import streamlit as st from datetime import time, datetime import time as t from time import time as now import pandas as pd import pandas_profiling import numpy as np from streamlit_pandas_profiling import st_profile_report from io import StringIO import requests from pathlib import Path from streamlit_elements import elements, dashboard, mui, media st.set_page_config(page_title="Francesco Daimon Fernicola", page_icon=":milky_way:", layout="wide") with st.container(): st.subheader("Hello, and welcome to my official webpage! I am Daimon :wink:") st.title("PhD Candidate in Machine Translation / Translator / Mountain enthusiast") st.write("I am passionate about finding new ways to effectively use and understand Machine Translation and effectively evaluating its quality.") st.write(""" [Github]( [Unibo]( [LinkedIn]( [Twitter]( """) st.header('st.button') if st.button('Say hello'): st.write('Why hello there') else: st.write('Goodbye') st.header('st.slider') st.subheader('Slider') age = st.slider('How old are you?', 0, 120, 25) st.write(f"I'm {age} years old") st.subheader('Range Slider') values = st.slider( 'Select a range of values', 0.0, 100.0, (25.0, 75.0) ) st.write(f"Values: {values}") st.subheader('Range time slider') appointment = st.slider( "Schedule your appointment:", value=(time(11,30), time(12,45)), format="hh:mm" ) st.write(f"You're scheduled for: {appointment}") st.subheader('Datetime slider') start_time = st.slider( "When do you start?", value=datetime(2023, 1, 1, 9, 30), format="DD/MM/YY - hh:mm" ) st.write(f"Start time: {start_time}") st.header('Line Chart') chart_data = pd.DataFrame( np.random.randn(20, 3), columns=['a', 'b', 'c'] ) st.line_chart(chart_data) with st.container(): option = st.selectbox( 'What is your favorite color?', ('Blue', 'Red', 'Green', 'More') ) if not option == 'More': st.write(f'Your favorite color is {option}') else: new_option = st.multiselect( 'What are your favorite colors', ['Green', 'Yellow', 'Red', 'Blue'], ['Yellow', 'Red'] ) st.write(f'Your favorite colors are {", ".join(new_option)}') st.header('st.checkbox') st.write('What would you like to order?') icecream = st.checkbox('Ice cream') coffee = st.checkbox('Coffee') cola = st.checkbox('Cola') if icecream: st.write("Great! Heres some more :icecream:") if coffee: st.write("Okay, here's some coffee :coffee:") if cola: st.write("Here you go 🥤") #st.header('streamlig_pandas_profiling') #df = pd.read_csv('') #pr = df.profile_report() #st_profile_report(pr) #st.write("Contents of the '.streamlit/config.toml' file of this app") st.code(""" [theme] primaryColor="#F39C12" backgroundColor="#2E86C1" secondaryBackgroundColor="#AED6F1" textColor="#FFFFFF" font="monospace" """) number = st.sidebar.slider('Select a number:', 0, 10, 5) st.write(f'Selected number from slider widget is: {number}') #st.header("This is taken from the .streamlit/secrets.toml") #st.write(f"Secret message: {st.secrets['message']}") #st.header("Remember to add the file to the .gitignore!") st.title('st.file_uploader') st.subheader('Input TSV/CSV') uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a file") if uploaded_file is not None: if'.tsv'): data = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file, sep="\t") else: data = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) st.subheader("DataFrame") st.write(data) st.write(data.describe()) else:"☝️ Upload a TSV/CSV file") with st.expander('About this app'): st.write('This app shows the various options you can use (and should use) to customize your page') st.image('', width=250) st.write('Below you will also display the progress of the calculation via "st.progress()"') st.sidebar.header('Input') user_name = st.sidebar.text_input('What is your name?') user_emoji = st.sidebar.selectbox('Choose an emoji', ['', '😄', '😆', '😊', '😍', '😴', '😕', '😱']) user_food = st.sidebar.selectbox('What is your favorite food?', ['', 'Tom Yum Kung', 'Burrito', 'Lasagna', 'Hamburger', 'Pizza']) st.header('Output') col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: if user_name != '': st.write(f'👋 Hello {user_name}!') else: st.write('👈 Please enter your **name**!') with col2: if user_emoji != '': st.write(f'{user_emoji} is your favorite **emoji**!') else: st.write('👈 Please choose an **emoji**!') with col3: if user_food != '': st.write(f'🍴 **{user_food}** is your favorite **food**!') else: st.write('👈 Please choose your favorite **food**!') #my_bar = st.progress(0) #for percent_complete in range(100): # t.sleep(0.05) # my_bar.progress(percent_complete + 1) st.metric(label="F1", value="81.1", delta="-0.1") st.title('st.cache') a0 = now() st.subheader('Using st.cache') @st.cache(suppress_st_warning=True) def load_data_a(): dataframe = pd.DataFrame( np.random.rand(2000000, 