running test() worked.",positive That is not about programing.,negative I really hate using GUI-designer for writing a swing application :(,negative +1 for both the answer and the comments. Priceless :),positive @Frederick Marcoux: it is really terrible advice,negative "@MalTec, no worries!",positive "So my line extends from one side of my graph to the other, but it doesnt really animate through each data point, I assume I have to add a loop somewhere. Heres the relevant code. Any assistance would be hugely appreciated!!!",positive "Another option you have is to override onDestroy() on the first screen of your app, so it will be called right before your process gets killed!",neutral @Pangea it's *Rogerio*,neutral "@Styxxy, It looks like the GPMC is explicitly designed for AD GPO's and/or doesn't support modifying GPO values, and the process for tracking registry values doesn't seem to apply to many of the Local GP's that can be modified in the gpedit.msc interface (procmon shows no registry changes while making the change). Example: 2012SP1: ""Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\Perform volume maintenance tasks"" add/remove SID to the list. If you or anyone can provide some assistance that would be extremely helpful! Thanks!",positive "i have 3 textbox for a valid phone : phone_part1 ,phone_part2,phone_part3 , how can i use jquery.validate to validate 3 as a valid phone_number: phone_part1: 3 number phone_part2: 4 number phone_part3: 4 number they both required , and if one of them is not valid , then output one validation message : please input a valid phone number. i'm not familiar with jquery.validate , thanks for any help !! and if you can do this use mvc data anotation attribute with client validation , that's pretty pretty good !! thanks",positive I used ExcelLibrary with very great results! (until now it support Excel 2003 or lower versions).,positive I use this and it works really great :D,positive Stack around which variable in the example?,neutral Nothing. Regex is something I have to learn. Javascript.. I hate it!,negative Don't repost your blog posts.,negative "is hugely useful :) I'm sure it could be improved a bit further with computing the name of the directory once and re-using it, but this is nicer-enough that I'm fine stopping here. :)",positive Any ideas for why this happens?,neutral https://github.com/masterexploder/PHPThumb/wiki/Basic-Usage an excellent tool for showing and/or saving images!,positive "@CodemonkeyKing, no worries! =D",positive "We are working in real estate project, there we have image and video uploads in many places. We are started with in few places, But now we found an issue that it does not work if the flash player not installed in the browser. Its working only after installed the flash player in browser. This is really worrying. We should not force user to install flash player to upload images/video. How to handle this issue?",negative I'm trying to implement this -,neutral How do I make this: Into this:,neutral I'm trying to create a cocoapod using pod lib create but for some reason the .xcworkspace file is never created. I've tried updating Ruby and I've tried using Ruby 2.0.0 which my colleague is using and it works fine for him. Here is the output from the pod lib create command: I would be very greatful if anyone can shed any light on this issue as I'd love to get started using this great tool straightaway! Many thanks Chris,positive What does these warnings mean?,neutral excellent! this user agent switcher is a gold mine!,positive I have got the result from IRC channel. The regular expression is :,neutral "Well, I hate using SO as just a syntax checker, but for the life of me I cannot figure out why I get thi error Here is the offending code: I'm using the SimpleForm gem, and am not too familiar with it yet (obviously!) tia, --rick",negative "You don't have to use Frontpage extensions anymore, you can use . Rejoice! Edit: Also see this blog post about doing .",positive "Something like this? Bonus. With the switch to you have readline editing capabilities, and tab completion on files. Wooow!",positive "I am having trouble with adding text to the RichTextBox with tabs in it. I have code similar to this: And when I do this I can see tabs in paragraphs that start with '\t' but if I actually delete the tab then press the Tab key, the indentation is wrong. In fact it's about half the size exactly. Also if I tab in the middle of a line the tabbing is different. Also when I pull the Text out of the TextRange lines that start with tabs appear to not generate '\t's generated by pressing the Tab key. This is incredibly frustrating. Does anyone have advice or ideas how to work with this?",negative "I'm building a little framework with Node.js, and I would try to use data from an API but I don't know why it doesn't work (asynchronous but ??). Some advices could be very great ! By the way, I tried with xmlhttprequest too. Thanks for your help !",positive I was going to just write 'n' but it doesn't allow short answers,neutral "`cat $(find $FOLDER -name ""*.txt"")` that's terrible!",negative "Awesome, super fast! Thanks a bunch =)",positive No worries....!,positive That spammer was horrible!,negative here is my code i keep getting,neutral That's very sad and the issue was opened a year ago...,negative @ergosys Thanks that was extremely helpful!! Somewhat related to what I asked... I'll have a try on that tomorrow :D,positive "@Binoj Antony, don't make your database do string concatenation.",neutral More of a caution than a fix. Ensure you are not an administrator of your page as being one fires both visible-to-connection and the else. Very annoying!,negative Excellent diagnosis!,positive How do I get the output to be:,neutral full stack trace of exception:,neutral "@JonesV excellent! I think thats what I wanted: ""//*vptr is address of first virtual function in VTABLE viz. display()""",positive @TonyThinkk No worries!!,positive Works great :) Thanks a lot!,positive "I have a table with a field that needs to store 512 characters. My question is this: can you limit the length of a TEXT field (VARCHAR stops at 255 - I can't use it) to 512 characters? If I do that, will MySQL run through the table quicker due to the fixed data length, or does it act a bit like VARCHAR in that the length can vary? I don't have a table (at all) yet, but I'm very conscious about speed and size for the future. I found this article: incredibly useful - maybe you will to! Thanks a lot, James",positive I HATE SKYPE!!!,negative "Unfortunately the SMBIOS UUID is not unique on all systems. It should be but it isn't. This is not because of a failure in the specification of the SMBIOS UUID, but is due to the fact that many manufacturers don't follow the spec when creating this UUID. For more information about how this goes wrong in practice see this Intel blog and the following instructive tale has some really awful examples from the real world: . By the way there is another more informative topic on stackoverflow about creating machine unique id's at",negative What tool are you using to create your report?,neutral I really hate that object...,negative "That's what I'm going for, I think. If you could help with the code, I'd be thrilled!",positive This question should be locked.,neutral "There is an excellent example of how to implement your own two-dimensional ArrayList and (re-) use it in your specific case: No need to reinvent the wheel, go for it!",neutral All over the internet: http://www.google.dk/search?q=java+closures,neutral Is it compiled in Release mode?,neutral +1 for the excellent approximation!,positive "I am trying to figure out why foundation is acting differently to expected behaviour. If you look at the Kitchen Sink page for foundation, the default styles for secondary buttons hover affect is different to what I get if I set foundation up in rails. Note these images are from my rails application Image 1 - look at the '.tiny.secondary' button - no hover Image 2 - look at the '.tiny.secondary' button - with hover However on the page for foundation the color does not transition to the primary colour of the site. It transitions to a darker shade of grey. Have I missed some setting? Really frustrating me! I am guessing this is a bug in foundation",negative "very sad, for erlang programmers :(",negative "@HansPassant - Excellent! Everything is falling into place now. If you post as an answer, I will happily accept it.",positive "Google showed me: However, it removes the blinking carets from ALL of your applications [which includes eclipse], so you probably won't want that ._. Unless.. you totally abhor blinking carets",negative Check out some tool like SnippetCompiler (http://www.sliver.com/dotnet/SnippetCompiler/) - lets you take a short snippet of C# and try it out without all the overhead of Visual Studio! Absolutely priceless...,positive -1: WCF requires .NET 3.0,neutral @interjay you are right. Corrected the post above.,neutral "strange error. One of which i cannot find any existing resources to solve the issue. The issue is, when using I get pointed to a folder at ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DevServer\10.0"". Naturally, this breaks everything which depends on the correct folder (the one my solution is actually in) being given. What is more strange is that there exists a unit-test to make sure that this path at least has the correct root folder and sometimes it will pass and will be working as expected, and then the very next debug, will point to the aforementioned folder again. Very confusing and very annoying ! Any ideas ?",negative Excellent :) You should add that yourself as an answer and then accept it. It may be useful for others in the future.,positive http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.asp?ID=3723,neutral Also note: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Using_the_Clipboard,neutral :) :) :) :) :) :),positive On Win with MSVC there's but it's really horrible and you don't want to use it if you can possibly avoid it. Better to say that there are no exceptions.,negative "You shouldn't rewrite history (rebase) after you've already pushed. If someone else pulls from that remote, and you rebase and push, you'll have terrible terrible merge conflicts.",neutral @pek what is Main.class.getre.....?,neutral "Holy thread abuse, Batman!",negative Since I was also looking for a way to use the empty word epsilon I came up with the following approach. I simply used an empty production rule such as: Hope it works - at least for now it seems so ... Addendum: It works pretty fine :),positive For example in the code below:,neutral Flip the image before displaying with,neutral "Oh, yea, didn't notice, answers below this one are at most half a year old.",neutral Check out at the nehe tutorials site.,neutral Is there a C# equivalent for ?,neutral How about :,neutral "As Alexander said, you are comparing a string and a char. The sad thing is that the compiler already told you that, only it encrypted it in ISO-STL-TEMPLATE encryption, which is more difficult to read that perl! You may want to look at for decrypting C++ STL error messages.",negative "How do I change the position of the sort button in header of the grid in Tapestry 5? I have column names of different lengths and I break lines on spaces, so the button, which is appended to the end of the column names, always ends up in different height. And that is very ugly :(",negative "So only workaround which works for me is to add this js to template of my site..But its really awful solution, since I only need it in one article/module",negative "Undefined doesn't always mean unpredictable. As I said, it's definitely abuse.",neutral Did you add,neutral Terrific answer! This should be the accepted one.,positive "That's an excellent idea! I was able to convert the plugin, but it just crashes VS when I click on it in the menu.",positive classic asp (files end in .asp) or asp.net (files end in .aspx)?,neutral I really hate this option. I am looking at managing this by GPO in my org.,negative There is an really excellent short(!) book on Stripes that covers all aspects: by Frederic Daoud (Pragmatic Programmers),positive "In elements would receive a unique identifier (a cache key) when required, stored in the property of a node, . . So in I was curious, as I'm in the process of implementing similar logic, how jQuery identify a node in . Referencing a line number in the github repo would be excellent!",neutral "excellent, thank you!",positive anybody got an idea? build.xml,neutral "For SQL Server 2005, I ALWAYS had to install the full product first, then Express second. If I did it the other way around, the full SQL install would see Express installed already, and would not continue with the install. It was extremely annoying. Not sure if they fixed this with 2008.",negative I also fail to get webgl to work on mac osx. Really frustrating! osx 10.9 mac book pro,negative PS - If you have a 500 on your own server your server logs should be absolutely screaming about it.,neutral "I want to bulkload my cassandra data from node A to node B. when I set the 'listen_address' of each cassandra.yaml file to localhost, they do not show error on console but the data is never transmitted. when I set each node's listen address to their own local network[eth1 ipv4]address (192.168....), I get the following error. I can read from this error log that the application is trying to access to port 1..4 and I do not have no idea what on earth is going on. each node is on the virtual machine on the Virtual Box Hypervisor. Both OS is centOS. Here is my cassandra.yaml (the cassandra.yaml of target file is also configured the same way) thrift_max_message_length_in_mb: 16 Can anybody give me advice? I am really suffering as hell.",negative I see. Everything makes sense now. Thanks a lot for the excellent answers!,positive "Oh and keep up the great work Alex, I really love were you are going with EF4!",positive excellent - thanks guys!,positive "We added this snippet to LocalSettings.php, with great success: Thanks!",positive "If I start a process with exec(), how can I later terminate that process, with say pressing/sending the ""q"" key. Instead of using , you could look at using , which requires that you pass in an array specifying three -- one for , one for and one for . This will let you easily feed input into the program while processing output, without blocking just waiting for it to execute. You can later use to viciously murder it, if needed.",neutral Is there any way to quickly jump to a scene in a storyboard? I have about 30 different scenes/view controllers and it has become incredibly tedious to locate the view controller I'm trying to edit.,negative So to do this I would keep a list of axes and when I delete the contents of one I would swap it out with a full one. I think the example below solved the problem (or at least gives an idea of how to solve it): The extremely ugly for loop construct is really just a placeholder to give an example of how the axes can be swapped.,negative Excellent! Worked perfectly!,positive scriptnames` was exactly what I was looking for to check if my plugins were being loaded.,neutral "While auto layout is a really great thing ! and apple really helped a lot of developers with it , but in my case the solution was to handle it manually by creating two storyboards :) but i would like to recommend auto layout to all developers :)",positive Ended up being a bad dependency. I had to add it manually to get it all working. Terrible!,negative "@ecu - Excellent :) I added an answer so future googlers can find the answer a bit easier, it seems comments aren't looked at nearly as often when scanning for the reason.",positive "I would go with omnithreadlibrary, it's very productive, btw. look at omnixml also, these libs are extremely helpful!",positive Was C# compiler written in C++?,neutral there is no IDE work on my computer just devc++ and turboc and the two is too bad i want vc++ express or netBean c++ but nothing work ! i don't know why but i hate this situation it's too bad !:(,negative You could implement it using `goto`'s (the horror!),negative We are running Jenkins on a server that does not have internet access (even through proxy). Installing and keeping the Jenkins installation up-to-date is a pain! My idea was to make a local mirror of the complete Jenkins public update-site through a Windows workstation that has internet access. And then make this local mirror available to Jenkins through NFS share. So my questions: How to make the local mirror? Do you have a better/simpler idea to keep the Jenkins installation up-to-date?,negative "So this could be hard to explain but i want to do a for ... := 1 to 10 do statement but i want it to be for A to N do. The main purpose of this excersise is to load data into a string grid. So lets have it load the cells 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 with the Letter A, B, C, D, E all the way up to 14. If anyone knows how to do this i would be extremely thankful!",positive The and functions both return Gateway information for each adapter.,neutral You use shift to get a colon on a standard American QWERTY too.,neutral "When we have a cluster of machines behind a load balancer (lb), generally hardware load balancer have persistent connections, Now when we need to deploy some update on all machines (rolling update), the way to do is by bringing one machine Out of rotation, looks for no request sent to that server via lb. When the app reached no request state then update manually. With 70-80 servers in picture this becomes very painful. Can someone have a better way of doing it.",neutral You also forgot operator overloading and duck typing.,neutral Is there any performance difference?,neutral "I am relatively new to AngularJS and am loving every moment of it! I have an unordered list of products. When the user hovers over them, I need the list element to have an class set on them. I am currently doing it this way: And my showDetails is as follows: Now, everything is working just fine, however, I was wondering if it was possible to set the class without the ng-repeat and having no variable to bind to? How should I write my showDetails function to set the class this time? My first try is: But what do I do in the ng-class attribute?",positive I created public and private key with cygwins ssh and pasted the public key into bitbucket account. says the ssh connection works fine! (so it should work!!!) Then I post into mercurial.ini in TortoiseHg And I post Into the hgrc file. But then when I want to push TortoiseHg says to me: Seems to me something is missing here but what exactly? Edit: I don't want to used TortoisePlink because it is SUPER SUPER SUPER SLOW! And https just cancels the connection after uploading several megabytes.,negative "Oh, how I hate iframes!!!",negative @RenniePet That was the thing I was missing. Should edit this answer.,neutral Extremely lousy solution.,negative that made me cry :'(,negative malware from facebook?? could you explain that,negative "I am developing a widget on iphone. I want to resize height of widget. I changed it as follows. but I didnt find a refresh mechanism. It works after reopen NC panel. Do you have any idea? Regards, Bliss",neutral The really sad thing is I could do this in about 5 lines of Ada code...,negative Would the following code work?,neutral "While the examples there are pretty minimal, boto provides pretty excellent API documentation, and it looks like FPS is no exception. The fps sub-package has its own .",neutral Your code is extremely vulnerable to SQL injection,neutral "Excellent, now it's working! Thank you very much for your help with this.",positive "@delnan I was worried about !! and -, not function application.",negative To make sure uses the right encoding you can call on to set it to .,neutral "In the following string, I'm trying to add an additional span around the but keep it inside the . I've tried prepend and wrap before and after the .html, but can't get it or anything to do it correctly. Result would look like Here's the full snippet if that helps: Any help would be hugely appreciated!",positive Why is this statement hanging?,neutral This isn't really a programming/software development question.,neutral "Has anyone found a way to change the icon displayed in the Office Button in A2007? Having converted an MS Access 2003 app to 2007, it's very annoying that my app is now displayed as an MS Office app instead!",negative The problem is identical using pyinstaller - this is very frustrating!,negative How do I overload a destructor?,neutral "Thanks Scott for the excellent answer! This was very helpful. Here is a mod to the Application_BeginRequest() code that 1) uses ordinal string comparisons for speed, 2) accommodates localhost and 3) highlights an asymmetric side-effect.",positive "Ok, here's one way of doing this, but it's terrible! I'm still looking for an easier way:",negative "I really hate thinking that code can tell me how to think instead of me telling it what to do ... anyway ... here is an example for loading the controller rendering the page, and it can load any controller inside the helper. EDIT: just realiced this is such an old post :( ... this is working in cakephp 2.2.3",negative "Well, you could play around a bit... What about a function that rewrites itself? Warning: This is extremely ugly and should not be used in production code!",negative Use the .Seek and .SetLength methods.,neutral "PHP 5.4 has ""traits"": http://stackoverflow.com/a/13966131/492130",neutral "Setting the property of your picker controller to should remove the focus square (it did pre 4.3, I don't think anything has changed), but the downside is you'll need to provide your own controls (to take photos, etc). It's all or nothing I'm afraid!",negative "Im getting really depressed over this so I could really use some assistance. I created a new project in visual studio. I first created a new header file, called ""MyString,h"" and placed it in the header folder. It contains a class called String. you can see the code I used for it at the end of this I also now have a MyStringTest.cpp file in the source files folder. It has the following code in it. Expected: Compiles and runs a console program which will output ""llo"" Reality: Error: 'Identifier 'String' is undefined Here is some of my code in the header file...i really cant fit all of it. ....",negative "I had heinous problems with this until I disabled my Norton Autoprotect anti-virus software. SO posting tip: include version, OS, etc. of your environment.",neutral "@KonradRudolph: Does it order pizza for you while you wait for it to complete? Well it should! My philosophy is, why make programs faster and more efficient when you can just make the wait more 'desirable'!",neutral @Brian - that is an excellent link!,positive So I have tried 3 options HTML,neutral "More than a year after this post, we are using: Activiti a workflow engine with BPMN 2.0 support. As modeller we use Activiti Designer and Yaoquiang (excellent tool!).",positive "It would have to be a WinForm dialog, I'm afraid :-(",negative Did you measure the performance difference actually?,neutral "I'm having an extremely frustrating error trying to code a simple encryption program on Python 2.7. Basically its rejecting on if/else statement by saying my syntax is invalid, and I have no idea what I did wrong. The : in the if input ==""1"": statement is what Python highlights as incorrect.",negative "I'm in the UK, a long way from Beijing i'm afraid!",negative "Regexes are fraught. A regex that splits parameters on commas will get awfully confused if one of the parameters is `\""Hello, world!