Runtime error
Runtime error
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. | |
import random | |
import torch | |
import torchvision | |
from torchvision.transforms import functional as F | |
from maskrcnn_benchmark.structures.bounding_box import BoxList | |
from maskrcnn_benchmark.structures.segmentation_mask import SegmentationMask | |
from import textKES | |
from maskrcnn_benchmark.structures.mty import MTY | |
import numpy as np | |
from PIL import Image | |
from shapely.geometry import * | |
import cv2 | |
from maskrcnn_benchmark.config import cfg | |
class Compose(object): | |
def __init__(self, transforms): | |
self.transforms = transforms | |
def __call__(self, image, target): | |
for t in self.transforms: | |
image, target = t(image, target) | |
return image, target | |
def __repr__(self): | |
format_string = self.__class__.__name__ + "(" | |
for t in self.transforms: | |
format_string += "\n" | |
format_string += " {0}".format(t) | |
format_string += "\n)" | |
return format_string | |
class Resize(object): | |
def __init__(self, min_size, max_size): | |
if not isinstance(min_size, (list, tuple)): | |
min_size = (min_size,) | |
self.min_size = min_size | |
self.max_size = max_size | |
# modified from torchvision to add support for max size | |
def get_size(self, image_size): | |
# if test ic15 | |
#oh = 1200 | |
#ow = 2000 | |
#return (oh, ow) | |
w, h = image_size | |
size = random.choice(self.min_size) | |
max_size = self.max_size | |
if max_size is not None: | |
min_original_size = float(min((w, h))) | |
max_original_size = float(max((w, h))) | |
if max_original_size / min_original_size * size > max_size: | |
size = int(round(max_size * min_original_size / max_original_size)) | |
if (w <= h and w == size) or (h <= w and h == size): | |
return (h, w) | |
if w < h: | |
ow = size | |
oh = int(size * h / w) | |
else: | |
oh = size | |
ow = int(size * w / h) | |
return (oh, ow) | |
def __call__(self, image, target): | |
size = self.get_size(image.size) | |
image = F.resize(image, size) | |
if isinstance(target, list): | |
target = [t.resize(image.size) for t in target] | |
else: | |
target = target.resize(image.size) | |
return image, target | |
class RandomHorizontalFlip(object): | |
def __init__(self, prob=0.5): | |
self.prob = prob | |
def __call__(self, image, target): | |
if random.random() < self.prob: | |
image = F.hflip(image) | |
if isinstance(target, list): | |
target = [t.transpose(0) for t in target] | |
else: | |
target = target.transpose(0) | |
return image, target | |
class ToTensor(object): | |
def __call__(self, image, target): | |
return F.to_tensor(image), target | |
class Normalize(object): | |
def __init__(self, mean, std, to_bgr255=True): | |
self.mean = mean | |
self.std = std | |
self.to_bgr255 = to_bgr255 | |
def __call__(self, image, target): | |
if self.to_bgr255: | |
image = image[[2, 1, 0]] * 255 | |
image = F.normalize(image, mean=self.mean, std=self.std) | |
return image, target | |
class RandomCrop(object): | |
"""Random crop with repeatedly expanding the range to included box borders.""" | |
def __init__(self, prob, init_crop_size=(0.5, 1.0)): | |
if (not isinstance(init_crop_size, list)) and (not isinstance(init_crop_size, tuple)): | |
raise ValueError('Paremeter init_crop_size should be a list or tuple!') | |
elif len(init_crop_size) != 2: | |
raise ValueError('Length of init_crop_size should be 2!') | |
elif not (init_crop_size[0] <= 1 and init_crop_size[0] >= 0 and init_crop_size[1] <= 1 and init_crop_size[1] >= 0): | |
raise ValueError('Elements of init_crop_size should be within [0, 1]!') | |
self.prob = prob | |
self.init_crop_size = init_crop_size | |
def __call__(self, image, target): | |