5), columns=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] ) return dataframe st.write(load_data_a()) a1 = now() b0 = now() st.subheader('Not using st.cache') def load_data_b(): dataframe = pd.DataFrame( np.random.rand(2000000, 5), columns=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] ) return dataframe st.write(load_data_b()) b1 = now() st.title('st.session_state') def lbs_to_kg(): = st.session_state.lbs/2.2046 def kg_to_lbs(): st.session_state.lbs =*2.2046 st.header('Input kg/lbs') col1, spacer, col2 = st.columns([2, 1, 2]) with col1: punds = st.number_input("Pounds:", key = "lbs", on_change = lbs_to_kg) with col2: kilogram = st.number_input("Kilograms:", key = "kg", on_change= kg_to_lbs) st.header('Output') st.write("st.session_state object: ", st.session_state) st.title('🏀 Bored API app') st.sidebar.header("Input Boredom") selected_type = st.sidebar.selectbox('Select an activity type', ["education", "recreational", "social", "diy", "charity", "cooking", "relaxation", "music", "busywork"]) suggested_activity_url = f'{selected_type}' json_response = requests.get(suggested_activity_url) suggested_activity = json_response.json() c1, c2 = st.columns(2) with c1: with st.expander('About this app'): st.write('Bored stiff? The **BORED API APP** gives suggestions on activities that you can do when bored. This is powered by Bored API.') with c2: with st.expander('JSON data'): st.write(suggested_activity) st.header('Suggested activity')['activity']) col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: st.metric(label="Number of Participants", value=suggested_activity['participants'], delta='') with col2: st.metric(label="Type of Activity", value=suggested_activity['type'].capitalize(), delta='') with col3: st.metric(label='Price', value=suggested_activity['price'], delta='') media_url = st.text_input("Media URL", value="") layout = [ # Media item is positioned in coordinates x=0 and y=3, and takes 6/12 columns and has a height of 4. dashboard.Item("media", 0, 2, 12, 4), ] with elements("demo"): # Create a new dashboard with the layout specified above. # # draggableHandle is a CSS query selector to define the draggable part of each dashboard item. # Here, elements with a 'draggable' class name will be draggable. # # For more information on available parameters for dashboard grid: # # with dashboard.Grid(layout, draggableHandle=".draggable"): with mui.Card(key="media", sx={"display": "flex", "flexDirection": "column"}): mui.CardHeader(title="Media Player", className="draggable") with mui.CardContent(sx={"flex": 1, "minHeight": 0}): # This element is powered by ReactPlayer, it supports many more players other # than YouTube. You can check it out there: media.Player(url=media_url, width="100%", height="100%", controls=True) def local_css(file_name): with open(file_name) as f: st.markdown(f"", unsafe_allow_html=True) local_css("style/style.css") from transformers import MBartForConditionalGeneration, MBart50TokenizerFast st.subheader("MBART-50 Translator") source = "In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." target = "" model = MBartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt") tokenizer = MBart50TokenizerFast.from_pretrained("facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt") def get_translation(src_code, trg_code, src): # translate Hindi to French tokenizer.src_lang = src_code encoded = tokenizer(src, return_tensors="pt") generated_tokens = model.generate( **encoded, forced_bos_token_id=tokenizer.lang_code_to_id[trg_code] ) trg = tokenizer.batch_decode(generated_tokens, skip_special_tokens=True) return trg valid_languages = ['en_XX', 'fr_XX', 'de_DE', 'it_IT', 'es_XX'] with st.form("my_form"): left_c, right_c = st.columns(2) with left_c: src_lang = st.selectbox( 'Source language', ('en_XX', 'fr_XX', 'de_DE', 'it_IT', 'es_XX'), ) with right_c: trg_lang = st.selectbox( 'Target language', ('fr_XX', 'en_XX', 'de_DE', 'it_IT', 'es_XX') ) source = st.text_area("Source", value=source, height=130, placeholder="Enter the source text...") submitted = st.form_submit_button("Translate") if submitted: if len(source) > 0 and src_lang in valid_languages and trg_lang in valid_languages: with st.spinner("Translating..."): try: target = get_translation(src_lang, trg_lang, source)[0] st.subheader("Translation done!") target = st.text_area("Target", value=target, height=130) except: st.subheader("Translation failed :sad:") else: st.write("Please enter the source text, source language and target language.") # ---- CONTACT ---- with st.container(): st.write("---") st.header("Get in Touch With Me!") st.write("##") contact_form = """
""" left_column, right_column = st.columns(2) with left_column: st.markdown(contact_form, unsafe_allow_html=True) with right_column: st.empty()