Runtime error
Runtime error
import gradio as gr | |
import pandas as pd | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import numpy as np | |
import nltk, spacy, gensim | |
from sklearn.decomposition import LatentDirichletAllocation | |
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer | |
from pprint import pprint | |
def concat_comments(sup_comment: list[str], comment: list[str]) -> list[str]: | |
format_s = "{s}\n{c}" | |
return [ | |
format_s.format(s=s, c=c) for s, c in zip(sup_comment, comment) | |
] | |
def sent_to_words(sentences): | |
for sentence in sentences: | |
yield(gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(str(sentence), deacc=True)) # deacc=True removes punctuations | |
def lemmatization(texts, allowed_postags=['NOUN', 'ADJ', 'VERB', 'ADV']): #'NOUN', 'ADJ', 'VERB', 'ADV' | |
texts_out = [] | |
for sent in texts: | |
doc = nlp(" ".join(sent)) | |
texts_out.append(" ".join([ | |
token.lemma_ if token.lemma_ not in ['-PRON-'] else '' for token in doc if token.pos_ in allowed_postags | |
])) | |
return texts_out | |
def main(button, choose_context): | |
df = pd.read_csv('./data/results.csv', index_col=0) | |
if choose_context == 'comment': | |
data = df.comment | |
elif choose_context == 'sup comment': | |
data = df.sup_comment | |
elif choose_context == 'sup comment + comment': | |
data = concat_comments(df.sup_comment, df.comment) | |
data_words = list(sent_to_words(data)) | |
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm", disable=["parser", "ner"]) | |
data_lemmatized = lemmatization(data_words, allowed_postags=["NOUN", "ADJ"]) #select noun and verb | |
vectorizer = CountVectorizer( | |
analyzer='word', | |
min_df=10, | |
stop_words='english', | |
lowercase=True, | |
token_pattern='[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}' | |
) | |
data_vectorized = vectorizer.fit_transform(data_lemmatized) | |
lda_model = LatentDirichletAllocation( | |
n_components=5, | |
max_iter=10, | |
learning_method='online', | |
random_state=100, | |
batch_size=128, | |
evaluate_every = -1, | |
n_jobs = -1, | |
) | |
lda_output = lda_model.fit_transform(data_vectorized) | |
print(lda_model) # Model attributes | |
# Log Likelyhood: Higher the better | |
print("Log Likelihood: ", lda_model.score(data_vectorized)) | |
# Perplexity: Lower the better. Perplexity = exp(-1. * log-likelihood per word) | |
print("Perplexity: ", lda_model.perplexity(data_vectorized)) | |
# See model parameters | |
pprint(lda_model.get_params()) | |
best_lda_model = lda_model | |
lda_output = best_lda_model.transform(data_vectorized) | |
topicnames = ["Topic" + str(i) for i in range(best_lda_model.n_components)] | |
docnames = ["Doc" + str(i) for i in range(len(data))] | |
df_document_topic = pd.DataFrame(np.round(lda_output, 2), columns=topicnames, index=docnames) | |
dominant_topic = np.argmax(df_document_topic.values, axis=1) | |
df_document_topic["dominant_topic"] = dominant_topic | |
# Topic-Keyword Matrix | |
df_topic_keywords = pd.DataFrame(best_lda_model.components_) | |
df_topic_keywords | |
# Assign Column and Index | |
df_topic_keywords.columns = vectorizer.get_feature_names_out() | |
df_topic_keywords.index = topicnames | |
# View | |
df_topic_keywords | |
# Show top n keywords for each topic | |
def show_topics(vectorizer=vectorizer, lda_model=lda_model, n_words=20): | |
keywords = np.array(vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()) | |
topic_keywords = [] | |
for topic_weights in lda_model.components_: | |
top_keyword_locs = (-topic_weights).argsort()[:n_words] | |
topic_keywords.append(keywords.take(top_keyword_locs)) | |
return topic_keywords | |