\""`.",negative From It works very fine! Here is how you can make an InputStream for a BufferedImage:,neutral It depends on the screen size because a 7' screen with FHD will not have the same dpi as a 17' screen with FHD. to know DPI I use this calculator : and for the folders please try the actual google documentation it is pretty complete: hope it helps!,positive "If you disable the shift-key for opening the database, the user should not be able to change your settings. Note that it is possible to lock you yourself out of the db this way. See also: If proctecting your data is critical, you may need t look at a database other than Access, with Access, you can protect from accidental tampering, but really malicious tampering will get through.",neutral where outf is a file gives me:,neutral You could truncate the data yourself:,neutral "No worries, you should really try to learn css, it helps alot!",neutral You can use,neutral I haven't got the invite yet... which email address did you use?,neutral "I am trying to change a bit-map's pixel color if it's white. I wrote following code. But it's awfully slow!. i want to check if a pixel's color is white or not, and if it is white, change the color to black. Can anybody suggest a better approach?",negative "There are many ways to do this, one way is: Followed by: In general, the SQLite project has really fantastic documentation! I know we often reach for Google before the docs, but in SQLite's case, the docs really are technical writing at its best. It's clean, clear and concise.",positive "For others coming here for a general word count, use `g Ctrl-g`.",neutral it is being deprecated because it is old and unsafe. switch now or feel the pain later!,negative I mean output string.....,neutral Excellent suggestion!,positive This is probably caused because you have set to (Which is absolutely terrible). (See ) You should disable register globals so that the SESSION/POST/GET/REQUEST/COOKIE variables do not interfere.,negative Anyone??? I'm starting to hate VS for that reason!,negative Excellent - thanks!,positive "It is all good, I found this to be very helpful. The following article is excellent !",positive Then use this approach in combination with ThreadLocal?,neutral "I have a huge HTML form. I was wondering if it is possible to use Notepad++ to copy the text from value=""[copy this]"" and paste it into id=""[paste here]"" and for=""[paste here]"" on every line. If anyone has the solution to this, every web developer out there will be very happy :D Cheers!",positive "Getting the ssrs add-in to install properly was a complete pain. I think it had to do with the fact that we did development on the server prior to installing the ssrs add-in. I ended up un-joining the farm, re-joining it, then installing the component. That got it to work. Then I just had to re-deploy solutions, re-activate features and re-configure my web.config.",negative The quotes will also be echoed.,neutral "We're running into a really painful issue with Honeycomb's here, and I was wondering if anyone else has found a solution. The problem itself is quite simple: We frequently trigger background tasks in Activity or , since most of our screens must display data loaded from a Web service. While these tasks are running, we show the ActionBar's refresh spinner and animate it. The problem is: onCreate and onResume are executed before is, so at the point where we start the task, the refresh spinner doesn't even exist. Hence, it won't animate. I don't see any simple way around this. I guess we could keep the information about a task being spawned in onCreate, and as soon as the ActionBar becomes available, update it accordingly. But still, I can't believe a use case as common as this is so difficult to do with ActionBar?",negative "I'm not very sure if this is what would help you, but you could try",neutral The accepted answer worked for me at the time.,neutral What transformation mechanism?,neutral "I'm trying to make a page where the user can input data into four different values in four different text boxes, and the values can be stored by using local storage, and then when the user refreshes the page or opens it in a new tab, those previously entered values are still there. Any advice on how to do this would be really great! Here's the code that I have currently:",positive "That's a really terrible way to read in all your files. Try this: This will return a list of data frames, each of which is the contents of the corresponding file. Or, if there are other csv files that you don't want to read in, you can restrict the specification: And to combine everything into one big data frame:",negative Your code is extremely vulnerable to injection...,neutral a big minus of this implementation is you don't think about cases when your item is not found,neutral "Wow excellent! Thanks so much rgeorge, that really helps.",positive I don't unterstand why you don't want to use join for this one.,neutral Is it possible? How do I do it?,neutral "I am Having a xml file with around 60 to 70 tags. while calling the callbacks method of SAX Parsers startElement,endElement,characters the excessive use of if else makes code extremely painful.Are there any other way through which i can make my code more readable?",negative "This has nothing to do with but everything to do with the absolutely awful markup of your HTML and the lack of . You're going to want to wrap all of this ""free-text"" inside of a or two, and then make sure you're putting the inside of the Sample CSS: HTML:",negative +1 for one assertion per test,positive I'm pretty new to Angular but loving it! I am trying to create a modal dialog to display a partial view. ui.bootstap.modal has an option which takes the URL to the partial view to be displayed. I have a route configured on my application module that looks like this: I would like to show the partial template defined as from the above routes. So in my controller I'm attempting to open the modal dialog like so: The modal dialog opens but the contents are just . Do I need to define the route on the server side or can I use Angular routing to return the partial? Thanks!,positive "I'm worndering how I can add 2 rows, of which 1 depends on another, in 1 transaction. Reason I an doing is that the library I'm using does not return the rowid, and I need to commit the transaction as less as possible as I'm adding over a few million records! Just for the record I'm using: SQL Server 2008 Python pyodbc Any idea? Would be really awesome :)",positive "Good Morning, - a really awesome grid for desktop and mobile Here are a few resources that might get you on your way! JMax",positive "What about : ie, without the simple quotes you were putting arround the table name. Or, as you are using double-quoted string, which means variables are interpolated : As a sidenote, in both cases, you must be really sure that doesn't contain any malicious data !",neutral "I am new to Qt. While digging inside Qt's documentations, I found QListWidget to be useful. But I'm not sure how to do it. The following image shows what I want. Any help would be really awesome! Note: I don't want to do this using Qt Quick.",positive Is this even possible? Perhaps?,neutral Try this: The lets it run over any file (incredibly dangerous!) but the revision specifier limits it to the specific files included in that changelist.,neutral "Same server, i'm using phpMyAdmin and its being a pain saying i'm not using it the right context!?",negative "This is a method in Java, that(when k == 0) in int[] arr has one of k-combination int[] intems. In variable iloczyn is calculated product of elements in this combination. In tmp is calculated sum of all such products. Unfortunately, System.out.println(tmp) shows, that when function ends, tmp equals 0. This is very sad, because i need this variable for next calculations. What shoud I do?",negative "This will disable your submit button for 5 seconds: You would also want to make sure, that the malicious user doesn't submit the form by other means! Make sure to run server-side validation:",neutral Did you end up using an md5 as your primary key? How did it go?,neutral Firefox: IE 9: How to fix it ?,neutral "I'm going crazy guys, my labels are not updated in my views after running """" and """"! This is what I tried so far: make sure there is no """" strings around in PO files delete MO files relaunch and delete all . files in my project delete browser cache change browser drop the local database and launch synchdb shout to the monitor the commands I launch are the following: Is there any sort of Django caching mechanism related to compiled MO files that I have to empty? What can I do? I'm really furious! -_-'",negative "I have a Django application built in our shop and currently we are moving to production that will run a apache web server. The application will run on multiple webservers Due to load issues. Now, I'm really worried since it's running multiple webservers. Issue - The application generates unique ids for session management and maintains it locally. Now, if a user goes to webservers-a and creates A unique id and then in the next request goes to webservers-b he will be invalidated because the unique id created for him will be local to webservers-a. How can I fix this issue?",negative "@Kolink Oh, I hate Facebook for many more reasons!",negative but using fork will break usage on jruby... just saying,neutral Is there a java sdk for cygwin?,neutral This seems fairly trivial but is giving me hella grief! I have a module in the lib folder. The controller. config/Application.rb And I get this error I know the module is loaded correctly. What am I doing wrong?,negative Title is mis-leading. Can we get a title edit?,neutral Excellent much cleaner!,positive "So I need to get a quotient to 2 decimal places like 0.33, but do I need to use doubles all the way down or can I use integers for everything except the quotient and then just use double or decimal for the quotient? It is also breaking because of the quotient. If anyone could help me I would be extremely grateful :)",positive "Actually this is possible, though extremely difficult! This post will get you started:",neutral I am new to writing Apex Triggers and need help with creating a trigger which would update Lead Ownership to the Current User based on custom Id field. The Custom Id field is related to the Current User Record. Any suggestions would be hugely appreciated!,positive Beat Detection looks incredibly complicated :(,negative "I need to do a strange task. I want to move whole android system to external SD card on Android Virtual Device. I need to do this, because android emulator, emulates SD commands, only for external card image. And I want to get SD commands trace, during Android Virtual Device usage. To be more precise: I want to move at least /system and /data folders to external storage. In such way, that system could still work fine =) Thank You!",positive "PHPExcel, so you did wrote that library. Excellent! For now max entries of CSV is 100,000 for a test. Maybe I lurk around with it if you introduce how to do that? thanks",positive "Instead of saying: say: This would preserve the tag and also remove the malicious code from lines where the tag doesn't exist! EDIT: As by , you can say:",neutral "is there anyway to have two TextView in one AutoCompleteTextView result? e.g. And so on... The ArrayAdapter only allows one binding for a view so how could I bind more views in the adapter? Like so: I've created a new xml layout for the layout parameter in the ArrayAdapter except when I bind the TextView to the string array, it only sets the text to the TextView with the given id. I've also searched through the other posts about this one and it did not suit my needs. If anyone could help that would be absolutely great :) Thank you.",positive How can I make it more easier?,neutral "It'll work, it is just incredibly annoying and spy-ware-esque.",negative "@chucklukowski wow, that's just about exactly what I was looking for! I'll be giving that a read-thru. Much appreciated.",positive "Works excellent, many thanks!",positive Excellent answer!,positive Have created a module in DotNetNuke 7. Have made changes on my local test version which has created several rows in the database. I then copied these rows into the live database but they dont appear in the live version of the module. Have tried clearing the cache through host settings and restarting the application and it still won't show new rows. Have even tried setting cache settings to non-specified and still won't load new rows. Is there a way I can completely reset and get it find the new rows. This is an extremely irritating feature.,negative "So I found this. If you do a ""Ctrl+O"" it brings up a small window called the quick outline. In this I can use wildcard (*) while searching which is extremely useful!",positive "Excellent, thanks again!",positive found another simple solution http://stackoverflow.com/a/4315661,neutral "you already fetched data, use instead",neutral Is determined at compile time?,neutral "I'm lying it's possible! Do you want `.end` to be also affected, and what about divs after `.end`?",neutral @tijko cp here stands for classpath and is java specific. so no worry for you!,neutral "By the way, I don't know if you found the hover animation binding somewhere and adapted it, or created it yourself, but all the same I really enjoyed it! Quite clever. :]",positive "Excellent resource, thank you!!",positive "In my WinForms app (C#) I have a circle (defined by a ) that I am presently filling with a solid color. I would like to fill this with a circular (not linear) gradient (so one color in the center fades to another color uniformly around the edges). I have experimented with , but am having no luck (I still see a solid color). If anyone has any sample code that does this, that would be terrific!",positive "I created a mobile application with the yeoman mobile-generator. I'am very new to grunt and yeoman, but it's really awesome stuff! Does anyone know what I have to do add a banner to my generated files? Where I have to use this. I have tried something like this, but does not affect. ...",positive No you can't do that. MySQL doesn't know how to handle PHP scripts.,neutral I'm calling onto some code that returns me an HTTP response. I can get the contents of the response which returns me a byte array. The bytes represent a zip file that I would like to extract and get the contents of a single file (the zip only contains one file). Currently I have some messy code (I'll need to clean it up if I keep it) that seems to work: but was wondering whether there was a cleaner way to do the same thing because the above looks incredibly ugly.,negative "@JasonCraig, No worries - You were basically there!",neutral "Personally, just because you can doesn't mean you should.",neutral "I'm trying to debug my application and from the point I fire it up on the iPad, it will get killed by timeout before it ever reaches FinishedLaunching() (I have abreakpoint there)! Here' swhat I see in the output panel. All this takes almost 20s. If I run the app in RELEASE build it randomly gets stuck. I hit a button and the delegate gets caled half a minute later. What is going on? In the Simulator it is all okay.",negative You can just store it in a variable if it's scoped to each element:,neutral "I have two files. File 1: a FASTA file with gene sequences, formated like this example: File 2: A simple text file with JUST the accession identification of the gene. Like so. Every entry in File 2 is somewhere in File 1, but not every entry in File 1 is in File 2. I need to remove all the entries from File 1 that are not in File 2. I feel like there must be something in the biopython module that could help me, I just don't know what. For instance, I originally thought that I could extract just the accessions from my FASTA file using the function, but this really just lands me with two files of accession numbers. I don't know how to selectively extract the accessions that are in the other file. Maybe like reading all the entries from File 2 into a dictionary and then associated that entry with its matching entry in File 1 and use to extract the whole sequence...But I really don't know....Any help anyone could give me is extremely appreciated!",positive Try adding it in the section of the .,neutral "The best resource I've found about web security with ASP.NET is the below, written by Troy Hunt: Absolutely priceless! He even made an ebook out of it that you can download as a pdf:",positive "When I first read this, I couldn't help but think you were very sad about your Programs directory.",neutral No worries! If I come across anything I'll post it up here. Cheers,positive "Ignacio is correct. However, as a heinous hack (totally ill advised and this really should get me at least 10 down votes) you can exec a new shell when you're done #!/bin/bash ... cd / exec bash",neutral "I have been trying to use OfflineAudioContext and the FFT analyzer in chrome with a script processor but I am running into the same issue that this person has: In that SO answer, someone pointed out this bug report: but it is over a year old! My questions are: does anyone know if this will be fixed anytime soon and should I file a bug elsewhere? Is that bug report (that is a year old) still being looked at? Or better yet, maybe someone knows a workaround? My code is essentially the same as the jsfiddle on that SO link. It's really sad that this stuff doesn't work in chrome but it does in Firefox.",negative Excellent! Thanks for telling me about this. I'll be watching this.,positive as of 1.6.0_29 this one is the only one that worked for me,neutral In the end the answer was - yes - indeed. It was simply a delay between me adding my google test account and it actually being recognised as such :@! Google should have a warning about this - in-app billing is a complete nightmare to code!,negative "I want to find out how long time there is till a specific from . I have searched everywhere, but can't really find anything. I THINK I have to use the -function together with the -function somehow. The scenario is: I have variable with the day of the week, ex: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 And another variable with a time of the day: hh:mm And the last variable also with a time of the day: hh:mm ""How long time"" could be like: ""2 days, 3 hours and 27 minutes from now"" The same output should be generated from a specific datetime. Ex: 06/08/2012 23:55 is ""1 day and 13 minutes from now"" I really hope you guys can help! :)",positive WSAT is not in CodePlex anymore,neutral "Excellent, thanks very much!",positive "@PankajSharma no, this will still work, because of the GROUP BY clause",neutral "The inner loop returns to the caller regardless of the outcome. You should after the loop completes. Also, don't use . It's confusing (probably why you got it wrong (it should have been )) and you can just use the equality operator: , which is well-defined for (in case you were worried about the whole, ""Don't compare using equality!"" thing). But what you really should do is store the data in a map keyed on username and do a direct lookup:",neutral "Great, excellent links. Thanks for the help!",positive "I guess I could do that. It's just a pain when in Microsoft Word I can hold down shift and drag to do this, but I can't in Visual Studio!",negative "You need to make the following changes to your code: However keep in mind that this is extremely vulnerable to SQL injection, and you should also swap MySQL for PDO/MySQLi immediately if you plan to use this code on a live website.",neutral "I understand not liking XAML, as it really intimidated me at first, but I will quickly say that it is a powerful tool. I am not sure how to do it through the designer, but in C# let's say you name your DataGrid 'myDataGrid' and your List is named 'stringList'. It is as simple as the following: and the data grid is now bound to your string list.",positive Very useful question and an excellent answer ! Thanks,positive "I was getting the same error when I tried to submit a version update from the Organizer. What solved my issue was using the Application Loader found in the directory /Developer/Applications/Utilities. You'll need to compress your .app file and send the corresponding .zip file. I used this for my initial submission as well, I just thought I'd try the new way. What a pain! Go with Application Loader.",negative "Excellent question! I know this is an old post, but it saved me on a big project I am working on... so, thanks!",positive I am looking to create my own gestures for my iPad app. I know this can be done but don't know where to start. I read that there is some sample code that can store your custom gestures so you can re use them. Think it was as ajson I'm looking to draw numbers as custom gestures but any sample code/tutorial where I can get an idea where to start I would be very great full! Thanks ahead.,positive "Excellent! @vinay-kr-sharma , but i add some more code to put my month language",positive @KunalK: excellent ! worked for me . If you put this as answer then I can accept it . And it will helpful in future .,positive "$('li:nth-child(3), li:nth-child(4)').insertAfter('ul').wrapAll('')You can't ""break a list"". You can either A) remove it and replace it with two lists B) extract some elements to make another list with. The following is terrible terrible practice, but then again so is what you're asking...",negative "It's not efficient, and it assumes PowerShell 2 but it should do the job: Note that I don't have SharePoint installed so I'm afraid that I can't test this!",negative What exactly do you want to do with the window ID you receive?,neutral I'd like to know how I can draw a stepped route in . I've tried all possible options but it doesn't seem to work. I am currently using the code below as I would with the normal drawRoute function: Any help would be extremely appreciated!,positive Excellent answer! Your recipe works like a charm.,positive "Since I've been working with the built-in Microsoft Charting Controls in .NET 4.0 lately (and loving every minute of it!), I thought I'd take a crack at answering my own question...",positive "I finally had success passing data through AJAX and returning it in JSON. However, now I don't know how to display it on my page. here is my JS: after my model runs, it echos the following as discovered in firebug: any advice on how to replace the div ""board"" with data from the returned JSON array would be incredibly helpful!",positive Why is Bar not visible in Foo?,neutral Check out this though personally I recommend you the backbone - it's very agile and fast to learn + leaves you with a lot of freedom and happiness :) But imo the special thing about the backbone compared to others is the community - and no fancy feature can replace that!,positive "I think its quite simple. (""20""...""40"").each { |hz| p hz + 'Hz'}",neutral "From netstat -anp | grep I at two different times, I can see HttpClient is not re-using my connections. I connect to the same host every time with different urls such as Why is HttpClient not just re-using the same connection to myhost.com every time? I have the following code for intialization of the Pool that I pass to HttpClient... I see they are using an HttpRoute and have localAddress in the equals which seems odd as HttpRoute should be equal on just hostname and schema(https/http) and that is it, right? Does that have something to do with it? Is this a bug? Performance is very crappy having to re-establish https sockets every time!!!!!",negative Use the property available on any ...,neutral Download the Standalone Flash Debugger and open your swf with that.,neutral "is defined on the document and you might not even have a variable (it's a property of , not of ). Change to But you must learn how to spot those bugs, by which lists errors. And using is a terribly painful way to track your bugs, use .",negative "I have a VB.NET MDI WinForms app. My users have been complaining about form creep (as they call it), this is where each time you open a specific form within the main MDI window it opens slightly below and to the right of the location it loaded previously - i.e. it starts in the top left of the window and works its way down to the bottom right. I have to agree with them that this is extremely irritating, is there any way to prevent this? The code to load the forms is: I can address this somewhat by setting the forms start-up positions to 'Manual' but then they just open directly on top of each other in the top left of the screen. Any other SO users come across this?",negative "what is ""1"" after $month?",neutral "This works in all browsers on Windows. It's an os-level thing, not a browser-level thing.",neutral **I HATE GIT !! What a crazy command line syntax**,negative Vaibhav: Only one of the assemblies will ever write to the file.,neutral "Excellent suggestion Aleksey! This seems to be a common need, so perhaps the Scala gods might consider adding this to Map",positive "There is no TCP multicast, I'd vote this down, but I don't have enough reputation.",negative "If you want it now, search on ""Micro ORM"" for multiple options.",neutral "Read [The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)](http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html) by Joel Spolsky :-)",neutral You can add 'priority queue' to the list. It's not in .Net 3.5.,neutral I'm using . Why does not work?,neutral I really liked your approach to it! I found that changing the code to the following made my progressbar update correctly. I had some issues while using math.round().,positive Horrible discovering !!!!,negative "Excellent! This works as well as I could have hoped, thanks alot",positive "I have some questions.. (See an image for more information here: .) 1.When the animation plays reverse, i want it to play faster.. Is there any way I can do this? By code maybe? 2.Also. When the animation played backwards, and then forewards again I want it to stop at 'mouseover'. How can I do this? If i put a trigger stop between them, it also stopt when it is playing backwards. I really hope someone knows how to do this! Thankyou, Kind regards, Ellen",positive "Now I think it is not possible in c++ (without explicitly qualifying the namespace), it's so sad :(",negative "Extremely good question! For *line 1*, it is because you cannot add anything to a list of unknown type except `null`.",positive Excellent! On a Mac as well... I'll look into railsapi.com. Thank you for your help!,positive Based on the RolandMySQLDBA's answer I think we can use the above to get the size of each schema in a table: Really liked it!,positive I've got: Then I've tried: and,neutral You can't move the cursor with JavaScript. It would be incredibly annoying anyways.,negative Shouldn't that be on Superuser?,neutral This is really a design / aesthetics question.,neutral Should be ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle::ColumnContent,neutral "is free, scriptable, supports passive mode and is definitely EXCELLENT.",positive You've probably installed VS2010 SP1.,neutral "The function is written to expect an array, but you're passing it an integer. Did you mean ? (That does at least print a list of numbers, but I'm afraid many of them are not primes!)",neutral "@Jakub nope, theres 21. Look at Jon's answer. The file names are lying!",neutral "Also when following Flextras excellent guide, make sure that NavigationMenuClass extends EventDispatcher, otherwise just calling the dispatchEvent() method won't work!",neutral @BrodieG excellent! thanks for the clarification. So I guess that generic primitive are a particular case of generics...,positive What is SIP in your answer ?,neutral What is the difference for and,neutral They're accessing instance variables.,neutral I am currently scripting Blender right now but it's excruciatingly slow for large models.,negative It's the client to a webservice,neutral Excellent! I hope you liked the `$.when.apply(...)