# VGG16 | |
import pandas as pd | |
import streamlit as st | |
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import image as kimage | |
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet | |
import os | |
from io import BytesIO | |
from dotenv import load_dotenv | |
load_dotenv() | |
dec_key =os.getenv("FERNET_KEY") | |
cipher_suite=Fernet(dec_key) | |
# Read the encrypted content from file | |
with open('', 'rb') as file: | |
encrypted_model = | |
decrypted_model = cipher_suite.decrypt(encrypted_model) | |
decrypted_model_str = decrypted_model.decode() | |
# Execute the decrypted model string | |
exec(decrypted_model_str) | |
st.set_page_config( | |
layout="wide", | |
initial_sidebar_state="expanded", | |
) | |
def load_data(): | |
# Read the encrypted content from the Excel file | |
with open('pantolon-v3.xlsx.enc', 'rb') as file: | |
encrypted_data = | |
# Decrypt the data | |
decrypted_data = cipher_suite.decrypt(encrypted_data) | |
# Load the decrypted data into a pandas DataFrame | |
df = pd.read_excel(BytesIO(decrypted_data)) | |
return df | |
# Read the encrypted content from file | |
with open('', 'rb') as file: | |
encrypted_model_takemura = | |
decrypted_model_takemura = cipher_suite.decrypt(encrypted_model_takemura) | |
decrypted_model_str_takemura = decrypted_model_takemura.decode() | |
# Execute the decrypted model string | |
exec(decrypted_model_str_takemura) | |
# from model_takemura import * | |
# Read the encrypted content from file | |
with open('', 'rb') as file: | |
encrypted_model_hayabusa = | |
decrypted_model_hayabusa = cipher_suite.decrypt(encrypted_model_hayabusa) | |
decrypted_model_str_hayabusa = decrypted_model_hayabusa.decode() | |
# Execute the decrypted model string | |
exec(decrypted_model_str_hayabusa) | |
# | |
# from model_hayabusa import * | |
def page1(): | |
st.title("Ürün Benzerlik Analizi") | |
st.write( | |
"Ürün benzerlik analizi, ürününüzün fotoğrafını yükleyerek benzer ürünleri ve verilerini bulmanızı sağlar.") | |
image = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Lütfen ürününüzün fotoğrafını yükleyin:") | |
st.markdown(""" | |
<style> | |
.stTabs [data-baseweb="tab-list"] { | |
gap: 20px; | |
padding: 10px/* Increase the gap between tabs */ | |
} | |
.stTabs [data-baseweb="tab-list"] button [data-testid="stMarkdownContainer"] p { | |
font-size:1.5rem; | |
font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif; | |
} | |
.stTabs [data-baseweb="tab"] { | |
height: 50px; | |
white-space: pre-wrap; | |
border-radius: 12px; /* Make the tabs look like pills */ | |
padding: 10px 20px; /* Add padding to the tabs */ | |
box-shadow: 0 4px 6px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 2px 4px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06); /* Add shadow to the tabs */ | |
transition: background-color 0.3s ease; /* Add transition effect */ | |
color: #333; /* Change the text color to a soft black */ | |
} | |
.stTabs [aria-selected="true"] { | |
background-color: #e0e0e0; /* Change the background color to a soft gray */ | |
border-color: #3d5afe; /* Add border color to the selected tab */ | |
color: #ffffff; /* Change the text color to a soft blue */; | |
} | |
.stTabs [aria-selected="true"]:hover { | |
background-color: #d0d0d0; /* Change background color when hover on the selected tab */ | |
} | |
</style>""", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Takemura", "Hayabusa"]) | |
if image is not None: | |
st.sidebar.success("Görsel başarıyla yüklendi.") | |
product_category = st.sidebar.selectbox("Lütfen ürün kategorisi seçin:", | |
["Pantolon", "Gömlek - (Test)", "Elbise - (Test)", "Ceket - (Test)", "Hırka - (Test)"]) | |
if product_category == "Pantolon": | |
default_product_details = ["Desen", "Bel", "Paça"] # Assign a default value | |
product_details = st.sidebar.multiselect("Benzerlik için öncelik sırasına göre detay seçin:", | |
["Bel", "Desen", "Paça"], | |
default=default_product_details) | |
if not product_details: # If product_details is an empty list | |
st.sidebar.error("En az 1 özellik seçilmelidir.") | |
with tab1: | |
if st.button("Takemura ile Analiz Yap"): | |
status_placeholder = st.empty() | |