topic_keywords = show_topics(vectorizer=vectorizer, lda_model=best_lda_model, n_words=15) | |
# Topic - Keywords Dataframe | |
df_topic_keywords = pd.DataFrame(topic_keywords) | |
df_topic_keywords.columns = ['Word '+str(i) for i in range(df_topic_keywords.shape[1])] | |
df_topic_keywords.index = ['Topic '+str(i) for i in range(df_topic_keywords.shape[0])] | |
df_topic_keywords | |
topics = [ | |
f'Topic {i}' for i in range(len(df_topic_keywords)) | |
] | |
df_topic_keywords["Topics"] = topics | |
df_topic_keywords | |
# # Define function to predict topic for a given text document. | |
# nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm', disable=['parser', 'ner']) | |
# def predict_topic(text, nlp=nlp): | |
# global sent_to_words | |
# global lemmatization | |
# # Step 1: Clean with simple_preprocess | |
# mytext_2 = list(sent_to_words(text)) | |
# # Step 2: Lemmatize | |
# mytext_3 = lemmatization(mytext_2, allowed_postags=['NOUN', 'ADJ', 'VERB', 'ADV']) | |
# # Step 3: Vectorize transform | |
# mytext_4 = vectorizer.transform(mytext_3) | |
# # Step 4: LDA Transform | |
# topic_probability_scores = best_lda_model.transform(mytext_4) | |
# topic = df_topic_keywords.iloc[np.argmax(topic_probability_scores), 1:14].values.tolist() | |
# # Step 5: Infer Topic | |
# infer_topic = df_topic_keywords.iloc[np.argmax(topic_probability_scores), -1] | |
# #topic_guess = df_topic_keywords.iloc[np.argmax(topic_probability_scores), Topics] | |
# return infer_topic, topic, topic_probability_scores | |
# # Predict the topic | |
# mytext = ["This is a test of a random topic where I talk about politics"] | |
# infer_topic, topic, prob_scores = predict_topic(text = mytext) | |
def apply_predict_topic(text): | |
text = [text] | |
infer_topic, topic, prob_scores = predict_topic(text = text) | |
return(infer_topic) | |
df["Topic_key_word"] = df['comment'].apply(apply_predict_topic) | |
# plot | |
subreddits = df.subreddit.value_counts().index[:22] | |
weight_counts = { | |
t: [ | |
df[df.Topic_key_word == t].subreddit.value_counts()[subreddit] / df.subreddit.value_counts()[subreddit] for subreddit in subreddits | |
] for t in topics | |
} | |
irony_percs = { | |
t: [ | |
len( | |
df[df.subreddit == subreddit][(df[df.subreddit == subreddit].Topic_key_word == t) & (df[df.subreddit == subreddit].label == 1)] | |
) / | |
len( | |
df[df.subreddit == subreddit] | |
) for subreddit in subreddits | |
] for t in topics | |
} | |
width = 0.9 | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10, 7)) | |
plt.axhline(0.5, color = 'red', ls=":", alpha = .3) | |
bottom = np.zeros(len(subreddits)) | |
for k, v in weight_counts.items(): | |
p =, v, width, label=k, bottom=bottom) | |, irony_percs[k], width - 0.01, bottom=bottom, color = 'black', edgecolor = 'white', alpha = .2, hatch = '\\') | |
bottom += v | |
ax.set_title("Perc of topics for each subreddit") | |
ax.legend(loc="upper right") | |
plt.xticks(rotation=70) | |
return fig | |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: | |
button = gr.Radio( | |
label="Plot type", | |
choices=['scatter_plot', 'heatmap', 'us_map', 'interactive_barplot', "radial", "multiline"], value='scatter_plot' | |
) | |
choose_context = gr.Radio( | |
label="Context LDA", | |
choices=['comment', 'sup comment', 'sup comment + comment'], value='sup comment' | |
) | |
plot = gr.Plot(label="Plot") | |
button.change(main, inputs=[button, choose_context], outputs=[plot]) | |
demo.load(main, inputs=[button], outputs=[plot]) | |
# iface = gr.Interface(fn=greet, inputs="text", outputs="text") | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
demo.launch() | |