` with its double nested .joins. That's the bit I had to test.,positive "@GabrielePetronella I missed that link, I hate how stackoverflow removes the underline! Are you running it on a server or file protocol?",negative "return 3,00. It should be 3,46",neutral "Thanks Dominic, this is really great! Tell me if I got this right: you create a heightmap, add noise to it, then assign tiles according to the height of each position?",positive Or you can add the function to your .bashrc to make it always available.,neutral I SOLVED IT! I used YouTube API and it works fine :) Thank you for your help!!,positive It is incredibly frustrating that Outlook does not preserve the timestamp when you export. I have no idea why they decided to omit that.,negative You can also try the MKNetworkKit framework: Easy to use and works really fine!,positive "I don't want this to be the answer, (sob)!",negative So I have py27-scipy installed,neutral "@CarlNorum: That would be extremely annoying, given that the above is well-defined C89...",negative "I'm having the same issue, did you find a fix?",neutral "Consider the following example: In the above example, inside filterOccupied I have to use four for matching type. This becomes really painful when the records has more than ten fields. Is there a better way to do this ?",negative "Its not possible to just execute arbitrary code by being able to alter a string. Only when you output the string directly, or use it in SQL should you be really worried.",neutral "The objective of my endeavour is to have a linux computer execute a command (or maybe a local script - on the target) over a local network. Ideally, I would use SSH to do this but unfortunately my embedded target is running WinCE which is absolutely horrible. To do this, I would require an SSH server running on WinCE. I looked into the OpenSSH port but it doesn't work and development for that stalled six years ago. To wrap up, I am looking for an alternative solution to using SSH on WinCE. So, any ideas?",negative I modified your code and here is a working Downloader class. (@S�bastienNussbaumer improved this answer and @TobiasKienzler reviewed changes: thanks a lot guys!) Simple to use: Output when download complete: Enjoy:-) And the event class:,positive You could use an incredibly ugly workaround and set a form full of hidden fields to submit when you click a link. I really wouldn't recommended it though.,negative @JJ That was the mistake JJ. Plain Oversight and extremely ridiculous.,negative "What are you assigning to ViewData[""Test""] in your controller?",neutral if you are really worried use files and read and write to it in chunks?,neutral "I'm trying to bake my controllers but I keep getting the following error: It's making me frightfully sad, has anyone ever come across this?",negative "There are a few plugins which you could look at for that functionality, if not flat-out use: Good luck, hope these help!",positive It's didn't work but this work,neutral "thx for that, really great answer!",positive Working on Project Euler I see.,neutral Or PySide by the very same company of QT.,neutral "I have just about finished adding all of the content to each page of my website. I've noticed, however, when I navigate between links some of the pages shift to the right about 10 px or so. This is extremely irritating. All of my pages are contained within the same container using a fluid grid. However, not all pages have the same amount of content. I noticed that pages with empty divs don't shift when I navigate between them. However, if I navigate from a page with content to a page with little or no content, I see the shift. Should this be happening if all of my pages are using the same container, same fluid grid? Does this make sense? Can you sense my desperation?",negative @JonSkeet Boy you really hated my edit.,neutral "I just started practicing TDD in my projects. I'm developing a project now using php/zend/mysql and phpunit/dbunit for testing. I'm just a bit distracted on the idea of encapsulation and the test driven approach. My idea behind encapsulation is to hide access to several object functionalities. To make it more clear, private and protected functions are not directly testable(unless you will create a public function to call it). So I end up converting some private and protected functions to public functions just to be able to test them. I'm really violating the principles of encapsulation to give way to micro function testability. Is this the correct way of doing it?",neutral Thanks for posting this Rob! Excellent work (saved me a month of R&D)!,positive "This makes me very, very sad.",negative IS there any way i can do that?,neutral Is that a documented behaviour of Java compilers?,neutral Google results aren't an answer<,neutral "I'm a new user to the site, and new to VBA. I'm just trying to get the contents of multiple text boxes (from many different sheets) into one sheet. Right now, I've been stuck on getting the information from a single text box into a variable. At this point in time, I just want it to retain the line feeds (new line, enter, return, etc). Even if I could just copy/paste the information, at this point, I can't even access the text box via VBA. If anyone could help out, that'd be really great! Thanks.",positive "I want to have a base class which implements some 'conf' interface, then have a class that derive from base class but has its own version of conf class(deriving from 'baseconf'). At the end I would like to have a method with signature BaseProc(Of IBaseConf) Is it possible to write it like that or should I change it completely? The code looks like this: Any help will be really appreciate:) Thanks!",positive Have a look [here](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1871076).,neutral "Excellent answer, +1!",positive No `.vimrc` comes first :( and I really hate to modify plugins...,negative today you - my personal Super Hero!,positive Isn't it just a base 64 encoded version of the serialized data?,neutral did you get anywhere with this?,neutral "So if I'm runnin in Eclipse, this will depend on my Eclipse settings?",neutral Excellent -- thanks!,positive Excellent! Thanks! that worked. But how is the performance compared to writing it as 2 separate SELECT queries?,positive yeah it working fine :) Thanks !!,positive so far google has no such criteria but better option is enable billing with automatic scaling it really helped me to pace my site's speed. if you are really worried on pace increase min idle instance and decrease pending latencies you can find them on your dashboard if your app has billing enabled.,neutral "the author asked for appling multiple styles, tho",neutral "After installing Node, fresh installation of Yeoman throws several warnings. Command Warnings I am not sure, whether I should be worried about these warnings or just ignore them! Either ways I want to understand the reason behind getting these warnings.",negative "I'm trying to pull in tagged photos of the current logged in profile. Got a session ID but it appears it's an empty array. I'm aware this code is probably really awful, I'm new to PHP and just trying a few things.",negative @AugustoPedraza On what line are you getting a NullReferenceException?,neutral "I am new to android and I can't seem to find a step-by-step tutorial on getting the jseinstein slidemenu to work in Android Studio. I downloaded the files via the link ""Download zip"" on this page: From there on, I tried pulling this in to an android project, but can't seem to get the structure right like I would really love a real structured and up-to-date tutorial on how to do this, because the slide menu is simply great :) Any help would be appreciated!",positive "That tests if the highest bit in a 32 bit integer is set, not what was required.",neutral "No NUL is written to the file. Just wanted to point out I'd write your line as `fprintf(win, ""%smultiscreen=1"", bff[i - 2] != '\n' && bff[i - 2] != '\r' ? ""\n"" : """")`",neutral "You already have a great answer, but I wanted to give you a resource so you don't actually have to install IE8. You can use this site to test IE6-9, FF2-4, Chrome 5-6, Safari 3-5, and Opera 9-10. It's a really excellent tool!",positive @AndrewLazarus - Excellent point!!,positive php uses to connect strings not and all the comments from Dachi and Mister Melancholy apply!,neutral That code is absolutely horrendous.,negative The answer in is too outdated.,neutral @LightnessRacesinOrbit: Perhaps. I'll leave that to the OP to worry about!,neutral PC-Lint and splint will find unreferenced methods and variables.,neutral "@R.., excellent reading, many thanks! :D",positive For a good c compiler use . It is an excellent compiler which a huge device database to select from! You can use keil to generate a Hex file (in the Intel hex file format). You can then load the hex file into to simulate your design and see the output!,positive Josh from card.io here. We've actually taken considerable pains to get the SDK to be as small as it is! The card.io SDK does a significant amount of non-trivial client-side work and the resources required to do that have already been shrunk as far as we feel currently possible without negatively impacting usability.,neutral "Wow awesome, it worked thanks a lot!",positive [WindowsFolder]Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\EventLogMessages.dll,neutral "I'm trying to compile code that I know to be working on other peoples' machines but is throwing a particular error on my system. Specifically the error relates to the printf() method The method printf(String, Object[]) in the type PrintStream is not applicable for the arguments (String, double) For instance Does anyone know why this error is cropping up? There are alternatives to using printf(), but this is very annoying!",negative It would be cooler if you could,neutral It does not do it all the time.,neutral "Great, excellent. You're welcome!",positive Excellent snippet !,positive Just .net 4 I'm afraid :/,negative "Did you ever solve this problem? I've just come across it and it's really annoying, especially because my video doesn't even have audio!",negative "What do you mean ""outside MVC""? If you're that worried about it, type out the full class name!",neutral I would be extremely shocked if this was possible.,negative "FWIW, git rebase interactive now has a ""reword"" option, which makes this much less painful!",positive "Perhaps of interest, Joel's ""The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)"" http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html",neutral @PhoenixX_2 no worries!,positive That's a terrible soution actually!,negative There was .,neutral "Why close this as ""not a programming question?""",negative "JLists don't offer a method for this, and that's very sad. Do you know how to do it?",negative "XCode 5.0 Console Not Showing After Exiting App and Reopening. I put a simple NSLog in the next screen that I push to and there is no logging of it in my console. This makes it a pain to debug! I segue from one screen to a tabbar controller, if that helps? Has anyone encountered this issue?",negative "If you're really worried about the if statement, you have a Stateful object. This class delegates the work to a object which is either a or a object. The object will actually load. The will not load. Note that there are no if-statements.",neutral "I have an Android app that looks absolutely horrible if the user sets their font size to large or extra large (via Settings -> Display -> Font size in Ice Cream Sandwich). It just plain wasn't designed for variable font sizes, and it makes a lot of the text unreadable. I've seen applications that preserve the font size for most views, so I know that there has to be a way to do this. Is there a simple way for me to tell the application to ignore the user's font size preference? And if there isn't, how would you suggest that I go about calculating the font sizes? If nothing else, is there a way for me to retrieve the user's font size preference?",negative "Wow, great link!",positive Probably the date format does not match the string and `dateFromString` is `nil`. - Single-stepping in the debugger (and inspecting the variables) can be extremely helpful!,neutral Can this be further optimized:,neutral "I'm a starter in Objective-C and IOS programming, and I'd like to have some recent guidance on how to use SOAP with IOS 5. I saw some tutorials online, but they are quite old (over a year old), and I don't really know if there are some more recent ways to deal with the SOAP webservices. If anyone could give me some guidance / links about that, I'd be very pleased :) Thanks !",positive On the server or on the client?,neutral "In VS 2008, there are XML code snippets that seem to be pretty awesome :) However, it seems that the snippets we created do not indent properly. For example if we have the following code: We get something like: Is there any way to make it so that all lines keep the same indentation?",positive "so im using a simple submit binding to pass a function data: i just started working with KO so i was to write a basic print function to test this input out: my problem is when i hit submit i get a ""you entered: undefined"" but when i refresh the page the input that is in the form gets an alert. this is very frustrating! idk if this is a knockout problem or a simple HTML one.",negative This is excellent!,positive Thank you! That's extremely helpful!,positive To make it work with zeros just add: while (num >>= 1 && num),neutral You're missing Aero? Check out http://win2008workstation.com,neutral Some people are evidently typing in CAPTCHAs to look at porn.,neutral "In Sublime Text 2, if I press escape the page goes into COMMAND mode, which seems to take text input as commands, rather than actually typing the text. Another oddity is the VISUAL mode, and I have no idea what it does besides it seems to highlight text. I think they came installed with the theme that I got, 'soda', maybe. Anyway, I searched and found out you can turn off COMMAND mode by pressing 'i'. Regardless, both of these modes are extremely annoying, how do I get rid of them?",negative "I really really hate to ask this, but did you try rebooting?",negative "Why doesn't the ""-C"" flag have an option to enable the ""use utf8""-pragma?",neutral "I would like to implement the same type of functionality as this application: When a user selects a table view cell, the cell animates to fill the entire screen and reveals a new view while animating. I have been trying to find information on how to do this but can't quite seem to find any good resources. How can I accomplish this? Even just an idea of what to properly google search will be extremely helpful!",positive describes the binary format of objects in some detail. The describes the format in excruciating detail.,neutral "The problem is exact what mysql is telling you : you have too much data for one table. Not only the number of fields are counting towards them, but also their size.. But the real problem is in your database design, you have designed a table that is crying out for help : 'split me up, split me up!' You should your design ..",negative C is a cruel master!,negative No worries! I've done the same thing many times on SO.,positive "added reg key for ""icon view"" folder ItemPos",neutral Hmm I fear I've opened a Pandora's box of higher maths! I'll see if I can understand any of those articles...,negative "logically, each ""master"" entity should be in its own table if you don't, you'll find joins will become very painful, and your generic lookup table will accumulate all kinds of useless fields",neutral I recently moved from a Mac + Textmate back to Visual Studio. The one thing I absolutely loved about textmate was it's find/search feature. It made navigating solution files so easy. Is there an equivalent shortcut/addon for Visual Studio?,positive @Rob൩ I really hate passing booleans into functions.,negative I want to get the autoincrement id of an insert. is there a way to do it?,neutral This is quite new in Django (since 1.0).,neutral a.why is there so many wait states in the in the vms/vax process states ?,neutral Can you expand to what type of caching you're talking about?,neutral "if you have a choice, try it with awk",neutral See http://stackoverflow.com/a/23848146/67824,neutral "I don't think there are any mature components too (for what I saw). You can use some dedicated DHTML components, like . We use it a lot in our project for our customers, and it's really great !",positive It's a progress bar! :) Setting makes it a rotating circle rather than a classic progress bar. There are several different styles you can use. Play around with them to find the one you like :) Hope this helps!,positive I've seen both this: and this: Does the type attribute matter in any way?,neutral "The search term on both Stackoverflow and PInvoke.net yields zero results, so this should be worth asking. I've been fiddling around on MSDN and looking through Win SDK *.h files all day, and feeling a bit out of my element. I'm basically attempting to query the MSRPC endpoint mapper with managed code. Here is what I have so far: The above code isn't complete, but it illustrates my point. The code consistently returns: RpcMgmtEpEltIngNext: 87 87 meaning Parameter is Incorrect according to . So I'm basically stumped at this point, and I'm sure it's because of my extremely crappy PInvoke code.",negative How to correctly print a CString to messagebox? There is nothing appear..,neutral Try Format:,neutral "I use Grunt to run my unit tests without assert modules, i just log what i need with grunt and use my ""custom"" coditions to check the variables's states and values. I was thinking about using mocha with grunt, but i am trying to find out how it will really change something when i run my tests. How my tests will be more valuable using mocha (for example) ? Regarding the success of these tools, i feel like i am missing something in their utility. If someone could explain to me how and when they are usefull, it would be really great !",positive "I am looking for a simple mode to to obtain automatic fit-to-window effect using a wx.grid.Grid object inside on of my window. By now my 4 column grid has many white space on the right but I find this very ugly, better if all column expand or collapse based on window size change! Is there a way to get this to works?",neutral "excellent, just found ""randomize"" in the documentation! perfect: {:data => @json, :options => { :do_clustering => true, randomize: true} }) %>",positive That's too sad :(,negative http://stackoverflow.com/questions/576792/asp-mvc-server-requirements-is-server-2008-very-desirable,neutral "I'm trying to allow multiple clients to connect to a host using select. Will I have to connect each one, tell them to move to a different port, and then reconnect on a new port? Or will select allow me to connect multiple clients to the same port? This is the client code: This is the server code: Any help would be excellent! Thanks.",positive I have installed python and don't really know what this means. Any ideas?,neutral Not CLR Triggers or Triggers that can run managed code AFAIK,neutral "Oh, right. That'd be the forum template that generated that. And no worries, I didn't take it personnally !",negative What code are you using to add the buttons programmatically?,neutral The rendering issue has been fixed in IE11. No need to worry!,positive Got it: I need to reference the class types through the createjs module. i.e. works absolutely fine!,positive Why would you want to do that? Your use case sounds extremely malicious.,negative That worked excellent! How can I make my X-axis go longer to right so it makes the chart bigger?,positive "From Joel Spolsky The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)",neutral "This is a really great DBGrid ! Just give it a try, you will not regret it.",positive "If you would like to switch to different network operators - The answer is No, you are not able to do that programmatically. There is no API that supports that. If you want to switch to different wireless networks the answer is Yes, read post. If you would like to check for different kinds of connectivity states - Look . Good luck, hope this helped!",positive """Error starting recording"", every time. OH how I hate meaningless error messages!",negative She should also use parameterized queries and not have to worry about quotes at all!,neutral "Excellent! Did you know that you can answer your own question and accept it as **the** answer. This is considered a good practice, because it helps people looking for answers see that there is an answer and it helps them find the answer. If the answer is only in comments, the question will appear unanswered.",positive How can I write the following SQL using CreateCriteria: Attach the model.,neutral No worries! Happens to all of us,positive "No worries, and +1 to your answer!",positive use an SVG library though... writing SVG output directly is a huge pain!,neutral "BTW - your article on ""the Math behind Transforms"" is an excellent read - very helpful indeed!",positive "Excellent, thank you! I don't know when we are going to upgrade but that's a good reason to I guess.",positive "GridView? And accept some answers, for crying out loud!",negative I think you should use for embedding.,neutral Excellent explanation! +1 for you Sir,positive "For various reasons Microsoft decides that some info should be kept away from developers. But people through reverse engineering find out what these reserved fields are about and produce their own documentation. Some times people guess correct. Some times Microsoft makes breaking changes, and people scream ""How dare you!"". And life goes on.",negative Excellent thanks!,positive "Is there a way to show an image up as greyscale, using purely javascript?",neutral It is very sad :(,negative "@Kevin Oh, excellent! I see now that it's a fairly obvious answer, but that tool is perfect. Thanks!",positive "No worries, main thing is your problem gets solved!",positive "I would do the same (as Chris), and agree at all (with Ilya).",neutral "Have a look at . I've tried to get my ""MSN Invite contacts"" function working right now and that's what I've found this far. Works excellent!",positive "Yeah... I'm not a huge fan. Their documentation, tutorials, and guides are pretty nice. Here's the guide: https://parse.com/docs/ios_guide#top/iOS Here's the documentation: https://parse.com/docs/ios/api/ Here's the video tutorial for PFQueryTableView: https://parse.com/tutorials/parse-query-table (A little dated but very nice) Hope this helps! :)",positive Please see: for an excellent fix! Much easier to implement and more versatile than the answer above.,positive It's very painful to add multiple tickets to Trac or to have it as your own todo list. That causes people to use their own task management tools so tasks are then spread all around. Is there any plugin or macro that would quicken the process of adding a ticket?,negative @afr0 I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean! That example is using an ajax call when creating a ProductViewModel object to get the data.,negative AFAIK there are no native language constructs for this. If you need it for debugging purposes I would advice you to have deeper look into the xdebug extension especially (awesome! :) Another idea would be to implement in your class and wrap all public methods. But this requires to change the code and has other side effects: (simplified example) . Example:,neutral "They sure didn't @MichaelSzyndel . It's extremely frustrating. I am using the latest ver, too. I really would like to get it working properly.",negative "Why on my ""git push"" command I get the following very scaring error message? I've appended the text as it appeared on my shell, the strange symbols are shown. Is my Git installation broken? My fist git clone was using https I'm using on Ubuntu 10.10 x86_64",negative "I downloaded and read Rails As She Is Spoke, what an excellent book, thanks for the recommendation!",positive "Is there a way to pattern match in F# so that it will check to see if both elements in a two element tuples are equal. I'm incredibly new to F#, and also new to the whole concept of Pattern Matching in general. I was thinking something along the lines of... But I guess that would be too easy hah. Any suggestions? Or is there even a way to do that? Thanks for your help, you guys are incredibly helpful!",positive "When querying from the database using Entity Framework, what exceptions should one catch and what should be done about them? Generally I use because I have no specific action or feedback for every possible type of error, but I am constantly reminded that this is a terrible idea and that specific exceptions should be caught and handled! Example: What are the standards/guidelines for handling EF exceptions?",negative I am trying to override Control-Meta-Down Arrow and Control-Meta-Up Arrow in emacs. I've tried all sorts of combinations of: and: etc... but it always says: . This means it is only taking into account the . Why is it ignoring the Control?? I've been working on this for 3 hours and emacs online documentation with regards to key bindings is surprisingly absolutely terrible.,negative "This is incredibly useful, thank you!",positive +1 excellent ! I was searching it for hours...,positive "In VB.NET you can, with the keyword (I believe). But what you're trying to do seems really horrible. Just set them explicitly. It's almost exactly the same amount of code.",negative "I kept a bitmap inside a movieClip, bitmap has been set to be smoothing. but when I changed the scale of this movieclip, it still got pixelated. Do we have the way to avoid. it is really painful.",negative "I'm wondering how Boxcar works, anybody knows? I know how to do the push notification from server to iPhone, but I have no clue of how to create the server to get the @reply and dm from twitter in real time. Any suggestion on what I should look into to create the server? Should I use Twitter's streaming API or User Streams API? Any sample code, in PHP preferably, will be great :) Thanks!",positive "I have a client server application that communicate through wcf at transfare mode stream. when the client try to download the file in one