if random.random() >= self.prob: | |
return image, target | |
if isinstance(target, list): | |
target0 = target[0] | |
else: | |
target0 = target | |
while True: | |
# Initial Crop Region | |
crop_region = self.initial_crop_region(image) | |
# Adjust Crop Region | |
crop_region, keep_target = self.adjust_crop_region(crop_region, target0) | |
if crop_region is None and keep_target is None: | |
continue | |
if isinstance(target, list): | |
# check empty char | |
new_t1 = target[1].crop(crop_region) | |
if len(new_t1) < 1: return image, target | |
image = image.crop(crop_region.numpy()) | |
if isinstance(target, list): | |
target0 = keep_target.crop(crop_region) | |
others = [t.crop(crop_region, remove_empty=True) for t in target[1:]] | |
target = [target0] + others | |
else: | |
target = keep_target.crop(crop_region) | |
return image, target | |
def initial_crop_region(self, image): | |
width, height = image.size | |
ratio_w, ratio_h = torch.empty(2).uniform_(self.init_crop_size[0], self.init_crop_size[1]) | |
crop_width, crop_height = int(width*ratio_w), int(height*ratio_h) | |
crop_xmin = torch.randint(width-crop_width, (1,)) | |
crop_ymin = torch.randint(height-crop_height, (1,)) | |
crop_xmax = crop_xmin + crop_width | |
crop_ymax = crop_ymin + crop_height | |
crop_region = torch.Tensor([crop_xmin, crop_ymin, crop_xmax, crop_ymax]) | |
return crop_region | |
def intersect_area(self, bbox, bboxes): | |
inter_xmin = torch.max(bbox[0], bboxes[:, 0]) | |
inter_ymin = torch.max(bbox[1], bboxes[:, 1]) | |
inter_xmax = torch.min(bbox[2], bboxes[:, 2]) | |
inter_ymax = torch.min(bbox[3], bboxes[:, 3]) | |
inter_width = torch.max(torch.Tensor([0]), inter_xmax-inter_xmin) | |
inter_height = torch.max(torch.Tensor([0]), inter_ymax-inter_ymin) | |
return inter_width*inter_height | |
def adjust_crop_region(self, crop_region, target): | |
keep_indies_ = torch.zeros((len(target)), dtype=torch.uint8) | |
while True: | |
inter_area = self.intersect_area(crop_region, target.bbox) | |
keep_indies = (inter_area > 0) | |
if torch.sum(keep_indies) == 0: | |
return None, None | |
keep_target = target[keep_indies] | |
if keep_indies.equal(keep_indies_): | |
return crop_region, keep_target | |
keep_bbox = keep_target.bbox | |
crop_xmin = torch.min(crop_region[0], torch.min(keep_bbox[:, 0])) | |
crop_ymin = torch.min(crop_region[1], torch.min(keep_bbox[:, 1])) | |
crop_xmax = torch.max(crop_region[2], torch.max(keep_bbox[:, 2])) | |
crop_ymax = torch.max(crop_region[3], torch.max(keep_bbox[:, 3])) | |
crop_region = torch.Tensor([crop_xmin, crop_ymin, crop_xmax, crop_ymax]) | |
keep_indies_ = keep_indies | |
class RandomBrightness(object): | |
def __init__(self, prob=0.5): | |
self.prob = prob | |
def __call__(self, image, target): | |
if random.random() < self.prob: | |
brightness_factor = random.uniform(0.5, 2) | |
image = F.adjust_brightness(image, brightness_factor) | |
return image, target | |
class RandomContrast(object): | |
def __init__(self, prob=0.5): | |
self.prob = prob | |
def __call__(self, image, target): | |
if random.random() < self.prob: | |
contrast_factor = random.uniform(0.5, 2) | |
image = F.adjust_contrast(image, contrast_factor) | |
return image, target | |
class RandomHue(object): | |
def __init__(self, prob=0.5): | |
self.prob = prob | |
def __call__(self, image, target): | |
if random.random() < self.prob: | |
hue_factor = random.uniform(-0.25, 0.25) | |
image = F.adjust_hue(image, hue_factor) | |
return image, target | |
class RandomSaturation(object): | |
def __init__(self, prob=0.5): | |
self.prob = prob | |
def __call__(self, image, target): | |
if random.random() < self.prob: | |
saturation_factor = random.uniform(0.5, 2) | |
