function customCodeEditor(editor) { const stylePrefix = editor.getConfig().stylePrefix; // let code placeholder let selectedComponent = ''; // Div set up let codeDivEditor = document.createElement('div'); codeDivEditor.setAttribute("class", "gjs-cm-editor-c"); let codeDiv = document.createElement('div'); codeDiv.setAttribute("class", "gjs-cm-editor"); codeDiv.setAttribute("id", "gjs-cm-htmlmixed"); let codeDivTitle = document.createElement('div'); codeDivTitle.setAttribute("id", "gjs-cm-title"); codeDivTitle.innerHTML = "HTML"; let codeDivHTML = document.createElement('div'); codeDivHTML.setAttribute("id", "gjs-cm-code"); let btnSave = document.createElement('button'); btnSave.innerHTML = 'Apply HTML Changes'; btnSave.className = stylePrefix + 'btn-prim ' + stylePrefix + 'btn-import ' + stylePrefix + 'btn--full'; codeDiv.appendChild(codeDivTitle); codeDiv.appendChild(codeDivHTML); codeDiv.appendChild(btnSave); codeDivEditor.appendChild(codeDiv); const command = editor.Commands const modal = editor.Modal; // CodeMirror setup var htmlCodeViewer = editor.CodeManager.getViewer('CodeMirror').clone(); htmlCodeViewer.set({ codeName: 'htmlmixed', readOnly: 0, theme: 'hopscotch', autoBeautify: true, autoCloseTags: true, autoCloseBrackets: true, lineWrapping: true, styleActiveLine: true, smartIndent: true, indentWithTabs: true, tabSize: 3, indentUnit: 3 }); // Save code changes btnSave.onclick = function() { // Get the new component code let htmlComponentCode = htmlCodeViewer.editor.getValue(); // On the sleced component update the new htmlComponentCode let replacedComponent = selectedComponent.replaceWith(htmlComponentCode.trim()); // Now select the replacedComponent; // Make message let msg = `
You've updated ${replacedComponent.getName()} component.
`; // Send notification UIkit.notification({ message: msg, status: 'primary', pos: 'bottom-right', group: 'message', timeout: 3000 }); // close popup modal.close(); }; // Command for opening the edit command.add('edit-component-code', { run: function(editor, sender) { let component = editor.getSelected(); // Make sure component is selected if (component == undefined) { console.log("Warnning: No component was selected when executing 'edit-component-code' command"); return; } if (modal.isOpen()) modal.close(); let htmlViewer = htmlCodeViewer.editor; if (!htmlViewer) { let txtarea = document.createElement('textarea'); codeDivHTML.appendChild(txtarea); htmlCodeViewer.init(txtarea); htmlViewer = htmlCodeViewer.editor; } let htmlCode = component.toHTML(); // Set the current component of the component to selectedComponent // so we can compare old and replace with new selectedComponent = component; // Now the set the component code htmlCodeViewer.setContent(htmlCode); modal.setTitle('Component Code'); modal.setContent(codeDivEditor);; htmlViewer.refresh(); } }); // Open component settings on selection editor.on('component:selected', () => { const component = editor.getSelected(); // Switch view to open-tm (open trait manager) editor.Panels.getButton('views', 'open-tm').set('active', true); // Get the trait manger code button existance const tmCodeBtn = component.get('traits').where({ name: 'tm-code-btn' }); // Is the array empty? if (tmCodeBtn.length == 0) { // Adding button to trait manager component.addTrait({ name: 'tm-code-btn', // Name is how we ref the trait type: 'button', text: 'Edit ' + component.getName() + ' Code', full: true, // Full width button label: false, command: 'edit-component-code' }, { at: 0 }); } }); };