peace, its working but when The client try to take the whole file in 2 peaces, the file that downloaded is damaged and can not be open. Client Code: Server Code: Im really hopeless and dont know what is the problem.",negative You should use BoxedAppPacker or BoxedApp SDK. It must help.,neutral Works awesome :) Thank You!,positive https://github.com/beheadedmyway/gwlib/blob/master/src/gwpth.c,neutral Use on your document root directory ?,neutral I may need to port a private application from android to windows phone 7.,neutral Have you looked into creating a plugin with waffle? From the waffle guys if should be possible to create a module using the servlet filter code. That would be a pretty awesome module for Play! I'll look into it when I get some spare time. https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!topic/waffle-users/Q9aRPJitP6g,positive No upvotes? I'll give you the first one!! Excellent domain issue regarding these kind of apps!,positive "Two excellent answers, thank you! I chose Andrew's primarily because I learned a bit more about knockout from it, but both are good options. I'd use RP's method to get something to use in a more generic ""anything can be chosen"" scenario, but I think making it a single object is probably a better fit for my uses.",positive Raymond Chen has a really excellent blog post on this:,positive "So I have a facebook page and a username /llamafont so I obviously want to keep that url. I have had the like button on sub pages (you save phrases and can like/share them on FB) since before I made the page on FB. When I have added the like button to my homepage for my base url, it shows 62k likes - GREAT! However on my facebook page i only have 107 - I guess these are the people who liked the page directly on FB? How can I make the 62K likes show up on my page in facebook? Do I need to add in all the meta og: stuff? Right now I only have og:image in there. Have I screwed it up for good? Or can I make FB recognize the likes somehow? Thanks in advance!",positive This question isn't about what 'semantic-web' usually means.,neutral "CorePlot: Candle Stick , how to set more distance between every stick when zoom in and zoom out? When i try to zoom out, it looks really terrible. How can i fix it?",negative "How about , which responds with JSON?",neutral "When you submit a form, does the button that was clicked get posted also?",neutral "Excellent, thanks!",positive similarly: alias mroe=more,neutral I would use ! to get everything with tag just do: to get the value inside of span you could do: there are tons of differnt methods of getting the informaton you need Good Luck hope this helps!,positive "isn't generic, so your code is effectively: At that point is it clearer why you need the cast? (Not that the cast will really anything at execution time, of course...) You're not calling which is what you really want to be doing, effectively. It's just another case of Java generics being a bit of a pain :(",negative "Uh, Fire Lancer, read the docs. ""Example #2 array_filter() without callback""",neutral "That looks like a really excellent article, thanks for linking it. :) Where are you getting stuck? Do your logfiles show attempts to access the mobile content? If you add some logging to your browser detection, can you tell when the Opera Mini emulator is connecting vs when a desktop browser connects?",positive "The A in XAMPP stands for Apache. If you don't have a extremely good reason to use IIS, don't use it!",neutral "Excellent Answer, thank you!",positive Gah. parsing HTML with regexes. horrible horrible horrible.,negative "I am currently workin on a visual studio online hosted project that uses git for version control and have run into a problem with the team explorer menu. All of my collegues get this view when connecting to the project: But on my machine, im missing the tiles/buttons and have to right click the current branch, choose manage branches and from there, select Changes/Unsynced commits to handle my code which is extremely annoying. Im using Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate for this project, but i also have VS2012 installed.",negative aaaaawesome!!!! Thanks a lot,positive "I have just read and I really loved to the question. Naturally, an interesting question popped in my head... How to add my own events (of my own applications) in the Control Panel -> Sounds and Audio Devices -> Sounds -> Program Events? And another related question, that I suppose should be answered here as well is... How do I play those sounds specified in the Control Panel, when the event in my application occurs?",positive I'd be interested to hear how this works out. You are very brave :),positive @RP A lot has happened in nearly 6 years: http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/Main_Page,neutral Yes. You make me sad :(,negative "Short answer: no, there is no way for your application to be aware (for instance with an event that is raised) that its hosting process has been brutally killed.",neutral Never been this frustrated before... I HATE UIs! Will have to deal with them one day,negative "wow, awesome! never knew this. Thanks again!",positive "Tools to automate alteration of markup code for any objective are a horribly frightful proposition. Simply write your code correctly the first time. If you have archaic code then it likely has many other problems in addition to SEO, and automatically imposing global changes can expose problems you may not be prepared to address.",negative "Also, you might find that being able to cast our variables makes working with events in Dart bliss.",neutral "excellent question, thanks!",positive "I don't think there is a native way to do this (). But you can do it naively (this will be efficient, but is a pain to write!):",neutral What possible enhancements can be made in the Basic Radix Sort Algorithm?,neutral @panique No worries!,positive +1 for actually *answering* the question.,positive A copy of an infinitely long string terrifies me!,negative "After installing a lot of apps, and building a few myself, I'm sure many people have been wondering about this. If I'm looking through my SD card it looks absolutely horrible, and its really hard to find folders that are mine for putting music/videos/pictures in between all the folders for different applications. Is there any conventions here that we, the developers, should try to put their apps into one base folder or has Google forgot about this completely?",negative "My NSLog messages no longer show up in my Debug Area. Anyone have an idea how the could have happened? I can hit command-7 to bring of a list of logs in the left pane, select the latest one and view it in my editor window, but it is extremely annoying compared to having the console output in the debug area.",negative So could you swap 2 user's passwords by moving the password hashes in that file?,neutral Could you break this down for me? This looks scary :O,negative Then what should you do?,neutral I'm a complete newbie to C++. Can somebody explain to me how this works?,neutral "No worries, his answer is much better!",positive Which D? There are at least a few D's around,neutral "Excellent, thanks! This was very useful to me.",positive "Excellent, thanks for that!",positive Instead of loading everything which is neither possible nor really desirable I would use a sliding window instead - when you reach a certain maximum list size (say i.e. 300 items) you automatically remove the top 100 items when you add the next 100 items to the bottom. If you scroll just right after the update this shouldn't even be noticeable by your users.,negative Hate ghost comments! :(,negative "Here is my PHP code.. ..I'm extremely crappy with my JavaScript code, could someone help me convert this? I basically want to convert a variable such as ""marine-heavy"" to ""Marine (heavy)"".",negative "I really hate to answer my own question but I found the problem and the report is opening as of right now. I only came across this by chance but it seemed to work. I changed the setting of Display on SharePoint Site to Do Not Display. I never noticed that option before so I gave it a try. SharePoint is on the laptop which I didn't know at the time and I know nothing about it, but at least it shows on the screen now.",negative "I am using as templating engine and I am really loving it. However, now I have run in a situation which definitely mustbe accomplishable in a simpler way than I have found. What I have right now is this: What I am looking for is something more like this: Is there a way to accomplish this which I haven't seen yet? If I need to create my own extension, how can I access myVar within the test function? Thanks for your help!",positive Excellent! Just what i needed!,positive "Yes, GridBagLayout is really painful. But it's still powerful. In many cases, you cannot escape from it. Lets check this tiny utility to see it it ease your pain",neutral Try using a instead. I don't think HashMaps guarantee order. output,neutral "Excellent! Thank you so much for the thorough explanation, and for providing the demo. So `eval()` allows you to access the value stored in each variable. This is handy if you want the name of your variable to itself be stored in a variable. Handy! You did an excellent job explaining. Gold star for you. :)",positive If you are really worried to know user's Browser Info then you need to determine the Browser and pass that to action.. Look at,neutral Wow - excellent! How did you find this age old question? :),positive See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/94935/,neutral how to increase the distance between the text and the check box in flex ?,neutral This is excellent! :),positive "The above solution works, but not for the latest version of Gradle.",neutral "Hi I am developing an android app a musicplayer.It works well except when you hit back key of your phone. It keeps playing song in back ground which is very desirable,but when you open the application again to pause or stop it does not works . I guess a new instance of the application is created on opening the app again. I dont want to create a new instance i want to open the older one to stop it.I hope i am clear.Is there any way to do this.",neutral "Excellent, thanks very much!",positive "In python's the following minimal working example below draws correctly to the screen, and to the . In the resulting however, the edge lines are still drawn. How can I fix this? PNG result PDF result While it seems trivial, it becomes extremely problematic when you stack 200 plots, all you see is an ugly mess of black!",negative I got it.. this is incredibly silly question! Static means I just access it directly from Without using it from the instance.,negative That's terrible :(,negative Prune them.,neutral "what is that downvote? it's real and valid question, and I hate DRM too!",negative "You should never, ever use . It gets really really slow as the size of table grows. Instead you should . In case you have irrational fear of learning, here is there solution which would do what you ask for:",negative "To my limited knowledge, in Android, any activity must belong to a given process. However, the book says: "" The activity life cycle is not tied to the process life cycle."" that is to say, even if the process has been completely killed, its activities can still be alive! What makes me confused is: Because the input handlers of an activity are bound to the process. If the process has been killed, how do its activities react to the user's inputs?",negative "Does anybody have a simple code to display a list (list view?) of all the apps installed on a phone, and have the user open one when clicked? Or even an App drawer. I just need a way to have the user open all of their apps. I have tried searching for tutorials, but couldn't find any, and I downloaded the example home from Android, but I absolutely hate looking through code and digging out what I Want.",negative "I would guess it is doing basic sanity checking (i.e. should anything have changed) - to prevent unexpected source code changes (I hate it when opening a file can cause side-effects - I'm looking at you, DBML!). On a side note, to force serialization generally (I don't think it will apply due to the above): the and are a convention used by the framework.",negative "after some tests i found a fast solution , you can add in top of your index page: it work very fine :)",positive Does not work in Symfony 1.0,neutral :( :( :( :( :( :(,negative Excellent question! I can't figure this out either. Please post the answer here if you figure it out.,positive "John, Your solution is absolutely awesome! But, just to share, I have been using this method above until I see your ideia. So, it seems not to be the best solution for this, but for sure it is a way around.",positive "No worries, just run some tests and see what fits better your usecase!",positive I answered this a couple of days ago:,neutral "Im off to bed, maybe fresh eyes will spot it.",negative "I would like to get back all the option selected of a multiple select when i submit my form. like : using somthing like that : and get an array with all the value selected like ['2','3'] All that, without jQuery and in js or php is fine :) thx!",positive "The clue is: If you actualy have defined the table, then you have suffered the major (probably only!) sqlite gotcha. If the database file doesnt exits it will quietly create an empty database for you. Double check you file path and look for a new empty sq3 file appearing in your directory.",neutral "I have discovered a mode in , where I can instantly change all same variables. When I am in this mode I get a box around the same variables and I can change one and instantly all others change. I do not know how to enter this mode ""by will"", I just entered it ""randomly"". Therefore, I really appreciate your suggestions, how to enter this mode, because it is extremely useful to me! PS.: I am using NO plugins, just a plain new eclipse installation with java!",positive Can library under GPL be used in the commercial software? How about lgpl?,neutral Try to add the complete failed message in the question!,neutral "It seems very tedious! I have a nine table join to join together, where two of the tables is a inner join and the rest 6 is left outer joins. Is it doable in entity?",negative "not woking at macvim, and not support pathogen",neutral I can confirm that this works.,neutral I'm afraid I gave up and switched to django instead!,negative You can run to get the total number of contacts. Another solution -,neutral "Since that link could break, you may want to copy the relevant info into your answer.",neutral @Dennis I edited my answer. I really hate IE!,negative "I am referring to this behaviour: (Windows doesn't include the mouse cursor in the screen shot, I'm hovered on the uppermost (+) here.) I find this incredibly annoying in some cases, especially with larger methods. In , I have both checkboxes blank.",negative I used multiple requests - batches of 10. I don't want to anger the Api!,negative excellent in my case use the following code Thanks!!,positive "I got very angry with Oracle today after reading lots of editable TableView solutions involving setOnEditCommit, which is just NOT the right way it should be done. Following is a much better and simpler solution I found after digging the JavaFX source:",negative "Also, you need to use `$(this)` instead of just `this`",neutral "Still no go, I am afraid :/ This does not remove 'www' from the url.",negative "excellent, thanks much!",positive I'm having the exact same problem! Incredibly annoying!,negative Perhaps you have not set up the terminal settings Follow the steps below : Open terminal Go to your folder where you want to install cocos2d write Cocos2d will install successfully Enjoy Programming !!,neutral What NSMutableArray methods correspond to these Javascript Array methods?,neutral "This is by design - & is usually a desirable outcome! Linq-to-SQL inserts child objects to preserve relational integrity. If you can turn that off somehow, the next obvious solution is to remove the relationship. This is not an ideal suggestion but it will work. Now A does not have a ClassB object, and hence the Insert statement will not insert your B.",neutral You should be able to set an expectation on and then call directly.,neutral $row is blank after the query,neutral "I've never come across native support for this (although that'd be pretty awesome), but there *might* be a plugin (or you could write it yourself!).",neutral "Excellent, thanks!",positive "Thank you for the excellent answers! @ArnoldSpence is correct: It is indeed a case of memory fragmentation. I confirmed this by modifying my example above to allocate a series of 49 MB buffers after the reaching the ""OUT OF MEMORY"" condition. Sure enough, these all succeeded (up to the 2GB limit).",positive I'm afraid I don't know of any other option than work!,negative Excellent icons on !!! We use them in PerTrainer iPhone application You can see screenshots here: I also found some good icons here: Hope this helps!!!,positive "Well, again thanks for your help, it works very great! Have a nice day =)",positive Duplicate question http://stackoverflow.com/q/650238/684229,neutral "Then you could better do \`__file_\_\`, to get `__file__`.",neutral "We have released a beta version of our software, and as we talked to people who started using it, we have found that a lot of the features (which we thought were essential) were not known and not used by the users. What are the possible ways to inform the application users about the features of the application? I personally find the ""Tip of the day"" popups extremely annoying and disable them quickly. Are there better ways?",negative @Joel - no worries!,positive Great! Absolutely wonderful! Thank you very much!,positive Excellent! Thank you for the follow-up. I added a variation above.,positive You should be more explicit as to which RDBMS you are using.,neutral "If it's forms auth then yes, that's weird. I'm afraid I don't have any idea!",negative "If you're really worried about string/character size, have you thought about compressing them? That would automatically reduce the string to it's 'minimal' encoding. It's a layer of headache, especially if you want to do it in memory, and there are plenty of cases in which it wouldn't buy you anything, but encoding, especially, tend to be too general purpose to the level of compactness you seem to be aiming for.",neutral please update and you will get to paradise =),positive No worries! How do I determine the difference between template or class?,positive You can use contents along with filter. Try this: Working example @,neutral I now have this extremely ugly solution. Anybody a better idea?,negative excellent! it works. but could you please explain how this works? Does javascript take time to load? could a thread.sleep step done the same thing?,positive How is it invariant if you're using the current culture?,neutral "well, without binding I only managed with: it redraws everything...",neutral Links are no longer valid fyi,neutral :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(,negative "And windows 7? Is 3.5 SP1 preinstalled, or is it just 3.5 out of the box?",neutral "if the mouse button is depressed, give him some xanax!",neutral I bet it cannot be simpler than that:,neutral Very excited for my first post on SO! I would like to create an animation like in xcode I am not having much luck with what CABasicAnimation has to offer. Feels like I may need one of those fancy physics engines...(?) How would one properly begin do this? Thanks!,positive Link is down again.,negative Is this ASP .NET or WinForms?,neutral "Not really, you have to declare the functions somewhere visible to the caller. Header file is the most convenient way to do it, because it provides an interface. A possible approach is to merge those headers into one .h file, so you provide a single and complete interface with your library. The only other approach I can think about is declaring the functions in the files where you call them, but this is much more devastating and error prone then including a header file.",neutral "I am trying to make my javascript change when the window resizes, but cannot seem to get it to work. The only difference I would like is for the offset().top to change from -90 to -60 as the window becomes smaller than 768px. This is what I have so far: Any advice would be really great! Thank you",positive "excellent bonus tip re lcd! I didn't know that existed, but will be very useful.",positive "This is an internal error *in the Python C code*. Something more heinous is going on here, I don't think this is an error in your Python code.",negative You could use my AnyMarkup decorator:,neutral Excellent answer! Bonus marks for humour!,positive How can i embed a mobile number with the external link using objective c.,neutral Here is the working solution.. Tested in Chrome/FireFox/Safari.. Split the setter into a separate method. Working grrrrreat! Enjoy... Controller: View:,positive where do we need to copy the msvsmon.exe file onto the server?,neutral This answer is not optimal because I have no clue which Konrad you are referring to.,negative not cross platform,neutral "I have two classes, a GUI and a Customer class. The GUI builds the frame and button, and the Customer class gets the info from a database server. I have the ActionPerformed in the Customer class, but it doesn't appear to be noticing when I click the button. Any help is extremely appreciated! GUI Class: Customer Class:",positive What version of the framework are you using?,neutral "This would be easiest with a - no need to be scared, it's just a box!",positive "I'm running socket.io/node.js on my EC2 auto-scaling array of servers. As soon as I have more than 1 server, there is the obvious problem where the socket.io connections need to be shared between the servers. This is where you'd normally use the redis store plugin that comes with socket.io. Unfortunately, I use MongoDB (not redis), and the cost of adding another database to my stack would be prohibitively high. I tried using the module, but it absolutely killed my servers (huge CPU usage). Is there any other way to share the socket.io session between EC2 servers?",neutral Is this seriously the only way to modify the default template? This seems absolutely terrible.,negative And `NaN ==== NaN` will make you even angrier (syntax errors always do!),neutral I had the same problem and I ended up doing this: The idea is that I can use heredoc without extremely ugly array formatting.,neutral Boost is also not C.,neutral I have a lot of classes and this is a lot of work to do the XML mappings.,neutral "Wow, great ! Thanks a lot !",positive very awesome! You just saved me a boatload of time.,positive This is the table: What I have to change in the model? Will ko3 ORM work?,neutral Do you mean the connection is kept open between post-backs?,neutral I have seen a lot of examples of Ruby classes that utilize the method of and I am not sure what the advantage of using it would be. Example: Any insight would be extremely helpful! Thanks!,positive "Wow, excellent thanks for going to the effort to measure the performance! +1",positive Excellent! Thanks very much. Don't understand why I did not try to find it myself. Thanks again.,positive What about:,neutral Figured this one out myself see answer below,neutral "I try to export ant buildfile , then i run the build.xml. Then what next?",neutral "In Computer graphics, what's the difference between material and texture?",neutral I have a complex site that incorporates alot of javascript and it is getting absolutely KILLED by IE7. How would I go about serving this code: HTML JS In such a way that IE7 never gets the and therefore never hides ?,negative how to do this effect? . what way of all the words on the image are put ?,neutral Web API is bundled with MVC 4. It can be used separately and in combination with MVC. There are some rough edges around the integration but nothing very painful.,neutral I have to setup a rails project and rubygems.org is seemed to be down. That's really horrible. Can't believe it the whole ruby community have only one single not-so-reliable gems source. What should I do in such case?,negative according to php.net date('m') should should 01 but i'm getting 1 instead,neutral "I found this code (full version here ) It's work for me but now i don't know how to stop it (for making test it's horrible, my new php file not interpreted!)",negative "@R.. Wow! Really great answer!! You should post it as an answer here, as it's really more precise. Just a question, though, when you say round for the alignment of the type, you mean that if for example on your example you had a short b instead of int b, it would be aligned to offset 2, instead of 1?",positive No I did not. The question is - which files..,neutral Ah - excellent - thanks!,positive "I am designing a contact form which has a 'Thank you' message pop up on send, I need my thank you message to be positioned relative, other wise if the user happens to scroll while the animation is running the message remains stuck in place and ruins the animation. However positing the div relative keeps it in the position before it loads, what I need is a way to have the div display:none or opacity:0 BEFORE the send button is pressed, is that possible? Here is an to explain what I'm trying to achieve a little better And below is the Javascript I'm using Any help would be really appreciated :) Thanks guys!",positive "Ergh, this OptionBuilder has a horrible interface!",negative how did you solve it then?,neutral "If your matrix is called , just use :",neutral "Godd luck, hope you figure it out! :)",positive Excellent - I'm glad you found it! The double quotes may be a unix/linux thing. Note that Oracle will accept `username/pw@db` or `username@db/pw`.,positive I was using an old version of Sinatra - updated to version 1.0 and it works fine :) Thanks everyone!,positive "Distinct is in Linq, not System.Collections.Generic as reported by the MSDN page.",neutral Your example files are well-formed XHTML. Excellent! This means you can use a simple XSLT script. See,positive Offtopic: why the hell do you apply the regexp only to the first 4 characters of the user agent? This is going to fail horribly in most cases.,negative "Thanks, everyone! I learned something extremely valuable :D So Linux doesn't stop at the 26th value?",positive @Grav: So a secondary thread... That is what I said.,neutral i found some class that a very great men develop!!! that solove this: here is a link to download it it the last post on the page: direct link:,positive +1 for IntelliJ. Worth every penny.,positive "Thanks, this is extremely helpful!!",positive It's not possible to open the page in full screen without user interaction (clicking on a button etc.) because it would be extremely annoying.,negative I found that the best way to do this was to use Access and save as a text file and then you can set your own field width and export. excellent!,positive The answer with a GUID is completely ridiculous (no sense at all) The Console hWnd is of course given by GetConsoleWindow() (!),negative Great :) thanks!,positive I was wondering - when making my website - how i can put a bottom margin that lifts an a-tag up. CSS: And here's also my html: I really hope you can help me out :) greetings form the Netherlands!,positive @Filip - because I was afraid I'd insult your intellect!,negative I've always really loved slice assignment:,positive This is the third post I've seen with people filtering by *ascii* char-code - it's a terrible idea! Where are you getting these examples from?,negative how is blue similar to green?,neutral Definitely a point to take note of.,neutral How do I create a table with fixed header and scrolling rows in struts 2?,neutral There is this about hardware to improve compile time. Also this really excellent from Scott Guthrie on looking at hard drive speed for performance.,positive "@NathanSmith Great success! If you submit that as an answer instead of a comment, I'll accept it!",positive read I'm not sure if it will help you,negative "+1, excellent link, thanks (but then anything by Celko is bound to be!