image = F.adjust_saturation(image, saturation_factor) | |
return image, target | |
class RandomGamma(object): | |
def __init__(self, prob=0.5): | |
self.prob = prob | |
def __call__(self, image, target): | |
if random.random() < self.prob: | |
gamma_factor = random.uniform(0.5, 2) | |
image = F.adjust_gamma(image, gamma_factor) | |
return image, target | |
class RandomRotation(object): | |
def __init__(self, prob = 0.3, degree = 5): | |
self.prob = prob | | = degree | |
def kes_encode(self, kes): | |
kes_encode = [] | |
for i in kes: | |
mnx = i[0] | |
mny = i[1] | |
assert(len(i)%3 == 0) | |
npts = int(len(i)/3-2) | |
for index in range(npts): | |
i[3+index*3] = (i[3+index*3]+mnx)/2 | |
i[4+index*3] = (i[4+index*3]+mny)/2 | |
kes_encode.append(i) | |
return kes_encode | |
def kes_gen(self, kes): | |
kes_gen_out = [] | |
for i in kes: | |
mnx = i[0] | |
mny = i[1] | |
cx= i[27] | |
cy= i[28] | |
assert(len(i)%3 == 0) | |
ot = [mnx, i[3],i[6],i[9],i[12], cx,\ | |
mny, i[16],i[19],i[22],i[25], cy] | |
kes_gen_out.append(ot) | |
return kes_gen_out | |
def __call__(self, image, target): | |
if random.random() < self.prob: | |
image1 = image | |
target1 = target | |
img = np.array(image) | |
w = image.size[0] | |
h = image.size[1] | |
pri_points = [] | |
for i in range(len(target.extra_fields['masks'].instances)): | |
assert(len(target.extra_fields['masks'].instances[i].polygons)==1), 'one text instance should have only one polygon.' | |
tensor_box = target.extra_fields['masks'].instances[i].polygons[0].polygons | |
points_x = np.array([tensor_box[0][0],tensor_box[0][2],tensor_box[0][4],tensor_box[0][6]]) | |
points_y = np.array([tensor_box[0][1],tensor_box[0][3],tensor_box[0][5],tensor_box[0][7]]) | |
smaller_x = np.where(points_x <= 0) | |
larger_x = np.where(points_x >= w) | |
smaller_y = np.where(points_y <= 0) | |
larger_y = np.where(points_y >= h) | |
points_x[smaller_x] = 1 | |
points_x[larger_x] = w - 1 | |
points_y[smaller_y] = 1 | |
points_y[larger_y] = h -1 | |
pri_points.append((int(points_x[0]),int(points_y[0]))) | |
pri_points.append((int(points_x[1]),int(points_y[1]))) | |
pri_points.append((int(points_x[2]),int(points_y[2]))) | |
pri_points.append((int(points_x[3]),int(points_y[3]))) | |
#get the transform image and points | |
height, width = img.shape[:2] | |
# if ROTATE_DEGREE = (0,30,60,90,210,150,180,210,240,270,300,330,360) | |
#de_ro = random.choice( | |
#matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((width / 2, height / 2) ,de_ro, 1.0) | |
# if ROTATE_DEGREE = 10 | |
matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((width / 2, height / 2), random.uniform([0],[0]), 1.0) | |
cos = np.abs(matrix[0,0]) | |
sin = np.abs(matrix[0,1]) | |
new_W = int((height * sin) + (width * cos)) | |
new_H = int((height * cos) + (width * sin)) | |
matrix[0,2] += (new_W/2) - width/2 | |
matrix[1,2] += ((new_H/2)) - height/2 | |
img = cv2.warpAffine(img, matrix, (new_W,new_H)) | |
change_points = [] | |
for i in range(int(len(pri_points))): | |
x_r,y_r = cv2.transform(np.array([[pri_points[i]]]),matrix).squeeze() | |
change_points.append([x_r,y_r]) | |
image = Image.fromarray(img) | |
keypoints_len = len(change_points) | |
tran_boxes = [] | |
n = keypoints_len/4 | |
for i in range(int(n)): | |
tran_boxes.append(change_points[0 + i*4: 4 + i*4]) | |
tran_boxes = np.array(tran_boxes).reshape(-1,2) | |
tran_x = [] | |
tran_y = [] | |
for k in range(len(tran_boxes)): | |
tran_x.append(int(tran_boxes[k][0])) | |
tran_y.append(int(tran_boxes[k][1])) | |
max_x = max(tran_x) | |
min_x = min(tran_x) | |
max_y = max(tran_y) | |
min_y = min(tran_x) | |
ctr_x = new_W / 2 | |
ctr_y = new_H / 2 | |
