import gradio as gr import torch from diffusers import MusicLDMPipeline # make Space compatible with CPU duplicates if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = "cuda" torch_dtype = torch.float16 else: device = "cpu" torch_dtype = torch.float32 # load the diffusers pipeline pipe = MusicLDMPipeline.from_pretrained("cvssp/musicldm", torch_dtype=torch_dtype).to(device) # set the generator for reproducibility generator = torch.Generator(device) def text2audio(text, negative_prompt, duration, guidance_scale, random_seed, n_candidates): if text is None: raise gr.Error("Please provide a text input.") waveforms = pipe( text, audio_length_in_s=duration, guidance_scale=guidance_scale, num_inference_steps=200, negative_prompt=negative_prompt, num_waveforms_per_prompt=n_candidates if n_candidates else 1, generator=generator.manual_seed(int(random_seed)), )["audios"] return gr.make_waveform((16000, waveforms[0]), bg_image="bg.png") iface = gr.Blocks() with iface: gr.HTML( """

MusicLDM: Enhancing Novelty in Text-to-Music Generation Using Beat-Synchronous Mixup Strategies

[Paper] [Project page] [🧨 Diffusers]

""" ) gr.HTML("""This is the demo for MusicLDM, powered by 🧨 Diffusers. Demo uses the base checkpoint ircam-reach/musicldm . For faster inference without waiting in queue, you may want to duplicate the space and upgrade to a GPU in the settings.""") gr.DuplicateButton() with gr.Group(): textbox = gr.Textbox( value="Western music, chill out, folk instrument R & B beat", max_lines=1, label="Input text", info="Your text is important for the audio quality. Please ensure it is descriptive by using more adjectives.", elem_id="prompt-in", ) negative_textbox = gr.Textbox( value="low quality, average quality", max_lines=1, label="Negative prompt", info="Enter a negative prompt not to guide the audio generation. Selecting appropriate negative prompts can improve the audio quality significantly.", elem_id="prompt-in", ) with gr.Accordion("Click to modify detailed configurations", open=False): seed = gr.Number( value=42, label="Seed", info="Change this value (any integer number) will lead to a different generation result.", ) duration = gr.Slider(5, 15, value=10, step=2.5, label="Duration (seconds)") guidance_scale = gr.Slider( 0, 7, value=3.5, step=0.5, label="Guidance scale", info="Larger => better quality and relevancy to text; Smaller => better diversity", ) n_candidates = gr.Slider( 1, 5, value=3, step=1, label="Number waveforms to generate", info="Automatic quality control. This number control the number of candidates (e.g., generate three audios and choose the best to show you). A larger value usually lead to better quality with heavier computation", ) outputs = gr.Video(label="Output", elem_id="output-video") btn = gr.Button("Submit") text2audio, inputs=[textbox, negative_textbox, duration, guidance_scale, seed, n_candidates], outputs=[outputs], ) gr.HTML( """ """ ) gr.Examples( [ ["Light rhythm techno", "low quality, average quality", 10, 3.5, 42, 3], ["Futuristic drum and bass", "low quality, average quality", 10, 3.5, 42, 3], ["Royal Film Music Orchestra", "low quality, average quality", 10, 3.5, 42, 3], ["Elegant and gentle tunes of string quartet + harp", "low quality, average quality", 10, 3.5, 42, 3], ["A fantastic piece of music with the deep sound of overlapping pianos", "low quality, average quality", 10, 3.5, 42, 3], ["Gentle live acoustic guitar", "low quality, average quality", 10, 3.5, 42, 3], ["Lyrical ballad played by saxophone", "low quality, average quality", 10, 3.5, 42, 3], ], fn=text2audio, inputs=[textbox, negative_textbox, duration, guidance_scale, seed, n_candidates], outputs=[outputs], cache_examples=True, ) gr.HTML( """

Essential Tricks for Enhancing the Quality of Your Generated Audio

1. Try using more adjectives to describe your sound. For example: "Techno music with high melodic riffs and euphoric melody" is better than "Techno".

2. Try using different random seeds, which can significantly affect the quality of the generated output.

3. It's better to use general terms like 'techno' or 'jazz' instead of specific names for genres, artists or styles that the model may not be familiar with.

4. Using a negative prompt to not guide the diffusion process can improve the audio quality significantly. Try using negative prompts like 'low quality'.

""" ) with gr.Accordion("Additional information", open=False): gr.HTML( """

We build the model with data from the Audiostock, dataset. The model is licensed as CC-BY-NC-4.0.

""" ) iface.queue(max_size=20).launch()