-)",positive IDEA importing Eclipse .launch files.,neutral "I have a file in the form If I try to splot such file, gnuplot intended it as a surface, and the result is very awful (because the endpoint of a line is close to the endpoint of next line, not to the first point). How can I plot them as different lines (as every line was in a different file)?",negative They may have just moved it from client side to server side.,neutral It's really sad when you can't trust your coworkers...,negative They are timestamp in real life - I simplified the question,neutral Im afraid is not!,negative Is there a way within Rails/AR to create a new mysql database at runtime?,neutral "if you're really, really worried about performance, using a live nodelist might be faster : This is unlikely to make much of a difference though, and as has been mentioned, using setInterval with long intervals (a second is big, 4ms is small) is unlikely to have any major effects.",neutral I afraid here the relation between C1 and C2 in a single row could not be maintained !!!,negative ImportError: cannot import name gtkpixbuf,neutral "That's terrific, thank you!",positive _Automagically_ appending data to `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` sounds scary!,negative What is the code equivalent of setting endpoint headers in configuration?,neutral Is it the JVM that runs out of memory or the Windows process?,neutral "Okay I am using the same ANTLRWorks and JDK .. but it doesn't work for me :( .. Its very irritating, I have tried everything to make it work !",negative "I had figured out the solution. What I realized was happening was that The deployments stopped working period, not just certain files were not coming across. This is absolutely a bug in Azure deployment as near as I can figure. I had to drop & recreate my site in the cloud and the deployment continued to work. As a side rant. Microsoft makes it extremely painful for someone to submit a bug as compared to other software vendors. And they wonder why their market share is shrinking.",negative "If your end goal is to add elements to your page, just manipulate the DOM directly. Don't use string concatenation to try to create HTML - what a pain! See how much more straightforward it is to just create your element, instead of the HTML that represents your element: Then, later when you put the element in your page, instead of setting the of the parent element, call :",neutral "Excellent, thanks!",positive "The problem with your code is that you are getting the text of the function in your ""template"" variable. You still need to that text to create an actual JST instance on the window. The problem as a whole is that you are abusing the text! plugin, what you really need to do is use the modules of requireJs instead of hanging your variables on the window.",neutral "I want to programatically detect if my site is within the Facebook iFrame app so I can display certain features specifically for Facebook. Otherwise if someone goes site without Facebook. Preferably an FBML, C# or JS solution would be great :) Thx!",positive Try using OAuth (open authentication),neutral "I absolutely hate how tabs work in Xcode. However, the only workaround i found that works decent is using the OSX tabs shortcuts: CTRL + CMD + -> CTRL + CMD + <-",negative "I need to develop a messenger-like text box, where certain tokens are being replaced with UI controls. Just for example, if the user types :-) it should be replaced with a smiley image. I have previous experience with WPF's RichTextBox and i understand the concept of TextPointer and TextContent. I just don't know how to replace a TextRange with a UI control... Would extremely appreciate your help :-) ! Gili",positive "I think it should be a warning. Generally speaking, the common rule is that 'you should treat warnings as errors'. If I unintentionally write unreachable code, I will see it in the warnings, and fix it anyway. However, sometimes, like Neil says, you intentionally create dead code, for debugging purposes or whatever reason. I'd really, really hate it if the compiler would not let me do that.",negative Excellent! I'll add it as an answer so you can close the question properly. Glad I could help.,positive I can't believe sql server doesn't have a feature for this..,negative """two jsons"" <- priceless !",positive Excellent! Thank you so much!,positive sad... very sad.,negative "Has anyone seen a wordpress plugin slider that will show partially the next and previous image before it slides in? OR does anyone know of one that may be easily customized to show that effect? any demos, guidance or links will be extremely helpful! Thanks very much in advance! Michael",positive a very sad face :(,negative you have to use symlinks instead of an alias... sad there is no ui for that! you have to go into the Terminal and type: the first PATH is the base path of the original file and the second is for the base path for the symlink of the file/folder etc,neutral @Ad-vic No worries!,neutral "Thanks! Give it a try! It works excellent! If you can build the URL string correctly of course, je",positive I also would like to see an answer to this..,neutral "Excellent - now if I set the main ImageView layout_weight to 3 and the inner LinearLayout to 1, I get the 75/25 effect I wanted too! Thanks Kevin!",positive "HIya 2 working demos for you : or both works fine: Hope this helps, have a good one, cheerios! code:",positive "when I'm drag and drop some in chrome, it always make some noise, you can try it in your chrome: click on some empty place, then drag, then release mouse, it makes the sound. I really hate it, and I have seen some page don't have the chime sound, and I think it can avoid use javascript, can anyone tell me?",negative Is there a way to grep for only calls that over a certain amount of time?,neutral "Try this, you will avoid the much dreaded IN operator with subqueries (they can sometimes be inefficient, to say the least)!",neutral What are the differences between Drupal7 and Drupal6? What about theming?,neutral "here, bro: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/chrishays/archive/2004/10/27/centeredimages.aspx",neutral "I've been having this issue for some time and kept just disabling the ""Script"" tab which is really annoying! I tried to click the pause button so it's flashing and refresh, same issue. Then, click so it's not flashing and refresh, same issue. I just now clicked the pause button (so it was blinking), then un-clicked it so it was not blinking, and then refreshed the page and it seems to have fixed it. The same page that was breaking on a script error is no longer breaking on the error.",negative "Still using HeidiSQl, it's excellent!",positive "If it comes with an incredibly annoying sound, then it's a MessageBox. It not, then it's maybe some kind of child window - see",neutral "Oh, man, I am sorry but I must say it: your code is really awful... It is not organised at all, but maybe... shouldn't be instead? EDIT: try to comment the second and third queries, since they seem useless, and make the ""cur"" -> ""cursor"" change I suggested:",negative she records the class (the computer screen shot) but it's very useless! she confuses herself and the class..,negative "The dreadful integer arithmetic attacks again! When you calculate ((3+2+1)/100), since all the operands are integers, Ruby uses integer arithmetic rather than floating point arithmetic. If you do 7/100 it will also return 0, as it's rounded down to the nearest integer, which is 0.",negative How can I use variable names other than $it$ in a StringTemplate partial?,neutral It's a very painful process to ajax `files` to a server side script. You might try: http://fineuploader.com/,negative "If i give will the search engine consider rel="""" to be noindex, nofollow?",neutral I forgot to mention one thing. You need to add this filter above struts filter in web.xml,neutral Did you ever find a solution?,neutral Drama-free and practical. +1.,positive @Johannes yeah...definitely positive!,positive Its really depressing. Ended up with downloading the whole bundle again.,negative awt (this is to get 10 chars),neutral "I am sorry to say this but most Silverlight grids do not support cell merging. At least not out of the box. I have resorted to using Component One studio for Silverlight in order to achieve this, and even then it hasn't been exactly a walk in the park. Consider C1 Data Grid control. Here is a sample on with sample code and a small write up. The down side of such solutions is that C1's controls are extremely expensive :( I wish Micro$oft came up with some enhancements in SL5 that would accommodate for such issues.",negative "Excellent, thanks!",positive did you ever come up with anything for this?,neutral I use GIT on windows with and i'm loving it! .,positive "I have run into this too. It is very annoying! Here's why it might be happening. The width of your li items, plus any margins is more than the width of #maincontainer. That means the last li item spills over #maincontainer and the script will want to move that last bit in, leaving an extra click. One way to check this: assign an id to the last li, and make the width less, and see if that doesn't fix it. If so you need to make the #maincontainer wider.",negative doesn't mean nothing. You have to use,negative "That's where I'm using the extra switch, yes.",neutral How I hate myserlf!,negative "Excellent! Your first comment is right on the spot, the other two calls are not necessary. I'll be happy to accept your answer if you create one.",positive sad faces! :( not workoing.,negative It would be sad:(,negative "I realise this is probably an absolutely horrible way to do a query, and of course its not working. The point of it is to select users based on a date range and a keyword.",negative "I generally do it before importing anything. If you're worried that your module names might conflict with the Python stdlib names, then change your module names!",neutral Does input order for a SM 4.0 vertex shader matter? e.g. is equivalent to,neutral Amazing how well this works! I had excellent answers immediately! It's like I'm living in the future!,positive "I found this on Transactions with Table Adapters. However, this article doesn't explain why Transactions are needed or even desirable! Why would it be worth me trying to implement Transactions alongside my TableAdapters?",neutral Seconding Paco's question....,neutral "Hi I just started playing with Mongoose. It seems pretty awesome! Now coming from a Django background, how would one implement a type of options field like: So that it can be set like status = Open or something like that. Or should this just be a normal String field and I set it accordingly in my app?",positive Loved this solution!,positive Which initialize() method are you referring to? Which class?,neutral "This is very strange, what are you trying to do here. It looks very scary code. Where are your constructors?",negative "I have issues with Aptana ( on dark themes. Every time I hit the cursor, the horizontal scroll bar in the workspace flickers into view and out again. This seems to be a bug, which has been reported already a long time ago: Has anyone else found a solution? Makes working in Aptana incredibly annoying.",negative Is it possible to make play swf in full screen mode when HTML page lunch?,neutral Basically you've got to call the method with reflection: Get the generic method template with Call passing in your 4 type parameters Invoke the method passing in the regular arguments It's a pain :(,negative "When I slide to a next image, or when the slider/carousel automatically switches to the next image the previous image disapears too fast, which gives it an extremely ugly look. I've made a video to make clear what I mean, can be checked over here. Anyone has an idea? Code for the carousel:",negative This is amazing...I had no idea you could control UI elements without even needing to mess with the UI... You are a hero :) thank you!!!!!!!!!!!,positive Is this valid ? what I'm really worried about is can you specify type and also use def at the same time?,negative My company is just starting to look at using WPF for migrating all of our 10 year old business applications. These applications will most of the time be running on computers that have limited/old hardware. We are now a little worried that the hardware might be too limited for using WPF. We have installed Family.Show () on an basic older computer and that seems to run ok. But we would like know what your experiences with WPF on older hardware is? Anyone out there willing to share some experiences with us?,negative That would be awesome. I could report 100% success rates on all e-mails! :),positive Dr. Klaus Schulten gave an excellent talk at GTC2010: http://livesmooth.istreamplanet.com/nvidia100922/. GPGPU computing is definitely the way to go for bioinformatics!,positive you have your terminology horribly confused.,negative Any Updates to this annoying topic?!,negative Gotta love stackoverflow!,positive "I usually don't post meta comments, but 29k views and 7 upvotes? That is sad",negative "In this case, I'd keep the DoStuff() method but subscribe to it with: Admittedly that won't please those who do all their event wiring in the designer... but I find it simpler to inspect, personally. (I also hate the autogenerated event handler names...)",negative Jeff's article is excellent reading on this topic.,positive "+1. Great question! Now, I have no clue about the answer, but I'll stay tuned.",positive "Make sure the designer doesn't put anything that he thinks is fancy and well animated. Many a times, it becomes a big pain to simulate such effects in ASP.net unless you are a pro with CSS or Javascript. Coordination between designer and developer is a must according to me, so I would prefer to sit close to a designer till the base design of the page is finalized.",neutral It's free in both meanings of the term.,neutral "Your question assumes that mail clients follow the RFC standards for MIME encoding, which they don't. I'd advise you collect a bunch of mail from sources and try and process it as-it-exists. The problem you are facing is extremely difficult (perhaps impossible) to solve 100%.",neutral "When all of the bugs from previous patches get merged into the main tree, we lose the ""who did what"" information. I think it is a shortcoming of TFS for sure. Too many bug fix comments hurt in the long term - people are then afraid to touch stuff.",neutral "I maintain an application which, during the course of two years, has constantly required new hardware to be even usable, due to the amount of new users / new data inserted. However, justifying the investiment is sometimes very hard to do. I started to wonder - how can I establish the maximum number of users a web application currently suports? I thought of using JMeter scripts but they can get really nasty to implement when having to simulate file transfers and decison trees. What do you guys use?",neutral "I need to send and receive data over serial connections (RS-232 and RS-422). How do I set up and communicate with such a connection? How do I figure out what the configuration settings (e.g. baud rate) should be and how do I set them? In particular I am looking to do this in Java, C/C++, or one of the major Unix shells but I also have some interest in serial programming using Windows/Hyperterminal.",neutral "This is how you find the arc length given the parameter, but finding equidistant points requires the inverse of this function. Getting from one to the other is not trivial. @Christian Romo: how did you do it? I mean, you can just use binary search, but that would be horribly slow (for what I'm trying to do, anyway).",negative +1 - what a great article!,positive I'll second Zend_Form; it has an excellent ini style implementation that allows you to define a form extremely quickly:,positive +1 Saves a lot of time when unit testing Data Access layers. Just note that TS will often need MSDTC which might not be desirable (depending on whether your app will need MSDTC),positive Is there a way that I can get a list of the models that a particular model belongs to in Rails? For example: Hope this makes some kind of sense!,positive Anybody found yet a good web site architecture using linq to sql? Any help will be very helpful!,positive "As you may know, tonight, at exactly 23:31:30 UTC, Epoch Time will reach 1234567890! Hurray! One way of watching epoch time is by using Perl: Can you do the same in another programming language?",positive "I'm getting notifications to back up my encryption key for EFS in Vista, however i haven't enabled bit locker or drive encryption. Anyone know how to find out what files may be encrypted or have an explanation for why it would notify me?",neutral I have VS2005 installed. But I was afraid about installing VS2008 and lose everything. I think I have to install 3.5 framework first. Is that correct?,negative "I want an simple IDE/editor for C in Linux to which I can add features easily. For example: I want to add a right click menu item and a related action for the editor. It should be easy to extent and add any desirable functionality. I tried eclipse CDT but its to much of learning(I mean knowing the eclipse plug-in architecture and the CDT extension points and stuff) to do for the small modification/s I want to do. Thanks, Sachin",neutral "The length of a Python Unicode string in a narrow-Unicode build is the number of UTF-16 *code units*, not actual Unicode code points. Truncating and other slicing options that go by arbitrary index can indeed split a surrogate pair in half, with the result of some missing/replaced characters. On a narrow build, `unichr(0x10345)` simply fails; `len(u'\U00010345')` is `2`. This is the price you pay for easy interaction with Win32 UTF-16LE APIs. Most other environments use UCS-4 which doesn't suffer from any such problem.",neutral "Wow, exactly what i was looking for!",positive If that isn't the longest qualification ever... `Throw.In.Todays.News.While.Youre.At.It(...);`,neutral "If it's of any use to anyone, I made a . It removes the oldest item (bottom of stack) when it gets too big. (This question was the top Google result for ""C# limit stack size"")",neutral "I'm afraid I don't know any answer other than to start looking around in your area for old hardware. The CPU isn't the only variable that can (usually) affect things. L1/L2 cache size, memory bus speed, memory speed/latency, hard drive speed, etc. are all significant factors in many applications.",neutral Realted: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/386652/techniques-for-database-inheritance,neutral See also this excellent answer: http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/90869/92102,positive "If by 'slickest' you mean fastest, I'm afraid that Enumerable.Repeat may be 20x slower than a for loop. See : So use Dotnetguy's SetAllValues() method.",neutral "Thank you very much, this is really interesting stuff!",positive "If your worried about other people access your web service directly, you could check the calling IP address and host header and make sure it matches expected IP's addresses. If your worried about people stealing information during it's journey from the server to the client, SSL is the only way to go.",neutral "Why is Silverlight included in the question title? SQLLite is not yet ported to Silverlight 2, and what you do on the server side doesn't really matter for the Silverlight client application.",neutral "Ahh, I didn't know that the wsdl command line utility could generate one file for many asmx.... thats awesome! I'll try that out now. I can integrate that into our build process too. Great, thank!",positive "It could also be a problem if you worried about running out of ID too fast (if you expect LOTS of records), since you're only using 1/10 of the range you have storage for.",neutral "I always try to avoid to return string literals, because I fear they aren't defined outside of the function. But I'm not sure if this is the case. Let's take, for example, this function: Is this correct code? It does work for me, but maybe it only works for my compiler (gcc). So the question is, do (string) literals have a scope or are they present/defined all the time.",neutral "I have created a VB.Net lending application for a cooperative that caters to widows. The application tracks the members' loans and payments, and is also used as an accounting system. In my first release, the users felt that showing a messagebox every time an error occurs is very annoying. My solution is to output errors in a label control. The users accepted the modification, but i feel i am doing it wrong.",negative "Im using the AutoPersistenceModel in Fluent NHIbernate to map all my entities and that all works fine :D However, several of my objects have In the database there is a single comments table, and each entity with the above code, has its own link table to comments. At the moment what im doing is: for every entity. Is there some way i can set a convention where by all mappings to IList are wired up automatically as manytomany with the above table name convention? Thanks Andrew",positive "Would use double.TryParse, it has performance benefits.",neutral """You should never use a named mutex"" - never say never. If malicious code is running on my machine, I'm probably already hosed.",neutral "Jonathan's comment sums up my feeling. In EF4, char(1) fields come across as string, so MS obviously recognized the pain.",negative "Wow! Yeah, I did'nt know that! Great new feature.",positive "I'm writing an Eclipse plugin for the JDT. I need a functionality that tracks certain strings or regular expressions and possibly creates markers. I know that Eclipse already does that for //TODO comments, for example (creating task markers for them) but I'm not sure if I can use the same mechanism. I can write my own but worried it would be too inefficient and not sensitive enough to code chnanges.",negative "This is a terrible idea, as a compact on a database already in a suspect state can lose data that would otherwise be recoverable before the compact. Compact On Close should under all circumstances be turned OFF.",negative Update way later: there's actually a built in function to get the current user. I think it's in nativeApplication.,neutral "FlexeLint is a commercial product which has no development history in common with Johnson's original Unix Lint, AFAIK. A non-commercial alternative is Splint.",neutral "what's their max baudrate for communicating with USB converters? I looked on their website, it says 230400 but I may have misread something. (230Kbaud's not enough for my application)",neutral "Got some code here that isn't working: Basically I have 3 lists and want to add a class (last) to each item appearing last in each unordered list. Hope that makes sense, Cheers!",positive "This is similar to the accepted answer (because it is using Java to represent the newline rather than EL) but here the element is used to set the attribute: The following snippet also works, but the second line of the element cannot be indented (and may look uglier):",negative "hI, I'm trying to get this code from Larry Nyhoff's book to compile in Bloodshed. It's actually been taken word for word from the author's website, though I declared it on .cpp instead of .h (the .h file ain't working with the tester application). The search(const DataType & item) function is what's giving me grief. The compiler error says: What I'm I missing here?",negative Restoring splitter distances has given me a lot of grief too. I have found that restoring them from my user settings in the form (or user control) Load event gave much better results than using the constructor. Trying to do