KanaQuiz / app.py
Penut's picture
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3.86 kB
import random
from copy import deepcopy
import gradio as gr
from romkan import to_hiragana, to_katakana, to_roma
a_base = ["a", "k", "s", "t", "n", "h", "m", "y", "r", "w"]
a_ext1 = ["g", "z", "d", "b"]
a_ext2 = ["p"]
b_base = ["a", "i", "u", "e", "o"]
b_ext = ["ya", "yo", "yu"]
invalid = ["yi", "ye", "wi", "wu", "we"]
def next_question(hira, kata, c, quiz_list):
if not quiz_list:
quiz_list = init_question(hira, kata, c)
return quiz_list.pop(), quiz_list
def init_question(hira, kata, c):
curr_hira = deepcopy(hira)
curr_hira += deepcopy(a_ext1) if "濁音" in c else []
curr_hira += deepcopy(a_ext2) if "半濁音" in c else []
curr_kata = deepcopy(kata)
if curr_kata:
curr_kata += deepcopy(a_ext1) if "濁音" in c else []
curr_kata += deepcopy(a_ext2) if "半濁音" in c else []
curr_b = deepcopy(b_base)
curr_b += deepcopy(b_ext) if "拗音" in c else []
hira_list = [to_hira(a, b) for a in curr_hira for b in curr_b if is_valid(a, b)]
kata_list = [to_kata(a, b) for a in curr_kata for b in curr_b if is_valid(a, b)]
quiz_list = hira_list + kata_list
return quiz_list
def is_valid(aa: str, bb: str):
if f"{aa}{bb}" in invalid:
return False
if aa == "y":
if bb[0] == "y":
return False
if bb[0] == "w":
return False
if bb == "":
return False
return True
def to_hira(a, b):
return to_hiragana(combine(a, b))
def to_kata(a, b):
return to_katakana(combine(a, b))
def combine(a, b):
if a == "a":
a = ""
return f"{a}{b}"
def check(kana: str, roma: str, correct, total):
kana_roma = to_roma(kana)
ans_correct = kana_roma == roma.lower()
correct += ans_correct
total += 1
info = "正確" if ans_correct else f"錯誤 - {kana} ({kana_roma})"
msg = f"{correct}/{total} - " + info
return correct, total, msg, ""
def reset_score():
return 0, 0, "0/0", ""
font = gr.themes.GoogleFont("NotoSans CJK")
theme = gr.themes.Soft(font=font)
with gr.Blocks(theme=theme, title="假名小測驗") as app:
correct = gr.State(0)
total = gr.State(0)
quiz_list = gr.State(init_question(a_base[:5], [], []))
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
with gr.Tab("測驗"):
with gr.Row():
desc = "完成設定後按下「開始測驗」"
question = gr.Textbox(placeholder=desc, label="題目", interactive=False)
score = gr.Textbox("0/0", label="分數")
answer = gr.Textbox(label="作答")
with gr.Column():
with gr.Tab("設定"):
setting_hira = gr.CheckboxGroup(a_base, value=a_base[:5], label="平假名")
setting_kata = gr.CheckboxGroup(a_base, label="片假名")
setting_c = gr.CheckboxGroup(["濁音", "半濁音", "拗音"], label="延伸")
apply_btn = gr.Button("開始測驗")
chk_inn = [question, answer, correct, total]
chk_out = [correct, total, score, answer]
chk_arg = dict(fn=check, inputs=chk_inn, outputs=chk_out, show_progress="hidden")
nq_inn = [setting_hira, setting_kata, setting_c, quiz_list]
nq_out = [question, quiz_list]
nq_arg = dict(fn=next_question, inputs=nq_inn, outputs=nq_out, show_progress="hidden")
ini_inn = [setting_hira, setting_kata, setting_c]
ini_out = [quiz_list]
ini_arg = dict(fn=init_question, inputs=ini_inn, outputs=ini_out, show_progress="hidden")
reset_arg = dict(fn=reset_score, outputs=chk_out, show_progress="hidden")