# when run # checks if there is uncommitted code # if there is uncommitted code, ti retuns an error # if there is no uncommitted code, it saves the dataframe as a parquet file with the commit hash in the name import pytest import pandas as pd from result_data_processor import ResultDataProcessor import os import subprocess def check_git_changes(repo_path): try: # Change to the repository directory original_path = os.getcwd() os.chdir(repo_path) # Run the git status command result = subprocess.run(['git', 'status', '--porcelain'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) # Check the result if result.returncode != 0: print(f"Error checking git status: {result.stderr}") return False, False # Check for tracked and untracked changes tracked_changes = any(line[:2].strip() != '??' for line in result.stdout.splitlines()) untracked_changes = any(line[:2] == '??' for line in result.stdout.splitlines()) return tracked_changes, untracked_changes finally: # Change back to the original directory os.chdir(original_path) if __name__ == '__main__': tracked_changes, untracked_changes = check_git_changes('.') if tracked_changes: print("There are tracked changes") else: print("There are no tracked changes") df_current = ResultDataProcessor().data last_commit = os.popen('git rev-parse HEAD').read().strip() print(last_commit) # save the current output to a file df_current.to_parquet(f'output_{last_commit}.parquet', index=True) print("Saved output to file") if untracked_changes: print("There are untracked changes") else: print("There are no untracked changes")