Build error
Build error
File size: 6,707 Bytes
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# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
import bisect
import copy
import logging
from maskrcnn_benchmark.utils.comm import get_world_size
from maskrcnn_benchmark.utils.imports import import_file
from . import datasets as D
from . import samplers
from .collate_batch import BatchCollator
from .transforms import build_transforms
def build_dataset(dataset_list, transforms, dataset_catalog, is_train=True):
dataset_list (list[str]): Contains the names of the datasets, i.e.,
coco_2014_trian, coco_2014_val, etc
transforms (callable): transforms to apply to each (image, target) sample
dataset_catalog (DatasetCatalog): contains the information on how to
construct a dataset.
is_train (bool): whether to setup the dataset for training or testing
if not isinstance(dataset_list, (list, tuple)):
raise RuntimeError(
"dataset_list should be a list of strings, got {}".format(dataset_list)
datasets = []
for dataset_name in dataset_list:
data = dataset_catalog.get(dataset_name)
factory = getattr(D, data["factory"])
args = data["args"]
# for COCODataset, we want to remove images without annotations
# during training
if data["factory"] in ["COCODataset",
args["remove_images_without_annotations"] = is_train
if data["factory"] == "PascalVOCDataset":
args["use_difficult"] = not is_train
args["transforms"] = transforms
# make dataset from factory
dataset = factory(**args)
# for testing, return a list of datasets
if not is_train:
return datasets
# for training, concatenate all datasets into a single one
dataset = datasets[0]
if len(datasets) > 1:
dataset = D.ConcatDataset(datasets)
return [dataset]
def make_data_sampler(dataset, shuffle, distributed):
if distributed:
return samplers.DistributedSampler(dataset, shuffle=shuffle)
if shuffle:
sampler =
sampler =
return sampler
def _quantize(x, bins):
bins = copy.copy(bins)
bins = sorted(bins)
quantized = list(map(lambda y: bisect.bisect_right(bins, y), x))
return quantized
def _compute_aspect_ratios(dataset):
aspect_ratios = []
for i in range(len(dataset)):
img_info = dataset.get_img_info(i)
aspect_ratio = float(img_info["height"]) / float(img_info["width"])
return aspect_ratios
def make_batch_data_sampler(
dataset, sampler, aspect_grouping, images_per_batch, num_iters=None, start_iter=0
if aspect_grouping:
if not isinstance(aspect_grouping, (list, tuple)):
aspect_grouping = [aspect_grouping]
aspect_ratios = _compute_aspect_ratios(dataset)
group_ids = _quantize(aspect_ratios, aspect_grouping)
batch_sampler = samplers.GroupedBatchSampler(
sampler, group_ids, images_per_batch, drop_uneven=False
batch_sampler =
sampler, images_per_batch, drop_last=False
if num_iters is not None:
batch_sampler = samplers.IterationBasedBatchSampler(
batch_sampler, num_iters, start_iter
return batch_sampler
def make_data_loader(cfg, is_train=True, is_distributed=False, start_iter=0):
num_gpus = get_world_size()
if is_train:
images_per_batch = cfg.SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH
assert (
images_per_batch % num_gpus == 0
), "SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH ({}) must be divisible by the number "
"of GPUs ({}) used.".format(images_per_batch, num_gpus)
images_per_gpu = images_per_batch // num_gpus
shuffle = True
num_iters = cfg.SOLVER.MAX_ITER
images_per_batch = cfg.TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH
assert (
images_per_batch % num_gpus == 0
), "TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH ({}) must be divisible by the number "
"of GPUs ({}) used.".format(images_per_batch, num_gpus)
images_per_gpu = images_per_batch // num_gpus
shuffle = False if not is_distributed else True
num_iters = None
start_iter = 0
if images_per_gpu > 1:
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"When using more than one image per GPU you may encounter "
"an out-of-memory (OOM) error if your GPU does not have "
"sufficient memory. If this happens, you can reduce "
"SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH (for training) or "
"TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH (for inference). For training, you must "
"also adjust the learning rate and schedule length according "
"to the linear scaling rule. See for example: "
# group images which have similar aspect ratio. In this case, we only
# group in two cases: those with width / height > 1, and the other way around,
# but the code supports more general grouping strategy
aspect_grouping = [1] if cfg.DATALOADER.ASPECT_RATIO_GROUPING else []
paths_catalog = import_file(
"maskrcnn_benchmark.config.paths_catalog", cfg.PATHS_CATALOG, True
DatasetCatalog = paths_catalog.DatasetCatalog
dataset_list = cfg.DATASETS.TRAIN if is_train else cfg.DATASETS.TEST
transforms = build_transforms(cfg, is_train)
datasets = build_dataset(dataset_list, transforms, DatasetCatalog, is_train)
data_loaders = []
for dataset in datasets:
sampler = make_data_sampler(dataset, shuffle, is_distributed)
batch_sampler = make_batch_data_sampler(
dataset, sampler, aspect_grouping, images_per_gpu, num_iters, start_iter
collator = BatchCollator(cfg.DATALOADER.SIZE_DIVISIBILITY)
num_workers = cfg.DATALOADER.NUM_WORKERS
data_loader =
if is_train:
# during training, a single (possibly concatenated) data_loader is returned
assert len(data_loaders) == 1
return data_loaders[0]
return data_loaders