origin_xmin = ctr_x - width / 2 | |
origin_xmax = ctr_x + width / 2 | |
origin_ymin = ctr_y - height / 2 | |
origin_ymax = ctr_y + height / 2 | |
cut_xmax = origin_xmax | |
cut_xmin = origin_xmin | |
cut_ymax = origin_ymax | |
cut_ymin = origin_ymin | |
if max_x >= origin_xmax: | |
cut_xmax = max_x | |
if min_x <= origin_xmin: | |
cut_xmin = min_x | |
if max_y >= origin_ymax: | |
cut_ymax = max_y | |
if min_y <= origin_ymin: | |
cut_ymin = min_y | |
for i in range(len(tran_boxes)): | |
tran_x[i] = tran_x[i] - cut_xmin | |
tran_y[i] = tran_y[i] - cut_ymin | |
image = image.crop((cut_xmin,cut_ymin,cut_xmax,cut_ymax)) | |
tran_x = np.array(tran_x) | |
tran_y = np.array(tran_y) | |
boxes = [] | |
masks = [] | |
mty = [] | |
kes = [] | |
for idx in range(int(tran_x.size/4)): | |
x_points = [tran_x[4 * idx], tran_x[4*idx+1],tran_x[4*idx+2],tran_x[4*idx+3]] | |
y_points = [tran_y[4 * idx], tran_y[4*idx+1],tran_y[4*idx+2],tran_y[4*idx+3]] | |
l1 = LineString([(x_points[0], y_points[0]), (x_points[2], y_points[2])]) | |
l2 = LineString([(x_points[1], y_points[1]), (x_points[3], y_points[3])]) | |
p_l1l2 = l1.intersection(l2) | |
poly1 = Polygon([(x_points[0], y_points[0]), (x_points[1], y_points[1]), | |
(x_points[2], y_points[2]), (x_points[3], y_points[3])]) | |
if not poly1.is_valid: | |
continue | |
if not p_l1l2.within(poly1): | |
continue | |
if poly1.area <= 10: | |
continue | |
x_min = min(x_points) | |
x_max = max(x_points) | |
y_min = min(y_points) | |
y_max = max(y_points) | |
width = max(0, x_max - x_min + 1) | |
height = max(0, y_max - y_min + 1) | |
if width == 0 or height == 0: | |
continue | |
boxes.append([x_min,y_min,width,height]) | |
#get mask format | |
one_point = [[tran_x[4*idx],tran_y[4*idx],tran_x[4*idx+1],tran_y[4*idx+1],tran_x[4*idx+2],tran_y[4*idx+2],tran_x[4*idx+3],tran_y[4*idx+3]]] | |
masks.append(one_point) | |
#get matchtype format | |
mean_x = np.mean(x_points) | |
mean_y = np.mean(y_points) | |
xt_sort = np.sort(x_points) | |
yt_sort = np.sort(y_points) | |
xt_argsort = list(np.argsort(x_points)) | |
yt_argsort = list(np.argsort(y_points)) | |
ldx = [] | |
for ildx in range(4): | |
ldx.append(yt_argsort.index(xt_argsort[ildx])) | |
all_types = [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,4,3],[1,3,2,4],[1,3,4,2],[1,4,2,3],[1,4,3,2],\ | |
[2,1,3,4],[2,1,4,3],[2,3,1,4],[2,3,4,1],[2,4,1,3],[2,4,3,1],\ | |
[3,1,2,4],[3,1,4,2],[3,2,1,4],[3,2,4,1],[3,4,1,2],[3,4,2,1],\ | |
[4,1,2,3],[4,1,3,2],[4,2,1,3],[4,2,3,1],[4,3,1,2],[4,3,2,1]] | |
all_types = [[all_types[iat][0]-1,all_types[iat][1]-1,all_types[iat][2]-1,all_types[iat][3]-1] for iat in range(24)] | |
match_type = all_types.index(ldx) | |
mty.append(match_type) | |
half_x = (xt_sort + mean_x) / 2 | |
half_y = (yt_sort + mean_y) / 2 | |
keypoints = [] | |
keypoints.append(mean_x) | |
keypoints.append(mean_y) | |
keypoints.append(2) | |
for i in range(4): | |
keypoints.append(half_x[i]) | |
keypoints.append(mean_y) | |
keypoints.append(2) | |
for i in range(4): | |
keypoints.append(mean_x) | |
keypoints.append(half_y[i]) | |
keypoints.append(2) | |
try: | |
keypoints.append(int(p_l1l2.x)) | |
keypoints.append(int(p_l1l2.y)) | |
keypoints.append(2) | |
except Exception as e: | |
continue | |
kes.append(keypoints) | |
if kes == []: | |
image = image1 | |
target = target1 | |
return image,target | |
classes = [] | |
for i in range(len(boxes)): | |
classes.append(1) | |
classes = torch.tensor(classes) | |
boxes = torch.as_tensor(boxes).reshape(-1, 4) | |
target = BoxList(boxes, image.size, mode="xywh").convert("xyxy") | |
target.add_field("labels",classes) | |
masks = SegmentationMask(masks, image.size) | |
target.add_field("masks", masks) | |
return image,target | |