it in the constructor gave me all sorts of weird behaviour.,negative "Any, but Solaris especially loves threads.",neutral "While your basic point is correct, the code you've shown is much slower than the two versions given in the question: Afaik, you get four `int` in one cache line, that means on average you get a latency of less than 30 cycles to load the data (not considering prefetching), you have conditional jumps in your loop (modern architectures hate mispredicting those), so you get much, much more than a cycle for each loop iteration. I'd wager, your swap will take at least 100 to 200 cycles, probably more, but that heavily depends on the numbers you are swapping (how many mispredictions are made).",neutral "I guess that works, but I'd never do that. It's screaming bad practice. Think about code readability etc.. Come back to your code in six months and figure out all the function calls inside your HTML markup.",negative "My form receives asynchronous callbacks from another object on random worker threads. I have been passing the data to the main thread (where it can be used to update onscreen controls) using delegates as shown below. Performance is dreadful -- once I reach 500 updates per second, the program completely locks up. My GUI processing itself is not the problem, as I can simulate this level of updating within the form and have no problems. Is there a more efficient mechanism I should be using to hand off the data from thread to thread?",negative if the 2 structures variable are initialied with calloc or they are set with 0 by memset so you can compare your 2 structures with memcmp and there is no worry about structure garbage and this will allow you to earn time,neutral "I am looking at moving my company's internal business app from VB.NET to PHP. Some of the people were worried about losing GUI features that can be found in .NET. I am under the impression that with the right javascript framework, anything in .NET GUI can be replicated. While I am still researching this point, I would like to ask if form features in .NET GUI can in fact be replicated with javascript and slightly more importantly, will it take much longer to develop to get the same results?",neutral "I have wrist pain when I type and I would like to start writing SQL statements, stored procedure, and views using speech recognition.",neutral "Very direct question, i need to know if its possible and maybe where to start reading about that. Im a programmer with zero experience in windows servers and a client is asking if we can deliver in their windows boxes(and no they wont let us use any kind of virtualization in them). Thanks guys, i know its not 100% programming related but... hope you can help =) EDIT: Wow, fast reply! Thanks guys!!!",positive See here: I tried retrotranslator from 1.6 to 1.4.2 and it works pretty well!,positive awesome explanation!! this is seriously awesome..,positive "Does anyone know of a link to a reference on the web that contains a sample English dictionary word script, that can be used to populate a dictionary table in SQL Server? I can handle a .txt or .csv file, or something similar. Alternatively, I'm adding custom spellchecking functionality to my web apps...but I don't want to integrate the standard components. If there are good references (with samples) on building a dictionary word checker, I'd love that too!",positive "To further explain: Apple once had a section in their agreement that specifically listed the allowable programming languages C, C++, Objective-C and Javascript. This was cause for a lot of confusion, doubts and fear. Eventually Apple stopped naming the languages. I know for a fact that even while this was in place, a variety of apps were on the store, being published, or in development that used Lua scripting in some way or another.",neutral "reload() does not work. ""Reloading"" is usually implemented by forking. Implementing ""real"" reload() is extremely difficult and even the most serious attempt, isn't perfect.",neutral "I need to get the current user too, but can't find that function... can you share the solution?",neutral What can I do to increase the performance/speed of my PHP scripts without installing software on my servers?,neutral 7 seconds between asking and answering it yourself? Isn't that abusing the system a little?,negative "I did a lot of VRML+Java work in college and loved it, but I feel like it's not really a marketable skill. Has anyone worked with a high level graphics API like open inventor, coin..etc that is actually in use to a degree that makes investing a lot of time in the API worthwhile for something more than a hobby?",positive "There's for a sort that should work, but just wasn't included in the core. Referenced from , I think you just pass in a function that is used to sort, like so Hope it helps!",positive "@grieve--from what I've read, unit tests should not hit the file system, db, or go accross the network. I'm trying to stick to those rules.",neutral I have a binary file that I have to parse and I'm using Python. Is there a way to take 4 bytes and convert it to a single precision floating point number?,neutral "This doesn't do title case, where small words (articles and prepositions) should not be capitalized.",neutral "It will create a new enumerable, which may not be desirable in some scenarios. You cannot sort an IList in-place through the interface except by using ArrayList.Adapter method in my knowledge.",neutral Another thing I hate to see is the : I've seen this in real code.,negative "I have a process in erlang that is supposed to do something immediately after spawn, then send the result back to the parent when it is finished. How do I figure out the PID of the process that spawned it?",neutral false && false == false I'm afraid that you would need to make that the negation of an XOR in order to make it correct.,neutral -5 votes?? People who have downvoted this answer should have specified the reason for doing so as well.,negative @Adrian - that article was brilliant :D thanks for sharing it!,positive "+1 for splint, excellent tool and free (as in free speech, not as in free beer)",positive Code samples would be great!,positive You are Awesome !,positive "As far as I know, and I'm definately not a hacker, you are completely fine. Really, if someone wanted to, they could exploit your code anyway clientside, but i don't see how they could exploit your server side code using javascript (unless you use server side javascript)",positive My application links against libsamplerate.a. I am doing this to make distributing the final binary easier. I am worried that perhaps the code inside the .a file depends on some other libraries I also will need to distribute. But if it doesn't I am worried I am bloating up my application too much by including multiple copies of eg. libc. What exactly will be inside libsamplerate.a? Just libsamperate's bytecode? Or more?,negative "This is a copy of the question : But now is for netbeans (I'm not a eclipse lover. CTRL+TAB does not change pages.) Please, I'm very curious.",neutral As a dev I worry about event logs getting full and then hitting an error when logging an error. But I suppose you have to deal with 'logging' failures with whatever you are logging to (file/db).,negative "Not an exact answer I'm afraid, but this information might help.",negative @MarkHarrison: can I use that online?,neutral "Great thanks fung! It was especially the ""Starting Our Debugging Session"" section that helped.",positive I really liked which C++ however you can easily translate that to C# the author has a web site too.,positive Excellent. Thanks.,positive "We could, but that'd mean installing wsdl2ruby and so on and so forth. Sometimes Dog Slow is fine :-)",positive "When you say it didn't detect it do you really mean you were collecting everything and the packet you wanted wasn't there? I find that hard to believe. It doesn't need any configuration, it just works. Getting a sensible filter so it gets what you want and not loads of other crap is harder!",negative I am fed up having to turn them on every time I open the application.,negative "After doing some more digging and hacking it turns out to not be terribly hard to drop the Cakewalk interface into an application. It's not pretty without a lot of work, but it works right away.",neutral "This code is 99% correct. However, if we call Peek or Pop without putting anything on the stack, it will crash as the index is -1. This could be easily fixed by adding index bounds checking.",neutral "might be an answer, but I'm afraid I can't speak from experience.",negative If I understand this correctly: Current CPU developing companies like AMD and Intel have their own API codes (the assembly language) as what they see as the 2G language on top of the Machine code (1G language) Would it be possible or desirable (performance or otherwise) to have a CPU that would perform IL handling at it's core instead of the current API calls?,neutral i think by using this code you can have a limited size queue..which is also Circular buffer.,neutral Excellent pair of web casts (30 minute videos) where Patrick Smacchia and Filip Ekberg talk through some of the features of nDepend and how to use them:,positive "is the most comprehensive I've found, but it suffers from much the same problem you noted in Control Panel. Maybe you can help by updating it with any information you've found independently?",neutral "My work just gave me a quad core computer, and WOW build times are fast! (What used to take 20+ minutes now takes 7 minutes). Anyway, Visual Studio builds project in parallel (great for build times), but scrambles the output: Is there a plugin that sorts the output when the build is complete?",positive "Is there a standard way to see how much stack space your app has and what the highest watermark for stack usage is during a run? Also in the dreaded case of actual overflow what happens? Does it crash, trigger an exception or signal? Is there a standard or is it different on all systems and compilers? I'm looking specifically for Windows, Linux and Macintosh.",neutral "This is great, thanks for the tip!",positive +1 mos def. Thanks for the inspiration :) How's the progress there?,positive I'm afraid that's not java ;),neutral "Wow! Very simple , but great effect...",positive "You might want to consider using , a replacement for Windows' terrible command-line chrome. It offers fully redefinable keyboard shortcuts plus tabs, so it's ideal for IRB.",negative Fantastic that's exactly what I was looking for!,positive "The StackOverflow transcripts are enormous, and sometimes I want to link to a little bit within it. How do I create an HTML anchor in a FogBugz wiki page?",neutral "As I'm a former C++ programmer that code makes me cringe. Multiple postincrements in C/C++ have ""undefined behaviour"" (i.e. it's an error, but the compiler won't tell you so.) It's legal in C# and Java will always output ""1,2,3"" but your C++ programmer colleagues will hate it.",negative "The (NLTK) is an excellent resource if you're considering Python as a language. It incorporates lots of the stuff you'd expect in a text processing/NLP environment like parsers, stemmers and part-of-speech tagging. Documentation on it is pretty good too. As for datasets, NLTK comes with a variety of for experimenting with. Hope it helps, B.",positive "@SteveKehlet however I believe it is more cleverly referred to as ""cat abuse""",neutral "Any progress on this one? To embed complex functionality (including history-aware interactivity) on an MVC page without involving the rest of the page is a reasonable and common desire. The only alternative I see, to require the using page to track each components query-string state, is horrible.",negative "I'm writing a simple app that's going to have a tiny form sitting in one corner of the screen, updating itself. I'd really love for that form to be transparent and to have the transparency be user-configurable. Is there any easy way to achieve this?",neutral "I recently imported about 60k records into a table that relates data in one table to data in another table. However, my client has since requested that a sort order be added to all 60k records. My hope is there is a nice clean way to auto generate these sort orders in a SQL Update. The finished data should look something like this: Can this be done? Any suggestions would be hugely appreciated. --Anne",positive "Excellent question and I agree, it should be throwing an HTTP Not Authorized status.",positive "Ah, finally I can solve this annoying problem!",positive Excellent answer,positive "I'm receiving a recovery feed from an exchange for recovering data missed from their primary feed. The exchange strongly recommends listening to the recovery feed only when data is needed, and leaving the multicast once I have recovered the data I need. My question is, if I am using asio, and not reading from the NIC when I don't need it, what is the harm? The messages have sequence numbers, so I can't accidentally process an old message ""left"" on the card. Is this really harming my application?",negative "I currently have speakers set up both in my office and in my living room, connected to my PC via two sound cards, and would like to switch the set of speakers I'm outputting to on the fly. Anyone know an application or a windows API call that I can use to change the default sound output device? It is currently a bit of a pain to traverse the existing control panel system.",negative "Note you can use memcmp() on non static stuctures without worrying about padding, as long as you don't initialise all members (at once). This is defined by C90:",neutral "for flow control Steven; the question seems to be about whether this pattern should be used, which seems to be rather subjective based on the answers, but it's an excellent question for thought.",positive "I'm talking about . With streaming stackoverflow podcasts and downloading the lastest updates to ubuntu, I would like to have QoS working so I can use stackoverflow without my http connections timing out or taking forever. I'm using an iConnect 624 ADSL modem which has QoS built-in but I can't seem to get it to work. Is it even possible to control the downstream (ie. from ISP to your modem)?",neutral @awied: you also need to worry about the situation in which a user accessibility application is driving your program.,neutral "I want to catch all URL's in the root folder of the url www.example.com The url cannot end in a trailing slash, and can't contain any slashes at all. so these should pass: www.example.com/abc www.example.com/abc123-asdf www.example.com/abc123/ ** fail! www.example.com/asdfsd/asdf ** FAIL!",negative "If you are getting thrown off by the fact that the user/group is listed as having ""Limited Access"" on the ACLs on, say, the parent site/web. That's just a placeholder SharePoint uses to make sure people have access to at least the bare minimum set of objects (e.g. theme and other UI files and the parent web itself) to get to the list or item you actually want them to have access to. As long as the group only has access on a single list, you should have to worry about them having access to anything else.",neutral "too bad this behavior isn't a setting. I think it makes sense in theory why they did it this way, but in practice it's just really annoying",negative "If DevStudio is crashing a lot on you, you might try uninstalling any add-ins and extensions as a first step. It might save you a lot of pain.",neutral Works great !,positive Also I would try: But I don't have Air installed so I can't really test this...,neutral i can't find it : \,negative Has anyone built a website with IronPython and ASP.NET. What were your experiences and is the combination ready for prime-time?,neutral Suppose we have a table A: and table B: I want to join A*B on A.itemid=B.itemid both right and left ways. i.e. result: Is there a way to do it in one query in MySQL?,neutral "Though be aware that if the starting string is all upper case, you have to call `String.ToLower` first, since `ToTitleCase` doesn't work on all upper case strings.",neutral "Becouse the web service is being used to intergrade in with a 3rd party data feed, that the customer wishes to be able to setup without having to wait for the next release of the software. E.g Excel can inport data from a web service without Microsoft kowning about the WSDL when they wrote Excel!",neutral "But the question is not as simple as assuming ... . But surely this is a Google for it question? Pretty much every regex primer you can find anywhere uses IP as an example! scores 183,000 hits!",neutral I'd really love this to work in IE. I'm not able to change the fact that tables should not be used here. IE is the only browser the project I'm working on is required to support. Here's the code: I've been using the Tryit Editor to play with this. Thanks in advance for your help!,positive "I know techsmith has a screen recorder api called that you can access programatically. I haven't used it, but I've used the snagit api by the same company and it's excellent.",positive Your best bet is probably TcpClient. There's a great sample that does exactly what you're doing right in the .NET Documentation here: Good luck to you!,positive "I realize this is old, but there is an absolutely fabulous PHP Activecord library called, appropriately, PHP Activerecord. I've used it for several months and it blows away the other libraries. Check it out:",positive "I second FlashDevelop. You don't get the visual design stuff for the MXML, but for the code (both MXML and AS) it's excellent.",positive The overlapping part is an excellent point. Its also worth clarifying the question as to which is most common in the case of substrings of varying length.,positive Here's a Perl solution Here's a Ruby solution Here's a Ruby one-liner solution: What the one-liner is doing is using a regular expression substitution of the first character of each word with the uppercase version of it.,neutral "I have a query that is simply selecting from 3 tables. select from the comments table for all comments on an article select from UserID table to find what kind of user it is IF the user is one type, search one table...ELSE search another table for the final info. How would I go about this? I'm a little new at MySQL stuff, so i totally appreciate your patience! PS - let me know if this isnt clear... Thanks!",positive Take a 200th upvote for an excellent question.,positive "Excellent comment, Flea. My head asplode.",positive "May want to replace `""\\""` with `File.separator` to make it work on linux.",neutral I'd like to be able to see what registry keys are used for. A book on the registry would be fine as well. Info on Windows Vista changes would be great!,positive The ebook summarises Thread.Suspend and Thread.Resume thusly: The deprecated Suspend and Resume methods have two modes ��� dangerous and useless! The book recommends using a synchronization construct such as an or to perform thread suspending and resuming.,negative "I tested this code out with an Access 2007 database with no exceptions (I went as high as 13000 inserts). However, what I noticed is that it is terribly slow as you are creating a connection every time. If you put the ""using(connection)"" outside the loop, it goes much faster.",negative "Programming Student here...trying to work on a project but I'm stuck. The project is trying to find the miles per gallon per trip then at the end outputting total miles and total gallons used and averaging miles per gallon How do I loop back up to the first question after the first set of questions has been asked. Also how will I average the trips...will I have to have a variable for each of the trips? I'm stuck, any help would be great!",positive totally awesome,positive "If I can avoid it, no. And, to my knowledge, there is always a way to avoid it. But I'm not stating that it's totally useless either",negative "Strange - No one mentioned GEdit (Gnome) or OpenKomodo (Windows, Mac, GNU/Linux...). Both of them are great! OpenKomodo especially deals with tabs and spaces very well. And - it's free. Whee! When I need a lighter weight thingy, I just use GEdit. Download OpenKomodo here -",positive I am suffering from the problem in the first example - my enums don't show up at all. This answer doesn't even attempt to address that issue.,negative "I just came across this idiom in some open-source Python, and I choked on my drink. Rather than: or even: the code read: I can see this is the same result, but is this a typical idiom in Python? If so, is it some performance hack that runs fast? Or is it just a once-off that needs a code review?",negative "No, I never did figure it out - good luck!",neutral Both of these answers were really helpful - thanks!,positive Take a look at [this answer](http://stackoverflow.com/a/18646797/2697658). Hope it helps!,positive Google led me to solution (base64_encode). Hope this helps!,positive Actually it doesn't even have to be malicious code. It could just be a accidental name collision.,neutral I'm new to developing web applications using the .NET framework. I'm just wondering if .NET has any support for saving a custom int value for each (logged in) user? Could I perhaps use the HttpContext.User property or something? I'd be really grateful for some help on this! /Ylva,positive "RegEx is a horrible option for performing replaces on a large amount of text. As powerful as it is, many RegEx proponents see all the world as a nail and RegEx as their hammer. For use cases involving large amounts of text, look at FastReplacer http://stackoverflow.com/a/11442008/141172",negative @Jason: what's so horrible with using ajax and query string to update parts of a page?,neutral Thomas Becker (author of the second link above) has a longer article which is excellent: http://www.artima.com/cppsource/type_erasure.html,positive "I'm building a marketplace application that uses PayPal Express. I've got a form for sellers to input their PayPal API credentials, but I need a way to validate them by making some sort of call to PayPal. I'm using the PaypalExpressGateway in ActiveMerchant, and I don't see anything other than the standard purchase controls. Is there any sort of null-operation that can be used? Any help would be greatly appreciated!",positive "If you are not forced to use a particular compiler I suggest to use Qt and in the new 5.3 version you will find a class dedicated to serial ports: The code you will write will run on all supprited Qt platforms, at least those that have serial ports.",neutral "I have a .net assembly that has a COM+ ServicedCopmonent in it and at the moment I install it into the GAC to get everything working. This means that I need to have every assembly that it references in the GAC as well. During development it is quite painful to make changes to thes assemblies, re-install them to the GAC and then test. Is it possible to maintain the COM+ component but not have everything in the GAC?",negative "Make sure that the file has svn:keywords ""Rev Id"" and then put $Rev$ somewhere in there. See .",neutral I lost my MySQL username and password. How do I retrieve it?,neutral awesome - what started off as a gripe turned into a real educational experience - thanks everyone!,positive "I've knocked up a basic version of what I'm looking for, it's not perfect but it'll do the job until something better comes along.",neutral "Too awesome! This actually answered an unasked question of mine, how to stop people from cutting off others in my corporate meeting.",positive "Use case for me: So I can compare objects against a MSSQL Compact Entity without worrying about how they typed the fields. (I am comparing an object against a compact database where some fields are name isSomething and IsSomething.) In other words, for sake of laziness.",neutral "Creating custom types can be done in PowerShell. Kirk Munro actually has two great posts that detail the process thoroughly. The book also has a code sample for creating a domain specific language to create custom types. The book is excellent all around, so I really recommend it. If you are just looking for a quick way to do the above, you could create a function to create the custom object like",positive Great point - will change!,positive Matt - can you revue the accepted answer. You have to scroll a long way to get to a [pure javascript answer](http://stackoverflow.com/a/5686237/360211) and I fear some users just take the accepted answer as gospel and use antiquated libraries as a result.,negative @Cocowalla: the finalizer should dispose the unmanaged mutexes unless it can't know if the mutex was created by the managed app or attached to an existing one.,neutral "dont mark this guy down. technically he is correct http://martinfowler.com/bliki/InversionOfControl.html IoC is a very general principal. Flow of control is ""inverted"" by dependency injection because you have effectively delegated dependancies to some external system (e.g. IoC container)",neutral "It's generally better to keep them open. If you're concerned about being able to read them from another process, you need make sure that the share mode you use to open/create them allows others to read them (but not write to them, obviously). If you're worried about losing data in the event of a crash, you should periodically flush/commit their buffers.",neutral List comprehension performance link is dead :(,negative "Thanks djuth, this works great and is very simple! I have to admit it is pretty limiting though, for example, I would love to have it autocomplete a staff name and then return a staffID but I can probably play around with what's added and parsed.",positive "Are there any tools to assist with the internationalization of Strings within JSP files? Most IDEs (for example, ) offer such a feature for Java code. However, in the case of NetBeans, no such feature exists for JSP files. With , for example, there is are various tools out there that assist with extracting text Strings from code. Something similar for JSP would be great!",positive "You could use FindWindow to get the HWND of the window, then use the BringWindowToTop function found in the Win32 API.",neutral "Are you really sure you need to use a cursor? Those are not supposed to be the first choice in SQL Server these days. In fact, many experts abhor them.",neutral This is a problem with Windows Firewall that is very annoying from its introduction. And persist trough several versions of windows. I have two questions: Is it possible to be disabled or at least require confirmation in XP/2003 Server ? Does UAC handles this in Vista/2008 server? If it does not - is there any way to disable it?,negative "Thank you Gumbo, I suppose this'll have to do. I would've liked a more concise solution but thank you anyway, I never knew this js-uri class existed!",positive "I need to pass a regex substitution as a variable: This, of course, doesn't work. I tried eval'ing the substitution: but that didn't work either. What horribly obvious thing am I missing here?",negative "This was annoyingly annoying... If you have a the need to export your RegexBuddy history you can take a look at , which prints to the console your history, also as Json.",negative Great question!,positive How do I code for a company icon to appear on the left-side next to the URL address in the browser's address bar?,neutral /me works out more what your code does and screams in agony.,negative "I have a session where they are, in fact, getting mixed up. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1646274/asp-net-session-mix-up-using-stateserver-scary",neutral "This doesn't do title case, where small words (articles and prepositions) should not be capitalized.",neutral Wow! I always thought double quotes were required!,neutral "Unfortunately if you want to make this an open API, many people will be unable to use Content-Type headers. The sad reality is that you usually need to allow some hacks, even if you permit the standardized way too.",neutral "I've got a really simple powershell script (see below). I've got installutil aliased using the following in my profile: In powershell I simply: This returns successfully. (Install/Commit both complete successfully). Yet when I check the registry, or in powershell using get-pssnapin -registered it doesn't show my assembly. I did this the other day and it worked fine, but I don't seem to be able to duplicate it ... please advise. }",neutral "Apparently there's the very obvious ""Client"" property which I completely missed!",neutral anyone have any experience of using them together? How well does it work? or is it just too much grief?,neutral "Tried it, loved it. Using it right now.",positive "+1 for umbraco. It has never ever limited me in any way. It does have a learning curve, but once you get to know the basics of the system, you'll be amazed what things can be done in a short period of time. Also, great supporting community!",positive Just a general FYI: It is [almost *always* better](http://philosopherdeveloper.wordpress.com/2010/05/05/re-throwing-caught-exceptions/) to simply `throw;` instead of `throw e;`,neutral Vista + latest XAMPP + latest xdebug.dll works fine!,positive "When opening Adobe Acrobat Pro, whether it be through Applescript or finder, the introductory dialog is shown. Is there a way to not show this dialog without already having checked the ""Don't Show Again"" option when opening a document using Applescript? Photoshop and Illustrator Applescript libraries have ways of setting interaction levels and not showing dialogs, but I can't seem to find the option in Acrobat.",neutral Using it is painfully easy to access movies from the IMDB site: However I see no way to get the picture or thumbnail of the movie cover. Suggestions?,negative "Give her full access, if she wants it. She's supposed to manage the project you are developing, and to do that efficiently, she might need to be able to look at any part of the project. Of course, there's always danger that she might do something stupid or malicious. If you have as part of your process auditing of any changes, you'll be able to find out if she messes anything.",neutral I love the way you assimilated another answer!,positive (Python Remote Objects) is fairly clever if all your server/clients are going to be in Python. I use alot though since I'm communicating with hosts that are not always Python. XMPP lends itself to being extended fairly easily too. There is an excellent XMPP library for python called which is reasonably up to date and has no dependancy on Twisted.,positive Excellent method for minor changes. Just what I was looking for. Thank you.,positive How can I get programmatic access to the call stack?,neutral Have you tried logging into Linux as your installed Oracle user then When you log in you'll be able to change your password. Good luck :),positive "Just a personal opinion, not an actual answer but... I love those login forms (not pages) which just shows up in the center of the page and after you type in your username and password you are logged in without ever leaving the current page!",positive IMO it is painful to debug as you tend to have no intermediary variables for inspection.,negative "no, it is extremely bad idea.",negative Is there a way to run a specific Ant task via the keyboard? I have a rsync to dev task that I run a lot and running to the mouse to double-click is a pain.,negative in our continuous integration setup we use SVNRevisionLabeller and pass the variables from this to MSBuild to use when creating the compiled website dll. It's then available to .NET using GetCurrentAssembly() in the final build.,neutral "This is flat wrong I'm afraid - you should follow W3C guidelines: http://www.w3schools.com/DTD/dtd_el_vs_attr.asp - XML should not be formed on readability or on making it ""compact"" - but rather using elements or attributes correctly for the purpose which they were designed for.",neutral I hope fortune favors the brave :),positive I have a column containing the strings 'Operator (1)' and so on until 'Operator (600)' so far. I want to get them numerically ordered and I've come up with which is very very ugly. Better suggestions?,negative "I would say yes, it was Anders Heljsberg's intent to make the observer pattern a first-class language feature with events in C#, based on his experience with Delphi. Anders makes this and other design intentions clear in an excellent interview on .",positive -1 This isn't language agnostic.,negative "An excellent book I have, which covers this topic, is , by Clifton Nock. It has got many good explanations and good ideas on how to decouple your business layer from the persistence layer. You really should give it a try. It's one of my favorite books.",positive I see Microsoft is still at it with their horrible magic version control stuff...,negative "I would avoid it for module globals certainly. For variables restricted to local scope, so you can see the same function isn't ever going to need to use the builtin, it's not something I'd worry about.",neutral "Why do you believe that ""template metaprogramming is all the rage""?",neutral "If you're looking for a free alternative to Red Gate's most excellent SQL Compare, you might want to check SQLDBDigg made by . It's what I used until I caved and bought SQL Compare.",positive "I'm afraid it can't be done, the psudo-class selectors can't be set in-line, you'll have to do it on the page or on a stylesheet. I should mention that technically you should be able to do it , but most browsers don't support it Edit: I just did a quick test with this: And it doesn't work in IE7, IE8 beta 2, Firefox or Chrome. Can anyone else test in any other browsers?",neutral As TraumaPony said. Simply load the main game assembly in to Visual Studio and try to compile it. It won't if you try to make a reference to an assembly outside the those that ship with the 360.,neutral Not available in silverlight. See other C# answer(s),neutral How can I find the high water mark (the historical maximum number of concurrent users) in an oracle database (9i).,neutral more than 7? How about more than 2 or 3? Remembering the argument ordering in constructors is a real pain.,negative "Background: I'm currently debugging an application written over a custom-built GUI framework in C++. I've managed to pin down most bugs, but the bugs I'm having the most trouble with tend to have a common theme. All of them seem to be to do with the screen refreshing, redrawing or updating to match provided data. This is a pain to debug, because I can't break on every refresh, and most of this stuff is time-sensitive, so breakpoints occasionally ""fix"" the bug. Q: Does anyone have any tips for debugging Windows-based GUIs, especially regarding the refreshing of individual components?",negative Is the local server on your dev pc being accessed by name or IP address. The issue could be related DNS resolution.,neutral "For OTP and other processes using `proc_lib`, see [How to find the supervisor of an OTP process?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4132317/how-to-find-the-supervisor-of-an-otp-process)",neutral I always seem to use Get when working with data (strongly typed or otherwise) from the database and I have never really needed to use Fill although I just as easily could use Fill instead of get when pulling out and updating data. Can anyone provide guidance as to the implications and gotchas of each method? In what situations is it preferable to use one or the other? Any performance implications? Thanks in advance for the answers! I love this community!,positive Here's an implementation in Python: And a port of this implementation that I've just done in C++:,neutral Designing with Web Standards is a great first read!,positive also check out the project at codeplex which is a tutorial of sorts on parallelization using .net among other things:,neutral six more years and still loving it.,positive "I'm new to development (an admin by trade) and I'm setting up my development environment and I would like to set up a CruiseControl.Net server on Server 2008. A quick Google did not turn up any instructions for getting it running on IIS 7.0, so I was wondering if anyone had experience getting this set up.",neutral "Congratulations on the new job! Relax and keep your cool. Read something on . I guess, the process itself will make sure you are productive as long as you apply common sense :)",positive We're in the process of packaging combinations of our products/modules. Some of them are stand-alone some are interdependent. All versions must be deployable side-by-side. As it is we're considering two choices: One MSI per package and version One MSI per product/module and version The first alternative would mean that combinations of the same merge modules would be delivered in several packages. The second alternative represents the simpler path. Can you give some advice on the subject? Will any of the alternatives cause grief in the longer run?,neutral "Yep. I gave up actively deleting stuff off my hard drive a long time ago. Just like with gmail, with decent search it's easier to just archive everything rather than worry about sorting, filing, and deleting it.",neutral "That's exactly the point - HTMLEncode does not protect you against mistakes. Of course, the programmer expected somevar to contain 23 - its just that nasty attacker that decided to shove a blank in...",neutral "Here is the equivalent C prototype for the Delphi function: int csd_HandleData(char* aBuf, int aLen); Nothing earth-shattering, but maybe it will get an answer from someone afraid to contribute because of unfamiliarity with Delphi.",neutral "I have a Java application that's very String-heavy - it takes a feed of huge numbers of big, different String objects. Do I need to worry about the String Constant Pool for memory and performance? Is there any way to see how big the pool is at any point?",neutral "Sorting the hashes is also a possibility that I have considered. I'm a bit concerned about memory usage, but I'll worry about that later.",negative "The reason to build it into the language is that it can get painful when you want a hierarchy of chainable objects that return the most derived type. Currently, you have to have `` generics to allow subclasses to change the return type so calling methods don't lose scope of the object they are calling. Building into the jvm removes this ugliness. Plus, instead of a return statement, it can just push a reference to this on the stack as needed; an ""on demand return"" instead of an ""always return"" that can be hard to optimize out when you don't use it.",neutral I found a library that makes it easy to get my oAuth_token and oAuth_token_secret with c#. If I'm trying to make a POST to a RESTful web service (ie. ) how are those two keys leveraged to varify authentication. A C# example would be awesome!,positive "I've been trimming the UI of our website by doing the following in the onload event of that control: This has become very tedious because there are so many controls to check again and again. As soon as I get it all working, designers request to change the UI and then it starts all over. Any suggestions?",negative "I agree. It's clear that you are on the threshold of either using a library or writing your own. Go get jQuery and just use it as you see fit in your project, starting with this. Here's to happier days!",positive but (early optimization == root(evil)) != (Performance doesen't matter),neutral Probably your answer is better given as a comment.,neutral That's horrible.,negative "AT what stage are you populating the ListBox? I fear you are doing it too late to be persisted in the page, if ViewState is not somehow disabled.",neutral "We ended up using a Java applet. It was a nightmare. Normally it would have been awful, but as this was for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the added distance & language differences made it a nightmare. In the end, it worked ""enough."" But again, nightmare. I would not recommend it.",negative Dude I feel your pain. I used my blogger address but since moved my blog. I don't want to continue using my blogger address as my id now there is a google option.,negative "Don't forget about ! JSON seems to have better support though. For example, the library has excellent built-in JSON functions.",positive "I need the name of the current logged in user in my Air/Flex application. The application will only be deployed on Windows machines. I think I could attain this by regexing the User directory, but am open to other ways.",neutral "If someone is commonly needing to delete all but the top n rows, I'd argue they've got bigger issues to worry about.",negative I know I can configure command line arguments in the Run configuration but I want to run a java file multiple times with different command line arguments. It's a pain to change the Run Configuration every time. Is there a way I can make Eclipse prompt me for command line arguments every time I run the program?,negative Pretty new to this scene and trying to find some documentation to adopt best practices. We're building a fairly large content site which will consist of various media catalogs and I'm trying to find some comparable data / architectural models so that we can get a better idea of the approach we should use using a framework we've never made use of before. Any insight / help would be greatly appreciated!,positive "+1 The perfect enhancement for remote du -sh ing! Love this tool, super fast usage and deleting workflows as well!",positive "Whoops, just realized something...there's no way for me to specify a max length when using String.String(sbyte*) which basically means death to using the constructor for the purpose of reading out of a ring-buffer since it could keep reading past the max length into the next segment!",negative "What we have now come up with is halfway what I wanted. Basically we used JNI to call upon native Windows RTF control (the one used by WodPad) - this way we don't have to worry about nasty ActiveX deployment issues, but still it's a hack",negative "Kudos, great question!",positive There is nothing mentioned in http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/desktop/NativeApplication.html,neutral "Perhaps I'm missing something with the concept of Extension Methods, but I cannot gain access to the Extension Methods within the KeyCollection Class as defined here: . Using the following code excerpt: I can only gain access to the ""standard"" KeyCollection methods (CopyTo, Equals, Finalize, etc) but cannot gain access to the extension methods (Aggregate, All, Any, etc). Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!",positive "@Anyone who uses Assembla - Is it 200MB per project or 200MB per account? If it's per account, then that's awfully small.",negative I would recommend -- it's an excellent CMS with great built-in translation.,positive @Pangea it's *Rogerio*,neutral "I haven't touched sharepoint in years. If I want to setup a development environment to get up to speed, what options do I have? I don't have an MSDN license, is there anyway I can get up and running for free? (for development only)",neutral Performance is very rarely a motivating factor in the choice of a loop.,neutral "That's a great link! Donut caching, when using the WebFormViewEngine also works with the declarative control too.",positive It is extremely unreliable and if there are constant builds going you never know the actual build is broke.,negative Interesting idea. Best of luck!,positive Very useful thankyou!,positive "I'm doing a fair bit of work in Ruby recently, and using Is absolutely critical. However, I'm really disappointed with the default Windows console in Vista, especially in that there's a really annoying bug where moving the cursor back when at the bottom of the screen irregularly causes it to jump back. Anyone have a decent console app they use in Windows?",negative "I have a screen with say 20 controls on it. I want to show all twenty, then hide only the ones that don't relate to what I'm working on. My problem is that between the loops the screen paints. It looks very ugly. I know I've seen this done but for the life of me I can't find that code, or even remember what app I'd seen that code in.. Does anyone know how to suspend the paint for a bit?",negative Works for me on Win 7,neutral "Suggest adding the following to Peek and Pop(): if ((_stack.Count - 1) < 0) throw new Exception(""Cannot Peek or Pop without first doing a Push."");. This would alert the programmer to this corner case, and allow them to keep it in mind when using this class. We could also add a TryPeek or TryPop, which is the approach Microsoft have taken with their ConcurrentDictionary implementations.",neutral "We need to test a website in both IE6 and IE7. We've had bugs appear running on actual windows machines that aren't visible under vmware (?!), so we have an actual windows laptop to do this - but only one. Is it possible to install IE6 and IE7 side-by-side in such a way that they absolutely, positively, behave exactly like they would if there was only one of them? How?",neutral This is awesome!,positive We've been using a combination of TWiki OpenGrok for the codebase usenet LotusNotes based system As long as there is a google search appliance pointed at these things I think it's ok to have any or many versions as long as people use them,neutral "If I have a simple piece of data to store (an integer or string for example) I might choose to store that in ViewState, or using a HiddenField control. Why would I choose one over the other? ViewState Hard for the user to decode (thought not impossible), which might be desirable HiddenField Value can be used in JavaScript Are there other pros and cons?",neutral "Looking for links to resources that will help me write a user guide for a software application. I'm after something that will help me to structure my guide, give it an appropriate writing style, and ensure that it has an excellent look and feel throughout.",neutral "Is there a way to aid gmail in making threads? We are currently using same Subjects to do this, but that really uglyfies the subject a lot.",negative "Using the Windows API, how can I get a list of domains on my network?",neutral this works super for me! (no pun intended),positive I would not store configuration information in the repository at all. That way you don't have to worry about SVN trying to update the config when you update your source.,neutral This is great! I figured I just had to redrag everything into the dbml.,positive "once again, i just want to comment on this - great suggestion!",positive "Is there a way to set ""work offline"" in TFS without having to try opening a solution, waiting for it to time out, and then having Visual Studio work out that it has failed? It seems a touch ridiculous that I can't just tick a box to tell it myself, seeing as I'm probably the one most qualified to know when I'm not in the office!",negative has an,neutral "Acropolis was killed as a standalone product, with its contributions being cherry-picked for later libraries such as MEF or whatever the WPF version of CAB is called.",neutral "I've been having this exact same issue, still not entirely sure what to make of it. [Here's my SO Question with a couple other suggestions given](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3798/full-complete-mysql-db-replication-ideas-what-do-people-do). /mp",neutral "@Chris Two different control statements just to appease developers who want their switch statements to work in a slightly different way? That's a **terrible** idea. VB [had that mentality for loops](http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Visual_Basic/Loops), and it worked out terribly.",negative "I'm trying to bring a legacy C# .NET 1.1 application into the modern era. We use DataTables for our collections of what could have been business objects. Given that most of the code thinks it is talking to the interface of a DataRow, what generic collection would make for the least painful transition?",negative "is a metadata management system developed on the Microsoft SharePoint platform that heavily leverages RDF, OWL, and SPARQL. It has some big customers in the broadcast space and is an excellent example of enterprise use of these technologies.",positive Worked great for me - thanks!,positive "+1; great question, really needs more votes!",positive See also similar question: [Implementing a compiler in itself](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/193560/implementing-a-compiler-in-itself),neutral It's pretty easy to prevent aliasing by adding a conditon *a != *b.,neutral This probably sounds really stupid but I have noo idea how to implement jquery's rounded corners (). My javascript-fu is complete fail and I can't seem to get it to work on my page. Can anyone show me a simple example of the HTML and JavaScript you would use to get them to show? Apologies for my idiocy.,negative Very nice! +1,positive "first question here. I'm developing a program in C# (.NET 3.5) that displays files in a listview. I'd like to have the ""large icon"" view display the icon that Windows Explorer uses for that filetype, otherwise I'll have to use some existing code like this: The above code returns an integer that is used to select an icon from an imagelist that I populated with some common icons. It works fine but I'd need to add every extension under the sun! Is there a better way? Thanks!",neutral "There seem to be many excellent web frameworks for Python. Has anyone used any of these (Pylons, Web2Py, Django) with IronPython?",neutral "I would tend to leave them open -- but open them with the file share permissions set to allow other readers and make sure you flush log output with every message. I hate programs which don't even let you look at the logfile while they are running, or where the log file isn't flushed and lags behind what is happening.",negative "G'day, One of the best recommendations I can make is to read the relevant section(s) of Steve McConnell's Code Complete (). He has an excellent discussion on naming techniques. HTH cheers, Rob",positive How do I format a string to title case?,neutral There's lots of things that I don't know about languages and syntax. +1 because I learned that you can make a setter private inside a public property. Awesomeness ensues!,positive "You can try the BringWindowToTop function to not steal focus. I haven't used it, but it seems to be what you're looking for.",neutral FlexMonkey may be more of a pain than it is worth. Gorrilla Logic claims it works with custom components but I have found this is not the case. Anything with a renderer seems to have serious problems. It is a lot harder to set up tests than they claim and the tests aren't stable. I have written tests for one component 5 times now using hardcoded ids. Sometimes it just can't see the component and it dies. They only have 3 short paragraphs explaining tests in their user guide and they only respond to questions about how to set it up on their google group. I would avoid using this.,negative @Gili: SerialPort is in current production use by our customers.,neutral "What you are asking is inherently impossible. The game runs on the client and is therefore completely at the user's mercy. Only way to be sure is running a real time simulation of the game on the server based on user's input (mouse movement, keypresses), which is absolutely ridiculous.",negative "Thanks for the recommendation. I've just talked to them and I'm getting a demo. It looks good on paper, I really hope its can handle what I'm looking for.",positive "Sometimes youre developing and you decide to commit, forgetting you created a few files on your project. Then a few days down the line your buddy gets your build out of subversion and complains that some files appear to be missing. You realize, ah crap, I forgot to add those files! How can I get a list of the files that are not under version control from subversion so I'm sure I've added everything