status_placeholder.status("Analizi yapılıyor...") | |
filenames = model_1(image) | |
st.session_state['filenames'] = filenames | |
st.session_state['image'] = image | |
st.session_state['analysis_done'] = True | |
status_placeholder.success("Analiz tamamlandı.") | |
if 'analysis_done' in st.session_state and st.session_state['analysis_done']: | |
show_results_button = st.button("Sonuçları Göster", key='button1') | |
if show_results_button and ('show_results' not in st.session_state or not st.session_state['show_results']): | |
st.session_state['show_results'] = True | |
if 'show_results' in st.session_state: | |
image_dir = "general/PANTOLON" | |
df = load_data() | |
st.empty() | |
for _ in range(5): | |
try: | |
takemura_output = takemura(st.session_state['filenames'], image, product_details) | |
filenames = takemura_output.split('\n') | |
for filename in filenames: | |
filename_without_extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] | |
filename_without_extension = filename_without_extension.split('_')[0] | |
matching_rows = df.loc[df['ItemOption'] == filename_without_extension] | |
if not matching_rows.empty: | |
for _, row in matching_rows.iterrows(): | |
cols = st.columns([2, 9]) # Adjust these values for desired widths | |
img_path = os.path.join(image_dir, filename) | |
img = kimage.load_img(img_path) | |
cols[0].image(img, width=200) | |
half = len(row) // 2 # Find the midpoint of the row | |
# Split the row into two parts | |
row_upper_half = row.iloc[:half] | |
row_lower_half = row.iloc[half:] | |
# Display the two parts in two separate dataframes | |
cols[1].dataframe(pd.DataFrame(row_upper_half).T) | |
cols[1].dataframe(pd.DataFrame(row_lower_half).T) | |
else: | |
st.write(f"Ürün isimlerini maalesef eşleştiremedim {filename_without_extension}") | |
break | |
except Exception as e: | |
st.write(f"An error occurred: {e}") | |
st.write(f"Takemura için Lütfen 'Sonuçları Göster' butonuna tekrar basınız.. ...") | |
st.session_state['show_results'] = False | |
with tab2: | |
if st.button("Hayabusa ile Analiz Yap"): | |
status_placeholder = st.empty() | |
status_placeholder.status("Analizi yapılıyor...") | |
filenames = model_2(image) | |
st.session_state['filenames'] = filenames | |
st.session_state['image'] = image | |
st.session_state['analysis_done'] = True | |
status_placeholder.success("Analiz tamamlandı.") | |
if 'analysis_done' in st.session_state and st.session_state['analysis_done']: | |
show_results_button = st.button("Hayabusa Sonuçlarını Göster", key='button2') | |
if show_results_button and ('show_results' not in st.session_state or not st.session_state['show_results']): | |
st.session_state['show_results'] = True | |
if 'show_results' in st.session_state: | |
image_dir = "general/PANTOLON" | |
df = load_data() | |
st.empty() | |
for _ in range(5): | |
try: | |
takemura_output = takemura(st.session_state['filenames'], image, product_details) | |
filenames = takemura_output.split('\n') | |
for filename in filenames: | |
filename_without_extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] | |
filename_without_extension = filename_without_extension.split('_')[0] | |
matching_rows = df.loc[df['ItemOption'] == filename_without_extension] | |
if not matching_rows.empty: | |
for _, row in matching_rows.iterrows(): | |
cols = st.columns([2, 8]) # Adjust these values for desired widths | |
img_path = os.path.join(image_dir, filename) | |
img = kimage.load_img(img_path) | |
cols[0].image(img, width=200) | |
# cols[1].dataframe(pd.DataFrame(row).T) | |
half = len(row) // 2 # Find the midpoint of the row | |
# Split the row into two parts | |
row_upper_half = row.iloc[:half] | |
row_lower_half = row.iloc[half:] | |
# Display the two parts in two separate dataframes | |
cols[1].dataframe(pd.DataFrame(row_upper_half).T) | |
cols[1].dataframe(pd.DataFrame(row_lower_half).T) | |
else: | |
st.write(f"Ürün isimlerini maalesef eşleştiremedim {filename_without_extension}") | |
break | |
except Exception as e: | |
st.write(f"Hayabusa için Lütfen 'Sonuçları Göster' butonuna tekrar basınız.. ...") | |
st.session_state['show_results'] = False | |
else: | |
st.write("Please upload an image.") |