to the repository?",neutral "VirtualBox (after version 1.3.8, anyway) will let you map incoming connections in the NAT configuration. There's an excellent tutorial on that describes the steps to configure port mapping.",positive See also on Programmers.SE: [Why is Inversion of Control named that way?](http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/205681/why-is-inversion-of-control-named-that-way),neutral Um... Nothing... Sad that we all missed the simple solution.,negative "I would be extremely appreciative if anybody can help me. I am learning C++ and I have been trying figure this one out. Basically, VS C++ Express does not come with the .DEF template. What other way can I go about creating this file? Is there a parameter I can set in VS so that the linker can create this on the fly? Thanks!!!",positive I thought I'd commented. Complete rubbish http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6692021/performance-space-implications-when-ordering-sql-server-columns/6692107#6692107,negative "askgeo.com is fantastic, thanks!",positive "I know this is an old thread. But, posting here anyway. Check out this pdc session :",neutral "Because the ORDER BY RAND() method is terrible for performance. Note that he has 120,000 rows in his table.",negative "Sure all code can be made better in the future, if you are up to it. But when I make reusable code, I expect that I can just take it into use later without needing to worry about things.",neutral onload() event is not firing in Safari when back button is clicked,neutral "I'm afraid I can't entirely follow your question - do you want to have a sign up form for membership or email notifications shown as an article? If so, then the easiest way is to install 'm2c' - the 'module to component' component. Then you can put any module (ie the sign up box) in the centre content area. The m2c component can be found here:",negative Have you actually implemented this successfully? It sounds like a great solution!,positive "Just run, run away screaming.....",negative Press CTRL+C and keep on processng CTRL. Query was killed for me....:) Ubuntu 12.04,positive Have you compared with `Enum.GetName()`?,neutral Trying to get S60 SDK working on Linux is quite a pain. Still struggling with that.,negative "I wish i knew, I am on 3+ projects and have to do 3+ SCRUMS a day. :cry:",negative "Voting to close, the question I linked back to should have everything you need.",neutral "One potentially valid reason to impose some maximum password length is that the process of hashing it (due to the use of a slow hashing function such as bcrypt) takes up too much time; something that could be abused in order to execute a DOS attack against the server. Then again, servers should be configured to automatically drop request handlers that take too long. So I doubt this would be much of a problem.",neutral Do you have any experience of designing a Real Shared-Nothing Architecture? Would you have some readings to recommend me?,neutral "Consider using a [temporal database](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temporal_database ""Wikipedia entry"").",neutral What's the solution that worked for you?,neutral You just need the to handle the QoS on Linux boxen. However I wouldn't expect that much from it because of the results I obtained and .,neutral Agreed. Excellent question.,positive If I plan to use data caching do I have to worry about conflicts when also using deferred loading? It seems that with linq i am losing control of my data.,negative Is it possible to hide .svn files in the Open Resource dialog (Ctrl + Shift + R) of Eclipse? It's very annoying when you have hundreds of files... Cheers.,negative This question is awfully vague.. and doesn't seem to have anything to do with programming..,negative "Ignoring how ridiculously lame it is to ask a question and answer it in this fashion seconds later, this is an awful answer, and that is why it is voted down. Why will you only see a small speedup? Can you provide numbers? Platforms tested on? This answer is even more vague than the original question, which was vague to begin with.",negative "Yes, we used to use Starling. But it's a pain to always delegate the stuff that could take awhile to a different process.",negative "Thanks--good answers. This is, in fact, a DateTime type; I had to typecast ""stoptime"" as: Minor point. It works great!",positive "The 1024 byte limit is part of the syslog (section 4.1), as is UDP transport which doesn't have guaranteed delivery (in case you worry about log lines lost in the ether). I think syslog-ng can solve both these issues, but I'm not a syslog expert.",negative because it is terribly difficult to get right. But I mention `boost::iterator_facade`.,negative Use java dom api or sax for xml parsing. Give more concrete xml structure.,neutral "A database is meant to manage large volumes of data, and are supposed to give you fast access to read and write that data in spite of the size. Put simply, they manage scale for data - scale that you don't want to deal with. If you have only a few users (hundreds?), you could just as easily manage the data on disk (say XML?) and keep the data in memory. The images should clearly not go in to the database so the question is how much data, or for how many users are you maintaining this database instance?",neutral "Source control, keep it offsite and keep it for life! You'll never have to worry about it.",positive "I recommend you take a look at how merlin does it, as suggested by Erik Allik, e.g. https://github.com/the-lambda-church/merlin/blob/master/emacs/merlin.el#L430 starts a process, and https://github.com/the-lambda-church/merlin/blob/master/emacs/merlin.el#L631 sends a command to the ocaml merlin process, with an async handler.",neutral "Why do so many people not understand the importance of permanent URLs?? Even Adobe, selling products to build web applications, regularly fails at this!",negative I use and to embed the code formatting portions. Works great for me! :-) Sample page:,positive "Carom3D is a great one, they seem to have mastered the physics. See these links for more info: Good luck!",positive Why not Double.TryParse ?,neutral "I have a situation where IE7 hangs accessing my web app. Based on the excellent from , I installed WinDbg to download the IE symbols, setup Process Explorer to use those symbols, and then used Process Explorer to get a stack trace for the hung thread. I have pasted the stack trace below. Does someone more familiar with the IE internals have an idea of what is happening, or a suggestion on how to progress with this?",neutral I know that IList is the interface and List is the concrete type but I still don't know when to use each one. What I'm doing now is if I don't need the Sort or FindAll methods I use the interface. Am I right? Is there a better way to decide when to use the interface or the concrete type?,negative "How do you manage deploying InfoPath forms to different sharepoint servers? Is there a better way to deal all the data connections being site-specific without opening the forms, editing the data connections and republishing for each environment?",neutral "has a good website intro to sql. If anyone wants a book, the first several chapters of book are an excellent intro. Much better than the text book from my database class. If anyone wants to explore relational database concepts, seems to have a good intro. book is also very good on that subject.",positive "According to the documentation in VB6 the Mid function returns a variant, but Mid$ returns a string and apparently this is more efficient. My questions are : What simple test can I use to discern the difference in performance ? I tried looking at simple app which did a few string operations, with , but there was no discernible difference. Is it worth worrying about? I've gotten into the habit of using the $-ized functions, but should I recommend everybody on my team to use it as well ?",negative "Check out It does the ""THIS IS NOT A FUNCTIONAL APP"" napkin view very well and is easy to use. Has a full featured you can try out online and as an added bonus you can email your XML to your client and they can tweak it and play with it and email it back to you without having to have a license.",positive I've used BeautifulSoup for such things in the past with great success.,positive I love you dude ! :) Saved me a lot of time.,positive "Wow! Awesome responses - I'll have to try'em out after work today, and I'll let y'all know how it goes :)",positive I always recommend for a good starting point for beginners - especially those who have seen SQL but never understood how to build up a query them selves or how they work. All Celko's books are great. Hernandez's Mere Mortals book is good. Ken Henderson's books are also excellent.,positive "I am seeking excellent examples of Ruby DSLs (Domain Specific Languages). Which repositories, projects do you know of that are worth a read? Why is it (or: are they) great examples? I am particularly interested in more complex examples that are well thought-out and designed.",neutral "I have a small application that I am building a Chat application into, so far I have the functionality to post messages! I don't need a login as there will only be a small number of users and I will use their windows username for identification. Has anyone done anything similiar? What else do I need to add? It doesn't need to be all singing and dancing as it is just for use within a small development team. Any ideas would be great! Thanks",positive "I am using LLBLGen Pro 2.5 with self-servicing. If I want to add some rows into my tables within a transaction and then update the first row I added, do I have to add that first entity into the transaction object again? Here is a fictional example of what I mean: Any advice would be greatly appreciated!",positive "Makes sense, and it's very similiar to what I am doing. One ant task for stage and one for production, and just using the defaults for local development. But pain arises from mainting 3 different applicationcontexts which have almost identical content..",negative "AFAIK, the creator of DelphiCodeToDoc is actually still actively working on it. Have you tried sending him an e-mail? In my experience, he's very helpful!",positive "I have a generator and I would like to know if I can use it without having to worry about StopIteration , and I would like to use it without the . I would like to use it with a while statement for example ( or other constructs ). How could I do that ?",neutral "Other's have posted equally viable options, so really pick the one that makes the code prettiest to you! :-)",positive Does anyone know how to add an item to a list but do it so it's ordered alphabetically using jQuery? I've got the following code that just adds an item from a dropdown to the end of the list: but I'd like to be able to insert it in its appropriate place instead of just appending to the end of the existing list. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!,positive can talk a bit more about the not so normal .net experience? I was thinking to go for Mosso...,negative "It may be worth taking a look at , it's a generic collection library for .NET which includes sets. Note that I haven't looked into it much, but it seems to be a pretty fantastic collection library.",positive "By clever, I mean NOT TO upload once again the files that has been already uploaded (with the same dates, size or checksum...). It would be great, because the Publish method takes a lot of time!",positive Why would you return an IList in the first place? From a WCF service?,neutral I'm reasonably certain you can't shift focus to another tab. My understanding is this is done to somewhat limit pop ups and other malicious content from stealing the users focus.,neutral "I'm afraid that I already know the answer to my question, but I'll ask it anyway: When there are two MySQL DB servers, can I access data that is stored on the other server? In other words: Can I somehow do this: Is the answer really as short as ""No""?",negative "I know its possible to accept a list of objects as a parameter but what about a list of Guids from checkboxes? This is a bit different as the only name you get has to be the ID. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!",positive Very nice work!,positive I'm loving .,positive "You should give a try. I haven't tested it but they mention that is works with Silverlight OOB apps and even give you a tutorial . It's commercial software, but a 30 day trial is available.",positive How do I create a self signed SSL certificate for an Apache Server to use while testing a web app?,neutral Do you how to do this using an Embedded Image? I haven't been able to figure out how to reference an Embedded Image in an expression.,neutral "Oh, but [requests](http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/index.html) *is* especially great. imho",positive "Span? That reminds me of a Monty Python... ""Span, lovely Span, wonderful Span!""",positive Checkout this [answer](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17333/most-effective-way-for-float-and-double-comparison#17467) to a similar question.,neutral "In WPF, how would I apply multiple styles to a ? For instance, I have a control which already has a style. I also have a separate style which I would like to add to it without blowing away the first one. The styles have different TargetTypes, so I can't just extend one with the other.",neutral That's an excellent idea Jeff. Thanks!,positive To add on to mwigdahl's excellent post: [here](https://ribosome.helixcommunity.org/2005/devdocs/FuncLevelLinking)'s a link that explains how to achieve FLL for g++ -- this may give you some additional insights.,positive Hi all I have a horrid database I gotta work with and linq to sql is the option im taking to retrieve data from. anywho im trying to reuse a function by throwing in a different table name based on a user selection and there is no way to my knowledge to modify the TEntity or Table<> in a DataContext Query. This is my current code. I want to populate my ViewData with Enumerable records.,negative "A unit test should do the same thing every time that it runs, otherwise you may run into a situation where the unit test only fails occasionally, and that could be a real pain to debug. Try seeding your pseudo-randomizer with the same seed every time (in the test, that is--not in production code). That way your test will generate the same set of inputs every time. If you can't control the seed and there is no way to prevent the function you are testing from being randomized, then I guess you are stuck with an unpredictable unit test. :(",negative "@Imad Alazani: The flow of control has been ""inverted"" by Dependency Injection (DI)",neutral "I have a few classes which do nothing except in their constructors/destructors. Here's an example I'm a little concerned about future readability. Am I being too ""tricksy"" here, with a variable (""busy"") which is never actually used in the code? Could some static analysis tool suggest they be removed, or is this idiom sufficiently common not to worry about?",negative Use rather than the raw VixCOM API if you're going to do this in C#.,neutral I never said I was angry by the way. Just noting what I saw as a design flaw.,neutral "I didn't specify it clearly, rather than looking for a library, I am looking for a web-application/component, that I can embed inside my java application so that I don't even have to worry about creating the UI.",neutral "I think the fact that you have SVN at the moment makes this question less obvious. A managers might avoid formalising something from fear that a poorly conceived process will trump being reactive. There are many options, and finding the right combination may require a series of smaller changes.",neutral "For what it's worth, NSCollectionView does this too (you can see it in action in the IconCollection sample code). They apparently wait for a ""quiet period"" in which you've stopped dragging. I've been trying to write a similar class, and it is definitely a pain to get the animations to run consistently and properly during the resize.",negative Won't that be horribly distracting?,negative "Awesome, thanks!",positive "I'm not sure what you mean by ""pure C"" but strchr() and string.h have been part of Standard C for 20 years.",negative Great tutorial. Really appreciate it!,positive @Evan It's not compilable java. It's used to navigate the code in eclipse/idea and is excellent if you have a large code base with lots of long class names.,positive Does it make sense to start learning JavaFx if I do not have any background in UI programming? Is it more advisable to learn Swing first and then move on to JavaFx ? I tried the on JavaFx website in Netbeans and the code looked extremely complicated to me. I am wondering if JavaFx is too advanced for a beginnner GUI developer.,negative There was an excellent presentation at WWDC this year on advanced scrollview techniques. You may want to spend an hour watching that. It might be of great help to you in this situation. The video is available in iTunes under the iTunes U section or from the apple developer site.,positive "Grid Hosting one price , an entire cloud hosting server",neutral I want to use the mouse scrollwheel in my OpenGL GLUT program to zoom in and out of a scene? How do I do that?,neutral "Anti-JavaScript snobbery! Every language uses a separate platform on some level to parse and execute the code. JavaScript is just another language, capable of writing ""programs"" or ""scripts"".",negative "@gnud: No, it's not an implementation detail. It makes it a pain when you've been given an integer in ""natural"" base (i.e. Jan=1) and you need to use it with the calendar API.",negative "Firebug is an excellent tool to to show a screen media CSS for some HTML element, but is there a way to look at the print media CSS too? Or is there any other tool to see the print media CSS?",positive "Just a word of advice - this will be painful to extend if you later want to add a proper user-login system, and/or a threaded reply structure.",negative "As mentioned above, some of the fundamental Object Oriented Design principles are OCP, LSP, DIP and ISP. An excellent overview of these by Robert C. Martin (of Object Mentor) is available here:",positive "i really love the jquery validation plugins, look neat stylish and accessible, but as you know JavaScript can be turned off and boom your user can enter what ever he wants, therefore you should validate on server too, so what is the best approach here ? do double validation one with jquery and one on server side or is there a better solid secure way ?",positive "This is a stupidity of windows find utility, +1 for feeling my pain.",negative "Thanks, after using it for a couple of hours, I can say that's a great soft, definitely!",positive +1 Very interesting question!,positive Awesome!! Thanks :),positive I am in need of generating a random string with spaces and mixedCase. is all I got so far: I am getting only uppercase strings with no spaces - I believe the tweak should be pretty striaghtforward to get mixed case and spaces in the soup. Any help greatly appreciated!,positive I'm only generating the AutoGeneratedClass. The GenericClass and its GenericHandler() method are hand-coded in a different assembly from the AutoGeneratedClass altogether. So I'm afraid this won't work.,negative "I have a query that has approx 20 columns and I would like to export this to an Excel file with the column headers. I thought this would be easy to figure out but no luck! I searched the web and found one suggestion that did not end up working so I am stuck. Anyone have any working ideas? Thanks,",negative "Although that text editor test isn't 15 minutes, it sounds like an excellent test. It's more like what you would do in real life compared to writing algorithms: maintain code that someone else might have made.",positive Excellent - I've unaccepted the original answer. I shall try this tomorrow. Thanks both of you.,positive "I am using Eclipse 3.4.1. I have an external library that consists of a bunch of JAR files, and some HTML JavaDoc. I know that I can attach the HTML JavaDoc to individual JARs by going to their Properties page, JavaDoc location, and setting it there. But it would be a pain to do this for each individual JAR. Is it possible to do them all at once somehow? The JavaDoc location is the same for them all.",negative "Great question, but please update the accepted answer to IainMH's! :)",positive "I am extracting some data from SQL Server. One of the columns is a ntext column that has a blob of XML there. As I extract it, it looks really ugly. Is there any way to format the XML inside a SQL Server 2005 stored proc?",negative "I'm working with an incorrectly built spring application. Rather than use IOC, objects that require references are pulling their references from the context: Putting aside the non-IOC design, what are the other detrimental effects of this? For example, does this have any particular performance implications? Is there any way that this could result in the creation of additional contexts or object references? Anything else really unpleasant that this could cause?",neutral "It's always a balance: - too much TDD and you end up with code that works, but is a pain to work on. - too much 'maintable code, clean design, and sound architecture' and you end up with that have talked themselves into coding paralysis Moderation in all things.",neutral I agree: Awesome answer! Thank you so much for this borad overview (even if it may be a little bit outdated by now).,positive I am currently working on an n-tier system and battling some database performance issues. One area we have been investigating is the latency between the database server and the application server. In our test environment the average ping times between the two boxes is in the region of 0.2ms however on the clients site its more in the region of 8.2 ms. Is that somthing we should be worried about? For your average system what do you guys consider a resonable latency and how would you go about testing/measuring the latency? Karl,neutral "I have a Rails app that uses STI to handle different types of Users, such as: I want to use memcached, but I keep getting the dreaded ""unknown class/module"" error. I've tried pre-loading all of my ActiveRecord models to no avail. The first request works as normal, but the first pull from memcached errors out. I've followed to no avail either. Is using memcached possible with single table inheritance?",negative no. there isn't,neutral Great question bud!,positive "Can you be any more specific about the scenario you have in mind? ""Optimization"" is a terribly broad category.",negative Isn't it just a base 64 encoded version of the serialized data?,neutral "Awesome, awesome answer. Thank you very much.",positive "If you're debugging at the instruction level rather than the source level, it's an awful lot for you easier to map unoptimized instructions back to the source. Also, compilers are occasionally buggy in their optimizers. In the Windows division at Microsoft, all release binaries are built with debugging symbols and full optimizations. The symbols are stored in separate PDB files and do not affect the performance of the code. They don't ship with the product, but most of them are available at the .",negative What is a container?,neutral The answer can be found in the . You should skim the excellent documentation that comes with Perl,positive Another way of gettinga command object is to call . That way you shouldn't have to set the Commection property on the command object.,neutral "I think that size_t strcspn ( const char * str1, const char * str2 ); is what you want. Here is an example pulled from :",neutral Your operating system does dozens of stat calls per second already. Don't worry about it.,positive "I now get it why it is sometimes facetiously referred to as the ""Hollywood Principle: Don't call us, we'll call you""",positive "If you want to try a new and alternative approach, this is a application core framework modelled after java OSGi: I haven't tried it myself, but it looks really cool!",positive Perhaps this is what you are looking for: Here is the link to download the castle windsor schema: Good Luck!,positive "Assume we want to validate user input, while user is typing in a JTextField. For validating the user input, I wonder if I could use Ragel. Assume the input should follow this example regex: How can I do this with ragel? Can anybody give a short example how to validate user input ""on the fly"" (while inputing) with ragel? The Ragel documentations misses some good examples for a Quick Start, so I ask here.",neutral awesome answer! very helpful,positive Awesome! I'm actually familiar with SDL. I'm going to look into this.,positive I find by Martin Fowler to be an excellent overview of a variety of UI architectures. Hope it helps :),positive "You might want to poke around in , and also the . Another place where you can specifically ask questions is the Yahoo Users Group for TOAD - send an email to toad-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Hope this helps! Mike",positive After reading a discussion on Ubuntu Forums concerning . Is GLUT dead for graphics programming? Is SDL all the rage now for OpenGL programming?,neutral "+1 Fantastic question! I have no idea when I would ever use this, but I'm fascinated to know someone needs this.",positive "For instance, will I be able to create an application that allows users to create and modify existing types at runtime? Will I be able to persist instances of those types in SQL without having to worry about the user who adds 100,000 records and expects a (really) fast query on them? Think SharePoint Content Types... but on steroids. Oslo steroids - Possible or not?",negative "You should definitely HTML encode before assigning posted content to the HTML body of an email. Your code should already be rejecting content such as '